

词条 乔丕忠


乔丕忠,1993年获美国佛罗里达大西洋大学土木暨海洋工程硕士学位,1997年获美国西弗吉尼亚大学土木工程博士学位。河海大学‘长江学者’、华盛顿州立大学土木及环境工程系教授、和美国集成智能结构公司的创始人。美国注册职业工程师(Professional Engineer)和美国注册协会公证的结构工程师。美国土木工程协会(ASCE)会士(Fellow);现任ASCE高等材料和结构委员会主席和工程力学部稳定委员会主席;ASCE航空工程学报(Journal of Aerospace Engineering)特邀主编、“结构健康监测”国际学报(Structural Health Monitoring, An International Journal)副主编、ASCE工程力学学报(Journal of Engineering Mechanics)副主编、ASCE航空工程学报(Journal of Aerospace Engineering)副主编;还是高等材料(Journal of Advanced Materials)及灾变进展(Disaster Advances)等国际期刊的编委;现为ASCE航空部五名执行委员(Executive Committee)之一。





其学术期刊论文已“被SCI收录有110多篇;被SCI引用有1,000多篇次(h-index=18);被EI收录140多篇”。获美国土木工程协会(ASCE)Journal of Composites for Construction首届最佳研究论文奖和2007年美国土木工程学会(ASCE)航空部“杰出科技贡献奖”等。



[1] Wang, JL and Qiao PZ (乔丕忠),(2004) .“Interface Crack between Two Shear Deformable Elastic Layers,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 52(4): 891-905. (双层梁剪切变形理论)

[2] Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠) and Wang, JL, (2004). “Mechanics and Fracture of Crack-tip Deformable Bi-material Interface,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41(26): 7423-7444). (双层梁界面变形理论)

[3] Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠) and Wang, JL, (2005). “Novel Joint Deformation Models and their Application to Delamination Fracture Analysis,” Composites Science and Technology, 65(11-12): 1826-1839. (双层梁界面断裂力学的应用)


[4] Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠) and Zou, GP,(2002). “Local Buckling of Elastically Restrained Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Plates and its Applications to Box-Sections,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 128 (12): 1324-1330. (离散板理论)

[5] Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠) and Zou, GP (2003). “Local Buckling of Composite Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Wide-Flange Sections,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 129(1): 125-129. (离散板理论)

[6] Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠) and Shan, LY, (2005). “Explicit Local Buckling Analysis and Design of Fiber-reinforced Plastic Composite Structural Shapes,” Composite Structures, 70(4): 468-483. (离散板理论对求结构型材局部稳定显式解的应用)


[7] Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠) and Cao, MS (2008). “Waveform Fractal Dimension for Mode Shape-based Damage Identification of Beam-type Structures,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45(22-23): 5946-5961. (波形分形理论)

[8] Cao, MS and Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠) (2008). “Integrated Wavelet Transform and its Application to Vibration Mode Shapes for Damage Detection of Beam-type Structures,” Smart Materials and Structures, 17(5) 055014(17pp) (集成小波转换理论)

[9] Fan, W. and Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠) (2009). “A 2-D Continuous Wavelet Transform of Mode Shape Data for Damage Detection of Plate Structures,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 46(25-26): 4379-4395. (二维小波连续转换理论)


[10] Davalos, JF, Madabhusi-Raman, P, and Qiao, PZ (1997). “Characterization of mode-I fracture of hybrid material interface bonds by the contoured DCB specimen,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 58(3): 173-192. (I型试验断裂模型)

[11] Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠), Wang, JL, and Davalos, JF (2003). “Tapered Beam on Elastic Foundation Model for Compliance Rate Change of TDCB specimen,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 70(2): 339-353. (I型试验断裂模型)

[12] Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠), Wang, JL, and Davalos, JF (2003). “Analysis of Tapered ENF Specimen and Characterization of Bonded Interface Fracture under Mode-II Loading,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 40(8): 1865-1884. (II型试验断裂模型)

[13] Wang, JL and Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠) (2004). “Novel Beam Analysis of End-Notched Flexure Specimen for Mode-II Fracture,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 71(2): 219-231. (II型断裂模型)


[14] Yang, MJ and Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠) (2005). “Higher-order Impact Modeling of Sandwich Beams with Flexible Core,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 42(20): 5460-5490. (超高阶夹层结构受冲击理论)

[15] Yang, MJ and Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠) (2010). “Analysis of Cushion Systems for Impact Projection Design of Bridges against Overheight Vehicle Collision,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 37(12): 1219-1227. (结构冲击和防护分析方法)


[16] Xu, XF, Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠), and Davalos, JF. (2001). “On the Transverse Shear Stiffness of Composite Honeycomb Core with General Configuration,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 127(11): 1144-1151. (蜂窝夹心体的横向剪切模量)

[17] Xu, XF and Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠) (2002). “Homogenized Elastic Properties of Honeycomb Sandwich with Skin Effect,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 39(8): 2153-2188. (蜂窝三层板的均匀化模量)


[18] Qiao, PZ (乔丕忠) and Yang, MJ (2006). “Fatigue Life Prediction of Pultruded E-glass/Polyurethane Composites,” Journal of Composite Materials, 40(9): 815-837. (复合材料疲劳寿命预测)






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