词条 | 乔治·斯蒂尔 |
释义 | 乔治·斯蒂尔(George Steele),前美国职业摔角手(首次登台:1962年,正式退役:1989年),WWE名人堂成员,同时也是一位演员。乔治·斯蒂尔的妻子叫做Pat,他们一共养育了三个孩子,分别是丹尼斯、兰迪和女儿Felicia弗雷西亚。他另一个更为人熟知的名字是“野兽”。 中文名:威廉·詹姆斯·迈尔斯 外文名:William James Myers 别名:野兽(The Animal) 出生地:密歇根州底特律 出生日期:1937年4月16日 身高:185CM 体重:125KG 运动项目:职业摔角 常用擂台名1:George Steele 常用擂台名2:The Student 常用擂台名3:The Animal Machine 居住地:佛罗里达州可可海滩 主要成就Cauliflower Alley Club Other honoree (2004) GWA 重量级冠军(1 次) NWA World 双打冠军 (Detroit version) (1 次) - with Frankie Laine Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame Class of 2005 Pro Wrestling Illustrated PWI 2003年摔角手世界500强排名第267位 WWF Hall of Fame (Class of 1995)(1995年入选WWE名人堂) Slammy Award for Best Performance by an Animal (1987)(1987年摔美奖杰出贡献奖) Wrestling Observer Newsletter awards Most Embarrassing Wrestler (1987, 1988) (摔角观察家报社评出的1987、1988年连续两届最尴尬摔角手奖得主) 个人生活原文Myers has dyslexia and was also diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in 1988, an inflammatory bowel disease which currently has no cure but can be brought into remission. In 1998, doctors told Myers that his Crohn's Disease had gone into remission and that he no longer suffered from any of the disease's symptoms. In 2002, to prevent the symptoms from returning, Myers had his colon removed. Myers is a religious man. He attends the First Baptist Church Merritt Island, and currently lives in Cocoa Beach, Florida with his wife Pat, whom he married before he entered Michigan State in 1956. Together, Pat and Jim have two sons, Dennis and Randy, and a daughter. 译文迈尔斯患有读写困难,1988年被诊断出克罗恩氏病,即节段性肠炎,这种病目前没有治愈方法,只能减轻病情。1998年,医生告知他的克罗恩氏病已经减轻,不会再出现任何症状。2002年,为了防治这种症状复发,迈尔斯做了做了结肠摘除手术。 迈尔斯是一个教徒,他去梅里特岛第一浸礼会教堂做礼拜。现在和他的妻子Pat住在佛罗里达州可可海滩,他们一共养育了三个孩子,分别是丹尼斯、兰迪和女儿Felicia弗雷西亚。 |
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