

词条 山东省潍坊卫生学校



外文名:Weifang, Shandong Province, medical schools


校训:享受学习 成功自我


















目前,学校已经形成了中专、专科和留学本科并存,成人教育、网络教育和社会培训同步发展,专业涵盖医疗、医技、医药、保健、护理的办学格局。中专设有“护理”、“药剂”、“医学检验”、“卫生保健”、“中医”、“康复技术”、“中药”、“口腔工艺技术”等专业;“三、二连读”普通大专设有“高等护理”、“临床医学”、“针灸推拿”、“口腔医学技术”、“药学”等专业;本科设有“口腔医学”、“临床医学”等专业。其中“护理”、“药剂”、“口腔工艺技术”为学校的特色专业。 学校针对就业实施了“人才培养订单制”、“实习预就业”等措施。目前,学校已与北京协和医院、武警总队医院、山东吉鲁制药有限公司等80余家单位达成了长期聘用毕业生的协议;与北京东方大学国际护理学院联合举办“国际英护班”,毕业生可赴加拿大、澳大利亚、爱尔兰、英国、沙特就业;与乌克兰、韩国、新加坡和台湾等国家和地区的学院开展联合办学,互派学生交流,并蒂结为友好学校。学校现已形成立足本省、面向全国、走出国门的就业网络体系,毕业生就业率达到了95%以上。

A school profile

Weifang Health School of Shandong Province is a national key secondary vocational school. It was founded in 1889 by the U.S. Presbyterian Church in Wei County (now Weifang) as a medical school. Up to now, it has a long history, more than 100years. There are over 6,000Full-time students.

The school is located in Weifang city center with convenient transportation, beautiful campus environment. It covers an area of 90,000 square meters with construction area of 56,000 square meters.

We have 167 teachers of full-time and part-time. Among them, 23teachers have gained national or provincial award for their outstanding work. Of all, 97% of teachers are with college degree and 11 of them have obtained graduate degree. The school owns 38 laboratories and professional skills training rooms. It’s equipped with computer network, multimedia classrooms, campus voice systems, electronic library (with more than 20 million e-books), library (more than30 million copies of books), indoor gymnasium and outdoor basketball court. Because of its campus environment and teaching facilities, the school enjoys a quite good reputation and brings some social influence to other similar vocational schools in Shandong Province.


The school offers three levels of education, ranging from secondary specialized schooling, college to undergraduate study in Ukraine, covering the majors like nursing, medical technology, medicine, health care etc.

Secondary specialized schooling offers 9 majors: nursing, Pharmacy, health care, international nursing, rehabilitation technology, clinical medical inspection, Oral Craft, medical biotechnology, maintenance and marketing of medical appliance.

The level of college education offers 5 majors: higher nursing, clinical medicine, acupuncture and tuina-massage, oral medical technology and pharmacy.

The level of undergraduate study in Ukraine offers 3majors: oral medicine, clinical medicine and nursing.

The school is featured by nursing, pharmacy and oral medical technology.

Students’ enrollment

The school enrolls students from all over the country. But at present our students are mainly from Shandong, Jiangsu, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regions, Qinghai, Gansu. Recently, the number of school enrollment is increasing year by year. In 2007, the number is 2008, 3721 in 2008 and over 4,000 in 2009.

The teaching

The school always aims to cultivate students to be "close to the community, close to the clinical practice, close to the patient” with high-quality and good skills. We expect to improve teaching qualities through the further reformation on teaching.

We take seven measures to make sure we can achieve the goal mentioned above. First, the teachers are encouraged to use teaching methods such as circumstances-simulation teaching, Action-oriented teaching and case-teaching.

Second, the implementation of quality evaluation system of lesson plans, teacher evaluation system, school leadership, the Steering Group, subject officers and teachers in the system between the lectures.

Second, the school implements evaluating system. For example, teachers’ lesson-plans are regularly evaluated so that the excellent ones can be learned and appreciated by others. The teachers also receive evaluation from their students for their teaching performance and management ability. In addition, the school leaders, teaching-supervision section and the teachers are supposed to attend other teachers’ class for learning or advising.

Third, the school works on attracting the talents of academic qualifications above undergraduate, training "Double Teachers"(teaches grasping more than one professional knowledge and skills), sending prominent teachers to go abroad for further study. All theses are to build a reasonable talent construction to better serve the students.

Fourth, the school establishes the selecting system for Premium Courses, Premium Classes and Teaching Master Hand, aiming to create the environment of creating excellent works.

Fifth, the school opens guiding course with respect to job opportunities and offers English-strengthening classes to students who hope to be international nurses.

Sixth, we are trying to put the idea of the second classroom into practice, where students get practical training besides lecturing in the classroom as well as moral education and potential abilities’ development, inspired to be an all-round person.

Last, we will continue to strengthen the construction of laboratory and purchase of advanced teaching equipment.

Construction of Training Rooms

The training building we are using now covers 8,000 square meters with 38 laboratories and training rooms, in which teaching equipment is worth more than 10million yuan.

Teaching achievement

1. Four teachers of our school were awarded as national teaching advanced individuals. Two were rated as provincial outstanding, six as famous teachers of Weifang, one as a prestigious doctor of Weifang, six as municipal teaching experts, and four as renowned nurses of Weifang.

2. Our school was selected as advanced vocational education unit and provincial education model school by Shandong Province Department of Education.

3. In August 2009, our school took part in the National Health Care Techniques and Skills Competition and won the second prize in group round and one first prize, one second prize and two third prizes in person. The four students who participated in that competition were all on the top list.


一. 普通中专(国家任务)专业 学制 招生对象 说明

护理(涉外护理、男护各限招20人) 3年 应、往届初中、高中毕业生。卫生保健中医专业限在岗乡村医生(45周岁以下,含45周岁有乡村医生证)

药剂(订单培养) 2-3年

口腔工艺技术(订单培养) 2-3年

医学检验 2-3年

中药 2-3年

康复技术(订单培养) 2-3年

农村医学(可参加西医助理执业医师考试) 3年

中医(可参加中医助理执业医师考试) 3年

二.“三、二连读”普通大专班(国家任务)专业 学制 招生范围 招生对象 说明

高等护理(军护限招50人,涉外护理、男护各限招30人) 5年 山东省户籍

1、报名材料:身份证复印件或户口本复印件两张,一寸彩照6张,中考成绩单或县区教育部门出具的中考成绩证 明。






三. 乌克兰第聂伯国立医科大学医学本科预科班专业 学制 招生对象 教学点 说明

口腔医学 1+5 应、往届高中毕业生 潍坊卫校 在潍坊卫校学习俄语一年,聘外籍老师亲自授课,培训合格后到第聂伯国立医科大学学习专业课程。中乌两国教育部互认学历。

临床医学 1+6

四. 护士出国培训专业 学制 招生对象 教学点 派往国家 说明

护理 1年 应、往届护理专业毕业生 潍坊卫校 爱尔兰、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、沙特、新加坡 1、 正规办理出国手续2、 国外就业率100%,待遇特别丰厚3、 使用专门的教学课件






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