

词条 彭小宁






从事多年的肿瘤研究,从EB病毒在鼻咽癌发生发展中的作用(教育部重点实验室:中南大学肿瘤研究所) ,肝螺杆菌与肝癌关系(湘雅医院传染病研究所),到现在睾丸生殖细胞瘤发生的遗传机制(University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center),参与数项国家自然基金(30000087, 39970820, 39830410,30271171),国家杰出青年基金(39525022),973项目(G1998051201)研究工作,主持国家自然科学基金(“Dnd1与Jun 的相互作用及其功能分析”,No.81071628),教育部留学归国人员启动基金(教外司留[2005]383号),和湖南省自然基金(No.07JJ6059)各一项。

在德州大学安德森癌症中心分子遗传系进行睾丸生殖细胞瘤的遗传机制研究中,成功的发现了小鼠睾丸生殖细胞瘤的致病基因Ter位点的Dnd1基因,被认为睾丸癌遗传易感性研究领域中重要突破。近几年开始涉足生物信息学领域,对基因芯片的应用及其数据分析和系统生物学有浓厚的兴趣,并与浙江大学、中国科学院遗传所的学者合作在国际知名研究刊物FEBS Letters发表了研究成果。



1. Xiaoning Peng*(*: 通讯作者), Xiaomin Zeng, Sihua Peng, Defeng Deng, Jian Zhang. The Association Risk of Male Subfertility and Testicular Cancer: A Systematic Review. PLoS ONE. May 2009;4(5). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0005591.

. 2.张菁, 丁小凤,罗畅,张健,彭小宁* (*: 通讯作者). Dnd1的蛋白亚细胞定位及其对HeLa细胞增殖的抑制作用. 中国生物化学与分子生物学报2009;25(1): 37-43.

3.张菁, 罗畅,丁小凤,张健,彭小宁*(*: 通讯作者).睾丸生殖细胞瘤易感基因Dnd1互作蛋白质的筛选与鉴定. 自然科学进展2008, 18 (12):1500-1506.

4.张菁, 罗畅,丁小凤,张健,彭小宁*(*: 通讯作者).小鼠Dnd1酵母双杂交系统诱饵载体的构建及自身激活检测. 湖南师范大学学报(医学版) 2008. 5(1):1-4.

5.彭小宁,彭司华,曾小敏. 卵巢癌早期诊断方法的研究进展. 国际病理科学与临床杂志. 2007, 27: 489-492.

6.Kirsten K. Youngren, Douglas Coveney, Xiaoning Peng, Chitralekha Bhattacharya, Laura S. Schmidt5,Michael L. Nickerson, Bruce T. Lamb, Jian Min Deng, Richard R. Behringer, Blanche Capel, Edward M. Rubin, Joseph H. Nadeau & Angabin Matin。 The Ter mutation in the dead end gene causes germ cell loss and testicular germ cell tumours. Nature(2007 IF 28.751),2005,435:360-364.

7.PENG Sihua, ZHOU Hongliang, PENG Xiaoning, DU Wei. Analysis and Modeling of Systems Biology.Information and Control2004,33(4):457-462.

8.Peng XN, Youngren K, Matin A. Candidate genes within the testicular germ cell tumor locus,Ter. 16th international mouse genome conference, 2002, San Antonio,U.S.A.

9.Sihua Peng, Qianghua Xu, Xuefeng Bruce Ling, Xiaoning Peng, Wei Du, Liangbiao Chen.Molecular Classification of cancer types from microarray data using the combination of genetic algorithms and support vector machines. FEBS Letters(2007 IF 3.263),2003, 555: 358-362.

10.Peng SH, Fan LJ, Peng XN,Zhuang SL, Du W, Chen LB. Splicing-site recoganition of rice (Oryza sativa L.) DNA sequences by support vector machines. J Zhejiang Univ Sci (SCI-E). 2003, 4(5):573-577.

11. Xue-Gong Fan, Xiao-Ning Peng, Yan Huang, Javed Yakoob, Zhi-Ming Wang, and Yong-Ping Chen.Helicobacter species ribosomal DNA recovered from the liver tissue of Chinese patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma. Clinical Infectious Diseases (2007 IF 6.75)2002; 35:1555-7.

12.Yakoob J, Fan XG, Peng XN, Hu GL,Zhang Z. Helicobater pylori cagA and vacA cytotoxin genes in Changsha, China. Br J Biomed Sci (2005IF 1.567)2002, 59(3):150-3.

13.彭小宁,范学工,黄 燕,王志明,陈永平. 螺杆菌感染与肝癌关系的研究.世界华人消 化杂志2002,10(8):902-906.

14.彭小宁,范学工. 螺杆菌相关性疾病. 世界华人消化杂志2001, 9(9): 979-983.

15.彭小宁,范学工,易红. 细菌脂多糖体外诱导淋巴细胞调亡.湖南医科大学学报 2000, 25(6):601-603.

16.罗非君,彭小宁,李晓艳,曹亚. EB 病毒LM P-1 上调鼻咽癌细胞系AP-1 的活性2000,16(4): 551-555.


1.Sihua Peng, Xiaoping Liu, Jiyang Yu, Zhizhen Wan, and Xiaoning Peng*(*: 通讯作者). A New Implementation of Recursive Feature Elimination Algorithm for Gene Selection from Microarray Data. 2009 World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, IEEE computer society. In press. (EI Compendex, ISTP, 和 IEEE Xplore检索).

2.Sihua Peng, Xiaoping Liu, Jiyang Yu, Xiaoning Peng, and Liangbiao Chen. A Gene Selection Software Package for Cancer Classification. 2009 World Congress on Software Engineering, IEEE computer society. In press. (EI Compendex, ISTP, 和 IEEE Xplore检索).





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