

词条 x11perf


x11perf (x不用大写) 是一个测试xserver的性能工具,工作在命令行,可以测试各种分辨率的性能:


1. 先启动xserver, 在命令行输入“startx”命令。

2. 然后输入“x11perf -all”命令。


-displaySpecifies which display to use.-syncRuns the tests in synchronous mode. Normally only useful for debugging x11perf. -packRuns rectangle tests so that they pack rectangles rightnext to each other. This makes it easy to debug server code for stipplesand tiles...if the pattern looks ugly, you've got alignment problems. -repeat Repeats each test ntimes (by default each test is run 5 times). -time Specifies how long in seconds each test should be run (default 5 seconds).-allRuns all tests. This may take a while. -range Runs allthe tests starting from the specified name test1until the name test2,including both the specified tests. The testnames should be one of the optionsstarting from -dot. (eg) -range line100 will peform the tests from the 100pixel line test, and go on till the last test, -range line100,dline10 willdo the tests from line100 to dline10. -labelsGenerates just the descriptivelabels for each test specified. See x11perfcompfor more details. -fg Specifies the foreground color or pixel value to use. -bg Specifiesthe background color or pixel value to use. -clips Default numberof clip windows. -ddbg Specifies the color or pixel value touse for drawing the odd segments of a DoubleDashed line or arc. This willdefault to the bg color. -ropUse specified raster ops (defaultis GXcopy). This option only affects graphics benchmarks in which the graphicsfunction is actually used. -pmUse specified planemasks (defaultis ~0). This option only affects graphics benchmarks in which the planemaskis actually used. -depth Use a visual with <depth> planes per pixel (defaultis the default visual). -vclass Use a visual with of class <vclass>. <vclass> can be StaticGray, GrayScale, StaticColor, PseudoColor, TrueColor,or DirectColor. (default is the default visual). -reps Specify the repetioncount (Default is number that takes aprox. 5 seconds)





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