词条 | When the Sun Goes Down |
释义 | 专辑小名片:专辑名: When the Sun Goes Down 歌手:Selena Gomez& the Scene 地区:美国 语言: 英语 流派: POP 发行时间:2011-06-28 专辑简介:据外国媒体报道,美国迪斯尼甜心赛琳娜·戈麦斯(Selena Gomez)日前公布她的第三张录音室专辑:《When The Sun Goes Down》将于美国时间6月28日发布,而最令乐迷惊喜的是收录在新专辑的单曲《Whiplash》由“小甜甜”布兰妮·斯皮尔斯(Britney Spears)为赛琳娜操刀创作。 据了解,赛琳娜自去年9月发布第二张专辑《A Year Without Rain》后只是休整了很短的时间便开始着手筹备新专辑。 早前,赛琳娜就新专辑接受MTV的采访时表示:“我会将这段时间的经历和生活的点滴融入我的新专辑里。我的第三张录音室专辑将会非常有趣,里面有一首我很喜欢的单曲叫做《Hit the Lights》,这是一首舞曲,讲述的是在人生的旅途中你会错过很多的机会,但你必须振作起来才有可能抓住更多的机会。” 令人意外的是,这次小甜甜助阵为赛琳娜写歌,因为据我们所知布兰妮很少在自己的专辑里收录自己写的歌,更不用说为其他歌手写歌,而这次布兰妮竟然为赛琳娜的新碟创作单曲《Whiplash》,看来布兰妮可谓十分看重这位同样为迪斯尼童星出身的小师妹。 据悉,赛琳娜这次除了演唱新专辑的歌曲外,还参与了部分歌曲的创作。赛琳娜对首次尝试创作歌曲感到非常兴奋,其中说道:“我正在写歌,这让我觉得非常兴奋。我会将我的生活经历作为创作歌词的灵感来源。新专辑里有一首我和著名制作人托比·盖德(Toby Gad)联合创作的单曲。作词真是十分有趣,我在歌词中写道,‘有一些人并没有正确地评价我,但现在我拥有了真正支持我的人’。而这样的歌词正是我想向那些一直相信和默默支持我的亲友和歌迷表达的感激之情。” 值得一提的是,除了和著名制作人托比·盖德合作外,赛琳娜还请来了英国金牌流行制作人皮格茜·洛特(Pixie Lott)参与新专辑的制作。赛琳娜在接受采访时毫不掩饰她对皮格茜的崇拜之情而表示道:“在新专辑有一首我非常喜欢的歌(即《We Own the Night》),是由才华横溢的皮格茜·洛特操刀制作的,我真的对这首歌着迷了。这也是我妈妈最喜欢的歌曲,非常的甜美。这是一首民谣风格的歌曲,但也并不完全是,它的主题是呼吁我们应该活在当下,而我现在真的非常享受我的人生。” 专辑曲目01.LOVE YOU LIKE A LOVE SONG 02.BANG BANG BANG 03.WHO SAYS 04.WE OWN THE NIGHT 05.HIT THE LIGHTS 06.WHIPLASH 07.WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN 08. MY DILEMMA 09.THAT'S MORE LIKE IT 10.OUTLAW 11.MIDDLE OF NOWHERE 12.DICES (WHO SAYS - SPANISH VERSION) When the sun goes down歌词Selena Gomez & the Scene - When the Sun Goes Down Be on a long day waiting for the night to come check my iPhone let me see what's going on, going on, going on help me DJ (DJ DJ) play my favorite song make the speakers shake, speakers shake everybody want to sing along, sing along when the night is here the only thing on my mind is having a good time when the moon appears you can always hear us say the party doesn't star till the sun goes down that's when everything starts moving everybody out whent the sun goes down, ah ah ah the music isn't on till it's way too loud that's when everybody start dancing everybody shout when the sun goes down when the sun goes down*3 Pushin my hands up i'm feeling good now on the dancefloor we can turn it inside out, inside out when the night is here the only thing on my mind is having a good time with my friends, that's real you can always hear us say the party doesn't star till the sun goes down that's when everything starts moving everybody out whent the sun goes down, ah ah ah the music isn't on till it's way too loud that's when everybody start dancing everybody shout when the sun goes down when the sun goes down *3 ohohoh yeah down down down the sun is going down down down when the moon appears you can always hear us say when the stars come out you can always hear us say ohohoh yeah the party doesn't star till the sun goes down that's when everything starts moving everybody out whent the sun goes down, ah ah ah the music isn't on till it's way too loud that's when everybody start dancing everybody shout when the sun goes down when the sun goes down *6 ohohoh yeah
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