词条 | Velvet |
释义 | 音乐专辑专辑简介专辑名称:Velvet 歌手: Louise Hart 资源格式: MP3 发行时间: 2008年 地区: 丹麦 语言: 英语简介: 专辑曲风:Rock 专辑介绍: Louise Hart不惜艰辛飞往著名的英国进行混音,再飞回丹麦完成母带后制,因此专辑的录音品质有了很大的提高,后期制作效果体现得非常完美,如此用心的敬业精神给了乐迷一份满意的答卷。 这张专辑的音乐比上一张稍微放慢了一些速度,但整体配合更有契合度,最主要的变化是减少了音乐的控制,其次加大了混响,一下子让音乐有了雄厚的气势。唱片中无论是吉他的SOIO还是键琴的铺陈,都更为精致与流畅。(编写:留住夏季的风)。 专辑曲目: 01. Take Me Out 02. Butterfly 03. Exactly Where You Are 04. Velvet 05. Change 06. Kalifornia 07. 13 Black Roses 08. Come With Me 09. Between Now And The Past 10. I Don't Wanna Love You 11. Sexy 12. Baby You're The One 瑞典歌手歌手简介瑞典性感女歌手,生于瑞典赫尔辛堡。十来岁就到斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都)的芭蕾舞学院作为一个专业舞蹈者学习。在其求学期间,就在斯德哥尔摩的夜总会作为歌手。 Velvet, i e Jenny Pettersson, was born and raised in the southern Sweden city of Helsingborg. As a teenager she moved to Stockholm to study at The Ballet Academy to become a professional dancer. During her student years, she was working as an singer/entertainer at Stockholm nightclubs. Jenny soon began to prioritise singing. Through the years, Jenny has done a large number of backing vocal jobs for prestigious domestic acts like Carola and E-Type but she also has in her curriculum vitae a maybe surprising name in US rock crooner Meatloaf. Through the winter of 2005/2006 Velvet kick-started her solo career with the singles “(Rock Down To) Electric Avenue” ( a club take on the Eddy Grant reggae classic) and “Don’t Stop Movin’” (originally be UK act Livin’ Joy). Both became huge club and radio hits all over mainland Europe. In 2006 she also released her first album “Finally” The Queen is the second brand new album by Swedish Pop/Dance singer Velvet. It was released on March 18, 2009 and features the singles 'Fix Me', 'Chemistry', 'Deja Vu', 'Take My Body Close' and 'The Queen'. I heared this album and love it so much, it's very dance. 音乐专辑2009-03-18《The Queen》 音乐作品热门歌曲01 go on 02 rock down to 03 boy band 04 here she comes now 05 i found a reason 06 funzioni primarie 07 mi amore 08 sono vivo 09 nascosto dietro un vetro 10 troppo semplice 11 una settimana, un giorno专辑专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情 The Queen 2009-03-18 唱片公司:BonnierAmigo Music G Velvet 2008-11 专辑曲目(12)01 Take Me Out 02 Butterfly 03 Exactly Where You Are 04 Velvet 05 Change 06 Kalifornia 07 13 Black Roses 08 Come With Me 09 Between Now And The Past 10 Don't Wanna Love You 11 Sexy 12 Baby You're The One Velvet 2006-03-23 唱片公司:Nu Millennia专辑曲目(10)01 City Of Angels 02 DJ Take Me 03 Doin It 04 Don't Stop Movin 05 Hey 06 In And Out Of Love 07 Mi Amore 08 Rock Down To 09 Strangers 10 The Snake Ft. Rigo 短序列拼装工具概述是一种短序列拼装工具,由European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)的D.R. Zerbino 和 E. Birney编写,主要用于Solexa、454等高通量测序仪产出的de novo数据的拼接 Velvet目前已经集成了短序列拼接,错误序列修正功能,能够产出较高质量的重叠群(Contigs)。同时Velvet 也能够处理paired-end序列,从而进行构架构建(Scaffold) 和间隙填补(Gap Closure)。 de Bruijn算法Velvet使用了de Bruijn算法,这也是新一代的短序列拼接程序一般采用的算法。在de Bruijn算法中,每一个节点N代表了一系列长短为K的单词(mers)(称为k-mers),相接的k-mers之间的重叠为k-1个碱基。序列的排布信息就由依次重叠的k-mers的最后一个碱基的读取顺序决定。N节点上的序列的内容表示为s(N)。 由于序列的测定的方向性并不明确,为了保证序列拼接的正确性,对于每一个N节点,都有一个反向的N'节点而对应,N与N‘是关联在一起的,所有对于N的操作同时也对N’有效。 de Bruijn算法的主要工作就是通过获得的原始数据构建一个有众多N节点的图,然后用“边”来连接这些节点,从而构建一个连续的序列信息,称为“路径图”(roadmap)。 算法优化同Velvet之前的算法相比,Velvet的优势之处在于其加入了对原始数据进行简化的步骤,从而减少了不必要的数据量,加快了运算速度的同时,也使得构建出的Contig更长。 1、合并节点: 对于A、B两个节点,如果A、B均没有分支,有且只有一条路径连接A、B,那么可以将AB两个节点合并; 2、去除短序列读取错误: 基于对原始数据的统计,如果原始数据中的某一个特定的read具有较低的频率,那么将这个read去除; 3、去除tips: 一个tips指的是,对于一个节点,没有任何的后续节点与其相连,即形成了“盲端”。当发现这种节点,则去掉这个节点; 4、去除bubbles: 一个bubble值得是,在roadmap上连通两个节点的路径上,同时存在两个以上的路径。Velvet使用称作TourBus的方法将这些并行的路径尽可能合并为较少的路径,从而减少数据复杂度,同时消除读取错误及SNP等对于拼接的影响。 版本信息Velvet为遵循GPL协议的自由开源工具。 Velvet的最新版本为1.0.09 (15/06/2010) 版本更新历史: 09/09/2008: Velvet 0.7 This releasecontains the new Pebble algorithm which now replaces the BreadCrumb paired-end module. 02/06/2008: Velvet 0.6 This releaseallows the use of sparse long reads to resolve repeats. 17/03/2008: Velvet paperaccepted. 27/02/2008: Velvet 0.5 This releaseprovides functionalities for downstream analysis and visualization. 11/12/2007: Velvet 0.4 This releasedrastically reduces memory costs, at roughly the same calculation speed. 17/10/2007: Velvet 0.3 This releaseof Velvet now deals with paired end information to resolve repeats. 运行需求Velvet是在64-bit linux环境上设计的,测试表明可以兼容各种Linux 64bit系统, Mac OS X, 以及Cygwin. 对于32bit的linux,由于内存限制,不推荐运行Velvet。 Velvet的内存需求量取决于基因组大小,测序reads的大小,以及K-mers中K值的大小。经验公式如下: Ram required for velvetg = -109635 + 18977*ReadSize + 86326*GenomeSize + 233353*NumReads - 51092*K 计算的结果是kb,除以1048576可以得到Gb. |
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