

词条 阮世捷


阮世捷 ,


1978年毕业于天津轻工业学院(现:天津科技大学)1986年就读于美国韦恩州立大学机械系并于1988年获该校机械工程硕士学位,1994年获该校生物医学工程系博士学位,1988年师从国际著名损伤生物力学专家、美国国家工程院士Albert I. king 教授致力于损伤生物力学的研究,自1990年开始相继在国际知名刊物和有影响的国际会议发表论文35篇(第一作者),并多次被邀请在国际会议上作重点发言。现为国际车辆安全杂志的主编。自1992年起在美国福特汽车公司从事汽车安全设计和损伤生物力学研究至今。从事损伤生物力学研究多达十五年,在人体损伤生物力学和建模技术应用研究方面积累了一整套成熟的技术与方法。申请者在上个世纪九十年代初建立的头部有限元模型已成为颅脑损伤有限元法研究的经典——有关颅脑损伤有限元法的文章都会引用到申请者初期的研究成果。


1. Ruan, J. S. and Prasad, P., 1998, "Biomechanical Study of Head Injury through Finite Element Analysis", Frontiers in Head and Neck Trauma - Clinical and Biomechanical, Editors, Yoganandan, N., and Pintar, F. A., Larson, S. J., and Sancers, A., ISO Press, 1998, pp. 377-397.

2. Ruan, J. S., 1999a, "Finite Element Analysis of the Human Head-Neck System Under Impact Loading," Impact Biomechanics From Head to Foot, Proceedings of 60th Anniversary Symposium, Wayne State University, Detroit, June 9-11, 1999.

3. Ruan, J. S. and Prasad, P., 1999b, "Biomechanical Modeling of the Head-Neck System under a Frontal Direct Impact Loading," (Invited Speech at PUCA'99 and HanPam'99). Proc. of the PAM User Conference in Asia, PUCA '99, Shin-Yokohama, Japan, November 18-19, 1999.

4. Ruan, J. S., Zhou, C., Khalil, T. B., and A. I. King, 2000, "Techniques and Applications of Finite Element Analysis of the Biomechanical Response of the Human Head to Impact," Computer Techniques and Computational Methods in Biomechanics, Biomechanic Systems - Techniques and Application, Volume I, Editor, Leondes, C. T., CRC Press LLC, 2000, pp. 7-1-7-40.

5. Ruan, J. S. and Prasad, P. 2001a, The Effects of Brain-Skull Interface on Intracranial Responses and Traumatic Subdural Hematoma During Frontal Head Impact. Proceedings of Nafems World Congress 2001, Volume 2, pp. 715-726, Lake Como, Italy, April 24-28, 2001.

6. Ruan, J. S. and Prasad, P. 2001b, The Effects of Skull Thickness Variations on Human Head Dynamic Impact Responses. Stapp Car Crash Journal, Vol. 45, 2001, pp. 395-414.

7. Ruan, J.S., 2002, Remaining Issues and Needs in Human Head Injury Finite Element Modeling and Research. Invited Paper at European Passive Safety Network Human Head Injury Workshop, Strasburg, France, January 24-25, 2002.

8. Ruan, J. S., 2002, Finite Element Modeling of the Human Head and the Biomechanical Basis of Head Injury Criterion (HIC). Journal of Hunan University, (Natural Sciences), pp. 24-43, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2003.

9. Ruan, J. S., 2003, "Recent Research and Development on Vehicle Safety", Guest Editor, Special Issue, International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 31, Nos ?, 2003.

10. Ruan, J. S., El-Jawahri, R., Chai, L., Barbat, S., and Prasad, P., 2003, Development and Validation of a Finite Element Human Thorax-Abdomen Model for Side Impact. Proceedings of Nafems World Congress 2003, Orlando, Florida, May 27-31, 2003.

11. Ruan, J. S., El-Jawahri, R., Chai, L., Barbat, S., and Prasad, P., 2003, Prediction and Analysis of Human Thoracic Impact Responses and Injuries in Cadaver Impacts Using a Full Human Body Finite Element Model. Stapp Car Crash Journal, Vol. 47, pp. 299-321.

12. Ruan, J. S., 2004, Comparative Studies of Finite Element Modeling of Human Head Impact. the Third International Forum of Automotive Traffic Safety (INFATS2004), Shanghai, June 28-30, 2004.

13. Ruan, J. S., 2004, Towards to Simulation-Based Biomechanical Analysis of Human Head Impact. the Second World Congress for Chinese Biomedical Engineers, Beijing, September 27-29, 2004.

14. 阮世捷,王学魁,刘文岭,李海岩,2004, 关于头部组织材料性能敏感性对颅内压力响应的研究。中国生物医学工程学报。23(3):252-258。

15. Ruan, J. S. and Prasad, P, 2004, On the consequences of head size following impact to the human head. (Submitted), Journal of Biomechanics.

16. 阮世捷,李海岩,王学魁,刘文岭,2004, 对头部损伤判断准则适用性和可用性的新探索。投稿至中国生物医学工程学报。2004 年11月。

17. Ruan, J. S., El-Jawahri, R., Barbat, S., and Prasad, P., 2005, Pelvic Impact Response and Injury Simulation using a Full Human Body Finite Element Model. Proceedings of NAFEMS World Congress 2005, Malta.

18. Ruan, J. S., El-Jawahri, R., Barbat, S., and Prasad, P., 2005, Biomechanical Analysis of Human Abdominal Impact Responses and Injuries through Finite Element Simulations of a Full Human Body Model. Stapp Car Crash Journal, Vol. 49, pp. 299-321.


(1) Finite element modeling of human head injury, Center for Disease Control 1991-1994.

(2) Human head /neck finite element modeling,Ford Advanced Engineering 1993-1996.

(3) Human spine injury modeling, Ford Advanced Engineering 1997-1999.

(4) Investigation of the risk of head impact in automotive environment, Ford Research 2001-2002.

(5) Biomechanical analysis of human chest, Ford Research 2000-2003.

(6) Biomechanical analysis of human abdominal impact, Ford Research 2003-2004.

(7) Investigation of the injury and impact response of human lower extremities, Ford Research 2004-2006.

(8) 天津市科技发展计划重点项目:头部损伤的有限元造型与应用,天津市科委, 2004-2007

(9) 国家自然科学基金项目:头部损伤的有限元造型与应用(30470462),国家自然基金委, 2005.1—2005.12

(10) 国家自然科学基金项目:颅脑损伤判断准则的有限元法研究(30570481),国家自然基金委, 2006.1—2008.12





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