词条 | 邵凤兰 |
释义 | 邵凤兰教授简介 教育背景: 山东大学物理系理学学士学位(1984.7) 山东大学物理与微电子学院硕士学位(2001.7) 山东大学物理与微电子学院博士学位2004.6) 工作经历: 济宁师专物理系助教、讲师、副教授(1984—2004) 曲阜师范大学物理系教授(2004—今) 教学 主要从事物理学专业本科生基础课、研究生基础课和专业课的教学工作,主讲过的课程有力学、光学、电磁学、电动力学、量子力学、粒子物理等。 2004年起指导硕士研究生,目前在理论物理专业招收硕士研究生。 主要研究领域 粒子物理理论 、高能核物理理论 科研项目 目前承担的科研项目: 1)“强子化的夸克组合机制与QGP性质的互动研究” (10775089) 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2008.01—2010.12 2)“QGP强子化的夸克组合机制及其普适性研究”(10475049) 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2005.01—2007.12 3)“夸克组合模型与RHIC中强子和多夸克态的产生” 曲阜师范大学科研启动基金, 2005.01—2008.12 4)省级强化重点建设项目 山东省政府, 2006.01—2010.12 主要论著 近期发表的主要学术论文: 1)Feng-lan Shao, Tao Yao and Qu-bing Xie; Charged-particle rapidity density in Au+Au collisions in a quark combination model, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 75, 034904 (2007) 2)Feng-lan Shao, Qu-bing Xie and Qun Wang; Productions of hadrons, pentaquarks and di-baryon in relativistic heavy ion collisions by a quark combination model, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 71, 044903 (2005) 3)Feng-lan Shao, Qu-bing Xie,Shi-yuan Li and Qun Wang; Study of color connections in e^+e^- annihilation, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 69, 054007(2004) 4)Shi-yuan Li ,Feng-lan Shao, Qu-bing Xie, and Qun Wang; Probing color separate states in e^+e^- annihilation at Z0 pole, PHYSICAL REVIEW D 65:077503 (2002) 5)LI SHI-YUAN , SHAO FENG-LAN AND XIE QU-BING ; PROBING COLOR SEPARATE STATES IN in e^+e^- ANNIHILATION AT t Z0 POLE, IN Proc. XXXI Int. Symp. On Multiparticle Dynamics (2001), World Scientific, Singpore, 2001 6)Jun Song , Feng-lan Shao ,Qu-bing Xie, Yun-fei Wang and De-ming Wei; Rapidity dependence of hadron production in central Au+Au collisions at 200A GeV, nucl-th/0703095V2, will appear in PHYSICAL REVIEW C 7)LI Yuan, SHAO Feng-Lan; Decay Contributions to Hyperon Polarization in High Energy Reactions, HEP & NP, Vol. 31, No. 9, Sep., 2007 8)SHAO Feng-Lan, XIE Qu-Bing, Li Shi-Yuan Sensitive Observables for Color Connections in Three-Jet Events at Z^0 Pole HEP & NP, Vol. 27, No. 6, Jun., 2003 9)SHAO Feng-Lan, XIE Qu-Bing, Li Shi-Yuan Study of Color Connections via Two-Jet Like Events in e^+e^- annihilation, HEP & NP, Vol. 26, No. 11, Nov., 2002 10)SHAO Feng-Lan, XIE Qu-Bing Ratio of Baryon to meson and Baryon antibaryon Correlation in e^+e^- annihilation under Two Kinds of Color Connections HEP & NP, Vol. 26, No. 8, Aug., 2002 |
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