

词条 上海大学管理学院



上海大学管理学院依托上海国际化大都市的地域优势和学校人才引进政策的大力支持,积聚了较为雄厚的师资力量。学院现有专业教师100人左右,其中中国工程院院士1名(刘源张)、教授、副教授近40人、现有专业教师中大多数拥有博士学位,包括一些日本,美国等大学商学院的海归博士(如美国普度大学管理学院等)。此外,学院还聘请了一批在国内外具有一定影响力的专家、学者担任兼职教授,进一步提升了教学质量和科研水平。 学院现有专业教师主持完成了多项国家自然科学基金课题与国家社会科学基金课题,在国内的顶级管理期刊上发表了大量的论文。并发表了几十篇被SSCI与三大国际索引收录的英文论文,以及有教授在世界级的管理核心期刊,如美国国家管理学会期刊AMP(英文),管理研究期刊 JBR(英文),担任编委。学院在管理学方面的英文论文数量与国际性研究成果目前在上海市的高校中处于领先的地位。




上海大学管理学院秉承钱校长的办学思想,培养具有坚实的经济管理理论基础,掌握现代管理技术与方法,了解国情,具有国际视野和战略眼光的经济管理人才,为上海乃至全国的经济建设服务。 管理学院将聚焦管理学科,广纳国际国内贤才,营造良好的学术研究氛围,努力提高教学质量,全面提升管理学院科研和教学水平,努力在未来的三到五年中实现较快的,与国际接轨的,与城市发展同步的发展。管理学院的理念是在传统价值的基础上与时俱进。


It is my pleasure to serve as the dean of the School of Management Shanghai University where our faculty members are productive and reputable scholars, exceptional teachers and experts in management, particularly in the Chinese management. Our talented staff members expertly manage degree and many other things serving virtually every business education need. Our students excel in the critical thinking, team building, art of leadership and communication and our alumni are the best of the region, leading commerce and the professions.

Shanghai University is one of the key universities in China's “211” project. It has beautiful campuses, well-equipped facilities, and great living environment for students. It is located in the northwestern part of Shanghai, China's economic, financial, trade and transportation center – a place you get unbeatable preparation for success in today's global economy.

We offer doctoral degree in Management and seven graduate programs for those seeking a Master of Management/Business or a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. Our undergraduate degree programs include Business Administration including Operation Management, Accounting, Management Information Systems, Management, Marketing, and others. With China's re-emergence as a world-leading economy, a China-leading city and a city named leading management school in Shanghai is your obvious choice.

I warmly welcome you to learn more about our bachelors, masters, MBA and doctoral programs and I look forward to welcoming you to Shanghai University’s School of Management.

Warm regards,





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