词条 | 深圳市九龙山高尔夫球会 |
释义 | 绿色基地坐落于深圳市观澜镇钟灵毓秀的九龙山风景区,拥有总长度为为6939码的18洞72杆国际标准高尔夫球场、练习场、农业观光区与完善的休闲娱乐设施。基地景色怡人,自然环境极为优越。 正如奥古斯塔球场的每个洞均有不同的花木一样,绿色基地高尔夫球场的每个洞均培育有不同的亚热带果林。 挥杆之际,水果飘香,带给球手无尽的惬意! 在为球手创造一流的打球环境和服务的同时,基地也发展 农业观光旅游! 春暖花开之时,百花争艳,鸟语花香。 夏秋时节,枝头硕果累累,令人叹为观止! 钓鱼、射箭、骑马、漂流及烘烤等新颖别致的娱乐项目带 给您的刺激与享受让您回味无穷。各种自产无公害蔬菜四 季不断、鸡鸭牛羊百禽争鸣,农家小院古朴幽雅,使基地 充满浓厚的乡村气息! 地在交通方面亦十分便捷,毗邻梅观、广深、莞深及机荷 四大高速公路。从广州、东莞等珠江三角城市去基地仅需 几十分钟车程。 Green Base is located at the beautiful Jiulong Hills Scenic Area, Guanlan town, Shenzhen. Built in line with international standards, the golf course consists of 18 holes at 6, 939yards, 72-par. Together with the Driving Range, Agricultural sightseeing area and other entertainment facilities, the Base is absolutely a blissful and a wonder of nature. In addition to playing golfand sightseeing, you can also tsste the excitement and pleasure of fishing, archeuy,horse riding, swimming, river—rafting, barbecue, etc. Anytime in any season you can have various fresh fruit and wild vegetables which no chemial fertilizers or pesticides were applied to, from the Base. At that time you will cxpericnce what the Shangri—La is all about. Green Base sits right by the Guangshen,Guanshen, Meiguan and Jihe expressways for the convenience of transportation, with the cities in the Pearl River Delta such as Guangzhou and Dongguan just around 30minutes’duiving away. |
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