

词条 施治国


施治国 Shi Zhiguo





1995.09—1999.07 武汉大学化学学院 应用化学专业 (本科)

1999.09—2001.07 武汉大学化学学院 分析化学(硕士)

2001.09—2004.06 武汉大学化学学院 分析化学(博士)

2004.07―至今 武汉大学化学学院


1.Zhi-Guo Shi, Yu-Qi Feng, Li Xu, Shi-Lu Da, Min Zhang. “a template method to control the shape and porosity of carbon materials”, Carbon, 2004, 42, 1677-1682

2. Zhi-Guo Shi, Yu-Qi Feng, Li Xu, Shi-Lu Da, Yao-Yao Ren. “Synthesis of a silica monolith with textural pores and ordered mesopores”, Micropores Mesopores Mater. 2004, 68, 55-59

3. Zhi-Guo Shi, Y.-Q. Feng, L. Xu, S.-L. Da, M. Zhang. “Preparation and evaluation of zirconia-coated silica monolith for capillary electrochromatography”, Talanta ,2004,63,593-598

4. Zhi-Guo Shi, Yu-Qi Feng, Li Xu, Shi-Lu Da, Ming Zhang. “Synthesis of a carbon monolith with trimodal pores”, Carbon, 2003, 41, 2668-2670

5. Zhi-Guo Shi, Yu-Qi Feng, Li Xu, Shi-Lu Da. “Preparation of porous carbon-silica composite monoliths”, Carbon, 2003, 41, 2677-2679

6. Zhi-Guo Shi, Yu-Qi Feng, Shi-Lu Da,“Study of the preparation conditions of silica monoliths for HPLC”,Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 2003,26, 2881–2896

7. Zhi-Guo Shi, Yu-Qi Feng, Shi-Lu Da. “Preparation techniques of monolithic column for HPLC and CEC”, Chin. J. Anal. Sci. 2003, 19, 270-276

8. Li Xu, Yuqi Feng, Zhiguo Shi, Shi-Lu Da, Yaoyao Ren. “Nonaqueous capillary electro-phoresis using a titania-coated capillary”, J. Chromatogr.A, 2004,1028,165-170

9. Li Xu, Yuqi Feng, Zhiguo Shi, Shi-Lu Da, Fang Wei. “Preparation of the sulfonated capillary and investigation of its capillary electrophoretic and electrochromatographic properties”, J. Chromatogr. A,2004,1033,161-166

10.Li Xu, Yuqi Feng, Zhiguo Shi, Shi-Lu Da. “Nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis using a zirconia-coated capillary”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2004,514,179-184

11.Yu QW, Feng YQ, Shi ZG, Yang J. “HPLC separation of fullerenes on the stationary phases of two Lewis bases modified magnesia-zirconia”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2005, 536, 39

12.Fan Y, Feng YQ, Da SL, Shi ZG. “Poly (methacrylic acid-ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) monolithic capillary for in-tube solid phase microextraction coupled to high performance liquid chromatography and its application to determination of basic drugs in human serum”, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2004, 523, 251-258

13.Xu Li, Feng Yuqi, Shi Zhiguo, Da Shilu. “Application of ordered mesoporous materials in separation science”, Chin.J. Anal. Chem. 2004, 32, 374-380

14.Rui-Fen Yang, Zhi-Guo Shi, Yu-Qi Feng, Shi-Lu Da. “Study on separation of sulfonamides by capillary high-performance liquid chromatography and electro-chromatography”, Acta pharmaceutica Sinica, 2003, 38(2), 129-132

15.Fan Yi, Feng Yuqi, Da Shilu, Shi Zhiguo, Xu Li, “Characterization of mesoporous silicas with chemically bonded B-cyclodextrin and their adsorption performance”, Chin. J. Appl. Chem. 2004, 21, 878-883


1.冯钰锜,施治国,达世禄,“毛细管电色谱或液相色谱固定相及其制法和用途”,. ZL02139101.7

2.冯钰锜,施治国,达世禄,“多孔碳涂覆硅胶整体柱及其制法和用途”,ZL 03118480.4


4.徐丽, 冯钰锜*, 施治国, 达世禄,“含丙基磺酸基离子涂层的开管柱或硅胶整体柱及其制备方法和用途”,申请号: 03125357.1





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