词条 | 邱飞 |
释义 | 1 小说《草样年华》男主角邱飞是一名个性鲜明的人物。在学校里,他是所谓不务正业的"坏"学生,无心学习,整天琢磨着逃避考试、偷窥女生宿舍、谈恋爱、玩乐队、喝酒、打架等等。但实际上他又是充满理想和热情的青春少年,他渴望找到灵魂的出口,热爱文学和音乐,内心充满了善良和对未来的期待,只是与大学校园死板、程序化的环境格格不入而已,这才导致了他的愤世嫉俗,以微弱的“坏”来与周围的环境相抗争。直到最后,他才猛然惊醒,为自己青春的面目全非和支离破碎而备感荒凉、在此情可待成追忆时,才知道爱情和生活的可贵。 中文名:邱飞 邱飞为孙睿小说《草样年华》中的男主角,在大学时与女主角周舟相遇,发生了一系列搞笑又苦涩的故事。《草样年华1》尾声时,与周舟分手,周舟去了法国。 在《草样年华2》中邱飞又和从法国回到北京后的周舟恋爱。但邱飞屡次出轨,在《草样年华2》的末尾两人马上要结婚,因处理与乔巧的关系不当,两人又分手,周舟又重新回到法国。 《草样年华3》中,在2008年奥运会羽毛球场馆比赛中,与周舟又相识(《草样年华2》的末尾周舟并未去法国,而是一直在国内),两人又重新恋爱。《草样年华3》中,邱飞并未在感情上出轨,最终由于工作原因,导致两人感情再次破裂。结尾时,周舟怀孕了,两人却并未走到一起…… 2 中国药科大学学士邱飞(1978—)江西宁都人。中国药科大学学士、硕士,南京大学有机化学博士。泉州国立华侨大学药物所研究生导师,主要从事纳米生物医药技术研究,研究领域涵盖了有机合成、纳米技术、生物大分子分析和基因治疗等方面。 发表文章: 1 Fei Qiu, Dawei Jiang, Yibing Ding, Jin Zhu, Lequn Lee Huang, Monolayer-Barcoded Nanoparticles for On-Chip DNA Hybridization Assay, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2008, 47, 5009-5012. 2 Fei Qiu, Min Hong, Dawei Jiang, Jin Zhu, Lequn Lee Huang, N-(2,4-Dinitrophenyl) dehydroabietylamine, Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online, 2008, 64, o889. 3 Min Hong, Fei Qiu, Lequn Lee Huang, Jin Zhu, Two-Tiered Designer architecture for Matrix-Free LDI-TOF MS of Self-Assembled Monolayer, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008, 12(30), 11078-11081. 4 Dawei Jiang, Min Hong, Fei Qiu, Jin Zhu, Lequn Lee Huang, 1-dehydroabietyl-4,5-diphenyl -1H-imidazole, Acta Crystallographica Section E-Structure Reports Online, 2007, 63: O3623-O3624. 5 Fei Qiu*, Synthesis of 1,1-cyclopropanedimethanol, Modern Chemical Industry, 2009, 29(12), 41-43. (in Chinese) 6 Yong Diao, Liqiang Wang, Fei Qiu, Development of anticancer aptamer drugs, Chinese Journal of Biochemical Pharmaceutics, 2009, 30(6), 415-418. (in Chinese) 7 Fei Qiu, Dawei Jiang, Yibing Ding, Bing Yang, kai Gu, Lequn L. Huang, Design and preparation of monolayer-barcoded nanoparticles probe for DNA detection, Proceedings of the 6th International Forum on Post-genome Technologies (IFPT6), 2009, 71-75. 8 Fei Qiu, Dawei Jiang, Yibing Ding, Bing Yang, kai Gu, Zhou Guohua, Lequn L. Huang, Homogeneous detection of DNA Sequences based on mass spectrometry in Combination with nanoparticles Probe, Proceedings of the 6th International Forum on Post-genome Technologies (IFPT6), 2009, 36-38. 9 Dawei Jiang, Xueying Huang, Fei Qiu, Chuping Luo, Lequn Lee Huang, Synthesis of Polymer Thin Film Gradient with Nanometer Thickness through Water Diffusion Controlled Surface Polymerization, Macromolecules 2010, 43(1), 71-76. 10 Fei Qiu*, Yong Diao, Synthesis of Rabeprazole Sodium, Chinese Journal of Pharmaceuticals, 2010, 41(1), 9-10. (in Chinese) 11 Pei Li, Fei Qiu*, Longhuo Wu, Ruian Xu, Developments in Multifunctional Envelope-type Nano Device, China Biotechnology, 2010, 30(06), 139-143. (in Chinese) 12 Pei Li, Fei Qiu*, Longhuo Wu, Progress in the Development of Paclitaxel prodrugs, Strait Pharmaceutical Journal, 2010, 22(3), 71-74. (in Chinese) 13 Lin Wei, Fei Qiu*, modification of adenovirus with well-defined macromolecules, proceeding of the 2nd International Symposium of Quantitative Pharmacology in Drug Development and Regulation, 2010, 285. 14 Fei Qiu, Kai Gu, Bing Yang, Yibing Ding, Dawei Jiang, Yan Wu, Lequn Lee Huang, DNA assay based on monolayer-barcoded nanoparticles for mass spectrometry in combination with magnetic microprobes, Talanta, (available on line ) 2011, 85(3), 1698-1702. 15 Lin Wei, Fei Qiu*, Yong Diao, Macromolecule Modified Adenovirus as Vector for Gene Therapy, China Biotechnology, 2011, 31(6), 111-115. (in Chinese) 16 Lin Wei, Fei Qiu*, Yong Diao, The Progress in Macromolecule Modified Virus Vector for Gene Therapy, Chinese Journal of Virology, 2011, 27(4), 384-388. (in Chinese) 17 Hui Yan, Fei Qiu*, Yong Diao, Graphical Synthetic Routes of Rocuronium Bromide, Chinese Journal of Pharmaceuticals, 2011, 42(6), 107-109. (in Chinese) 18 Hui Yan, Fei Qiu*, Yong Diao, The latest Progress in Polymeric Prodrug of 5-Fluorouracil and Targeting Drug Delivery, Polymer Bulletin, 2011, 6, 23-30. (in Chinese) 19 Fei Qiu, Hui Yan, Yong Diao, Synthesis of Rocuronium Bromide, Strait Pharmaceutical Journal, 2011, 23(7), 213-215. (in Chinese) 3 湖南省舞蹈家协会理事邱飞(1933-)湖南宁乡人。湖南省衡阳市群众艺术馆馆员。中国舞蹈家协会会员、湖南省舞蹈家协会理事、中华全国国际标准舞总会会员、湖南省国际标准舞总会理事、中国民族民间舞蹈研究会会员、湖南省民族民间舞蹈研究会理事、衡阳市舞蹈家协会主席。曾主演《三岔口》、《夜奔》、《打鸟》、《打猎回书》等戏剧和中国民族民间舞蹈及苏联、东欧民间舞路。曾创作《筑城之歌》、《满妹子搭信》、《古越山风》、《旗路凉山喜迎亲》、《怒江春早》、《中国魂》、《黄河源头》、《中国人阿中国汉》、《我们拥抱明天》等舞蹈。1991、1992两届中国湖南南岳庙会大型文艺演出任总导演并记大功。其代表作《士兵英歌》获广州军区第二届文艺会演创作、演出一等奖,《草龙》获’89北京国际龙舞大赛三等奖,舞蹈《喊山》、《黄河源头》代表湖南省参加中南六省(区)春节文艺晚会并向全国播放。《舞蹈》杂志、《湖南群众文化》发表《艺海拾贝的人》、《无心记功过,有志献余生》文章介绍其从事舞蹈活动的事迹。传略收入《中国文艺家传集》、《中国民间名人录》、《湖南省文艺家传略》。 |
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