

词条 阮迪云

阮迪云,男,教授,博士生导师。 1942年3月生,湖南邵阳人。1965年毕业于中国科学技术大学生物物理系,留校工作至今。1985.6—1988.9年在美国休斯顿大学从事铅的神经毒理学研究。1993.6—1994.9,1998, 2000,2001年在加拿大蒙特利尔大学从事神经生理学的合作研究和学术交流。中国科技大学生命科学学院神经毒理学实验室主任。







在国际著名杂志《Brain Research》、《Neurotoxicology & Teratology》、《Neuroscience》、《Exp. Brain Research》、《Chemosphere》、《Pharmacology & Toxicology》和《Science in China》等国内外核心刊物上发表学术论文40余篇,在铅对视觉系统的选择性影响、铅引起海马突触可塑性(LTP,LTD)的损伤、铅的氧化损伤机制及铅影响儿童学习记忆的细胞和分子机制等方面提出了不少新的见解,做出了一定的贡献,在国际同行中有一定影响。

在美国、加拿大、欧洲、香港等地先后参加了15次国际学术会议(二次大会报告,主持一次神经毒理学分会场),在国内多次组织和主持有关学习记忆和铅的毒理机制方面的研讨会. 与美国、加拿大、新加坡、意大利有关实验室签订了较长期的合作交流协议,与国际上许多有关实验室进行了学术交流。






















Ruan, D.Y., et al. (1994). Effects Low-level Lead on Retina Ganglion Sustained and Transient Cells in Developing Rats. Neurotoxicology & Teratology. 16(1), 47-53.

Ruan, D. Y., et al. (1991). Lead-induced Oxidant Damage in Developing rats. Adv, Free Radi.Biol. Medicine, Vol. 1, 315-320.

Ruan, D.Y., et al. (1994). Effects of Lead on Temporal Response Properties of retinal ganglion cells in developing rats. Science in China (B), 37(5), 538-546.

Ruan, D.Y., et al. (1997). Spatial Frequency Properties in Area 18 During inactivation of Area 17 in Cats. Exp. Brain Res., 113, 431-442,

Fox, D.A, Ruan, D.Y.(1989). Time and Frequency-dependant Effects of Potassium Channel Blocks on Large and Medium Diameter OT Axons. Brain Res., 498, 229-242.

Shou, T. D., Ruan, D. Y., et al. (1986). The Orientationbias of LGN Neurons Topographic Relation to Area Centrals in the Cat Retina. Exp.Brain Res., 64, 233-236.

Ruan, D.Y., et al. (1998). Nitric Oxide Affects LTP in Area CA1 and CA3 of Hippocampus in Low-level Lead-exposed Rat. Neurotoxicology & Teratoloty, 20(1), 69-73.

Ruan,D.Y., et al. (1998). Impairment of LTP and PPF in rat hippocampal dentate gyrus following chronic lead exposure in vivo. Brain Research, 806(2), 196-201.

Zhou,W.F., Ruan,D.Y., et al.(1999). The effects of chronic lead exposure on LTD in area CA1 and dentate gyrus of rat hippocampus in vitro. Brain Research, 818(1), 153-159.

Chabli,A., Ruan, D.Y., et al. (1998). Influences of Area 17 on Neuronal Activity of Simple and Complex cells of area 18 in cats. Neuroscience, 84(3), 685-698.

Ruan, D.Y.,et al.(2000). Effects of chronic lead exposure on short-term and long-term depression in area CA1 of rat hippocampus in vivo. Chemosphere , 41(1),165-171.

Ruan, D.Y.,et al.(1998). Lead-induced impairment of LTP in hippocampal DG and antagonistic role of zinc. Toxicology Letters, 95 (supplement 1), 128.

Molotchnikoff, S. Chabli, A., Ruan, D. Y., Casanova, C (1995). Connections Between Area 17 and 18 Depend on Orientation and Cell Types. Biol Signals, 4, 98-104.

Sui, L , Ge.S.Y., Ruan, D.Y.*, Chen,J.T., Xu,Y.Z., Wang, M.(2000). Age-dependent impairment of long-term depression in area CA1 and DG of rat hippocampus following developmental lead exposure in Vitro. Neurotoxicol. & Teratology, 22(3), 381-387.

Ruan, D.Y., Han, Sheng, W. Relation (2000). Between lead-induced learning impairment and neurotransmitter changes in rat hippocampus by in vivo microdialysis study. Neurosci. Abst. , 770(9).

Sui, L. Ruan, D.Y.*, Ge, S.Y. et al. (2000). Two components of LTD are impaired by chronic lead exposure in area CA1 and dentate gyrus of rat hippocampus in vitro. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 22(5), 741-749.

Sui, L., Ruan, D.Y.* (2000). Impairment of the Ca2+ -Permeable AMPA/Kainate receptor by lead exposure in organotypic rat hippocampal slice cultures. Pharmacology & Toxicology, 87(5), 204-210.

Wang, M. Ruan, D.Y* et al.(2001). Vasopressin prevents aluminum-induced impairment of synaptic plasticity in the rat DG in vivo. Brain Research, 899(1), 193-200.

Dai, X. Q., Ruan, D.Y.* et al(2001). The effects of lead on transient out currents of acutely dissociated rat dorsal root ganglia. Brain Research, 904(2), 327-340.

Cai, L., Ruan, D.Y., et al. (2001). Effects of lead exposure on LTP induced by 2-Dexoy-D-glucose in area CA1 of rat hippocampus in vitro. Neurotoxicology & Teratology, 23(5), 481-487.

Ge, S.Y. Ruan, D.Y.. et al.(2001). Effects of Fe2+ on iron channels, Na+ channel delayed rectifier and transient outward K+ channels. Food and Chemic. Toxicology, 39(12), 1271-1278.

Ruan, D.Y., Meng, X.M, et al. (2001). Regulation of H-current and a sustained k+current by Pb2+ in hippocampal CA1 neurons. Neurosci. Abst.

Zhang,X.Y., Liu, A.P., Ruan, D.Y. * and Liu, J. (2002). Effect of Lead exposure on expression of specific NMDA receptor subunit mRNAs in the Hippocampus of neonatal rats by Digoxigenin(DIG)-labeled in situ hybridization histochemistry. Neurotoxicology & Teratology 24, 149—160.

Wang, M., Ruan, D.Y.*, Chen, J.T., Xu, Y. Z. (2002). Lack of effects of vitamin E on Aluminum-induced deficit of synaptic plasticity in rat dentate gyrus in vivo. Food & Chemical Toxicology, 40(4), 471-478.

Chen, J.T., Wang, M., Ruan, D.Y.*, She, J., (2002). Chronic Aluminium Expore impaired Long Term Potentiation and Depression in Dentate Gyrus of rat Hippocampus in Vivo. Neuroscience, 112(4), 879-887.

Wang, M., Chen, J.T., Ruan, D.Y.*, Xu, Y.Z. (2002). The influence of developmental period of Aluminum exposure on synaptic plasticity in the adult rat dentate gyrus in Vivo. Neuroscience, 113(2), 411-419.

Di-Yun Ruan (2002). The effects of environmental lead exposure on synaptic plasticity, Ionchannel and receptors in rat hippocampus. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, 15(2), 21.

Yu, K., Ruan, D.Y.*, Ge, S.Y. (2002). Three electrophysiological phenotypes of cultured human umbilical vein endothlical cells. Gen. Physiol. Biophys, 21(3), 315-326.

Yu, K., Ge, S.Y., Ruan, D.Y.*(2003). Fe2+ decreases the taurine-induced CL- current in acutely dissociated rat hippocampal neurons. Brain Research, 960(1), 25—35.

Meng, X.M., Ruan, D. Y., Kang, L. D., Zhu, D. M., She, J. G., Luo(2003). Age-related morphological impairment in rat hippocampus following developmental lead exposure, an MRI, LM and EM study. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 24(2), 1-11.

Zhong,G.S., Ruan,D.Y.*(2003). Acute lithium treatment modifies neurophysiological responses in the DG region of a Hippocampal slice preparation. Chinese Pharmacology and Toxicology, 16(6), 432-437.

葛少宇, 阮迪云等(2001)。谷氨酸对大鼠海马CA1锥体细胞A电流特性影响的研究。生物物理学报,17(2),1-6。




李悦, 阮迪云等(2000)。一种适用于膜片钳记录的海马神经元分离方法。生物物理学报,16(3),649-653。


刘爱平,阮迪云等(2000)。地高辛标记cRNA探针原位杂交检测大鼠NMDAR-L mRNA。中国科学技术大学学报,29(5),565-568。







熊巧婕,葛少宇,阮迪云*(2002)。铅对急性分离的海马神经元超极化H-电流的影响。生物物理学报,18 (2),197-200。


钟桂生,阮迪云*, 姚颖(2002)。锂对铅引起的大鼠海马DG区LTP的影响。生物物理学报,18(3),6-9。





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