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释义 | 《撒旦回归》一部著名的宗教类科幻恐怖片。该片由Hal Barwood执导, Sam Waterston、凯瑟琳o奎南、Yaphet Kotto主演。由美国的二十世纪福克斯电影公司(Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation)发行,上映日期为1986年2月。 剧情简介大约三百年前一位邪恶的魔鬼百经波折追赶女巫的后代,企图创造他黑暗的永恒新娘,但没能如愿自己也被铲除,直到现在,下定决心了解自己鲜为人知的家族,克利斯和他的朋友计划周末逃到十六世纪遗留的宅邸,他们的逃走受到恶魔的骚扰。 演职员表导演Directed by:Hal Barwood 编剧Writing credits:Hal Barwood(written by) & Matthew Robbins (I)(written by) 演员Cast:Sam WaterstonCal Morse 凯瑟琳o奎南 Kathleen QuinlanJoanie Morse Yaphet KottoMajor Connolly Jeffrey DeMunnDr. Dan Fairchild (as Jeffrey De Munn) Richard DysartDr. Nielsen (as Richard Dysart) G.W. BaileyTom Schmidt Jerry HardinVic Flint Rick RossovichBob Cynthia CarleDana Scott PaulinCaptain Walston Kavi RazDr. Ramesh Kapoor Keith SzarabajkaTippett Jack ThibeauPisarczyk J. Patrick McNamaraConnolly's Aide Tom McFadden (I)Deputy Grazie Kyle T. HeffnerVideo Technician #1 Meshach TaylorVideo Technician #2 Lori HallierTV Reporter Jeannie EpperWoman on Video Screen Gilbert Smith (I)Man on Schmidt's Team Nancie KawataWoman in Cafeteria 制片人Produced by:Hal Barwoodproducer Jim Bloomproducer Robert Latham Brownassociate producer Matthew Robbins (I)executive producer 原创音乐Original Music by:Craig Safan 摄像Cinematography by:Dean Cundey(director of photography) 电影剪辑Film Editing by:Robert Lawrence (I) 协调剧组人员Casting by:Susan Arnold (I) 造型设计Production Design by:Henry Bumstead 布景师Set Decoration by:Mickey S. Michaels 服装设计Costume Design by:Aggie Guerard Rodgers 化妆师Makeup Department:Edouard F. Henriquessupervising makeup artist (as Edouard Henriques III) David Quashnickmakeup artist Yolanda Toussienghair stylist 制片主管Production Management:Robert Latham Brownunit production manager 副导演/助理导演Second Unit Director or Assistant Director:Hope R. Goodwinsecond assistant director (as Hope Goodwin) Nick Marckfirst assistant director 美术Art Department:Larry Clark Birdproperty master (as Larry Bird) Susan Carselloleadperson Robert DePatisconstruction coordinator (as Robert Depatis) Henry Larrecqassistant art director 音效Sound Department:Michael Evjeproduction sound mixer Rob Fruchtmansound effects editor Richard Hymnssound effects editor Laurel Ladevichdialogue editor Victor Livingstondialogue editor James M. McCannboom operator (as James McCann) Richard Overtonmusic re-recording mixer Theodore Soderbergdialogue re-recording mixer Alan Spletsupervising sound effects editor Paul Wells (I)sound effects re-recording mixer Kenneth Wannbergmusic editor 特技师Special Effects by:Kevin Pikespecial effects supervisor (as J. Kevin Pike) 视觉特效师Visual Effects by:Gregory L. McMurryvisual effects supervisor 特技演员Stunts:Pete Anticostunts Bobby Bassstunt coordinator Bobby Bassstunts Jophery C. Brownstunts (as Jophrey Brown) David Burton (II)stunts Steven Chambers (I)stunts (as Steve Chambers) Kelly C. Collinsstunts Laurie Creachstunts (as Lauri Creach) Debbi A. Davisonstunts Eddy Donnostunts Kenny Endosostunts Gary Epperstunts James M. Haltystunts (as James Halty) Billy Hank Hookerstunts (as Hank Hooker) Gary McLartystunts David Pernastunts (as David L. Perna) Chuck Picerni Jr.stunts (as Charles Picerni Jr.) Michael Runyardstunts (as Mike Runyard) Tanya Russell (I)stunts Pete Turner (II)stunts Scott Wilder (I)stunts Walter Wyattstunts 道具场工Camera and Electrical Department:Clyde E. Bryanfirst assistant camera Rhonda C. Gunnervideo playback coordinator Wynn Hammerstill photographer Richard E. Hollandervideo technician Gary B. Kibbecamera operator (as Gary Kibbe) Raymond Stellacamera operator: second unit (as Ray Stella) Mark Walthourgaffer Ronald Woodwardkey grip (as Ron Woodward) 底片冲印Casting Department:Deborah Brown (I)casting: New York (as Debra Brown) Cate Praggastislocation casting 服装管理Costume and Wardrobe Department:Robert Harris Jr.costume supervisor (as Bob Harris Jr.) Robert Harris Sr.costumer (as Bob Harris Sr.) J.J. Jenkinscostumer 助理编辑Editorial Department:Brent A. Schoenfeldfirst assistant editor 底片运送Transportation Department:Andy DeNicholastransportation captain 其他职员Other crew:Huw Davies (I)location manager James B. Dirkerhelicopter pilot Dr. Robert Goldbergtechnical advisor Morton Greenspoontechnical advisor (as Dr. Morton Greenspoon) Betty A. Griffinscript supervisor (as Betty Abbott-Griffin) John Haradatechnical advisor (as Dr. John Harada) Susie Harrodassistant: Hal Barwood Lindsey Jones (I)unit publicist (as G. Lindsey Jones) Harry Kohoyda Jr.production accountant Ronnie Kramerproduction coordinator Judith Craig Marlinassistant: Jim Bloom (as Judy Marlin) Kevin Reilly (VI)assistant: R.L. Brown Craig Safanmusician Dr. Linda Wallingtechnical advisor John C. Washvideo |
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