

词条 阮建云





1982-1986 浙江林学院林学系本科,获学士学位

1988-1991 北京农业大学土化系研究生,获硕士学位

2002-2005 德国基尔大学植物营养和土壤科学研究所研究生,获博士学位


1986-1988.1 浙江省黄岩市(今台州市黄岩区)林业局工作

1991-至今 中国农业科学院茶叶研究所工作,历任助理研究员、副研究员、研究员、博士生导师,育种与栽培研究室主任、科技处处长等职。中国农业科学院杰出人才、浙 江省新世纪“151人才”第一层次培养人员。1998、2001年赴香港浸会大学生物系访问学者,2008年英国牛津大学植物系访问学者。


承担国家自然科学基金、科技部、农业部和浙江省的各级研究项目,研究茶园土壤养分资源现状和主要营养障碍因子,提出优质高效高产茶园土壤营养诊断指标;从事茶树氮素 代谢、次生代谢及茶叶品质成分形成的调控作用方面的研究,提升了对养分与茶叶品质形成关系机理的认识;研制茶树系列专用肥、有机茶专用肥,提高我国茶园施肥技术水平, 取得显著的经济和社会效益。主持起草无公害食品茶叶农业行业标准、参加制定有机茶生产技术农业行业标准,规范我国无公害、有机茶的发展,提供技术指导,提高了我国茶叶 安全生产水平。在重金属元素和风险元素氟、铝在茶叶中的累积特点和主要来源方面取得重要发现,阐述了茶树根际铝化学特性的影响及其生态学意义,明确了茶叶铅的主要来源 和防控关键措施。




3. 有机茶生产技术体系建设与示范应用”,中国农业科学院科技奖,一等奖,第五完成人,2003年。

4. “茶叶中农药残留控制技术推广”,农业部丰收奖,二等奖,第七完成人,2003年。

5. “优质高效茶树系列专用肥的推广”,农业部丰收奖,三等奖,第二完成人,2002年。

6. “优质高效茶树系列专用肥的研制与应用”,浙江省科技进步奖,三等奖,第二完成人,2001年。

7. “优质高效茶树系列专用肥的研制与应用”,中国农业科学院科技奖,二等奖,第二完成人,2001年。


1. 阮建云, 2005, 茶树矿质营养. 见: 《中国茶树栽培学》, pp. 374-434。上海科学技术出版社。(ISBN 7-5323-7795-4)

2. 阮建云主编, 2002,《无公害茶树栽培技术》, 农业出版社. (ISBN 7-109-07370- x/s.4988).

3. 阮建云、陈亮、肖强, 2001,《茶树优质高效栽培技术》, 中国农业科技出版社. (ISBN 7-80167-087-6).


1. Han WY, Ma LF, Shi YZ, Ruan JY, Kemmitt SJ 2008 Nitrogen release dynamics and transformation of slow release fertiliser products and their effects on tea yield and quality. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 88, 839-846.

2. Ruan JY, Gerendás, J, Härdter R and Sattelmacher B 2007 Effect of nitrogen form and root-zone pH on growth and nitrogen uptake of tea (Camellia sinensis) plants. Annals of Botany 99(2): 301-310.

3. Ruan JY, Gerendás, J, Härdter R and Sattelmacher B 2007 Effect of alternative anions (Cl- vs. SO42-) on concentrations of free amino acids in young tea plants. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 170: 49-58.

4. Ruan JY, Gerendás, J, Härdter R and Sattelmacher B 2007 Effect of root-zone pH and form and concentration of nitrogen on the accumulation of quality -related components in green tea. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 87: 1505-1516.

5. Han WY, Shi YZ, Ma LF, Ruan JY and Zhao FJ 2007 Effect of liming and seasonal variation on lead concentration of tea plant (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). Chemosphere 66: 84-90.

6. Ruan JY, Ma LF and Shi YZ 2006 Aluminium in tea plantations; mobility in soils and plants, and the influence of nitrogen fertilizers. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 28, 519-528.

7. Han WY, Zhao FJ, Shi Y, Ma L and Ruan JY 2006 Scale and causes of lead contamination in Chinese tea. Environmental Pollution139, 125-132.

8. Han WY, , Shi YZ, Ma LF and Ruan JY 2005 Arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, and copper in different types of Chinese tea. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 75, 272-277.

9. Ruan JY, Ma LF, Shi YZ and Han WY 2004 The impacts of pH and calcium on the uptake of fluoride by tea plants (Camellia sinensis L.). Annals of Botany 93: 97-105.

10. Ruan JY, Ma LF, Shi YZ and Zhang FS 2004 Effects of litter incorporation and nitrogen fertilization on the contents of extractable aluminium in the rhizosphere soil of tea plant (Camallia sinensis L.). Plant and Soil 263: 283-296.

11. Ruan JY and Wong MH 2004 Absorption of aluminium by intact root of Al-accumulating plant Camellia sinensis L. Agronomie 24: 137-142.

12. Ruan JY, Ma LF, Shi YZ and Han WY 2003 Uptake of fluoride by tea plant (Camellia sinensis L.) and the impact of aluminium. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 83: 1342-1348.

13. Ruan JY and Wong MH 2001 Accumulation of fluoride and aluminium related to different varieties of tea plant. Environmental Geochemistry and Health 23, 53-63.

14. Ruan JY, Zhang FS and Wong MH 2000 Effect of nitrogen form and phosphorus source on growth, nutrient uptake and rhizosphere property of Camellia sinensis L. Plant and Soil 223, 65-73.

15. Ruan JY, Wu X and Härdter R 1999 Effects of potassium and magnesium nutrition on the quality components of different types of tea. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 79, 47-52.

16. Ruan JY, Ye Y, Wu X and Härdter R 1998 Effect of potassium, magnesium and sulphur applied in different forms of fertilisers on free amino acid content in leaves of tea (Camellia sinensis L.). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 76, 389-396.

17. Ruan JY, Wu X and Härdter R 1997 The interaction between soil water regime and potassium availability on the growth of tea. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 28, 89-98.





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