

词条 全燮

全燮教授,大连理工大学环境与生命学院院长,教育部长江学者特聘教授 、获国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金、享受国务院政府特殊津贴。


1978.09~1982.07 东北师范大学化学系

1983.09~1986.07 东北师范大学环境科学研究所硕士研究生,

1986.06 获南京大学硕士学位

1998.03~2000.11 奥地利格拉兹大学化学研究所 博士


1986.07~现在 大连理工大学化工学院、环境科学与工程学院、环境与生命学院教



1992.10~1994.01 国家公派留学人员赴奥地利格拉兹技术大学研修环境化学

1997.10~1997.12 赴英国牛津HR WALLINGFORD 水利研究所合作研究

1998.08~1999.01 奥地利格拉兹技术大学分析化学研究所合作研究,客座研究员

1999.08~2000.01 奥地利格拉兹技术大学分析化学研究所客座研究员

2000.07~2000.08 德国国家环境与健康研究中心(GSF)合作研究

2002.02~2002.04 香港科技大学化工系客座研究


环境与生命学院院长;国家863计划“水污染控制”重大专项总体专家组成员,国际水协会(IWA)会员,中国环境科学学会水环境分会副理事长,城市与工业废水处理专业委员会主任,"环境科学学报”,“环境与安全学报”,“海洋环境科学”,“环境污染治理技术与设备”编委;“Environmental Science and Technology",“Water Research”,“Process Biochemistry”,“Biotechnology Process”,"中国科学(B辑)”,“化工学报”等杂志审稿人。










在国际国内核心刊物上发表论文140余篇,其中SCI和EI检索100余篇。在国外合作出版著作1部,译著1部, 发明专利10项。近期发表的代表性论文:

(1) Xie Quan*, Shaogui Yang, Xiuli Ruan and Huiming Zhao, Preparation of titania nanotubes and their environmental applications as electrode, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2005, in press

(2) Xie Quan*, Xu Zhao, Shuo Chen, Huimin Zhao, Jingwen Chen, Yazhi Zhao, Enhancement of p,p´-DDT photodegradation on soil surfaces using TiO2 induced by UV-light, Chemosphere, 2005, in press

(3) Xie Quan*, Xitao Liu, Longli Bo, Shuo Chen, Yazhi Zhao, Xinyi Cui, Regeneration of acid organge 7 – exhausted gtranular activated carbons with microwave irradiation, Water Research, 2004, 38: 4484-4490, EI, SCI

(4) Xie Quan*, Shuo Chen, Jing Su, Synergic degradation of 2,4-D by integrated photo- and electrochemical catalysis on a Pt doped TiO2/Ti electrode, Separation and Purification Technology, 2004,34: 73-79,EI, SCI

(5) Xie Quan*, Hongbo Fu, Shuo Chen, Jingwen Chen, Complexes of fulvic acid on the surface of hematite, goethite, and akaganeite: aspectroscopic observation. J. Applied Spectroscopy, 2004, 71(5): 660-667

(6) Xie Quan*, Junfeng Niu, Shuo Chen, Jingwen Chen, Yazhi Zhao and Fenglin Yang, Effects of Fe2O3, organic matter and carbonate on photocatalytic degradation of lindane in the sediment from the Liao River, China, Chemosphere, 2003, 52(10): 1749-1755, EI, SCI

(7) Xie Quan*, Shuo Chen, Bernhard Platzer, Jingwen Chen, Marion Gfrerer, Simultaneous determination of chlorinated organic compounds from environmental samples using gas chromatography coupled with ECD and micro-plasma atomic emission detector (µ-AED). Spectrochimica Acta B, 2002, 57:189-199, EI, SCI

(8) Xie Quan*, Zhenyu Liu, Daming Xue, Yazhi Zhao, Fenglin Yang, Description of adsorption of hydrophobic organic compounds on sediment using multi-component adsorption model. J.Environmental Science, 2002, 14 (3): 195-203, EI, SCI

(9) Xie Quan*, Jingwen Chen, Yazhi Zhao, Shuo Chen, Fenglin Yang, Daming Xue Pentachlorobenzene, Hexachlorobenzene,Pentachloroanisole, HCHs,DDTs and PCBs in the Liao He River, Northeastern China. European communities, 97-113,2001 (国外出版著作一章)

(10) Hongbo Fu (学生), Xie Quan*, Zhao Huimin, Photodegradation of γ-HCH by α-Fe2O3 and the influence of fulvic acid, J. Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Cheimsity, 2005, in press

(11) Yonghui Liu (学生), Xie Quan*, Yazhi Zhao, Shuo Chen, Huimin Zhao, Removal of ternary VOCs in air streams at high loads using a compost-based biofilter Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2005,23(1): 85-95, EI

(12) Hongbo Fu (学生), Xie Quan*, Chen Shuo, Zhao Huimin, Zhao Yazhi, Interaction of humic substances and hematite: FTIR study. J.Environmental Sciences. 2005, 17(1): 43- 47, SCI

(13) Hongbo Fu (学生), Xie Quan*, Zhaoyang Liu, Shuo Chen. Photoinduced transformation of γ-HCH in the presence of dissolved organic matter and enhanced photoreactive activity of humate-coated α-Fe2O3. Langmuir,2004, 20(12): 4867- 4873, EI, SCI

(14) Zhaoyang Liu (学生), Xie Quan*, Hongbo Fu, Xinyong Li, Kai Yang, Effect of embedded-silica on microstructure and photocatalytic activity of titania prepared by ultrasound-assisted hydrolysis, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2004,52: 33-40, EI, SCI

ò(15) Shaogui Yang (学生), Xie Quan*, Xinyong Li, Yazi Liu, Shuo Chen, Guohua Chen, Preparation, characterization and photoelectrocatalytic properties of nanocrystalline Fe2O3/TiO2, ZnO/TiO2, and Fe2O3/ZnO/TiO2 composite film electrodes towards pentachlorophenol degradation, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2004, 6(3): 659- 664, SCI

(16) Xitao Liu (学生), Xie Quan*, Longli Bo, Shuo Chen, Yazhi Zhao, Ming Chang, Temperature measurement of GAC and decomposition of PCP loaded on GAC and GAC-supported copper catalyst in microwave irradiation, Applied Catalysis A, General, 2004, 264: 53-58, EI, SCI

(17) Xu Zhao (学生), Xie Quan*, Huimin Zhao, Shuo Chen, Yazhi Zhao, Jingwen Chen, Different effects of humic substances on photodegradation of p,p’-DDT on soil surfaces in the presence of TiO2 under UV and visible light, J.Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2004,167: 177-183, SCI

(18) Xitao Liu (学生), Xie Quan*, Longli Bo, Shuo Chen, Yazhi Zhao, Simultaneous PCP decomposition and GAC regeneration assisted by MW irradiation, Carbon, 2004, 42: 415-422,EI, SCI

(19) Xingyong Li, Xie Quan, Charles Kutal, Synthesis and photocatalytic properties of quantum confined titanium dioxide nanoparticle, Scripta Materialia, 2004,50(4): 499- 505, EI, SCI

(20) Xu Zhao (学生), Xie Quan *, YazhiZhao, Huimin Zhao, Shuo Chen, Jingwen Chen, Photocatalytic remediation of γ-HCH contaminated soil induced byα-Fe2O3 and TiO2, J.Environmental Sciences. 2004, 16(6): 938- 941, SCI

(21) Junfeng Niu, Jingwen Chen, B. Henkelmann, Xie Quan, Fenglin Yang, A. Kettrup, K.-W. Schramm, Photodegradation of PCDD/Fs adsorbed on spruce(picea abies(L) Karst) needles under sunlight irradiation, Chemosphere, 2003, 50(9): 1217-1225, EI, SCI

(22) Jing Su (学生), Xie Quan*, Shuo Chen, Yazhi Zhao and Guohua Chen, Electrically enhanced photodegradation of an azodye(Acid Orange Ⅱ) using a Pt/TiO2 film electrode irradiation with an UV lamp , J.Environmental Science, 2003, 15(1):60-64, EI, SCI

(23) Xu Zhao (学生), Xie Quan*, Huimin Zhao, Jingwen Chen, Shuo Chen, Yazhi Zhao, Effects of nature organic matters and hydrated metal oxides on the anaerobic degradation of lindane, p,p'-DDT and HCB in sediments, J.Environmental Science, 2003, 15(5): 618 - 621, EI, SCI

(24) Jingwen Chen, Xingya Xue, Karl-Werner Schramm, Xie Quan, Fenglin Yang, Antonius Kettrup, Quantitative structure-property relationships for octanol-air partition coefficients of polychlorinated naphthalenes, chlorobenzenes and p,p prime –DDT, Computational Biology and Chemistry, 2003, 27(3) : 165-171, EI

(25) Junfeng Niu, Jingwen Chen, Dieter Martens, Xie Quan, Fenglin Yang, A Kettrup, K.-W. Schramm, Photolysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons adsorbed on spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) needles under sunlight irradiation, Environmental Pollution, 2003, 123(1):39-45, EI, SCI

(26) J.W. Chen, T.Harner, P. Yang, X. Quan, S.Chen, K.-W.Schramm, A.Kettrup, Quantitative predictive models for octanol-air partition coefficients of polybrominated diphenyl ethers at different temperatures, Chemosphere, 2003,51(7):577-584, EI, SCI

(27) 牛军峰 (学生), 全燮*, 陈景文, 赵雅芝, 陈硕, 杨凤林, 影响γ-HCH在辽河沉积物表面上光化学降解行为因素, 大连理工大学学报, 2003, 43(1): 42-50

(28) 郭亚萍 (学生),全燮*,陈硕,陈景文,赵雅芝,杨卫身,袁星,水中氯仿的活性炭电增强吸附特性, 环境科学学报,2003, 23(1):88-91

(29) Yonghui Liu (学生), Xie Quan*, Yumei Sun, Jingwen Chen, Daming Xue, Jongshik Chung, Simultaneous removal of ethyl acetate and toluene in air streams using compost-based biofilters, J.Hazardous Materials, 2002, 95(1-2): 199-213, EI, SCI

(30) Heesung Kim, Xie Quan, Young Jun Kim and Jong Shik Chung, Biofiltration of ammonia gas with sponge cubes coated with mixtures of activated carbon and zeolite, Environmental Technology, 2002, 23: 839-847, SCI

(31) Yumei Sun (学生), Xie Quan*, Jingwen Chen, Fenglin Yang, Daming Xue, Yonghui Liu, Zhenhui Yang, Toluene vapour degradation and microbial community in biofilter at various moisture content,Process Biochemistry, 2002, 38(2):109-114, SCI

(32) Jingwen Chen, Jie Pei, Xie Quan, Yazhi Zhao, Shuo Chen, K.-W. Schramm, A. Kettrup, Linear free energy relationships on rate constants for dechlorination by zero-valent iron. SAR and QSAR in Envionmental Research, 2002,13:597-606,SCI

(33) Marion Gfrerer, Dieter Martens, Bernad M Gawlik, Thomas Wenzl, Aiqian Zhang, Xie Quan, Triazines in the aquatic systems of the Eastern Chinese Rivers Liao-He and Yangtse, Chemosphere, 2002, 47(4): 455-466, EI, SCI

(34) Jingwen Chen, Xingya Xue, K.-W. Schramm, Xie Quan, Fenglin Yang, A. Kettrup, Quantitative structure-property relationships for octanol-air partition coefficients of polychlorinated biphenyls. Chemosphere, 2002,48(5): 535-544, EI, SCI

(35) 赵慧敏(学生),全燮*,杨凤林,陈景文,赵雅芝,小分子有机碳源对滴滴涕污染沉积物生物修复作用的基础研究,环境科学学报,2002,22(1): 51-55

(36) 牛军峰 (学生),全燮*,陈景文,赵志强,薛大明,杨凤林,低有机碳含量表层土中Fe2O3对γ-666光解的催化作用,环境科学, 2002,23(2):92-95

(37) 赵志强 (学生),全燮*,陈景文,牛军峰,陈硕,薛大明,赵雅芝,土壤有机质和活性铁组分对γ-666光解动力学的影响研究, 环境科学学报, 2002,22(1):80-85

(38) 张耀斌 (学生), 全燮*,薛大明,杨凤林,赵雅芝, 流动态微波催化反应器处理染料废水的工艺稳定性, 中国环境科学, 2002, 22(3):235-238

(39) Jingwen Chen, Xie Quan, Yun Yan, Fenglin Yang, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, Quantitative structure-property relationship studies on direct photolysis of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric aerosol. Chemosphere, 2001, 42, 263-270, EI, SCI

(40) Huimin Zhao, Jingwen Chen, Xie Quan, Fenglin Yang, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, Quantitative structure-property relationship study on reductive dehalogenation of selected halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons in sediment slurries, Chemosphere, 2001, 44(7): 1557-1563, EI, SCI

(41) Jingwen Chen, Xie Quan, Yazhi Zhao, Yan Yun, Fenglin Yang, Quantitative structure-property relationship studies on n-octanol/water partitioning coefficients of PCDD/Fs. Chemosphere, 2001,44 (6): 1369-1374, EI, SCI

(42) Jingwen Chen, Xie Quan, W.J.G.M.Peijnenburg, Fenglin Yang, Quantitative structure–property relationships (QSPRs) on direct photolysis quantum yields of PCDDs, Chemosphere,2001, 43(2): 235-241, SCI

(43) Jingwen Chen, Xie Quan, K-W Schramm, A. Kettrup, Fenglin Yang, Quantitative structure–property relationships (QSPRs) on direct photolysis of PCDDs , Chemosphere, 2001, 45(2):151-159, EI,SCI

(44) Jingwen Chen, Xie Quan, Fenglin Yang, W.J.G.M. Peijnenburg, Quantitative structure-property relationships on photodegradation of PCDD/Fs in cuticular waxes of laurel cherry (Prunus laurocerasus). The Science of the Total Environment, 2001, 269(1-3): 163-170, SCI

(45) Jingwen Chen, Xie Quan, Yazhi Zhao, Fenglin Yang, K.-W. Schramm, A. Kettrup, Quantitative structure-property relationships for octanol-air partition coefficients of PCDD/Fs. B. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 2001, 66(6):755-761, EI, SCI

(46) Jingwen Chen, Xie Quan, Yun Yan, Yazhi Zhao, Fenglin Yang, Daming Xue, Quantitative structure-property relationships for vapor pressure of PCDD/Fs. B. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., 2001,66(3): 277-282, SCI

(47) Yongkun Liang (学生), Xie Quan*, Jingwen Chen,Jong Shik Chung, Joon Y. Sung, Shuo Chen, Daming Xue, YaZhi Zhao, Long-term results of ammonia removal and transformation by biofiltration. J.Hazardous Materials, 2000, B80, 259-269,EI, SCI

(48) Jingwen Chen, W. J. G. M. Peijnenburg, Xie Quan, Shuo Chen, Yazhi Zhao, Fenglin Yang, The use of PLS algorithms and quantum chemical parameters derived from PM3 Hamiltonian in QSPR studies on direct photolysis quantum yields of substituted aromatic halides. Chemosphere, 2000,40:1319-1326, SCI

(49) Jingwen Chen, W. J. G. M. Peijnenburg, Xie Quan, Fenglin Yang, Quantitative structure - property relationships for direct photolysis quantum yields of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The Science of the Total Environment, 2000, 246: 11-20, SCI

(50) 张秀芳(学生),全燮*,陈景文,赵雅芝,陈硕,薛大明, 辽河中下游多氯有机物的残留调查。中国环境科学, 2000, 20(1):31-35



(1) 国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金:环境光化学

(2) 国家重大基础研究计划(973)项目“东北老工业基地环境污染形成机理与生态修复研究”之课题四(2004CB418504):典型城区与矿区水-土-气界面污染过程及生态风险

(3) 国家863计划项目2002AA649090 微波诱导催化低温湿式氧化处理高浓度难降解性有机废水

(4) 国家自然科学基金重点基金项目20337020 控制水中持久性有毒污染物的新技术原理及其生态毒理学评价方法 (参加单位负责人)

(5) 国家自然科学基金项目20477005 地表水中光敏腐殖酸络合物的电泳分离及对农药光解作用

(6) 国家自然科学基金项目20177003 水体颗粒物中铁形态及对典型有机污染物的光解作用

(7) 国家自然科学基金项目29977003 土壤表层半导体物质对有机氯农药的光解催化作用研究

(8) 欧盟科学基金国际合作项目PL962005 中国东部水源中多氯有机物调查与环境风险评价

(9) 教育部跨世纪优秀人才基金 电磁波技术在环境治理中的应用原理和方法

(10)辽宁省高等学校拔尖人才基金 现代技术在水处理中的应用原理


氯代有机物新型分析方法与环境演变规律 辽宁省自然科学二等奖(2005)

用零价铁和钯催化剂对水中多氯有机化合物快速催化脱氯 辽宁省科技发明二等奖(2004)














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