

词条 任卓翔

任卓翔(Zhuoxiang Ren),1957年生,武汉市黄陂区前川街道人,博士,教授,世界知名的电磁场专家,中国科学院电工研究所特聘教授,IEEE高级会员。1978年2月至1982年1月就读于华中工学院(现华中科技大学)电力工程系电机专业,同年留学法国,于1986年获法国Institute Nationale Polytechnique de Toulouse电气工程博士学位,此后在法国Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Paris (LGEP)做电磁场数值计算的博士后研究,创造性地提出了在导体区用棱边变量的FE法,外部空间用边界积分法,两个区域都用电场强度作待求量,并据此编制了专业领域著名的Trifou-e软件。任卓翔博士在电磁场计算中的数值算法及耦合电磁机械系统建模等领域都有丰硕的成果,发表了大量论著,是该领域国际公认的知名学者。他先后任职过的公司及高校有:Ansoft Corporation、法国国家科学研究中心、法国国立图卢兹综合理工学院,1996年任美国俄亥俄州立大学客座教授,1999年至今任职于美国Mentor Graphics Corporation,担任Principal engineer。

Extracts of list of publications (not exhaustive)

Book: “Modèles et formulations en électromagnetisime, Electromagnetisme et éléments finis 3”, directed by G. Meunier, Hermes Science Publication, Lavoisier, 2003. (author of one chapter).

“The finite element method for electromagnetic modeling”, Edited by G. Meunier, ISTE, Wiley, 2008 (author of one chapter).

Patent: "Computation of electrical properties of an IC layout", patent application (MG 10292-REG1; KS 1011-78056-03), Z. Ren, W. Zhang and J. Falbo, 2007

B. Davat, Z. Ren, M. Lajoie-Mazenc, 'The movement in field modeling', IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.21, No.6, November, 1985, pp.2296-2298

Z. Ren, F. Bouillault, A. Razek, J.C. Vérité, 'Comparison of different boundary integral formulations when coupled with finite elements in three dimensions', IEE Procs, Vol.135, Pt.A, No.8, Nov. 1988, pp.501-507

Z. Ren, F. Bouillault, A. Razek, A.Bossavit, J.C. Vérité, 'A new hybrid model using electric field formulation for 3-D eddy current problems', IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.26, No.2, 1990, pp.470-473

Z. Ren, A. Razek, 'A coupled electromagnetic - mechanical model for thin conductive plate deflection analysis', IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.26, No.5, September, 1990, pp.1650-1652

Z. Ren, A. Bossavit, 'A new approach to eddy-current problems in deformable conductors and some numerical evidence about its validity', Int. J. of Applied Electromagnetics in Materials, Vol.3, 1992, p.39-62

Z. Ren, A. Razek, 'Boundary edges elements and spanning tree technique in 3-D electro-magnetic field computation', Int. Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.36, 1993, pp.2877-2893

C. Li, Z. Ren, A. Razek, 'Complementarity between the energy results of H and E formulations in eddy current problems', IEE Proc.-Sci. Meas. Technol., Vol.1, No.1, January, 1994, pp.25-30

C. Li, Z. Ren, A. Razek, 'Three dimensional adaptive mesh refinement in finite element computation of electromagnetic fields', COMPEL Vol. 13, No 1. March, 1994, pp.79-82

Z. Ren, 'Comparison of different force calculation methods in 3D finite element modelling', IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.30, No.5, September, 1994, pp.3471-3474

Z. Ren, A. Razek, 'A strong coupled model for analyzing dynamic behaviours of non-linear electromechanical systems', IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.30, No.5, September, 1994, pp.3252-3255

Z. Ren, B. Ionescu, M. Besbes, A. Razek, 'Calculation of mechanical deformation of magnetic material in electromagnetic devices', IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.31, No.3, May, 1995, pp.1873-1876

Z. Ren, A. Razek (invited communication), 'Coupling of boundary integral methods with dual finite element methods for electromagnetic field computation', Proceedings of Tenth international conference on boundary element technology BETECH, Belgium-Liege, September, 1995

Z. Ren, 'Auto-gauging of vector potential by iterative solver - Numerical evidence', 3rd Int. Workshop on Electric and Magnetic Fields, Belgium-Liege, May, 1996

Z. Ren, A. Razek (invited paper), 'Computation of 3-D electromagnetic field using differential forms based elements and dual formulations', International Journal of Numerical Modelling, Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol. 9, Nos 1& 2, January-April 1996, pp.81-98

Z. Ren, 'Influence of the R.H.S. on the convergence behaviour of the curl-curl equation', IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.32, No.3, May, 1996, pp. 655-658

M. El-Feddi, Z. Ren, A. Razek, A. Bossavit, ‘Homogenization technique for Maxwell equations in periodic structure’, IEEE Trans. on Mag., Vol.33, No.2, March, 1997, pp.1382-1385

M. Voisin, F. Bouillault, Z. Ren, 'Magneto–mechanical coupling: an intrinsic non-linearity', ISEM'99, International Symposium on Non-linear Electromagnetic Systems, Pavia, Italy, May, 1999

Z. Ren, 'Solving 3D eddy current problem containing thin cracks using dual formulations and shell elements', IEE Proceedings, Science, Meas. and Tech., Vol.145, No.1, January 1999, pp.9-14

Z. Ren, A. Razek, 'Comparison of some 3D eddy current formulations in dual systems', IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol.36, No.4, July 2000

Z. Ren, N. Ida, 'High order differential form based elements for the computation of electromagnetic field', IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol.36, No.4, July 2000, pp.1472-1478

Z. Ren (invited paper), 'Application of differential forms in the finite element formulation of electromagnetic problems', ICS Newsletter, Vol.7 No.3, 2000

Z. Ren, Z. Cendez, 'Shell Elements for the Computation of Magnetic Forces', IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol.37, No.5, Sept 2001, pp.3171-3174

Z. Ren, 'A T- formulation for eddy current problems in multiply connected regions ', IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol.38, No.2, March 2002, pp.557-560

Z. Ren, N. Ida, 'High-order elements of complete and incomplete bases in electromagnetic field computation ', IEE Proc.-Sci. Meas.Technol. Vol. 149, Issue 03. May 2002, pp.147-151

Z. Ren, '2D dual finite element formulations for the fast extraction of circuit parameters in VLSI ', IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol.39, No 3, 2003, pp.1590-1593

Z. Ren, C. Lage, '3D capacitance extraction of IC interconnects using field solvers and homogenization technique', IEEE Trans. on Magn., Vol.40, No.2, 2004, pp.703-706

A. Chatterjee, Z. Ren, 'RC extraction in the presence of process variations', Cadence Techniaue Conference, May, 2004

Z. Ren, W. Zhang, J. Falbo ‘Computation of parasitic capacitances of an IC cell in accounting for lithography effect’, CEM06, Aachen, April, 2006

Z. Ren, D. Petranovic and J. Falbo (invited communication), 'Interconnect parasitics sensitivity for modeling and analysis of process variation in nanometer technology', VLSI Multilevel Interconnection Conference (VMIC), Fremont, California, September, 2007

Z. Ren, H. Hegazy and N. Kurt-Karsilayan, 'Characterization of dynamic substrate macro-model in mixed signal IC systems using 3D finite element method', IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol.44, No 6, 2008, pp.466-469

Z. Ren, 'On the complementarity of dual formulations on dual meshes', CEFC2008, Athens, Greece, May, 2008





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