词条 | 啤酒大麦品质的遗传和改良 |
释义 | Genetics and Improvement of Barley Malt Quality presents up-to-date deVelopments in ba rley production and breeding.The book is diVided into nine chapters,including barley production and consumption,germplasm and utilization,chemical composition,protejn and protein components,carbohydrates and sugars,starch degrading enzymes,endosperm cell walls and malting quality,genomics and malting quality improVement,and marker-assisted selection for malting quality 。 图书目录(1 Barley Production and C0nsumption 2 Barley Germplasm and Utilization 5 β-glucans and Arabinoxylan Index) 图书信息书 名: 啤酒大麦品质的遗传和改良 作 者:张国平,李承道 主编 字数:660000 页码:296 版次:1 出版社: 浙江大学出版社 出版时间: 2009-6-1 ISBN: 9787308063821 开本: 16开 定价: 130.00元 作者简介Professor Guoping Zhang,it's a barley breeder and crop physiologist in Department of Agronom),Zhejiang University of China.D r.Chengdao Li is a senior molecular geneticist and barley breederin Department of Agriculture&Food,Western Australia.He isalso an adjunct professor in Murdoch university of Australia andzhejiang uniVersity of china. 图书目录1 Barley Production and C0nsumption1.1 Introduction 1.2 World Barlev Production 1.3 World Barlev nade 1.4 World Barley Consumption 1.4.1 Feed ConsumDtion 1.4.2 Maltiing Barley Consumption 1.4.3 Food ConsumDtion 1.4.4 Other Industrial Uses References 2 Barley Germplasm and Utilization2.1 Origin and Evolution of Cultivated Barley 2.1.1 The Taxonomv of Barlev 2.1.2 Origin ofthe CultiVated Barley 2.1.3 Evolution and Domestication of Cultivated Barlev. 2.2 Annual Wild Barlev 2.2.1 Annual Wild Barlev in the Near East FIertile Crescent 2.2.2 The Annual Wild Barley in Qing-Tibetan Plateau. 2.2.3 0ther Annual Wild Barley Species 2.2.4 ProsDective 2.3 Perennial Wild Barlev GermDlasm 2.3.1 The Variation of Target naits 2.3.2 Approaches fbr Utilization of Perennial Wild Barleys. 2.4 Cultivated Barlevs. 2.4.1 Primitive Barlevs 0r Landraces 2.4.2 Commercial Varieties 2.4.3 Mutants References 3 Chemical Composition in Barley Grains and Malt Quality 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Phvsical Structure 3.2.1 Grain Size 3.2.2 Dormancy 3.2.3 Grain Hardness 3.3 The InterIlal Structure 3.3.1 The Embryo 3.3.2 The Aleurone 3.3.3 The Barley Husk 3.4 The Barley Endosperm 3.4.1 Barley Carbohydrates 3.4.2 Grain Protein 3.5 Malt Quality 3.5.1 Diastatic Power 3.5.2 α-amylase 3.5.3 β-amylaSe 3.5.4 Limit Dextrinase 3.5.5 α-glucosidase 3.5.6 β-glucanase 3.5.7 PrOteinase 3.5.8 Hot Water Extract 3.6 Fleed Barley Quality Traits 3.7 Conclusion References 4 Identification of Barley、Varieties by Protein Proflling 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Extraction of Proteins for Protein Profiling 4.3 Chalracteristics of Barley Protein Profiles 4.3.1 Peak Size Calling 4.3.2 LOcatiOn and Year 4.3.3 Phylogeny 4.4 Discussion 4.4.1 Specificity of Variety IdeIltification 4.4.2 Location and Year 4.4.3 Malting versus Fleed 4.4.4 Peak Inheritance 4.4.5 C0ntamination 4.4.6 Automation 4.4.7 Conclusion References 5 β-glucans and Arabinoxylan6 The Properties and Genetics of BarleyMalt Starch 7 The Role of Endosperm Cell Walls in Barley Malting Quality 8 Barley Genomics and Malting QualityImprovement 9 Genetic Improvement of Malting Quality through Conventioal Breeding and Marker-assisted Selection Index |
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