

词条 Within Temptation

荷兰的Within Temptation是一支来自荷兰的女声金属乐队,现已在世界范围内获得了很大成功。


外文队名:Within Temptation



乐队风格:Symphonic Rock/Metal

代表作品:Mother Earth


Within Temptation来自郁金香的美丽国度——荷兰。1996年,离开了The Circle乐队的吉他手Robert Westerholt,找来他的女友Sharon den Adel担任主唱,组建了Within Temptation。经过了一系列的寻找乐手的工作,乐队终于进入正轨,开始了他们的音乐之路。不久,他们录制了一张4首歌的Demo磁带《Enter》,并寄给多家唱片公司,希望争取到唱片合约。而这张Demo也引起多家厂牌的注意,最终与荷兰的DSFA Records签下合约。

Within Temptation是一支表现出色的荷兰美声派金属乐队,曲风悠扬,但更专注于乐曲的情感呈现,并以女主唱Sharon飘渺的动人音色为主轴,其音色更为浑美,在转音及高音表现上也都更显出色,完全突显出Sharon的美妙音色。


Within Temptation成立于1996年,自从荷兰的美声歌德金属乐团The Gathering,约莫于95、96年开始,在欧洲大放异彩之后,使得这样的美声式柔美金属乐型式,逐渐受到愈来愈多乐迷的喜爱,The Gathering的音乐风格也对相当多的新生代乐团产生启发和影响,而The Gathering的影响力有多大,从同为荷兰乐团的后生晚辈Within Temptation和After Forever身上就能听得到!

1996年,吉他手Robert Westerholt离开其原属的乐团The Circle(后来更名为Voyage),希望另组新团以展开全新的开始,首先他找来他的女友Sharon den Adel担任主唱,接着他又邀请The Circle的前团员加入,于是bass手Jeroen van Veen和吉他手Michiel Papenhove两人决定跳槽来新团,最后,他们再找来一位鼓手Dennis Leeflang,Within Temptation就这样正式成军。不过此时他们仍缺一名电子琴手,很快地这个位置就由Robert的弟弟所补上,WT的阵容也终于抵定。不久后,他们想方设法联络了不同的唱片机构,WT录制了一卷4曲的demo tape,并寄发给多家唱片公司,希望争取唱片合约,而这张demo也引起多家厂牌的注意,Within Temptation 最后决定与 DSFA Records签约。在与DSFA签约之后,一切进入正轨,然而由于团员们与鼓手不合,于是鼓手的位置很快便由新任的Ivar de Graaf入替。

1997年4月,Within Temptation正式发行了首张专辑Enter,令人印象深刻。专辑风格若扣除吉他手Robert的death vocal演出,事实上就是全然优美导向的gothic metal,不过正由于death腔的加入及厚重的吉他刷扣,使得这张专辑既能呈现动人的优美气息,又不失金属乐该有的重量感。整张专辑的编曲结构虽然简单,但是丰富的情感和气氛烘托,伴随Sharon迷人演唱的引领,反倒能够紧紧地吸引住听者的耳朵!随后WT便受邀参与年度大型金属乐盛会Dynamo'97,此后的几个月时间,WT都在欧洲各地持续地展开演唱行程。他们甚至进行了两周的巡回演出,历经德国到澳大利亚。随后又有一些其它的精彩的演唱会,其中包括在Noor derslag。97年年底鼓手Ivar离团,并由Ciro Palma入替。98年期间,WT除了参与了Dynamo'98,并继续一些演出之外,也推出了一张EP。进入99年后,WT决定暂停演出活动,并开始着手新专辑的创作,而Ivar也在此间重新归队。

2000年,是个变化很大的一年。他们接到邀请去参加在Benelux举行的一次盛大的庆祝活动。经过一年多的潜沉,Within Temptation终于在2000年12月发表了第二张正式专辑《Mother Earth》。这张专辑取得了巨大的成功,乐队也在自己的演唱会和音乐节上赢得了很多音乐爱好者的心。其中两首单曲最为支持者推崇:Our Farewell和Ice Queen。同时此张作品也同步推出了2CD的特别版,多收录了一张制作精致的CD-ROM,除了有乐团介绍、团员照、一个小game及一首bonus曲外,也包含了几首WT现场演出的video,看到女主唱Sharon在表演时,穿著大礼服狂甩头的模样实在是令人惊讶的!2002年,乐队再次取得进展,他们的单曲Ice Queen,在荷兰音乐榜上取得季军的位置,在比利时则高居榜首。《Mother Earth》在欧洲总共销售了大约35万张的三白金成绩(荷兰)和金牌专辑称号(比利时)。 Within temptation在这两个国家都获得了MTV奖项,并且在比利时、荷兰、卢森堡三国以及德国、法国举办了自己的演唱会。

WT的第三张专辑,《The Silent Force》,在2004年11月15日发布。其中的主打歌“Stand My Ground”被广播电台无数次播放。这张专辑在德国获得了金牌的成绩。2005年2月,Within Temptation 获得了艾迪逊音乐奖的荷兰最佳乐队奖项,之后又拿到了2005年世界音乐奖的荷兰最受欢迎乐队奖项。

2007年发行的大碟《The Heart Of Everything》首度登上英国金榜Top38位置,并一连抱走MTV欧洲音乐「最佳荷兰与比利时乐团」、世界音乐「最佳荷兰销售艺人」等重要奖项。 《Black Symphony》是WT于2008年2月7日在荷兰鹿特丹Ahoy Arena举办的演唱会实况收音特辑,邀请The Metropole Orchestra管弦乐团以及The Pa'dam Choir合唱团加入其阵容。WT于同年发行了一张精选专辑《Destroyed》,其中收录了他们很多罕见的曲目、罕见曲目版本,像未发行的作品,单曲EP中的选曲,罕见的acoustic版本以及日本专辑中的赠送曲目等等。

2010年,WT发行了一张不插电专辑《An Acoustic Night At The Theatre》,作品中收录了乐团09年11月份在各大剧院巡演的不插电曲目,另外其中还收录了一首他们非常特别的新单曲《Utopia》。

2011年,WT发行了他们的第五张录音室专辑《The Unforgiving》。这也是他们的第一张概念专辑。乐队与美国漫画作者Steven O’Connell (BloodRayne/Dark 48) 和Romano Molenaar (Witchblade/Darkness/X战警)合作,The Unforgiving的同名漫画将从2月开始连载,每2个月发布一季,漫画的发行贯穿2011年全年。The Unforgiving专辑的歌词内容表现同名漫画的情节与人物。

总的来说,Within Temptation是一只表现出色的美声金属乐队,在欧洲乃至世界都产生了很大的影响。但愿他们能一如既往的发展下去,不断地为喜爱他们的乐迷带来新的惊喜。



Ciro Palma (ex-Dissect (Hol), Xenomorph (Hol)) - Drums (on The Dance)

Michiel Papenhoeve - Guitars (on Enter, The Dance and Mother Earth) (ex-Voyage, Project: Lynchpin)

Martijn Westerholt - Keyboards (on Enter, The Dance and Mother Earth) (Delain)

Dennis Leeflang - Drums (on the Enter demo) (ex-Sun Caged)

Ivar De Graaf - Drums (see also Les Faidits)

Jelle Bakker - guitars (ex-Frozen Sun)



全名: Sharon Janny den Adel

生日: 1974-07-12

简介:Sharon Janny den Adel(1974年7月12日出生于荷兰南部的Waddinxveen)是一位荷兰女高/中音歌手、作曲者,大家对她最熟悉的是荷兰交响金属乐队Within Temptation的主唱和创作者身份。她从13岁起就开始加入一些乐队,包括布鲁斯摇滚乐队Kashiro,直到1996年加入Robert Westerholt的Within Temptation。

Sharon是Within Temptation的原始成员之一,她定义了乐队史诗化、带有电影感觉的风格。尽管她没有接受过任何正规声乐训练,她的演唱还是在乐队的演奏中占了主导地位。在成为全职音乐人之前,Sharon是一家服装公司的员工。但自从歌曲<Ice Queen>得到了广泛的成功,她就不得不辞去了工作。但在Within Temptation中,她依旧担任着乐队经济、包装和乐队服饰设计的工作。

Sharon也曾与一些赫赫有名的金属乐队在现场、录音室中合作,包括Aemen, After Forever, De Heideroosjes和Delain等等。她在Tobias Sammet(Edguy)的个人计划Avantasia的金属歌剧中演唱Anna Held乐队,也曾在Ayreon的摇滚歌剧Into the Electric Castle中献声。也在Timo Tolkki(灵云)的个人单曲Are You The One?中演唱。还同Armin van Buuren一起创作并演唱了后者专辑Imagine中的歌曲In And Out Of Love。在Delain的Lucidity中演唱No Compliance,与Voyage乐队演唱Frozen。

喜欢的歌手: Arid, Tori Amos, Heather Nova, Type O Negative, Paradise Lost, Bjork, Alanis Morisette, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, A Perfect Circle, Ayreon, The Verve, Orphanage, Annie Lennox, Enigma, HIM and Bob Marley.

喜欢的电影: The X-men, Braveheart, Interview with the vampire, Dracula, Legends of the fall, Sleepy hollow, Grease, Dumb & Dumber and Dancing with wolves (+ Ren and Stimpy)


全名: Robert Westerholt

生日: 1975-01-02

主要乐器: Guitar

其他乐器: Keyboards and PC

喜欢的歌手: Tori Amos;Rhapsody;Iron Maiden;

喜欢的电影: X-men, Braveheart, The matrix


全名: Jeroen van Veen

生日: 1974-10-26

主要乐器: Bass

Other intruments: Drums

喜欢的电影: American Beauty, Twelve Monkeys, American History X, The Usual Suspects, Fight Club, Leon, Tarantino movies, Monthy Python movies, Dogma movies and a lot of sci-fi and horror movies


全名: Martinus Johannes Everardus Spierenburg

生日: 1975-01-30

主要乐器: Keyboards

喜欢的歌手: 喜欢的很多,不喜欢的也很多....

喜欢的电影: The Matrix


全名: Rudolf Adrianus Jolie

生日: 1976-04-19

主要乐器: Guitar

其他乐器: A little drums, bass, keys

喜欢的歌手: Spock's Beard, Pain of Salvation, Incubus, Tori Amos, Ryan Adams, Renaissance, Cynic, Pat Metheny, Bill Frisell, Nine Inch Nails, Tribal Tech, Lucinda Williams

喜欢的电影: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, God's Lonely Man, the Virgin Suicides, the Sixth Sense


全名: Stephen van Haestregt

生日: 1972-09-12

主要乐器: Drum


01 memories 02 all i need 03 sinéad 04 shot in the dark 05 what have you done 06 forgiven 07 hand of sorrow 08 see who i am 09 our farewell 10 angels 11 faster 12 stand my ground

专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情

Sinéad 2011-07-15 英语

专辑曲目(6)01 Sinead (Single Edit) 02 Sinead (VNV Nation Remix) 03 Sinead (Scooter Remix) 04 Sinead (Groove Coverage Remix) 05 Sinead (Groove Coverage Remix Edit) 06 Sinead (VNV Nation Radio Edit)

The Unforgiving 2011-03-29 英语

专辑简介:睽违4年之久,Within Temptation别出心裁的搬出一张概念特典“The Unforgiving”,不仅提供拿手的Symphonic/Gothic Metal音乐飨宴,唱片公司还大手笔的同时发行漫画书系列,交付Steven O’Connell (吸血莱恩 BloodRayne、Dark 48)构思剧本,Romano Molenaar (X-Men、魔女之刃 Witchblade、Darkness)绘图作画,并拍摄成短片电影Mother Maiden,针对故事内的主角性格与剧情走向,谱出各个主题曲。第一主打「Faster」,冲出追逐速度的快感,歌声极富感染力的Sharon,引领情绪不断飙升,包裹交响气息,不失旋律性的金属敲打,顺畅的令人爱不释手,获得美国iTunes摇滚榜Top10,并抢下荷兰+芬兰+西班牙+比利时冠军席次。专辑曲目(15)01 Why Not Me 02 Shot In The Dark 03 In The Middle Of The Night 04 Faster 05 Fire And Ice 06 Iron 07 Where Is The Edge 08 Sinéad 09 Lost 10 Murder 11 A Demon’s Fate 12 Stairway To The Skies 13 I Don't Wanna [Bonus Tracks] 14 the Last Dance [Bonus Tracks] 15 Empty Eyes [Bonus Tracks]

Faster 2011-01-21 英语

专辑简介:"Faster" is the first single from the Dutch symphonic metal/rock band Within Temptation's album The Unforgiving. The single was released and had its worldwide radio premiere on 96.3 Rock Radio on 21 January, 2011. It was well received, being the audio clip viewed almost 200.000 times on youtube in 2 days on the site, and the video with the Mother Maiden short film 35.000 on the first day. [1] A music video for the song was released on January 31, 2011专辑曲目(3)01 Faster (radio edit) 02 Faster (album version) 03 Where Is the Edge

An Acoustic Night at the Theatre 2009-11-02 英语

唱片公司:Roadrunner Records
专辑简介:2010年,WT发行了一张不插电专辑《An Acoustic Night At The Theatre》,作品中收录了乐团09年11月份在各大剧院巡演的不插电曲目,另外其中还收录了一首他们非常特别的新单曲《Utopia》。专辑曲目(12)01 Towards The End 02 Stand My Ground 03 Caged 04 All I Need 05 Frozen 06 Somewhere 07 The Cross 08 Pale 09 What Have You Done 10 Memories 11 Forgiven 12 Utopia

Utopia 2009-10-23 英语

唱片公司:Gun Records,Sony/BMG
专辑曲目(2)01 Utopia 02 Restless (Live, Beursgebouw 2007)

Black Symphony 2008-09-23 英语

唱片公司:Roadrunner Records
专辑简介:Black Symphony是WT於2008年2月7日在荷兰鹿特丹Ahoy Arena举办的演唱会实况收音特辑,邀请The Metropole Orchestra管弦乐团以及The Pa'dam Choir合唱团加入其阵容。专辑曲目(22)01 Overture 02 Jillian (I'd Give My Heart) 03 The Howling 04 Stand My Ground 05 The Cross 06 What Have You Done (feat. Keith Caputo) 07 Hand Of Sorrow 08 The Heart Of Everything 09 Forgiven 10 Somewhere (feat. Anneke van Giersbergen 11 The Swan Song 12 Memories 13 Our Solemn Hour 14 The Other Half (Of Me) (feat. George Oosthoek) 15 Frozen 16 The Promise 17 Angels 18 Mother Earth 19 The Truth Beneath The Rose 20 Deceiver Of Fools 21 All I Need 22 Ice Queen

Forgiven 2008-09-12 英语

唱片公司:Gun Records
专辑简介:"Forgiven" is the fourth single from the Dutch rock band Within Temptation's fourth album The Heart of Everything. It was released to promote their upcoming DVD, Black Symphony as well as being a single off the album.[1] The song itself is a piano driven ballad with orchestral elements.专辑曲目(5)01 Forgiven (Single version) 02 Forgiven (Album version) 03 The Howling (Live at Beursgebouw Eindhoven 23-11-2007) 04 Hand of Sorrow (Live at Beursgebouw Eindhoven 23-11-2007) 05 The Heart of Everything (Live at Beursgebouw Eindhoven 23-11-2007)

Destroyed 2008-00-00 英语

唱片公司:Roadrunner Records
专辑简介:《Destroyed》这张专辑是WT与08年发行的精选专辑,其中收录了他们很多罕见的曲目、罕见曲目版本,像未发行的作品,单曲EP中的选曲,罕见的acoustic版本以及日本专辑中的赠送曲目等等。专辑曲目(16)01 Destroyed 02 Blue Eyes 03 Sounds Of Freedom 04 Jane Doe 05 Say My Name 06 Towards The End 07 The Last Time (Demo) 08 Ice Queen (Acoustic 2002) 09 The Cross (Acoustic) 10 What Have You Done (Acoustic) 11 Stand My Ground (Acoustic) 12 Ice Queen (Acoustic) 13 Aquarius (Live) 14 See Who I Am (Live) 15 Caged (Live) 16 Deceiver Of Fools (Live)

All I Need 2007-11-12 英语

唱片公司:Roadrunner Records
专辑简介:"All I Need" is a power ballad written by Sharon den Adel and Robert Westerholt for Within Temptation's fourth studio album The Heart of Everything (2007).专辑曲目(5)01 All I Need (Single version) 02 All I Need (Album version) 03 The Last Time (Demo version) 04 Frozen (Demo version) 05 Our Solemn Hour (Demo version)

Frozen 2007-06-11 英语

唱片公司:Roadrunner Records
专辑简介:"Frozen" is the second single from the Within Temptation album The Heart of Everything (2007). The single was released in Europe on June 11, 2007. The song and the video both deal with the issue of domestic abuse. On their Web site, the band explained they wanted to raise awareness about "a subject that we feel is not discussed in public enough."[1] The band will donate the income they receive from Sony/BMG for the “Frozen” single to Child Helpline专辑曲目(5)01 Frozen (Single version) 02 The Howling (Single version) 03 Sounds of Freedom 04 What Have You Done (Live acoustic) 05 The Cross (Live acoustic)

The Howling 2007-05-01 英语

唱片公司:Roadrunner Records
专辑简介:"The Howling" is a song by Dutch symphonic rock band Within Temptation. It was released as an EP on May 1, 2007 exclusively at Hot Topic stores in the United States. It was also used as the second promotional single for The Heart Of Everything, digitally released in the United Kingdom while "Frozen" was released elsewhere in Europe.专辑曲目(5)01 The Howling 02 Stand My Ground 03 Angels 04 Jillian (I'd Give My Heart) 05 Memories

See Who I Am(未发行) 2007-03-30 英语

唱片公司:Gun Records
专辑曲目(3)01 See Who I Am (Live) 02 Jillian (I'd Give My Heart - Live) 03 Forsaken (Live)

The Heart Of Everything 2007-03-12 英语

专辑简介:Within Temptation带来了今年新一张柔美歌特民谣《The Heart Of Everything》,曲风依然保持了他们一贯的音乐风格,整张专辑的编曲结构简单,丰富的情感配合气氛烘托,把主音歌手的气质发挥的淋漓尽致。急风骤雨般的层层金属重量感,时时能吸引住听者的耳朵。《The Heart Of Everything》不论在各方面都较上张专辑成熟,不仅体现在音乐上的突破,更是体现在精神上传达了那种特有的音乐品质。迄今为止Within Temptation乐队依然保持着他们的传统风格,类型统一,这在他们创作的音乐中得到充分体现。The Heart Of Everything专辑有很多种意境观赏力,在任何一张专辑中,每一次唱片都在寻求突破但乐队的风格始终坚持原有的东西,以他们特有的方式来做第每张唱片,力求达到人与音乐统一的效果。专辑曲目(12)01 The Howling 02 What Have You Done (feat. Keith Caputo) 03 Frozen 04 Our Solemn Hour 05 The Heart Of Everything 06 Hand Of Sorrow 07 The Cross 08 Final Destination 09 All I Need 10 The Truth Beneath The Rose 11 Forgiven 12 What Have You Done (feat. Keith Caputo) - rock mix

What Have You Done 2007-02-14 英语

唱片公司:Roadrunner Records
专辑简介:"What Have You Done" is the first single from Dutch rock band Within Temptation's fourth studio album The Heart of Everything (2007). The song features guest vocals from Life of Agony's lead singer Keith Caputo and it was released as the album's first single in early 2007 (see 2007 in music). It became their first charting single in Canada and in the United States. A new edit/version of the song was released in the U.S through iTunes on June 26, 2007.专辑曲目(5)01 What Have You Done (Single Version) 02 What Have You Done (Album Version) 03 Blue Eyes (Non Album Track) 04 Aquarius (Live at Java Island, Amsterdam) 05 Caged (Live at Java Island, Amsterdam)

Angels 2005-12-05 英语

唱片公司:BMG International
专辑简介:"Angels" is the third single of Dutch rock band Within Temptation from their album The Silent Force. It peaked at #1 in Finland and #1 in the Netherlands.专辑曲目(5)01 Angels (Full Length Version) 02 Say My Name (Unreleased Bonustrack) 03 Forsaken (Live in 013, Tilburg) 04 Jillian (Live in 013, Tilburg) 05 Promise (Live in 013, Tilburg)

Jillian (I'd Give My Heart) 2005-06-28 英语

唱片公司:G.U.N. Records
专辑曲目(1)01 Jillian (I'd Give My Heart) (Radio Edit)

Memories 2005-01-18 英语

专辑曲目(5)01 Memories (single version) 02 Destroyed (unreleased demo track) 03 Aquarius (orchestral version) 04 A Dangerous Mind (live @ Bataclan Paris 2004) 05 Memories (live @ Bataclan Paris 2004)

The Silent Force 2005-01-11 英语

唱片公司:BMG International
专辑简介:来自荷兰的女声金属乐队Within Temptation的专辑。除了更为恢宏开阔的气势以外,Within Temptation女主唱Sharon den Adel的声音在力量中融入一种温暖的鼓舞人心的感觉。专辑曲目(13)01 Intro 02 See who I am 03 Jillian (I'd Give My Heart) 04 Stand My Ground 05 Pale 06 Forsaken 07 Angels 08 Memories 09 Aquarius 10 It's The Fear 11 Somewhere 12 A Dangerous Mind (Bonus track) 13 The Swan Song (Bonus track)

Stand My Ground 2004-10-25 英语

唱片公司:G.U.N. Records / BMG
专辑简介:Limited edition CD single backed with 'Overcome', 'It's The Fear', 'Towards The End' & 'The Swan Song'. Guns. 2004专辑曲目(5)01 Stand My Ground 02 Overcome 03 It's the Fear 04 Towards the End 05 Swan Song

Running Up That Hill 2004-02-17 英语

专辑曲目(5)01 Running Up That Hills 02 Running Up That Hill (Live At The Edisons Amsterdam) 03 Deceiver Of Fools (Live At Lowlands 2002) 04 Caged (Live At Lowlands 2002) 05 5 Never Ending Story (Live At Lowlands 2002)

Never Ending Story(未发布) 2003-03-15 英语

唱片公司:GUN Records
专辑曲目(2)01 Never Ending Story (Radio Edit) 02 Never Ending Story (Extended Version)

Live on Air 2002-03-15 英语

专辑曲目(10)01 Intro 02 Deceiver of Fools 03 Ice Queen 04 Restless 05 Mother Earth 06 The Promise 07 Our Farewell 08 Ice Queen (Acoustic) 09 Our Farewell (Acoustic) 10 Never Ending Story (Acoustic)

Mother Earth 2002-02-21 英语

唱片公司:DSFA Records
专辑简介:"Mother Earth" is the third single of Dutch rock band Within Temptation from their second studio album, Mother Earth. The song peaked at #14 on the Germany Singles Top 100.Along with the singles Ice Queen and Stand My Ground, Mother Earth has become one of the bands signature songs专辑曲目(9)01 Mother Earth (Single Version) 02 Bittersweet 03 Ice Queen (Acoustic Version 2002) 04 Mother Earth (Live at 013, Tilburg 2002) 05 Our Farewell (Live at 013, Tilburg 2002) 06 Jane Doe (Non-Album-Track) 07 Ice Queen (Live Acoustic Version) 08 Never Ending Story (Live Acoustic Version) 09 Mother Earth (Live at Lowlands)

Ice Queen 2001-08-17 英语

唱片公司:DSFA Records
专辑简介:"Ice Queen" is the second single of Dutch rock band Within Temptation from their second studio album Mother Earth. The song is one of Within Temptation's most successful songs to date in Europe.Along with the singles "Mother Earth" and "Stand My Ground", "Ice Queen" has become one of the bands signature专辑曲目(10)01 Ice Queen (Radio version) 02 Mother Earth (Leidse Kade live) 03 Caged (Leidse Kade live) 04 Ice Queen (Leidse Kade live) 05 Believer (Ice Queen Demo) 06 Caged (Demo version) 07 Ice Queen (Single edit) 08 World of Make Believe 09 Ice queen (Acoustic at "MXL") 10 Mother Earth (Orchestra version)

Our Farewell 2001-01-22 英语

专辑简介:“Our Farewell" is the first single of the Dutch rock band Within Temptation from their second studio album Mother Earth. Although the song was released as a single, it never entered the charts, just like their previous single, Restless . There was also no promotional video made for the single.专辑曲目(4)01 Our Farewell (Radio Version) 02 Dark Wings 03 Our Farewell (Album Version) 04 Our Farewell (Acoustic Version)

Mother Earth 2000-12-21 英语

专辑简介:Within Temptation乐队发行于2000年的专辑《Mother Earth》,听到开场的专辑同名曲"Mother Earth",乐迷们一定能立即感受到Within Temptation的改变!由钢琴、笛子和男女诗唱背景,接续带出强大的管弦乐气势,Sharon优美的唱腔划过,附以华丽的弦乐合奏,很明显地,音乐变得是以管弦乐为主导,金属乐器电吉他、bass和鼓反成为配角,甚至在混音上也是被衬在管弦乐之后,也因此即便双大鼓仍是全程参与,但却令人几乎忘了它的存在,因为所有的焦点都已被优美迷人的管弦乐给完全吸引住了! 专辑接下去的曲式,大致依循着以华丽管弦乐伴奏、唱诗班合唱这样气势较强大的曲子,和仅以简单钢琴、吉他、弦乐的舒柔曲调交替行进的编曲模式。Sharon温暖的歌声,就有如封面上的天使般,以无限的温柔引领听者穿过黑暗,走向一个明亮、梦幻、远离一切俗世烦忧的净土。专辑曲目(14)01 Mother Earth 02 Ice Queen 03 Our Farewell 04 Caged 05 The Promise 06 Never Ending Story 07 Deceiver Of Fools 08 Intro 09 Dark Wings 10 In Perfect Harmony 11 Deep Within[Live] 12 The Dance[Live] 13 Restless 14 Bittersweet

The Dance 1998-07-21 英语

专辑简介:The Dance is the first EP from Dutch rock band Within Temptation. It was released after the single Restless and the album Enter. The sound is rather gothic and melancholic, unlike the later albums, e.g. Mother Earth and The Silent Force. The first copies of the EP were released at Dynamo 1998, where Within Temptation performed on the main stage.[1] It features the original songs 'The Dance', 'Another Day' and 'The Other Half (of Me)'.专辑曲目(5)01 Dance 02 Another Day 03 Other Half (Of Me) 04 Remix Restless 05 Remix Candles & Pearls of Light

Enter 1997-07-01 英语

唱片公司:DSFA Records
专辑简介:1997年4月,Within Temptation正式发行了首张专辑Enter,令人印象深刻。专辑风格若扣除吉他手Robert的death vocal演出,事实上就是全然优美导向的gothic metal,不过正由于death腔的加入及厚重的吉他刷扣,使得这张专辑既能呈现动人的优美气息,又不失金属乐该有的重量感。整张专辑的编曲结构虽然简单,但是丰富的情感和气氛烘托,伴随Sharon迷人演唱的引领,反倒能够紧紧地吸引住听者的耳朵!专辑曲目(9)01 Restless 02 Enter 03 Pearls Of Light 04 Deep Within 05 Gatekeeper 06 Grace 07 Blooded 08 Candles 09 Restless (Classical Version) (Bonus Track)

Restless 1997-04-07 英语

唱片公司:DSFA Records
专辑简介:"Restless" is the very first single of the Dutch rock band Within Temptation. It is taken as the first and only single from their debut album Enter. Although the song was released as a single, it never entered the charts, just like their following single, Our Farewell. There was no promotional video for the single专辑曲目(3)01 Restless (Single Version) 02 Restless (Classical Version) 03 Pearls of Light (CD Version)

Enter (Demo Version) 1996-05-06 英语

专辑简介:这是Within Temptation最早出道时发行的一张Demo EP,收录最原始的经典作品。专辑曲目(4)01 Enter (Demo Version) 02 Candles (Demo Version) 03 The Gatekeeper (Gatekeeper Demo) 04 Pearls (Pearls of Light Demo)

Werk(未发布) 1996-02-11 英语

专辑曲目(4)01 Within 02 Grace 03 Blooded 04 Mindwalker


歌曲名称(歌曲说明) 演唱者 所属专辑 发行时间 在线试听

Are You The One Timo Tolkki Hymn To Life 2002-01-15


Enter (Demo Version)1996年



1997年4月,Within Temptation正式发行了首张专辑Enter,令人印象深刻。专辑风格若扣除吉他手Robert的death vocal演出,事实上就是全然优美导向的gothic metal,不过正由于death腔的加入及厚重的吉他刷扣,使得这张专辑既能呈现动人的优美气息,又不失金属乐该有的重量感。整张专辑的编曲结构虽然简单,但是丰富的情感和气氛烘托,伴随Sharon迷人演唱的引领,反倒能够紧紧地吸引住听者的耳朵!

Restless (CD Single)1997年

The Dance (CD, EP)1998年

专辑名:Mother Earth



Within Temptation乐队发行于2000年的专辑《Mother Earth》,听到开场的专辑同名曲"Mother Earth",乐迷们一定能立即感受到Within Temptation的改变!由钢琴、笛子和男女诗唱背景,接续带出强大的管弦乐气势,Sharon优美的唱腔划过,附以华丽的弦乐合奏,很明显地,音乐变得是以管弦乐为主导,金属乐器电吉他、bass和鼓反成为配角,甚至在混音上也是被衬在管弦乐之后,也因此即便双大鼓仍是全程参与,但却令人几乎忘了它的存在,因为所有的焦点都已被优美迷人的管弦乐给完全吸引住了!




Ice Queen(CD Single)2001年

Our Farewell (CD Single)2001年

Mother Earth (CD Single)2002年

Live on Air(Live)2002年

Never Ending Story (CD, Single, Promo) 2003年

专辑名:The Silent Force



来自荷兰的女声金属乐队Within Temptation的专辑。除了更为恢宏开阔的气势以外,Within Temptation女主唱Sharon den Adel的声音在力量中融入一种温暖的鼓舞人心的感觉。

Running Up That Hill (EP)

Stand My Ground (CD, Single)

Angels (CD Single)

Angels (Special DVDplus Edition) (DVD, Maxi)

Memories(CD Single)Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)(CD Single)

The Silent Force Tour (2xDVD-V, PAL, Dig + CD, Album)

专辑名:The Heart Of Everything



Within Temptation带来了今年新一张柔美歌特民谣《The Heart Of Everything》,曲风依然保持了他们一贯的音乐风格,整张专辑的编曲结构简单,丰富的情感配合气氛烘托,把主音歌手的气质发挥的淋漓尽致。急风骤雨般的层层金属重量感,时时能吸引住听者的耳朵。《The Heart Of Everything》不论在各方面都较上张专辑成熟,不仅体现在音乐上的突破,更是体现在精神上传达了那种特有的音乐品质。迄今为止Within Temptation乐队依然保持着他们的传统风格,类型统一,这在他们创作的音乐中得到充分体现。The Heart Of Everything专辑有很多种意境观赏力,在任何一张专辑中,每一次唱片都在寻求突破但乐队的风格始终坚持原有的东西,以他们特有的方式来做第每张唱片,力求达到人与音乐统一的效果。

All I Need (CD, Single)

Frozen (CD Single)

What Have You Done (CD, Single)

The Howling(EP)

See Who I Am(Live, EP,未发布)

专辑名:Black Symphony



《Black Symphony》是WT于2008年2月7日在荷兰鹿特丹Ahoy Arena举办的演唱会实况收音特辑,邀请The Metropole Orchestra管弦乐团以及The Pa'dam Choir合唱团加入其阵容。用壮丽歌德气势弥漫会场,Sharon转为强而有力的声调指引出《Jillian (I'd Give My Heart)》;简直是Evanescence《Bring Me To Life》二部序曲现身的《What Have You Done》,交融弦乐凄美与吉他急促飙奏下,一场古典与现代的强烈冲突上演着,请来美国Roadrunner旗下硬蕊摇滚团Life Of Agony主唱Keith Caputo搭腔助阵;入选电影「噬血神差/Blood And Chocolate」预告主题曲的《Stand My Ground》,再次让台下乐迷骚动热血不已;气势磅礴的管弦乐辅入与紧密厚实吉他刷扣之《The Heart Of Everything》,同时惊喜聆听Sharon扮演天使与魔鬼般的双重嗓音诠释;荷兰的美声歌德金属乐团The Gathering好姐妹女主唱Anneke van Giersbergen友情站台《Somewhere》里头;《The Truth Beneath The Rose》则持续恣意散发神秘冷调情感,传达深远辽阔声音张力;最后在《Ice Queen》画下终曲,但是粉丝群欲罢不能的情绪仍高涨着,久久无法散去的悸动在心中不断窜流。




Forgiven(CD Single)

01. Forgiven (Single version)

02. Forgiven (Album version)

03.The Howling (Live at Beursgebouw Eindhoven 23-11-2007)

04. Hand of Sorrow (Live at Beursgebouw Eindhoven 23-11-2007)

05. The Heart of Everything (Live at Beursgebouw Eindhoven 23-11-2007)

专辑名:An Acoustic Night At The Theatre


2010年,WT发行了一张不插电专辑《An Acoustic Night At The Theatre》,作品中收录了乐团09年11月份在各大剧院巡演的不插电曲目,另外其中还收录了一首他们非常特别的新单曲《Utopia》。

Utopia(CD Single)

专辑名:The unforgiving

2011 年


睽违4年之久,Within Temptation别出心裁的搬出一张概念特典“The Unforgiving”,不仅提供拿手的Symphonic/Gothic Metal音乐飨宴,唱片公司还大手笔的同时发行漫画书系列,交付Steven O’Connell (吸血莱恩 BloodRayne、Dark 48)构思剧本,Romano Molenaar (X-Men、魔女之刃 Witchblade、Darkness)绘图作画,并拍摄成短片电影Mother Maiden,针对故事内的主角性格与剧情走向,谱出各个主题曲。第一主打「Faster」,冲出追逐速度的快感,歌声极富感染力的Sharon,引领情绪不断飙升,包裹交响气息,不失旋律性的金属敲打,顺畅的令人爱不释手,获得美国iTunes摇滚榜Top10,并抢下荷兰+芬兰+西班牙+比利时冠军席次;庄严瑰丽的氛围袭入「Shot In The Dark」,循序渐进的牵引,黑暗来临前的宁静以及一片漆黑的恐惧交错上演;营造诡谲频率倒灌的「Fire And Ice」,弦乐和钢琴一旁辅助前进,中段后乐团整个加入,气势磅礴撼动人心,是支耐听满点的抒情金曲;爆冲猛烈攻势的「A Demon's Fate」,火辣的线条延烧出这股灼热感直到最后一秒!此次,Within Temptation在演绎以及编曲上都做了许多调整改变,伴随具有画面的音乐推送,一场最奇幻的冒险旅程即将启动!

Faster(CD Single)

Sinéad(CD Maxi-Single)


Are You The One (主唱Sharon与前灵云乐队吉他手Timo Tolkki合作的一首曲目,收录在Timo 02年的专辑 Hymn To Life里)

至于第一张Enter 是与现在的WT风格完全不相同的一张专辑 把它当成另一支乐队看就好。虽说如此,但在Enter这只单曲的前奏和弦乐运用中还是能听到些许一脉相承的影子。





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