词条 | 深圳职业技术学院应用外国语学院 |
释义 | 深圳职业技术学院应用外国语学院成立于1994年,下设英语系、东语系、西语系和大学外语部,开设商务英语、应用英语(外事英语方向)、应用英语(国际商务交际方向)、文秘(国际商务文秘方向)、商务日语、商务外语、外事日语等专业,分设国际商务、国际贸易、商务交际、商务管理、商务文秘等17个专业方向,开设的语种涵盖英语、德语、法语、西班牙语、日语、韩语、俄语共七个语种。 应用外国语学院概要师资力量学院师资力量雄厚,现有教职工143人,其中高级职称34人、外教22名,承担全校2万余名学生专业外语和公共外语教学。学院建有国内一流水平的校内实训中心,其中包括7个配备同声传译系统的商务实训室和18个数字化语言实验室。此外,学院与深圳本地及周边地区各大企业与行业协会合作建设了80个校外实训基地。2006年,全国惟一的国家级商务英语培训认证考试机构“全国国际商务英语培训认证考试中心”落户于应用外国语学院。 外文介绍Shenzhen Polytechnic Shenzhen Polytechnic School of Applied Foreign Languages The School of Applied Foreign Languages was established in 1994. It has 3 departments. They are the English Department, Oriental Language Department and the College Foreign Languages Department. The School offers majors in the following categories: Business English, Business Japanese, Business Foreign languages, Foreign Affairs English and Foreign Affairs Japanese. There are 17 specialties / orientation, including International Business, International Trade, Business Communication, Business Management and Business Secretarial Administration, and there are seven foreign languages offered such as English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Korean and Russian. The school has a highly-qualified teaching staff totaling 130 members. There are 16 professors and associate professors, 40 returned overseas talents, 30 foreign experts from Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, and over 80% of the teachers have a Master’s degree. The school offers the most comprehensive foreign languages and foreign language programs among higher vocational colleges or universities in China. In line with the needs of social development of Shenzhen, the school mode focuses on the introduction of new information and teaching materials and international standards of evaluation as well as emphasizing the constant improvement of facilities in order to upgrade educational quality. The School has made prominent achievements with concerted efforts by actively carrying out teaching and research. For example, “Management English”(textbook planned by the Education Ministry) was recommended as the National Top Subject in 2004; The national research project “Research on Higher Vocational English Education Theory and Method” was awarded first prize by Ministry of Education in 2004; “Hope English” was awarded the second prize of “The Best Seller of the Sixth National College Publishing House” in 2004; “3S Centred Teaching Mode of Higher Vocational English” was awarded the second prize of National Top Teaching Achievements in 2001. Chen Yanbin, a business English student of 2002, won the first prize at the Shenzhen English Writing Competition in 2004. More than 90 academic papers have been published. More than 40 vocational English textbooks edited by the staff make up half of the national market. The school has been active in international cooperation, signing Joint Education Agreements with more than ten universities and education organizations including the U.K., Australia, Spain, France, Russia, Japan and South Korea. Our teacher and student exchange programs are very successful. To date, about one hundred students have been sent abroad for further education and about thirty teachers have been sent abroad as visiting scholars. The school has established a higher vocational education mode with Chinese characteristics and international standards. The graduates have been very popular with different organizations and enterprises. The School of Applied Foreign Languages currently has 1122 students and has more than 800 graduates with an employment rate of 100%. The School has become a well-known foreign education institution in China. To build a foreign culture atmosphere and to create an authentic language and business environment, the Applied Foreign Languages School has set up 18 first-class digital language labs, two business practice rooms and 17 off-campus practice bases. The Foreign Languages Culture Festival of Shenzhen Polytechnic has been held on the campus as well as in Shenzhen communities every year. A series of colorful activities such as Foreign Speech, Foreign Culture Exhibition, and the Foreign Culture Party help students expand their horizon and knowledge of different cultures, and promote their language application ability. The School of Applied Foreign Languages of Shenzhen Polytechnic has become an indispensable force in the course of the internationalization of Shenzhen and will make further and greater contributions to the development of China’s higher vocational education in foreign languages. 课程建设获得成就根据深圳社会发展需要,深圳职业技术学院投入大量人力、物力和财力,鼎力支持丰富语种,增加设备,改进教学方法,提高教学效率,争取为深圳社会培养具有地方特色的复合应用型外语人才。外语学院不遗余力,外引内联,积极开展教学和科研工作,取得了令人刮目的丰硕成果。他们参加教育部《新世纪网络课程建设工程》子课题《管理英语》建设,该课程于2004年被评为国家级精品课程;主持研究的国家级项目“高职英语教育理论与方法研究”于2004年获得国家教育部科研项目一等奖;主编的教材《希望英语》在2004年全国教材评比中获得“第六届全国高校出版社优秀畅销书”二等奖;独创的“高职英语3S中心教学模式”于2001年获得国家优秀教学成果二等奖;2002级学生陈燕冰于2004年获得深圳市英语征文大赛一等奖;近年来专业教师共发表学术论文90余篇,主编的40余部高职英语教材已经占据全国高职英语教材的半壁江山。 对外交流外语学院积极开展国际合作,先后与英国、澳大利亚、西班牙、法国、俄罗斯、日本和韩国等国的十余所大学和教育机构签订了《合作教育协议书》,引进西方先进的教育思想,开展师生互访,选派学生留学,已有近百名学生赴国外留学,近30名教师赴国外交流学习。各专业以社会需求为导向,以职业能力为核心,以多元化评估为手段,以学生为中心,确定了具有中国特色、国际水准的高职应用外语专业培养模式。该教学模式突出教学内容的社会化、评估标准的国际化、能力发展的人本化,教学设计的人性化,研究与实践成果显著,专业发展突飞猛进,社会反响良好,毕业生深受社会各界欢迎。外语学院现有在校生1122人,已向深圳输送了毕业生800多名,毕业生就业率达到100%。深圳职业技术学院应用外国语学院已经成为深圳、广东乃至全国的一块璀璨夺目的外语教育品牌。 校园活动为了营造浓郁的外语文化氛围,创造真实的语言与商务环境,外语学院先后建立国家一流的数字化语言实验室18个、商务实训室2个以及17个校外实训基地。每年在学校和深圳社区举办“深圳职业技术学院外语文化节”。在文化节期间学院举办丰富多彩的外语演讲、文化展览和外语文化晚会等活动,开阔学生视野、丰富学生的文化知识,提升学生的语言应用能力,全面提高学生素质。深圳职业技术学院应用外国语学院已成为深圳建设国际化城市和社会的一支不可或缺的生力军,并将继续为全国高职外语教育的发展做出更多、更大的贡献。 教学与科研外国语学院教师在教学之余,潜心钻研高职教育和英语教学理论,先后在国内主要学术刊物上发表学术论文70余篇。经过多年高职英语的教学实践和理论探索,编写出版了两套二十种具有鲜明高职特色的高职英语系列教材,填补了国内空白。该教材分别由上海外语教育出版社和高等教育出版社出版,选材紧扣时代脉搏,题材、体裁多样,内容丰富,图文并茂,具有实用性、时代性、科学性和趣味性。两套教材既独成一体,又相互衔接,构成了高职英语教学的完整体系。目前,这两套教材被国内数十家院校广泛采用,并得到一致好评。 为使学生了解国外文化,感受地道的外语,潜移默化地吸收外语精髓,外国语学院长期聘请多名来自美国、英国、日本、澳大利亚等国的外教参与和指导教学。他们不仅具有丰富的教学经验、先进的教育理念和新颖的教学方法,而且敬业爱岗,深受学生的欢迎,也赢得了中国同行的尊重。 Publications & Foreign Staff In the past three years, teachers of the department published around 70 research papers in leading academic periodicals, these covered a wide range of both applied and theoretical fields concerning linguistic studies, language teaching, business English and English culture. Some of their publications are frequently quoted by their peers. Based upon the experience gained from long-term practice in higher vocational education and innovative studies on the science of language and applied linguistics, the staff of the department compiled two sets of textbooks for higher vocational students, which is a pioneer accomplishment of our country. New Century English, published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, consists of 16 volumes for Integrated English and Listening-Speaking. The second set of books, ESP series, published by Higher Education Press for senior students, is composed of English for Computer Science, English for Management, English for Engineering Technology, etc. The two sets of books constitute a comprehensive program of English education for vocational colleges, and are being widely adopted all over the country. Foreign teachers of the department are qualified professionals from educationally developed countries, including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand, they are well educated and experienced in teaching Chinese students. They offer such major courses as "Listening & Speaking", "BEC", "Communicative Language", "Accounting", and are respected by their Chinese colleagues and welcomed by their students. 莘莘学子为了营造良好的校园英语学习氛围,提高学生学习英语的兴趣,外国语学院联合院团委、学生会组织开展了丰富多彩的第二英语课堂活动,其中主要包括校园电视英语节目、校园英语广播节目、英语系列讲座、英语教授论坛、英语朗诵比赛、英语单词大赛和英语角等,对提高教学质量起到了促进作用。 同时,学院正在积极筹建现代化的“多媒体英语自学辅导中心”,网上第二课堂即将开通。 外国语学院学生秉承“勤奋学习、磨练意志、追求完美”的优良传统,注重德智体美综合素质的提高,重视创新意识和创新能力的培养,各项文娱、体育、辩论活动,样样见长,处处夺魁,他们以一流的学风和朴实的作风为全院师生做出了表率。外国语学院学生除了享受学院的奖学金外,还享受东京三菱银行奖学金。外国语学院已向社会输送毕业生521人,除40名学生直接赴英国留学外,其余学生均已找到较理想的就业单位,历届就业率为100%。 Creative Students With a view to creating and maintaining a favorable English-learning atmosphere, the department, assisted by the relevant organizations on the campus, designed and carried out a series of colorful extracurricula English activities for the students. These activities include English TV programs, Lecture Series, Professor Forum, English Speech Contest and English Corner, which contribute a great deal to the students' progress in English. In the meantime, a modern "Multimedia English Self-Study Center" is to be built and a "Virtual Extracurricular Center" is already under way for the students. With the heritage of "perfection hunting and hard working", the students of the department focus on their cultivation of comprehensive qualities, that is, on the synthesis of moral, intellectual and physical development; meanwhile, they pay special attention to forming their creative attitudes. Because of this, they have gained numerous honors on various school occasions, such as Sports Meet, Writing Contest, Oral Debate. Excellent students of the department are entitled to a Tokyo- Mitsubishi Bank Scholarship and some awards granted by college authorities. Up to now, 521 students have successfully completed their studies, among them, 40 are studying at the University of Wolverhampton (U.K.) for their bachelor's or master's degrees, and all the others are employed by various organizations in Shenzhen. 实训基地与专业管理委员会为了培养学生的实际操作能力、良好的职业素养和创新精神,外国语学院与深圳各大商贸集团、金融机构、旅行社进行横向合作,建立校外实训基地,为学生认识社会、锻炼能力提供了真实的社会与工作环境。目前,外国语学院已建立校外实训基地16家,主要有: 日本东京三菱银行深圳分行、日本松下电器机电(深圳)有限公司、日本卡西欧电子(深圳)有限公司、铁行渣华(中国)船务有限公司、深圳特发集团海外贸易有限公司、深圳市中国国际旅行社、深圳市西丽湖度假村。 外国语学院积极与社会合作,注意吸收与各专业相关的社会行业协会、大中型国有和外资企业以及官方权威机构的精英近百人,先后成立了三届“专业管理委员会”。委员会每年召开会议,对各专业的社会需求做出预测和分析,参与制定各专业教学与实训计划,同时为学生开辟实训基地,进行就业指导,推荐毕业生就业。 外国语学院各专业管理委员会已成为专业与社会的桥梁与纽带,及时沟通信息和提供建议,对学院各专业的建设与发展起了积极的推动作用。 Training Bases & SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE The purpose of setting up training bases off campus is to offer participants opportunities to get familiar with professional settings and become involved in practical operations. This forms an integrated part of the curriculum of the programs of the department, and represents distinct highlights of vocational education. The following bases in various business organizations are worthy of mention, since they offer great help to the participants by preparing them well for the start of their career: Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (Shenzhen) Panasonic SH Industrial Sales (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. P&O Nedlloyd (China) Ltd. Shenzhen SDG Overseas Trade Co., Ltd. China International Travel Agency (Shenzhen) Shenzhen Xili Lake Holiday Resort. The Applied Foreign Languages Department attempts to cooperate with society actively and has set up the Supervisory Committee for the programs by recruiting about 100 officials and outstanding representatives from related industrial associations, large state-owned and foreign companies, 3 sessions of Supervisory Committees have already been held. Every year the committees hold their annual conventions to predict and analyze the social requirements of each specialty, to advise and guide the teaching program and practices, to develop the social practice bases for the students, to help train graduates before employment and recommend graduates for employment. As a bridge between the campus and society, the supervisory committees transfer information and present valuable advice in time, thus playing a very important role in the construction and development of each specialty. 合 作 办 学为了实现教育的国际化,并使之具有前瞻性,外国语学院积极与国际上成功的高职院校进行交流,吸收发达国家和地区先进的职业教育理念和最新教育资源。 1997年1月,外国语学院与英国胡佛汉顿大学签订了《合作教育协议书》。胡佛汉顿大学位于英国第二大城市伯明翰附近,其规模在英国位居第六,共有5个校区,11个学院,88个专业,在校学生2万多人。该校在英国久负盛名,是英国第一批通过ISO9001国际质量认证以及获得政府特许办学证的高校。 四年来,双方在派遣留学生、教师互访、教学计划的相互衔接、教学资源共享等方面进行了广泛的合作。到目前为止,双方已多次互派教师,外国语学院已有40多名毕业生赴该校直接修读本科第四年的课程,并于一年内获得学士学位,成绩优秀者继续攻读硕士学位。 Joint Education The department has been making great efforts to establish close relations with universities in developed countries and regions to learn their advanced educational concepts and new English language information in order to meet the needs of future education. In January 1997, we signed a Joint Education Agreement with the University of Wolverhampton. The University of Wolverhampton lies in the very heart of England, near Birmingham, Britain's second largest city. It is the sixth largest university in Britain, with 5 campuses, 11 schools, 88 majors and over 20,000 students. During the last 4 years, our cooperation has covered many aspects such as graduate overseas study, mutual visits and exchange of the teachers, joint teaching programs and sharing of teaching materials. We are also planning to develop a distance- learning program and a joint education model, namely, the students finishing undergraduate study in Shenzhen are supposed to obtain a bachelor degree awarded by overseas universities. So far we have had 12 mutual visiting teachers, and over 40 graduates of our department have been accepted to continue their fourth year's study to obtain their bachelor degree at the University of Wolverhampton. The outstanding students can get their master degree after another one year study. |
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