

词条 乔治·汉密尔顿

乔治·汉密尔顿(George Hamilton,1666年2月9日-1737年1月29日),第一代奥克尼伯爵(1st Earl of Orkney)第一个英国陆军元帅。




乔治·汉密尔顿由他的伯父邓巴顿勋爵(Lord Dumbarton)第一次培养加入皇家第一步兵团服役。1689年, 在进入军队以后,他成为一名中校,几个月后晋升名誉上校。他和他的军团参加了在爱尔兰Boyne和Aughrim的战役。他提议创建皇家燧发枪手团的命令并参加了Steinkeerke战役。他进行整顿第1步兵团并最终参加兰登(Landen)和那慕尔(Namur)战役,在组成奥格斯堡同盟及大同盟战争其间。他参加了爱尔兰叛乱中各种各样的战争。在那慕尔,汉密尔顿身受重伤,被授于陆军准将军衔。

1695年,汉密尔顿与伊丽莎白·韦利尔斯(Elizabeth Villiers)结婚,次年他被授于苏格兰贵族院的奥克尼伯爵(Orkney Earl)。他在马尔巴罗公爵约翰·丘吉尔的麾下在西班牙王位继承战争的战争中立下战功,晋升为少将。几年后, 他被提升为陆军中将。在布伦海姆之战,汉密尔顿的纵队率先攻取了这个城市,以及在1705年6月,他率领他的部队从摩泽尔(法国一省)(Moselle)解除了被围攻的Liège。在Ramillies战役,他带领部队击败法国人的追赶,和他在Oudenarde战役中的充当一个主要角色。

1708年, 他夺取在Tournay的二个主要防线。在Malplaquet战役中,奥克尼伯爵率部往法国堑壕冲击,遭受严重的损失。之后他保留他的军队在富兰德附近,直到这场战争的结束。在这期间,他晋升为上将。在宣布和平后,他被任命为他的老单位皇家第一步兵团的指挥官。1736年他被提升为英国陆军元帅。这是第一次在英国的军队授于陆军元帅军衔。一年后汉密尔顿在伦敦去世。



George Hamilton

性 别

生 日


角 色




1.Dancing with the Stars Round 4 AS …… Himself (2006)

2.Dancing with the Stars Round 4 Results AS …… Himself (2006)

3.Dancing with the Stars Round 6 AS …… Himself (2006)

4.Dancing with the Stars Round 5 AS …… Himself (2006)

5.Dancing with the Stars Round 2 Results AS …… Himself (2006)

6.Dancing with the Stars Round 3 AS …… Himself (2006)

7.Dancing with the Stars Round 3 Results AS …… Himself (2006)

8.Dancing with the Stars Round 2 AS …… Himself (2006)

9.Dancing with the Stars Round 1 AS …… Himself (2006)

10.《流言蜚语》Rumor Has It... AS …… Himself (uncredited) (2005)

11.Dancing with the Stars AS …… Himself (series 2) (2006) (2005)

12.《洛城大暴动》The L.A. Riot Spectacular AS …… The King of Beverly Hills (2005)

13.101 Biggest Celebrity Oops AS …… Himself - #66: Terrible Talk Shows (archive footage) (2004)

14.Too Cool for Christmas AS …… Santa Claus (2004)

15.The Hollywood Mom's Mystery AS …… Woody Prentice (2004)

16.The Family AS …… Host (2003)

17.《好莱坞结局》Hollywood Ending AS …… Ed (2002)

18.The Little Unicorn AS …… The Great Allonso (2002)

19.Pets AS …… Von Steiger/'The Hand' (2002)

20.Reflections of Evil AS …… Duncan Carlyle (archive footage) (2002)

21.《鳄鱼邓迪勇闯洛杉矶》Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles AS …… Special Guest Appearance (2001)

22.Off Key AS …… Armand Dupres (2001)

23.P.T. Barnum AS …… Francis Olmsted (1999)

24.Baywatch Galaxy Girls AS …… Himself (1999)

25.《吹牛顾客》Bulworth AS …… Himself (uncredited) (1998)

26.《她实在太高》She's Too Tall AS …… Alonso Palermo (1998)

27."Match Game" AS …… Himself/panelist (1998)

28.Late Lunch Episode #2.3 AS …… Himself (1998)

29.《一个布袋八个人头》8 Heads in a Duffel Bag AS …… Dick Bennett (1997)

30.《"Jenny"》"Jenny" AS …… Guy Hathaway (1997)

31.《遇见沃里.斯帕克》Meet Wally Sparks AS …… Himself (1997)

32.Playback AS …… Gil Braman (1996)

33.Hart to Hart: Till Death Do Us Hart AS …… Karl Von Ostenberg (1996)

34."The Guilt" AS …… Alan Van Buren (1996)

35."George & Alana" AS …… Host (1995)

36.《双龙奇兵》Double Dragon AS …… Ch. 102 News Anchor (1994)

37.《情挑好莱坞》Amore! AS …… Rudolpho Carbonera (1993)

38.Paradies am Ende der Berge, Das AS …… Earl Henry von Hohenlodern (1993)

39.Once Upon a Crime... AS …… Alfonso de la Pena (1992)

40.The House on Sycamore Street AS …… J.D. Gantry (1992)

41.Heartstoppers: Horror at the Movies AS …… Himself/Host (1992)

42.《好莱坞医生》Doc Hollywood AS …… Doctor Halberstrom (1991)

43.Columbo: Caution! Murder Can Be Hazardous to Your Health AS …… Wade Anders (1991)

44.Dracula, Live from Transylvania (1991)

45.《教父第三集》The Godfather: Part III AS …… B.J. Harrison (1990)

46.The Last of the Gladiators AS …… (archive footage) (1988)

47."The Bold and the Beautiful" AS …… Sonny Stone (1994) (1987)

48.Poker Alice AS …… John (1987)

49.Monte Carlo AS …… Harry Price (1986)

50.Malibu AS …… Jay Pomerantz (1983)

51.The Fantastic Miss Piggy Show AS …… Himself (1982)

52.Zorro, the Gay Blade AS …… Don Diego Vega/Bunny Wigglesworth/Ramon Vega/Margarita Wigglesworth (1981)

53."Dynasty" AS …… Joel Abrigore (1985-1986) (1981)

54. An Evening at the Moulin Rouge AS …… Himself-Host (1981)

55.The 38th Annual Golden Globe Awards AS …… Himself - Co-host (1981)

56.The Great Cash Giveaway Getaway AS …… Hightower (1980)

57.The 52nd Annual Academy Awards AS …… Himself - Co-Presenter: Best Cinematography (1980)

58.《战地六壮士》Contro 4 bandiere AS …… Maurice Bernard (1979)

59.《前世冤家今世欢》Love at First Bite AS …… Count Vladimir Dracula (1979)

60.The Seekers AS …… Lieutenant Hamilton Stovall (1979)

61.Express to Terror AS …… David (1979)

62.Death Car on the Freeway AS …… Ray Jeffries (1979)

63.Sextette AS …… Vance Norton (1978)

64.The Users AS …… Adam Baker (1978)

65.Circus of the Stars AS …… Himself (Ringmaster) (1977)

66.The Strange Possession of Mrs. Oliver AS …… Greg Oliver (1977)

67.The Happy Hooker Goes to Washington AS …… Ward Thompson (1977)

68.Jacqueline Susann's Once Is Not Enough AS …… David Milford (1975)

69.Columbo: A Deadly State of Mind AS …… Dr. Mark Collier (1975)

70.Medusa AS …… Jeffrey (1973)

71.Evel Knievel AS …… Evel Knievel (1971)

72.The Last of the Powerseekers (1971)

73.《那好吧》Elvis: That's the Way It Is AS …… Himself (uncredited) (1970)

74."Paris 7000" AS …… Jack Brennan (1970)

75.《爱要怎么做》Angel Baby AS …… Paul Strand (1970)

76.Where the Boys Are AS …… Ryder Smith (1970)

77.Togetherness (1970)

78."The Survivors" AS …… Duncan Carlyle (1969)

79.《超能力杀手》The Power AS …… Professor Jim Tanner (1968)

80.Mitzi AS …… Himself (1968)

81.《归乡路遥》A Time for Killing AS …… Capt. Dorrit Bentley (1967)

82.Jack of Diamonds AS …… Jeff Hill (1967)

83.Doctor, You've Got to Be Kidding AS …… Harlan Wycliff (1967)

84.Lionpower from MGM AS …… (archive footage) (uncredited) (1967)

85.Homme de Marrakesh, L' AS …… George (1966)

86.The Well (1951)





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