

词条 邵玉铭

邵玉铭,1938年11月3日生,籍贯黑龙江绥化市兰西县。台湾政治大学外交学系学士,美国佛莱契尔(Fletcher)法律与外交学院硕士,美国芝加哥大学历史学博士。 曾任台湾政治大学国际关系研究中心主任,台湾“行政院新闻局长”,中国国民党副秘书长,“中央日报”董事长兼发行人等职务。 现任台湾“行政院北美事务协调委员会”主委。






学 历:美国芝加哥大学历史学博士;美国佛莱契尔(Fletcher)法律与外交学院硕士;政治大学外交学系学士

专 长:1. 美国与东亚关系

2. 美国外交、政治与历史

3. 国际现势

现 职:1. 中国文化大学史学研究所教授(2003~)

2. 国立政治大学外交系兼任教授

3. 淡江大学国际事务与战略研究所特约讲座

4. 财团法人国家政策研究基金会国家安全组顾问


(一) 台湾


2.行政院新闻局长 (1987~1991)

3.国立政治大学国际关系研究中心主任 (1984~1987; 1994~1999)


5.行政院顾问 (1998~2000)

(二) 国外

1. 美国费城「外交政策研究中心」研究讲座(1992~93)

2. 美国圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)历史系讲师至副教授(终身职) (1973~82)

奖项与荣誉:1. 中华民国行政院颁发「一等功绩奖章」(1991)

2. 美国印第安纳州富兰克林学院(Franklin College) 荣誉法学博士(L.L.D.) (1991)


一、 英文专书:

1. (Auth.) An American Missionary in China: John Leighton Stuart and Chinese-American Relations (Cambridge, Mass.: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1992) (本书曾由出版单位在1993年提名参加「美国历史学会」之「费正清学术著作奖」及美国亚洲学会之Joseph R. Levenson学术著作奖)

2. (Auth.) Beyond the economic Miracle: Reflection on the Development Experience of the Republic of China on Taiwan (Taipei, Taiwan: Kwang Hwa Publishing Company, 1988, 1989). (本书另有中文、法文、德文、西班牙及泰文版本)

3. (Ed.) Hong Kong: A Chinese and International Concern (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1988).

4. (Ed.) Changes and Continuities in Chinese Communism, Vol. I&II (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1988).

5. (Ed.) Reform and Revolution in Twentieth Century China (Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of International Relations, 1987)

6. (Ed.) China and Europe in the Twentieth Century (Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of International Relations, 1986)

7. (Ed.) Mainland China: Politics, Economics, and Reform (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1986).

8. (Ed.) Power and Policy in the PRC (boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1985).

9. (Ed.) Chinese Modernization (Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of International Relations, 1985)

10. (Ed.) China and Christianity: Historical and Future Encounters (Notre Dame, Indiana: The Center for Pastoral and Social Ministry, The University of Notre Dame, 1979)

二、 中文专书:

1. 「留学之路:走出你的亮丽人生」,中央日报,2002.

2. (主编)「美国明星大学指南」,中央日报,2002.

3. 「漂泊:中国人的新名字」,希代书版公司,1996.

4. 「遽变下:一个公仆的心路历程」,时报文化出版公司,1990.

5. 「文学、政治、知识分子」,联经出版事业公司,1988.

6. 「国际局势与中国前途」,黎明出版事业公司,1987.

7. 「国史与国是」,时报文化出版公司,1982.

8. 「从门户开放到中美断交」,淡江大学美国研究所,1983.

9. 「中美关系研究论文集」,传记文学出版社,1980.

10. (主编)「中国智识分子国是讨论集」,1983.

11. (主编)「二十世纪中国基督教问题」,正中书局,1980.


1. “Challenges and Responses: The Republic of China Prepares itself for the Twenty-First Century,” in Contemporary China Approaching The 21st Century (College Park, Maryland: University Press of Maryland, 2000), pp. 137-144.

2. “An Outlook for Taiwan’s Future in the 1990s and Beyond: A Personal Observation,” in Postwar Taiwan in Historical perspective (College Park, Maryland: University Press of Maryland, 1998), pp. 323-328.

3. “Taiwan’s Political and Economic Trends: A Personal Observation,” in U.S.-Taiwan Relations: Current Issues and Developments (A CSIS Asian Studies Conference Report, May 20, 1998), pp.17-24.

4. “Taiwan’s Presidential Election and Relations with the Mainland,” in Missile Diplomacy and Taiwan’s Future: Innovations in Politics and Military Power, ed., Greg Austin, (Canberra, Australia: Strategic and Defense Studies Center, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, 1997), pp.1-8.

5. “Mapping out Taiwan’s Future Landscape,” Asean-ISIS Monitor, No.15 (September, 1996), pp. 5-7.

6. “An ROC View of the Hong Kong Issue,” Issues & Studies, 22: 6(June, 1986), pp.13-30.

7. “Taiwan: A View from Taipei,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 63, No.5 (Summer, 1985), pp.1050-1063.

8. “John Leighton Stuart and U.S.-Chinese Communist Rapprochement in 1949: Was There Another ‘Lost Chance in China’?” The China Quarterly, No. 89 (March, 1982), pp. 74-96.

9. “The Year of Fate: The Chinese Civil War and International Politics in 1946,” in Symposium on the History of the Republic of China (Taipei, Taiwan, 1981), Vol. V, pp.286-314.

10. “Social Conditions and Social Change,” in The Taiwan Experience: Development in Contemporary Republic of China, 1950-1980, ed., James Hsuing (New York: Praeger, 1979), pp.219-281.

11. “Modern History of Taiwan: An Interpretative Account,” in China and the Taiwan Issue, ed., Hungdah Chiu (New York: Praeger, 1979), pp.7-36.

12. “The Reaction of Chinese Intellectuals toward Religion and Christianity in the Early Twentieth lCentury,” in China and Christianity: Historical and future Encounters, eds., James D. Whitehead, Yu-ming Shaw, N.J. Girardot (Notre Dame, Indiana: The Center for Pastoral and Social Ministry, University of Notre Dame, 1979), pp. 154-182.

13. “Chinese Culture in the Mind of the West,” in China as a Challenge to the Church (Concilium: Religion in the Seventies, Vol. 126), eds., Claude Geffre and Joseph Spae (New York: The Seabury Press, 1979), pp.1-18. (This article has since been translated into French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and Italian; this book was also chosen by the International Bulletin of Missionary Research in 1981 as one of the sixteen Outstanding Books on China and Christianity that had appeared in English since 1965).

四、 中文论文:

1. 「异中求同,化敌为友: 我对解决两岸僵局、推进两岸谈判之浅见」,当代中国研究(美国普林斯顿大学),第六十期,1998年3月,页147至155;亦收入「世纪之交中国大陆的政经走向」,程晓农主编,当代中国出版社,1999年1月,页329至353。

2. 「从西方对中国文明之评价谈我民族振兴之道」,理论与政策(台北),第十二卷第一期,八十七年二月,页119至126。


1. “Challenges and Responses: The Republic of China’s Experience in Political Democratization, 1987-1997,” Paper delivered at the Annual Conference of the International Political Science Association in 1997.

2. 『对两岸关系及对大陆政策刍见—兼论化解两岸僵局之道』,跨世纪国家发展研讨会, 台北, 中山学会主办,民国85年5月5日。

3. 『当前两岸政经情势发展与台商因应之道』,当前国内外暨两岸经济情势研讨会,行政院大陆委员会主办,台北,民国85年6月19日。

4. 『如何协助作好务实外交,扩大国际活动空间』,「整合海外华侨力量,支持国家进步发展」专题研讨会,台北,民国84年10月20日。

5. 『如何透过多边国际活动促进两岸关系之互补互利』,84年国建会报告,国家建设研究会主办,台北,民国84年7月20日。

6. “Problems and Prospects of the Democratization of the Republic of China on Taiwan,” paper presented at the Taiwan Studies Workshop of Harvard University in 1992.





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