词条 | 瑞士商学院 |
释义 | 成立于1998年,瑞士商学院是瑞士在商科领域表现最为杰出的高等学府之一。2010年在公认最权威的英国金融时报(Financial Times)世界大学排名里,瑞士商学院在远距教学领域名列第23,与英国华威大学、爱丁堡大学、伦敦大学、美国马里兰大学、印第安纳大学等名校齐名(下载金融时报排名资料)。 一、基本信息名称:Swiss Business School 瑞士商学院 简称:SBS 成立时间:1998年 校长:现任校长是Dr. Charles Mercieca教授,他同时也是联合国认可的非盈利机构“IAEWP:International Association of Educators for World Peace”的主席。副校长是Dr. Andreas Wettstein博士,商学院院长是Dr. Bert Wolfs教授。 二、学院简介概况 瑞士商学院是个年轻、聪明、精致、没有历史负担的学校。学校位于瑞士首府苏黎世,这里地处要冲,与欧洲各主要商业团体交流密切。规模虽小,但是勇于追求利基(niche)市场的成功,将全副精神放在高等商科教育上,目前开设有本科、专业企管硕士、与专业企管博士等学位课程,另外还提供企业高级培训项目,例如领导力与变革、跨文化技能发展等当代企业实践的重要课题。 使命 为学生提供强大的学术基础,以便于理解各种不同的专业知识,将学生武装成具有生产力的、合格的专家,以及成为这个多元的动态世界里具备责任感的公民。 To provide students with a strong academic foundation with access to variousspecialized knowledge bases and prepare them to become productive, competentprofessionals, and responsible citizens in a diverse, dynamic global arena. 从一开始,对于高等教育的定义就是:国际化思维的体验过程。因此学校不论在本部还是国际分部都十分重视维系学生群体的多元文化。 It defines higher education from its beginning as the experience of thinkinginternationally. To do this it maintains a multi-cultural student body on itshome campus along with its international centers. 愿景: 瑞士商学院要成为瑞士最好的商学院,这是基于:对商业与管理的创新贡献;以及在多国与多元文化下实现成就与奉献的教职工们。 SBS Swiss Business School aims to become Switzerland’s leading Business School,recognized for its innovative contributions to business and management as wellfor its accomplished and dedicated faculty in a multi-national-culturalenvironment. 核心价值: L: Life Long Learning 终生学习 E: Excellence 卓越 A: Ability-driven 能力驱动 R: Responsibility for quality programs 对高质量项目的责任 N: Nurture talents for the new economy 新经济下的自然天赋 目标: 促进在研究生以及本科生的学术表现与学生成就。 Foster academic excellence and student achievement on the graduate andundergraduate level. 鼓励适当的学生行为,反映在世界各国共同理解的、以及终生学习的道德与态度。 Encourage appropriate student behavior, ethics and attitudes which reflect themulti-national global understanding and lifelong learning. 创造能够促进优越的教学与应用型研究的教育环境与学习团队。 Create an educational environment and learning community that fostersexcellence in teaching and applied research. 通过策略合作、延伸的活动、以及与所有利益相关者之间的沟通,创造瑞士商学院与多元的本地和国际组织间的强固联系。 Create a strong bond between SBS and the diverse local and global organizationswhich they serve through partnerships, outreach activities and communication toall stakeholders. 通过我们在国外机构的学术成就来推动商业与行业的发展。 Promote business and industrial development through our academic achievementsfor our foreign entities. 相关认证 中国的高校在最近一两年才开始注重教学项目的国际质量认证,例如北京大学与清华大学最近才刚刚通过的EQUIS认证。瑞士商学院早在创校之初就开始了类似的质量保证工作,目前所有课程享有IACBE与EDUQUA两种质量认证,同时还隶属于AACSB、ACBSP、CEEMAN、ECIS等高等学术专业团体会员,尽最大努力来保证学位课程在教学上的一致性、在知识传播上的前沿性、以及在教学方法上的创新性。 三、相关延伸Charles Mercieca 校长 致学生的信 Published Date:2010年07月12日 04:00:00几年前,有位美国密歇根大学 Ann Arbor 分校的前校长曾经说了这么一句话:“我们设立高等教育学府的目的是什么?在国内犯下最复杂的罪行的犯人居然是我们学院和大学里以特优成绩毕业的学生!“对我们而言,这段话一点也不令人惊讶,因为我们的教育体系只不过是设计来将知识灌输给学生们,一旦这个目的达到了,一切也就结束了。但是瑞士商学院是一所完全不同的学校,我们不仅仅传递知识给学生,我们还持续不断地灌输学生们正面的、建设的地使用这些知识的能力。如此的必然结果是,这个世界会见证到一个更稳定与更负责任的群体,这个群体标志着成功、融洽、与和平等特征。在我们这个时代里传统的学院与大学都倾向于看着自己的足迹前进,这解释了为什么他们习惯于将未来描绘成一种过去历史的重复,结果是,许多学生都被误导了,以至于认为只有学术成就才能为他们带来生命里的圆满。但是瑞士商学院的学生不仅拥有将他们的能力扩展到极致的机会,更重要的是他们还学习到了如何将所学的知识用来构建一个更美好的世界群体,他们关注全世界所有人们的福利,超越区域或本地的范围。瑞士商学院的任务是将我们所有的学生发展成一个具有坚强性格和令人愉快的人格特质的人,目的是去训练我们秉性各异的学生们具备世界级的领导力:一种目前已经十分稀缺的元素。一位领袖,首先必须有能力去激励、以及启发群众,使用真实视角看待事物,最终弄明白人生中种种选择的顺序,于是才能够在每块大陆里,去实现全然为了全世界人民福利的工作。最后,依然重要的,我们应该随时铭记在心的是,并不是所有闪闪发光的东西都是金子,我们需要去计算以及检查我们所有的努力,在未来对整个世界群体所可能造成的影响,以获得我们渴望的、负责任的平静生活。 Afew years ago, a former President of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor inthe United States made the following remark: "What are our institutions ofhigher learning doing? The most sophisticated crimes in the nation arecommitted by former students of ours who graduated from our colleges and universitiessumma cum laude." Thisremark should bring us no surprise at all. Our educational systems everywhereare structured only for purpose of imparting knowledge to students. Once thisobjective is achieved everything is over. The SBS Swiss Business School is adifferent type of institution because it is concerned not only with impartingknowledge to students, but also with instilling in students the ability to usesuch knowledge positively and constructively. As a result the world is bound towitness the creation of a more stable and responsible world community whichwill be characterized by prosperity, harmony, and peace. Thetraditional colleges and universities of our time, tend to move forward whilelooking backward. This explains why they tend to visualize the future as arepetition of the past. As a result, many students are being misled becausethey do not feel fulfilled in life in spite of their academic achievements.Students at the SBS Swiss Business School have the opportunity not only to developtheir talents to the maximum possible but also to use all the knowledgeachieved to help build a better world community where the universal welfare ofall people supersedes that of the local or regional level. Thejob of SBS is to develop a strong character and a pleasant personality in allof its students. It is meant to train its various students to provide the worldwith leadership, an element which nowadays is very rare to find. A leader isdescribed as one who is capable of inspiring and enlightening others to seethings into true perspective, to straighten their priorities in life as a result,and to perform activities that are solely conducive to the universal welfare ofall people across every continent. Lastbut not least, we need to keep in mind that not all that glitters is gold. Inall of our endeavors we need to figure out and to examine the kind of impact wewill have on the future of our worldly community which yearns to live responsiblyat peace. CharlesMercieca CharlesMercieca, Ph.D. HonoraryPresident – SBS President– IAEWP InternationalAssociation of Educators for World Peace, an NGO, recognized by the UN 相关发展 瑞士商学院不仅在瑞士苏黎士开办 MBA 课程,而且也在其他国家开办,包括俄罗斯和印度。该课程得到了一些著名跨国公司的赞助,包括: Nestlé Suisse SA ;Credit Suisse Bank ;UBS AG ;Allianz Schweiz ;Lucent Technologies ;ABB AG ;Deutsche Bank ;Siemens ;Volkswagen 等等。2009年瑞士商学院决定将触角伸入亚太地区,由位于澳大利亚阿德莱德的爱仕林商学院取得授权,自2010年开始,在中国大陆地区开办瑞士商学院的 MBA、DBA 课程。 |
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