词条 | 上海市农业科学院生物技术研究所 |
释义 | 生物技术研究所隶属于上海市农业科学院,1989年建立,同时也是上海市农业遗传育种重点实验室植物生物工程研究分室。下设植物细胞工程研究室、植物基因工程研究室、转基因检测及生物安全评价研究室。目前有职工24名,拥有博士(含在读博士)5名,硕士5名。 中文简介: 生物技术研究所全体人员本着“敬业、拼搏、奉献”的理念,投身农业生物技术的基础及应用研究。主要围绕上海都市型现代农业生产和发展中的关键问题,利用现代生物技术,进行自主知识产权的功能基因分离、克隆与元件构建和高效转基因技术平台建立;通过现代生物技术与常规育种技术的有机结合,培育优质、抗病、耐逆的农作物新种质、新品系;研究利用植物反应器生产人龋齿疫苗、饲料添加剂、酶制剂等生物工程产品;研究利用分子生物学技术对转基因作物及其加工产品进行检测和安全性评价。该所注重创新意识,重视现代生物技术与常规技术的结合,并致力于高新技术的产业化。 目前主持各类科研项目20项(其中国家级3项)。迄今,取得科研成果15项,其中“大麦细胞工程育种技术体系的建立与‘花30’选育”、 “高比活植酸酶基因的获得及耐高温植酸酶的生产”和 “主要转基因农产品定性定量检测技术研究”获得上海市科技进步一等奖。发表论文150余篇,其中SCI的影响因子达30。获发明专利授权证书4份。多项成果已经转化及产业化,其中有“高比活植酸酶基因的获得及耐高温植酸酶的生产”(1200万元转让给广东星湖集团公司),“铁皮石斛人工培育技术”(转让给上海南汇企业集团公司),“优质高产大麦花-30”(苏、浙、皖、沪种植近800万亩,产生社会经济效益1.5亿元)。 该所在生物技术应用基础研究上处于国内同类研究单位的前茅,在应用研究上也处于国内同类研究单位的前矛,部分领域处于领先地位。 生物技术研究所热忱期盼与国内外有志、有缘单位和个人合作开拓事业! 所长:黄剑华(研究员、博士) 联系地址:上海市闵行区北翟路2901号 英文简介: BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH CENTER OF SHANGHAI ACADEMY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES The Biotechnology Research Center of Shanghai Academy of Agriculture Science(BRCSAAS) is one of the Shanghai Agriculture Genetic and Breeding Key Labs and is charge for its daily routine. Currently, there are 44 staffs.22 of them have doctorate or masterate and 11 experts with high-ranking title. The constitutions including the Institute of Plant Cell Engineering, the Institute of Plant Gene Engineering, the Institute of Testing and Safety Assessment of Transgenic Plants, Shanghai YongYe Agro-Bioengineering Co., Ltd and Yannong Biotech Co., Ltd. The Biotechnology Research Center is not only an agricultural research institution with multiple disciplines, but also an academic center for agricultural research in Shanghai. The Research Center undertakes as its major tasks the applied research as well as applied basic research on agriculture and reinforces the developmental research to solve the key scientific problems with overall importance in Shanghai urban agricultural economy and to provide research achievements and services for the realization of modern agriculture in Shanghai. The Center lays its emphasis on establish a technology platform, which we have own intellectual property, for isolation and cloning of functional gene, elements construction and trnasgenetic plant high-effective expression. By combining modern biotechnology with traditional breeding, we have been remarkably successful in helping to raise yields, improve quality and improve resistance to pests and diseases not only in new crop gerplasms and cultivars but also new productions of Chinese medicine. The Center developed new way to produce the feedstuff additive and enzyme preparation, with the help of plant bioreactor. The Center takes the responsibility of organizing the molecular biology research on development strategies for the testing and safety assessment of transgenetic crops and their productions. Until now the BRCSAAS has undertaken lots of programs at national,ministrial and provincial levels. DH barley new cultivars have been breeded. New feedstuff additive and enzyme preparation have been produced. Developed the fast, precise and low-cost reagent box. We have got more than 60 science achievements including six Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award (three first class, one second and one third). 4 invention patents have been issued;3 new varieties have been considered for certification;3 achievements have got the High and New Technology Transformed Certification. More than 200 original research articles have published, including SCI more than 30.20 doctor or master have got good training at the Center. |
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