词条 | 深圳市翠竹小学 |
释义 | 深圳市翠竹小学创办于1984年9月,1985年定为深圳市对外开放学校,1986年定为深圳市重点小学,1994年5月被评为广东省一级学校,1997年被评为深圳市办学效益好学校。2002年12月,原翠竹小学与原翠华小学合并为新的翠竹小学。学校现分为两个校区,3年级至6年级分布在1校区即原翠竹小学,位于罗湖区东门北路木头龙小区内;1、2年级全部在2校区即原翠华小学,位于深圳罗湖区爱国路1052号, 总占地面积15340平方米,总建筑面积为15819平方米。 学校简介学校有46个一流的功能场室,有广播系统、闭路电视系统、校园网系统、现代教学平台等现代化的教育教学设备。学校现有教学班50个,学生2663多人,教职工160人,其中具有大专以上学历140人,中学高级教师4人,小学高级教师90人。现任校长:房佩。 办学特色学校以邓小平同志“三个面向”为指针,确立“创造适合每一个学生的教育”的办学理念,努力构建“三维可持续发展教育模式”,全面实施以“因材施教”为核心的素质教育。学校形成了“活泼、求真、合作、发展”的良好校风和“我要学、我会学、我能行”的良好学风,在社会上树立了良好的形象。学校大胆走“科研兴校,科研促教”之路,积极开展教育教学改革,努力形成自己鲜明的教学特色,如“双语”教学、分层递进教学、信息化学习、研究性学习等。 所授荣誉开展于1994年的“双语”教学硕果累累,历年实验班的毕业生升入深圳市外语学校和罗湖区外语学校的比例在全市都居首位。2002年,该项实验成果荣获广东省教育科研“黄华奖”。近三年来,学校师生共获得国家级奖励96项,省级奖励226项,市级奖励项315。学校还被评为“全国少先队红旗大队”、“广东省巾帼文明示范岗”、“深圳市教育系统先进单位”、“深圳市文明学校”、“深圳市办学效益好学校”、“深圳市体育卫生工作先进单位”、“罗湖区教育系统先进单位”。 学校校长房佩:深圳市翠竹外国语实验学校校长,中学高级职称。 1985年调入深圳,1992年任深圳市湖贝小学教导主任;1994—1995年任深圳市湖贝小学副校长;1995—2000年5月任深圳市洪湖小学副校长;2000—2002年2月任深圳市桂园小学校长;2002—2008年3月任深圳市滨河小学校长;2008年4月任深圳市翠竹外国语实验学校校长。 曾被评为全国优秀教师,广东省劳动模范,广东省第一线有突出贡献的优秀共产党员,南粤教坛新秀,深圳市“十佳青年教师”,罗湖区“十佳校长”等光荣称号 发展前景优美的校园环境、现代化的教育教学设备、高素质的教师队伍和一流的教育教学质量赢得了上级领导和社会各界的高度评价,翠竹小学已成为深圳市有一定影响的品牌学校。翠竹小学全体师生在新的时代,在过去坚实的基础上,确立了“率先实现学校教育现代化”和“争创全国名牌学校”二大奋斗目标,开始了二次创业。翠竹小学的明天将会更加美好。 2011年9月2日改名为翠竹外国语实验学校。 Cuizhu Primary School is located at North Dongmen Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen. The school covers an area of 10,540 square metres. Founded in 1984, the school became a key school of Shenzhen in 1986and a class-A school of the province in 1994. In 1997 it was awarded for its excellent operation efficiency. There are 46 first-level function rooms in the school. The school is rich in the up-to-date equipments such as the broadcasting system, the schoolyard internet, the circle-circuit TV system and modern teaching platforms. There are 50classes and 2,663 students in all. There are 160 teachers altogether including the workers and staff members. Among them there are 90 advanced teachers and 140 with the educational background of university and college. The school has established the education policy of creating an education suitable for every student. It is trying to set up a new education pattern which emphasizes “3-D long-lasting development.”The school implements qualification education focusing on teaching the students according to their aptitude.The school boasts of an excellent school spirit of “Vivaciousness, honesty, cooperation and development.”The school has also formed a good learning atmosphere----“I want to learn. I know how to learn. I can do it!”The school takes the road of prospering the school and promoting the teaching by means of scientific research and takes an active part in the teaching reforms, establishing a brand new teaching style, such as “Bilingual Teaching”, “Information Education”and “Research Study”. The Bilingual Teaching, which started in 1994, has already achieved a bumper harvest. The number of the students going to Shenzhen Foreign Languange School And Luohu Foreign Language School ranks first in the city. The bilingual experiment won the third prize of “Huang Hua Prize”awarded by Guang Dong Education Department of Scientific Research in 2002. In the recent years, both teachers and students have won 639 national, provincial and municipalprizes. The beautiful environment of the campus, the modern teaching equipments , the first class teachers and teaching quality have obtained the high compliments from both the government and the society . Now Cuizhu primary school has already become an excellent school with good reputation and social effects in Shenzhen. The school is going all out to achieve “Modernization in School Education”and become “A National Brand School ”in the new century. Cuizhu Primary School is sure to have a brilliant and magnificent future. |
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