

词条 victorious



导演:Steve Hoefer

主演:维多利亚·嘉丝蒂 里昂·托马斯三世



英文名称: Victorious

别名: 胜利者

电视台: Nickelodeon

首播时间: 2010年3月27日(美国时间)

导演: Steve Hoefer

Adam Weissman

Russ Reinsel

语言: 英语

类型: 喜剧/校园


片头曲:"Make It Shine"


姓名 中文译名 角色名

Victoria Justice 维多利亚·嘉丝蒂 Tori Vega

Leon Thomas III 里昂·托马斯三世 Andrew Harris

Matt Bennett 马特·贝内特 Beck Oliver

Elizabeth Gillies 伊丽莎白·吉尔斯 Jade West

Ariana Grande 爱莉安娜·格兰德 Cat Valentine

Daniella Monet 丹妮埃拉·莫内特 Trina Vega

Avan Jogia 阿万·乔贾 Beck Oliver

Eric Lange 埃里克.朗治 Erwin Sikowitz


季数 集数 播出截至时间 DVD版发行时间

1 20集 2010年3月27日 -- 2011年3月26日 第一版2011年7月5日;第二版2011年11月1日

2 14集 2011年4月02日 -- 2011年12月26日 2012年5月15日

3 16集(暂定) 2012年2月28日 -- 至今 

P.S 统计上,一集一小时加长版按两集计算


Chaos is coming to Tori Vega's life. The 16 year old is starting at a new high school; but not just any school. This is Hollywood Arts, a performing arts school where crazy talented students learn how tobecome real artists.. Until now, Tori didn't think she had much talent of her own, and was content to live in the shadow

of her older sister, Trina. Now, that's all about to change... if Tori can see herself in a new light, even a spotlight! But Hollywood Arts is still a high school, and Tori is still the new kid. She'll have to find new friends, do homework, and just try to fit in. Will Tori grab a starring role in her new life?

Victorious是尼克儿童频道新推出的一部青春喜剧。讲述了出色的歌手Tori Vega(Victoria Justice饰)误打误撞地进入了她姐姐的学校——好莱坞艺术学院之后的生活。在学院的生活充满着各种稀奇古怪的事,周围有相当多有才的人。Tori一步步地显示出自己出众的演艺才华,也跟自己的姐姐和学校的伙伴们闹出一个又一个搞笑的故事。


Tori Vega (扮演者:Victoria Justice):女主角,既有趣又有超好的嗓音。误打误撞地进了好莱坞艺术学院,并在这个学院开始结交朋友,上各种稀奇古怪的课,她的生活也随之改变。

Trina Vega(扮演者:Daniella Monet:女主角的姐姐。也在好莱坞艺术学院就读,自认自己是一块明星的料。她的耍大牌程度和大牌一样,可是实际的才艺水平却远比这低。

Andrew Harris(扮演者:Leon Thomas III :Tori在好莱坞艺术学院结交的第一个好友。极其出色的音乐家,有着作词作曲演奏演唱等多方面才能,他也很受大家的欢迎。

Jade West(扮演者:Elizabeth Gillies:一个看似尖酸刻薄的女孩,Tori从一开始就和Jade闹了别扭,但后面因Jade男友的关系,使得这两个之间的关系更加紧张起来。

Cat Valentine(扮演者:Ariana Grande:一个敏感,小题大做,天然呆,有着极低的忍耐度又时常卖萌的女生,Tori的好朋友。

Robbie Shapiro(扮演者:Matt Bennett:一个极度害羞的人,一个腹语术高手。由于害羞于是培养了出了第二人格,手上一直拿着一个玩偶充当第二人格。两个人格形成了鲜明对比。

Beck Oliver(扮演者:Avan Jogia:Jade的男友。帅气阳光又有趣,也是一名出色的演员。当Jade准备刁难Tori时,他总会出来打圆场,帮Tori的忙

Erwin Sikowitz(扮演者:Eric Lange):Tori 的老师,总是戴着多条围巾,手里总是有一个椰子,个性古怪,有时为了教学生演技而故意刁难他们。



季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间

1 1 Pilot Steve Hoefer Dan Schneider 2010年3月27日 5.7 简介:Tori Vega (Victoria Justice) gets the chance of a lifetime to attend Hollywood Arts, an elite performing arts school after taking her big sister Trina's (Daniella Monet) place in her school's big showcase. With the help of her new best friend Andre Harris (Leon Thomas III), Tori receives a standing ovation from the crowd, and accepts the offer. On her first day, she meets Cat Valentine (Ariana Grande), a girl who seems to be living in her own head, Robbie Shapiro (Matt Bennett), a shy awkward nerdy student who speaks through his dummy Rex, the handsome Beck Oliver (Avan Jogia), and his popular mean girlfriend Jade West (Elizabeth Gillies). After accidentally spilling coffee on Beck, Tori finds herself at the wrath of Jade, who thinks Tori was flirting with Beck. After an altercation with Jade, Tori wonders if she is good enough or even belongs at Hollywood Arts. At the insistence of Trina, (who did not want to be known as the "freaky girl whose younger sister quit on her first day") Tori returns to class and subsequently gets revenge on Jade by besting her in an improv assignment and then by kissing Beck in front of her.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 2 “The Bird Scene” Steve Hoefer Dan Schneider 2010年4月11日 3.5 简介:Tori wants to try out for the lead role in a play called "Moonlight Magic" which Andre is writi the music for. However, according to Sikowitz, she must master a monologue known as "The Bird Scene" before she can be involved in any school production. As well as this, she must also think of a creative and meaningful way to decorate her locker, which is Hollywood Arts tradition. Meanwhile Andre and Robbie sign up for ballet class as a way to meet girls, but find out they weren't the only ones with the idea.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 3 "Stage Fighting" Steve Hoefer George Doty IV April 18, 2010 3.3 简介:Jade and Tori act in a fight scene, but things go bad when Jade acts as if Tori hit her in the eye with a cane. When she explains that she did not hit Jade, no one believes her. Later it is revealed that Jade was faking it, with makeup that made her eye look like it was bleeding. The two finally agree to play nice and trick a police man into finishing Tori's punishment. (she had to cleanup a big food fight) Meanwhile, Trina kisses Robbie for an audition and Robbie thinks she likes him, following her obsessively.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 4 The Birthweek Song Adam Weissman Jake Farrow 2010年4月25日 3.2 简介:While struggling to find a birthday present for Trina(which for her is a whole week), Andre suggests that Tori gives her a song as a gift, and thanks to his help, the song turns out to be quite a fantastic one. Too bad Trina doesn't recognize the song itself as her present. Meanwhile Robbie suffers with his nagging grandmother's struggles to handle the internet and takes Cat along for moral support.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 5 Jade Dumps Beck Steve Hoefer Matt Fleckenstein 2010年5月2日 3.3 简介:When Beck is spotted by the paparazzi hanging out with a rich and popular young female celebrity, Jade become jealous and breaks up with him, and for some reason Tori finds herself caught between their lover's quarrel. Meanwhile, Trina is about to star in a Streisand-esque one-woman show that makes Legs Diamond look like Les Miserables, and demands that Robbie write a good review of her show on the school's website... or else!

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 6 Tori the Zombie  Russ Reinsel Dan Schneider  2010年5月8日  4.1 简介:When Cat uses Tori as her assignment for a make up class, which is to make someone look scary, everything turns out wrong when she makes a zombie mask with a cement glue and it gets stuck to Tori's face. It causes problems when Tori tells her that she is in the lead role of a play and is supposed to look beautiful. .She sends Trina and Cat on a drive to get the cure to the salutation.

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1 7 Robarazzi Steve Hoefer Arthur Gradstein 2010年6月4日 6.0 简介:When Robbie fears he may be expelled from the school's underground website for writing a boring blog, Tori suggests that he uses it to focus on the lives of the students, which unfortunately for the students at Hollywood Arts High means turning it into an exploitive gossiping website. Among the subjects covered on the site are Tori's grooming habits, Beck and Jade's relationship, Andre's alleged condiment troubles, and Cat's newly found obsessive shopping habits.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 8 Survival of the Hottest Russ Reinsel Dan Schneider 2010年6月26日 3.8 简介:When a heat wave hits Southern California, Tori and her friends decide to cool off at Venice Beach, and Beck decides the best way to get there is to borrow his uncle's pickup truck and tow the trailer that he lives in to the beach. There are only two things getting in the way of this plan; 1)A bigger RV that blocks the only door out, and 2)A group of boys who decide to frolic with Cat, the only girl who could possibly save the rest of them from sweating to death.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 9 Wi-Fi in the Sky Steve Hoefer Dan Schneider 2010年8月27日 3.6 简介:Tori and Trina are on a plane ride which is delayed, and keeps Tori from finishing a homework assignment for script writing class, so she agrees to work on the script through a video chat with the help of Beck, Andre, and Cat. Unfortunateley, all end up facing distractions during the assignment. Among these distractions, Andre has to deal with his crazed grandmother, Beck is distracted by the jealousy of Jade, Cat is distracted by the special effects on her computer, and Tori is distracted by a fight between Trina and a little boy who keeps kicking her back seat.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 10 Beck's Big Break David Kendall Arthur Gradstein 2010年9月25日 N/A 简介:Tori accidentally gets Beck fired from his role in a film while Robbie starts to have nightmares about his best friend.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 11 The Great Ping Pong Scam Steve Hoefer Matt Fleckenstein 2010年10月1日 N/A 简介:Tori becomes suspicious when her friends start avoiding her. After finding out that they are all members of the school's ping-pong team, she also finds out that they are using the team's funds that they get from the school to eat at a very fancy expensive restaurant, and she wants in.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 12 Cat's New Boyfriend Adam Weissman Arthur Gradstein 2010年10月8日 2.9 简介:The title happens to be Tori's old boyfriend, and she struggles to restrain her jealousy. Meanwhile Trina gets all her friends into using some illegally imported fish to get smoother feet.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 13-14 Freak the Freak Out Steve Hoefer Dan Schneider 2010年11月26日 5.3 简介:Tori's friends sing at a local karaoke club, and end up competing with a pair of stuck-up girls who are regular performers there. But regardless of how good they may be competing with those girls proves to be much more difficult than they expect, since one of the girls' father owns the club, and the competition is fixed. Outside of entertainment-related subjects, Tori struggles to take care of Trina after she undergoes dental surgery, while their parents take a trip to Santa Barbara.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 15 Rex Dies Russ Reinsel Jake Farrow 2011年1月8日 4.2 简介:A giant turbo fan for the school stage ends up putting Rex's "life" at risk.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 16 The Diddly-Bops Steve Hoefer Matt Fleckenstein 2011年1月17日 3.5 简介:When a kiddie-band's private jet crashes somewhere in the mountains, Sikowitz hires Tori, Jade, Cat, Robbie, André, and Beck as their replacements for a four-year-old's birthday party who's father is a friend of his. As embarrassed as all the kids are to be part of this, a video of their silly performance may cost André an important music deal. Can he prove to the music company that he's a legitimate musician, despite his one-time appearance in a goofy costume?

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 17 Wok Star Adam Weissman Jake Farrow 2011年1月17日 3.6 简介:Hollywood Arts has rejected an attempt by Jade to showcase one of her plays, but Tori ends up convincing the owner of her favorite Chinese restaurant to fund it's production at a nearby small theater. However the money does not come without a catch, when the owner insists that Jade transforms it into a musical, and adds her not-so-talented daughter to the cast. The situation is made even worse when Jade invites her disapproving father in an effort to prove that her artistic ambitions are credible.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 18 The Wood David Kendall Dan Schneider 2011年2月5日 4.4 简介:A "reality TV" show decides to focus on the lives of the kids at Hollywood Arts High School, but decides to create their own "reality" by fabricating a secret relationship between Tori and Beck, which exacerbates hostilities between her and Jade. Elsewhere, Robbie and Trina are forced to work in The Grub Truck after inadvertently injuring Festus.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 19 A Film by Dale Squires Adam Weissman George Doty IV 2011年3月5日 N/A 简介:The group are excited to find out that they get to work on a film being directed by Dale Squires. But after he takes all the credit for the film, they plot revenge. Meanwhile, Beck and Robbie work on Robbie's new convertible and Robbie tries to get the attention of girls that come to watch Beck fix the car.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

1 20 Sleepover at Sikowitz's Russ Reinsel George Doty IV 2011年3月5号 4.1 简介:Sikowitz invites the group over to his house in order to teach them a lesson in method acting. Whoever breaks character is "banished" from Sikowitz's home. The students are assigned: Tori as a lady cop who wears lots of red lipstick and is obsessed with Raisin Bran, Andre as a 9-months pregnant marathon runner, Jade as a sweet farm girl from Alabama who never gets mad, Cat as a 1980s stand-up comedian who is very annoying, Beck as a British man who likes to invade people's personal space, and Robbie as a motivational speaker who has very wobbly and unsteady legs. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Vega attempt to celebrate their anniversary romantically and peacefully, but keep getting interrupted by the students who were eliminated from the acting lesson.


季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

2 1 Beggin' on Your Knees Steve Hoefer Jake Farrow 2011年4月2日 6.1 简介:Tori falls for a handsome classmate Ryder Daniels who asks her to sing a duet with him, only to find out his little secret, and decides to get revenge on him at the Full Moon Jam. Meanwhile, Robbie undergoes a makeover to attract girls and Cat keeps getting emergency calls on her new cell phone.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

2 2 Beck Falls for Tori Steve Hoefer Dan Schneider 2011年4月16日 3.9 简介:Sikowitz gets Tori an audition for a movie. Although she does not get the part, she is instead cast as a stunt double after lying on her résumé and also because she looks too much like the lead actor. Tori must now perform a stunt involving jumping 40 feet off a platform, or risk getting blackballed in Hollywood. She is too frightened to do it and she keeps stalling, so Beck dresses up as Tori to pretend that he is her and does the fall instead. At the end Tori decides she does want to do the fall to prove she is not a wimp, but she is scared again, so Jade pushes her off making her fall down. Cat dresses up in random costumes that she made in her costume design class.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

2 3 Ice Cream for Ke$ha Arthur Gradstein Adam Weissman 2011年4月22日 4.0 简介:When Tori is stuck being Trina's assistant after losing a bet they made when they were little kids, she and her friends try to win a private concert from Ke$ha by finding all the letters to Ke$ha under ice cream cartons as a way to free Tori from Trina. They have all the letters except from the $ in Ke$ha so they get it from a little boy but he says that Tori, Cat, and Jade must kiss him. In the end Tori locks the little boy outside, only to be let out by Trina, who, feeling sympathy for him, offers him to kiss her, to which he replies "gross" and promptly leaves.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

2 4 Tori Gets Stuck Russ Reinsel Jake Farrow 2011年5月14日 4.2 简介:Tori and Jade compete with each other for the lead role in a play called "Steamboat Suzy" and is won by Tori. But when Robbie is rushed to the hospital, Tori jeopardizes her role to give him blood. Jade makes relentless attempts to keep Tori from showing up for the play. Meanwhile, Trina practices her hacking and coughing for the role of a sick girl in the play, but ends up getting tuberculosis after going with Tori to the hospital.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

2 5 Prom Wrecker Adam Weissman Matt Fleckenstein 2011年5月21日 3.6 简介:Tori decides to throw a prom at Hollywood Arts. Jade is furious to find out that Tori booked the prom on the same night as her art project and refuses to switch it, so she decides to ruin the prom as revenge. Robbie thinks Cat is lying about having a date to the prom after she turns him down. Trina asks Sinjin to rig the prom queen election so she can win, while in turn she promises to be his date to the prom. Andre's new kissing-obsessed girlfriend is driving him crazy.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

2 6-7 Locked Up! Steve Hoefer Dan Schneider 2011年7月30日 5.2 简介:Tori and the gang are offered a week-long trip to Festus' home country of Yerba to perform for the chancellor. Their vacation is not at all like they expected, with prisoners breaking into their hotel, nasty living conditions and Andre being bitten by a vampire moth, but the gang is forced to stay and put on a show for the chancellor. However, due to a "shoe malfunction" (Tori's shoe slips off and hits the chancellor in the eye), Tori is sentenced to four years in jail for assault. The rest of the gang follows suit when trying to bail Tori out (Robbie accidentally murders the chancellor's octopus). They have a rough time in prison until Sikowitz disguises himself as an Yerbanian prison guard and, while watching Cat teach her prison gang how to dance, Tori devises a plan with another woman to sneak out of prison.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

2 8 Helen Back Again Russ Reinsel Arthur Gradstein 2011年9月10日 4.4 简介:Principal Eikner resigns as principal of Hollywood Arts. Helen (from Drake & Josh) is hired as the new principal and decides to have every student re-audition in order for them to stay in the school. Despite a stellar audition with Andre, Tori is rejected, and the group tries to find a way to change Helen's mind about rejecting Tori.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

2 9 Who Did It to Trina? Adam Weissman Dan Schneider September 17, 2011 4.7 简介:Tori directs a play and is forced to cast Trina as the lead. On opening night, Trina's harness breaks and she falls, and the set crashes down on her. Questions then arise about whether the mishap was truly an accident—or intentional. Lane finds out that the harness had been cut, and calls Jade, Andre, Tori, Cat, Robbie and Rex into his office to try to figure out what really happened.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

2 10 Tori Tortures Teacher Russ Reinsel Matt Fleckenstein 2011年10月1日 3.8 简介:It is Sikowitz's 10 year anniversary teaching at Hollywood Arts, and Tori and the gang celebrate by taking him to a play. But things go awry when Sikowitz becomes depressed after watching the play and Tori feels guilty and tries to fix it. Meanwhile, Trina tries to impress a boy she likes by pretending to be a pizza delivery girl, and Beck and Jade are text-fighting.

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2 11 Jade Gets Crushed Clayton Boen Dan Schneider 2011年10月8日 3.4 简介:Andre develops a crush on Jade after they work together on a song and Tori tries to help him get over it. Also, Robbie tries to help Tori prepare for the Tech Theatre exam she must take and pass in order to take an R&B singing class, and Cat becomes obsessed with Jupiter boots.

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2 12 Terror on Cupcake Stree Steve Hoefer Dan Schneider 2011年10月15日 3.4 简介:Sikowitz gets Tori and the gang to build a float for a parade that his new girlfriend is planning. After finishing the float, the group is stranded in a dangerous part of town when the float gets a flat tire on the way to the parade.

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2 13 A Christmas Tori Steve Hoefer Dan Schneider & Warren Bell 2011年12月3日 4.4 简介:It is Christmas time at Hollywood Arts and Sikowitz assigns the gang as Secret Santas to one another in order to get them into the Christmas Spirit. The person who give the worst gift will be forced to go "Christmas Yodeling" with Sikowitz on Christmas Eve. Tori struggles to find the perfect gift for Andre after finding out she is his Secret Santa. Meanwhile, Trina enlists Robbie's help to decorate her giant Christmas tree, and Beck loses sleep due to a pesky cricket in his RV. Also Andre becomes a Christmas "Scrooge" after getting a D on a song he wrote for his creative music class.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

2 14 Blooptorious Russ Reinsel Darren Thomas, Stefanie Ledar 2011年12月26日 N/A 简介:This episode features interviews, bloopers, and outtakes of all the cast ever since the series began. The show is hosted and narrated by "Christopher Cane", a ventriloquist dummy, who introduces himself as the actor who portrays "Rex".


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3 1 The Breakfast Bunch Steve Hoefer Dan Schneider & Jake Farrow 2012年1月28日 3.9 简介:Tori and the gang must spend Saturday in detention after a lunch trip goes wrong. The episode bears many similarities to the 1985 film The Breakfast Club. Robbie and Cat seem to become much closer, as they show mutual affection.

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3 2 The Gorilla Club Steve Hoefer Dan Schneider & Warren Bell 2012年2月4日 3.6 简介:When Tori rehearses her audition for a movie, Sikowitz and Cat are unimpressed by her performance. After she is told she needs to take risks, the gang suggests The Gorilla Club, a dangerous underground club with life-threatening activities which include taking on an actual wild gorilla. After losing to her in poker, Andre and Robbie are forced to do the "Hammer Dance" every time they encounter Jade.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

3 3 The Worst Couple Adam Weissman Dan Schneider & Matt Fleckenstein 2012年2月11日 3.4 简介:Sinjin enlists the gang to help him out with his game show, Queries for Couples. He pairs Tori with Robbie, Andre with Cat and Beck and Jade. During the game show Beck and Jade discover that they are unhappy with their relationship. As a result, Tori, Andre, Robbie, and Cat have decided to hang out without them. This forces Jade and Beck to decide whether or not they should remain a couple. Meanwhile, Tori puts up with her heavily battered phone while waiting for the release of a new phone model. Robbie thinks he and Tori are a couple after being paired together on Sinjin's game show.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

3 4 Andre's Horrible Girl Steve Hoefer Dan Schneider & Warren Bell 2012年2月18日 3.5 简介:Tori notices that Andre's new girlfriend Hope is bossy and worries that he is changing to please her. He tells her that he is only dating her because her dad is a famous record producer. Andre wants to break up with her because he knows it is wrong, but does not want to miss the chance to perform at her birthday in front of her dad. After her breakup with Beck, Jade decides to help Cat dog-sit her mother's boss's dog. Things go awry when Jade accidentally damages the boss's guitar autographed by Elvis Presley which leads them to turn to Robbie and Beck for help.

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3 5 Car, Rain, and Fire Russ Reinsel Dan Schneider & Jake Farrow 2012年2月25日 3.7 简介:Cat hears her favorite actress passed away and wants to honor her, taking Tori and Jade go on a roadtrip to San Diego. Meanwhile, Trina has been spreading around rumors that she and Beck are going out. So to get back at her, Beck, Andre and Robbie pretend to all want to date Trina. While on their roadtrip, Tori, Cat, and Jade experience many mishaps and things do not go the way they planned.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

3 6 Tori & Jade's Playdate Adam Weissman Dan Schneider & Matt Fleckenstein 2012年3月3日 4.2 简介:Tori and Jade portray a married couple, a task that challenges their acting skills and lack of friendship. Elsewhere, Cat and Robbie embark on a business venture in which they tell people negative news in an upbeat manner.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

3 7 April Fools Blank Russ Reinsel Dan Schneider & Matt Fleckenstein 2012年3月24日 3.4 简介:When April Fool's Day comes to Hollywood Arts, Tori spends her day expecting creative pranks and practical jokes, but is completely oblivious to a series of absurd events and crazy happenings around her.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

3 8 Driving Tori Crazy Russ Reinsel Dan Schneider & Matt Fleckenstein 2012年4月14日 N/A 简介:A movie shoot down the street from Tori's house causes her and Trina to take the long way to school, but after shaving Trina's legs and her armpit she doesn't want to drive for 40 minutes to school with her anymore. With Beck, a bunch of other girls drive with him and Tori gets in a fight with them. With Andre, his grandma causes trouble driving with them, with Robbie, he really rides his bike but ends up going very slow, and with Jade, she tries to drive Tori into "Shadow Creek Woods", but Tori jumps out of the car before they enter. After, she walks 11 miles to school and was chased by a beaver. Meanwhile, Cat uses a new app called "Tap It!", which is an online coupon sending company. She finds a deal where a party bus can take Tori to school for 90% off. When the teens are in the bus, they find out that their driver is "Dr. Rhapsody", a rapper from the 90's. The episode ends with Dr. Rhapsody puts on his only hit single "Five Fingaz (To The Face)" and the group sings the karaoke version.

季数 集数 名称 导演 作者 首播时间 收视率(单位:百万)

3 9 How Trina Got In Russ Reinsel Dan Schneider & Christopher J. Nowak 2012年5月5日 N/A 简介:Tall tales are told about Trina and how she gained admission to Hollywood Arts. Andre says that it's that Trina did have talent back then, but then Sinjin accidently hits Trina with a stage light, knocking the talent out of her. Jade says that when she did her terrible singing, the staff said no, but then Trina threw a gas bomb, making them pass out (except for her because she wore a gas mask), so Trina checks yes for each clipboard, followed by the staff not remembering this. Beck says that when Trina sang terribly, the staff said no, so Trina let up another deal, by putting up a fighting challenge for the staff, so if she wins, she would get in. Sikowitz says that when the rest of the staff ran to get Sinjin's head from the soda machine, he watched Trina's audition himself, while drinking rotten coconut milk, which makes him hallucinate and see Trina doing talented and funny stuff, so then Sikowitz lets her in. Meanwhile, Robbie forgets his wallet in his locker and is unable to pay the bill after a meal at Nozu and Tori and him have to work at Nozu to pay a bill. They can't get out because of Kwakoo, one of Nozu's tough workers. All three of them chop seventeen pounds of squid. When they try to leave, Robbie accidently breaks a pile of dishes, so he has to stay and massage Kwakoo's feet.



集数 剧名 歌曲名 演唱者 单曲 专辑

1 "Pilot" "Make It Shine" Tori Vega YesVictorious

4 "The Birthweek Song" "You're the Reason" Tori Vega YesVictorious

5 "Jade Dumps Beck" "Chicago" Trina Vega No N/A

6 "Tori the Zombie" "Finally Falling" Tori Vega and Beck Oliver YesVictorious

8 "Survival of the Hottest" "Make It Shine" Victorious全剧组 No N/A

9 "Wi-Fi in the Sky" "You're the Reason" Trina Vega No N/A

11 "The Great Ping Pong Scam" "Tell Me That You Love Me" Tori Vega and Andre Harris YesVictorious

13-14 "Freak the Freak Out" "Number One" (A.K.A. "My World") Hayley, Tara in a duet
Sikowitz in a solo No N/A

13-14 "Freak the Freak Out" "Give It Up" Cat Valentine and Jade West YesVictorious

13-14 "Freak the Freak Out" "Hate Me, Love Me" Hayley and Tara No N/A

13-14 "Freak the Freak Out" "Freak the Freak Out" Tori Vega YesVictorious

15 "Rex Dies" "Forever Baby" Robbie .Tori and Rex NoVictorious II

16 "The Diddly-Bops" "Broken Glass" Robbie Shapiro YesVictorious(bonus track)

16 "The Diddly-Bops" "Favorite Food" Victorious全剧组 Yes N/A

16 "The Diddly-Bops" "Nose Song" Andre Harris No N/A

16 "The Diddly-Bops" "You're the Reason" Trina Vega No N/A

16 "The Diddly-Bops" "Song2You" Tori Vega and Andre Harris YesVictorious

17 "Wok Star" "Fly Out of the Well" Daisy Lee No N/A

18 "The Wood" "Forever Baby" Tori Vega and Jade West No N/A


集数 剧名 歌曲名 演唱者 单曲 专辑

1 "Beggin' on Your Knees" "Beggin' on Your Knees" Tori Vega YesVictorious

3 "Ice Cream for Ke$ha" "Blow" Ke$ha No N/A

4 "Tori Gets Stuck" "The Captain is She" Tori Vega and Sikowitz No N/A

5 "Prom Wrecker" "Best Friend's Brother" Tori Vega, Cat Valentine and Andre Harris YesVictorious

6-7 "Locked Up!" "All I Want Is Everything" Victorious全体女生 YesVictorious

6-7 "Locked Up!" "I Want You Back" Victorious全剧组 YesVictorious

8 "Helen Back Again" "(You Haven't Seen the) Best of Me" Trina Vega No N/A

8 "Helen Back Again" "Cat's Broadway Song" Cat Valentine No N/A

8 "Helen Back Again" "Make It Shine (Remix)" Tori Vega and Andre Harris YesVictorious II

11 "Jade Gets Crushed" "365 Days" Tori Vega and Andre Harris YesVictorious II

11 "Jade Gets Crushed" "Okay" Jade West No N/A

12 "Terror on Cupcake Street" "The Wheels on the Cupcake" Victorious全剧组 No N/A

13 "A Christmas Tori" "It's Not Christmas Without You" Tori, Cat, Andre and Jade YesVictorious II


集数 剧名 歌曲名 演唱者 单曲 专辑

1 "The Breakfast Bunch" "Run, Run, Run Away" 未知 No N/A

1 "The Breakfast Bunch" "In This Together" Ariana Grande No N/A

1 "The Breakfast Bunch" "Don't You (Forget About Me)" Tori Vega YesVictorious II

4 "Andre's Horrible Girl" "Countdown" Tori Vega and Andre Harris YesVictorious II

6 "Tori and Jade's Playdate" "Take a Hint" Tori Vega and Jade West YesVictorious II

7 "April Fools Blank" "Shut Up N' Dance" Victorious Cast YesVictorious II

8 "Driving Tori Crazy" "Five Fingers (To The Face)" Victorious Cast YesVictorious II



专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情

Victorious Soundtrack 2011-08-02 英语

唱片公司:Sony Music
专辑简介:Victorious是美国尼克儿童频道新推出的一部青春喜剧。这是一张Victorious的原声音乐专辑,由Victorious cast 和 Victoria Justice共同完成。 并由“Sony Music Entertainment”音乐公司发行于2011年的8月份。Victorious是美国尼克儿童频道新推出的一部青春喜剧。这是一张Victorious的原声音乐专辑,由Victorious cast 和 Victoria Justice共同完成。 并由“Sony Music Entertainment”音乐公司发行于2011年的8月份。专辑曲目(12)01 Make It Shine 02 Freak The Freak Out 03 Best Friend's Brother 04 Beggin' On Your Knees 05 All I Want Is Everything 06 You're The Reason 07 Give It Up 08 I Want You Back 09 Song 2 You 10 Tell Me That You Love Me 11 Finally Falling 12 Leave It All To Shine


歌曲名称(歌曲说明) 发行时间 在线试听

Robbie's Big Toe(Robbie在The Slap.com网站上发布) 2011

You're The Reason (Acoustic)(Victoria Justice演唱的钢琴版,未录入专辑) 2011

Cat & Robbie's Sad Song 1-3(Cat和Robbie在第三季第6集里合唱三部曲) 2012-03-03


年份 奖项 奖项类别 获得者 获奖结果

2010 Teen Choice Awards Choice TV Breakout SeriesVictorious 提名

2010 Teen Choice Awards Choice Smile Victoria Justice 提名

2010 J-14's Teen Icon Awards Iconic TV Actress Victoria Justice 提名

2010 Italian Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards 2010 Favorite TV ShowVictorious 提名

2011 UK Kids Choice Awards 2011 Nick UK's Favourite TV ShowVictorious 提名

2011 UK Kids Choice Awards 2011 Nick UK's Funniest Person Matt Bennett 获奖

2011 2011 Kids' Choice Awards Favorite TV Actress Victoria Justice 提名

2011 Imagen Awards Best Young Actress/Television Victoria Justice 提名

2011 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Children's ProgramVictorious 提名

2011 ALMA Awards Favorite TV Actress – Leading Role in a Comedy Victoria Justice 提名

2011 British Academy Children's Awards "BAFTA Kid’s Vote: TV"Victorious 提名

2011 Youth Rocks Awards Rockin’ Ensemble Cast (TV/ Comedy)Victorious 提名

2012 NAACP Image Awards "Outstanding Performance in a Youth/Children's Program (Series or Special)" Leon Thomas III 提名

2012 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards Favorite TV ShowVictorious 获奖

2012 Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards Favorite TV Actress Victoria Justice 提名





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