词条 | 汕头星融塑胶玩具厂小精灵点读笔 |
释义 | 汕头星融塑胶玩具厂简介汕头市澄海区星融塑胶玩具厂位于汕头市澄海区,地理位置优越,交通便利。经过几年的发展,已建立一套完整的质量保证体系,拥有大型标准通用厂房,生产规模化、现代化,并设有专门的产品开发部和模具制作中心,形成配套的一条龙生产流程。我们拥有一支高素质的技术工程师,在产品的设计、开发、生产以及质量的控制方面都具有专业的国际水准,产品销路遍及美加、欧洲及东南亚。星融塑胶玩具厂是一家在创新理念、高科技学习产品、内容设计、开发和经营等领域均走在前沿的知名公司,致力于让全世界各年龄阶段孩子在家庭和学校学习中感受到高效和乐趣。相信我们对玩具的专业知识和水平,会让您对我们的高质量、高品味的产品和精湛的服务满意。 公司拥有一批精通外贸业务,经验丰富,具有开拓创新精神的专业营销人才,以“预见客户的需要”为工作导向及时高效的满足客户需求。有科学的管理体系及奋发向上的企业文化。客户遍及全球各个国家和地区,形成强大的营销网络、良好的服务体系和稳固的经贸关系。 随着经济的发展和市场竞争的激烈,星融塑胶玩具厂全体员工正以发展的眼光,不断进取的精神,求实创新的理念,不断完善自身素质,不断扩大市场新领域,扩展市场新空间,坚持“质量第一、信誉第一、创新第一、服务第一”的发展理念,与同行业共进步,与海内外各界朋友共同创造辉煌的明天。作为全世界益智教育产品的领导品牌,星融塑胶玩具厂已经成为全球数千万父母的共同选择。 星融塑胶玩具厂专业生产星融小精灵儿童点读笔,儿童益智类产品,工厂位于中国最大的玩具生产基地广东汕头市澄海区登峰路。工厂拥有资深的美术设计团队,PCB电路研发部门,注塑成型车间,印刷厂,可一条龙配套生产。我们通过技术研发升级,配套资源整合,使产品与市面同类型产品相比,有着极大的价格优势和过硬的品质保证。 在儿童教育专家,美工设计团队的精心编撰下,我们定时每月向市场推出的图书,极大的保护消费者的投资,使产品更具延续性。所有游戏与图书内容均经过多次多人严格的“碰撞”测试。使用儿童使用及学习更加轻松有趣。全方位满足不同儿童的教育需要。 产品一经推出,广受海内外买家好评,南方电视卫星频道《经贸万花筒》栏目专门进行过报导。热忱欢迎海内外客商来电来函洽谈。 星融小精灵点读笔产品介绍点读笔功能介绍 星融小精灵点读笔是一款采用国际最新一代3.0识别芯片技术的高精密科技产品,采用最新OID码技术,隐形码印刷技术和先进的语音合成技术于一体,具有点读、游戏等功能。“星融小精灵”游戏点读笔只需轻轻点,就能让书本讲故事,识汉字,学英语,念古诗,点到哪,读到哪,点读笔奇妙的声音包罗万象。针列儿童的心理特点,利用孩子好奇,爱玩的天性,让小朋友在轻松快乐的游戏中学习知识,孩子更愿意接受。该系统的研发集成了多位儿童心理专家,教育专家多年的经验,对小孩子启蒙益智有极大帮助!“星融小精灵”点读笔由具有无毒、无味,无放射性安全环保的绿色材料制成,体积小巧,外观精美,操作简单,携带方便。 点读书介绍 星融有声图书系列,配合小精灵点读笔使用,利用有声读物的图像、语音,音乐,以及互动游戏功能,充分调动孩子的眼、耳、口、手,脑,锻炼小朋友的听觉、视觉、触觉三大感官,使小朋友一点就学,一学就会。不断刺激孩子右脑的发育,提高孩子的空间想象力、创造力,音乐感知力和记忆力等,全面开发小朋友的智力,培养高智商。有声读物还克服儿童不会认字,盲人无法识字的障碍,用一支点读笔点击书籍上的内容,点读笔就会读出相应的单词、句子,诗歌或故事,具有点读,朗诵等功能。同时还开发出益智游戏等寓教于乐的功能。 星融小精灵有声点读摒弃以往“填鸭式”教育的枯燥教育模式,率先采用趣味语音教学模式,让孩子“在娱乐中学习,在学习中娱乐”。提高了孩子的学习兴趣,增强了孩子的独立学习能力,对儿童早教启蒙有极大的帮助! 点击方法 1、正确的点读方法是:角度过小时无法点读,请保持笔身与书本之间的夹角不小于65˚,以65˚为宜。(备注:点击时间不宜过长,否则点读笔会重复发音;点击过快时无法完成识别,请不要过快点击。) 2、笔端是精密电子器件,点击时请勿太过用力,以免造成人为损坏。(最好在家长的陪同下使用。) 汕头星融小精灵点读笔系列星融小精灵点读笔购买联系方式星融小精灵点读笔外贸推广Spirit Talking Pen IntroductionXing Rong Spirit Talking Pen, with the advanced 3.0 OID chipsets, invisible dot printing and voice technology can learn and have games with each touch to special printing books. The Spirittoys talking penoffers a fully interactive learning experience. Xing Rong Spirit talking pen is made of safe and environmental friendly materials. Dedicate design and easy to take. Enabling learners to study anytime and anywhere. Mainly details: --One extendable talking pen (Including USB charger, just download the new book’s program, it can read another new book.) --One pre-audio book (Totally have 42 books, teach baby nature and common sense, health behavior, stories telling; 7 language versions are available English, Russian Spanish, French, Arabic Italian and Chinese.) --One MP3 player Card (So fantastic, the talking pen also can sing songs, download the songs into the pen, just touch the MP3 player card, it can sing. Children can have fun and relaxing after hard study.) Advantages: 1. Many functions exist,baby learning colors, shapes, Animals, Words, Spelling, Math, Stories. Auditory, visual, tactile senses stimulation encourages baby’s learning interests and learning ability. 2. That point that read: when talking pen point to directly in talking books, the pen will have a sound where your point goes 3. One talking pen can read all existing books, when new books are published, you do not need to buy a new pen, just need to ask for a CD and download the information to the talking pen. 4. Prices are Moderate in the talking pen field. 5. Contents of the books are under carefully preparation of Experts in the children education and graphic design team, pronunciations are standard. 6. Using ABS and PCB environmental and nontoxic materials, Non-radioactive, it is wear-resisting and shatter-resistant! 7. Soft and clear pronunciation protect baby’s ears, and to give children a good language environment. 8. Suitable for 3 to 10 years old. Talking Book Introduction Xing Rong Spirit Talking Book with Xing Rong Spirit Reading System, training baby's auditory, visual, tactile senses through the talking book and happy games. Keep you baby's eye, ear, mouth and brain busy. Exploring music and memory rapidly. The Xing Rong reading system brings stories to life with each touch to the pages of specially printed story books Words talk, pictures sing and stories live out loud. New adding Spirit games, engages children's senses to make learning a rich, fulfilling experience during the game. Having fun and learning. It is your best choice for early education. Function and operation introduction 1Power on: Switch the Safety Switch Button to "on" and press the power on/off key for 1 second, LED lights will turn on and flash and start to play a greeting tone (Attention Safety Switch Button must switch to "On" position) The battery operation time: About 2.5 hours after fully charged 2 Power off: Press power off button for 1 second till light off. The pen will play the good-bye tone (Attention: Please switch the safety Switch Button to "OFF" position after shutdown) 3 Automatic shutdown: When reading pen is on stand-by for over 3 minutes, reading pen will be turn off automatically 4 Volume control: Press "Vol+" to turn voice louder. Press "Vol-" to turn voice lower 5 Signal lights: When talking pen is in the state of starting up, the LED light will flash 6 USB interfaces: When talking pen is connected to the PC through USB data cable, program will enter USB disk mode & charging mode. Users can download data and charge through the USB data cable, LED light will flash when charging. The charging time is about 2 hours. When it is fully charged, the LED light stop flashing 7 Memory card: Memory card stores the book audio and program data. Please insert the memory card in the slot in the correct direction. Do not push hard. Press the memory card before taking it out, it will pop up automatically. Do not pull hard. 8 Base: To protect your reading pen. please put your pen onto the pen base after using. MicroSDcard 1Micro SD card supported, you can choose the different Micro SD card according to your needs 2 You can download your new serial of audio file to your Micro SD card, then slot into the talking pen to upgrade 3 You can download your MP3 files to the Micro SD card, then slot into the talking pen to play with our MP3 player control card (MP3 player support MP3, WAV format) If talking pen work without the memory card, it will have a warning tune and power off If pull out the memory card without turning off the pen, it will have a warning tone and power off If the signal light and greeting tone is normal, but the talking pen do not read, please format the memory card and re-download the data MP3 player 1 Connect the talking pen to PC through the USB data cable, download the music into the memory card. Play the music through the MP3 player control card (The specific instruction is on the back of the MP3 player card) 2 Using the talking pen to touch any place of the MP3 player card, system will enter the MP3 player mode Click the “Play” button on the card to start playing Click the “Stop” button to exit MP3 play mode in playing mode, touch the < or - on the control card or press the Volume adjust key on the talking pen for 1.5 seconds to forward or backward 3 Please press the “stop” button before switching to reading books mode Spirit game Click game control card to enter the interactive game mode. When gives the right answer, “Spirit” will give appropriate praise to encourage children to keep on learning and play After 3 times of wrong answering, system will exit the game automatically. You need to click the game control card menu to continue Please click the “Exit” button on the game control card before changing into book reading mode Touch and read instruction 1 Keep your pen and the book best at an angle of 65˚ no less than 65˚ (Remarks: Do not stay the pen sensor on the book too long to avoid repeating sound) 2 Please do not touch pages hardly to avoid damage of the pen sensor point (Suggest that parents accompany your children to play) 星融小精灵点读笔公司参加展会的信息 |
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