

词条 普珥节


普珥节 (天主教圣经称普陵节,希伯来语:פורים Pûrîm,抽签的意思)

是一个欢乐的犹太教假期,纪念根据《旧约圣经》中《以斯帖记》 (天主教称《艾斯德尔传》),流落波斯的犹太人免除大臣哈曼的种族灭绝阴谋。庆祝方式包括饮酒、欢宴、盛装假面、向穷人施舍和互赠食品。普珥节是犹太历中最欢乐的民间节日, 是记念和庆祝犹太人在波斯帝国统治的时代中, 神藉以斯帖拯救他们逃过灭族的危难。事件详细记在以斯帖记。普珥节(Purim)是取自字根(Pur) 普珥──签的意思, 因为人在哈曼面前掣签, 得出亚达月是吉月。哈曼要在这个月的十三日, 杀戮灭绝犹太人。然而, 因着末底改与以斯帖的禁食、代求, 神扭转了整个情势, 使得原本要被除灭的日子成为犹太人得胜,欢庆的日子。


节期在犹太历阿达月14日举行。在14月黄昏前的一天,犹太人会禁食 (称

为以斯帖的禁食),纪念祖先当年面临灭族之祸之前禁食三日。“劝他们遵照犹太人摩尔德开对这‘普陵节’所规定的,依时举行。至於禁食和哀歌的吟咏等礼,则可依照他们自己及自己的后代所规定的去行。” 如果禁食日在安息日,须提前至星期四进行。


Purim is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the deliverance from Haman's plot to annihilate all the Jews of the Persian Empire, who had survived the Babylonian captivity, after Persia had conquered Babylonia who in turn had destroyed the First Temple and dispersed the Jewish people; as recorded in the Biblical Book of Esther.


It is characterized by public recitation of the Book of Esther, giving mutual gifts of food and drink, giving charity to the poor, and a celebratory meal (Esther 9:22); other customs include drinking wine, wearing of masks and costumes, and public celebration.


Purim is celebrated annually on the 14th of the Hebrew month of Adar, the day following the victory of the Jews which was on the 13 day of Adar. (In cities that were protected by a wall in the time of Joshua, including Susa and Jerusalem, Purim is celebrated on the 15th of the month, known as Shushan Purim). As with all Jewish holidays, Purim begins at sundown on the previous secular day. 每年犹太历希伯伦月的14日就是普珥节,即犹太胜利日之后。(在约书亚时代有城墙保护下的城市,包括苏萨和耶路撒冷,是在15日庆祝普珥节的,名为Shushan Purim)和所有的犹太节日一样,普珥节是在前一个世俗日(即非教派日)的黄昏开始(庆祝)的。





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