词条 | uprising |
释义 | 由英国摇滚乐队MUSE2009年9月14日发行专辑《The Resistance》其中一首歌曲。 专辑介绍: 万众期待的Muse新砖的发布时间日益临近了,之前Muse在Twitter上每小时发布一首曲目列表,更是吊足了胃口。新砖的首单Uprising原计划20日晚7点在BBC首播,并在MTV Video Music大奖上首演,不过最后播出的是United States of Eurasia。首单Uprising将改在8月3日在BBC Radio1上播出。 首个被播出的单曲United States of Eurasia马上有了RadioRip版,不过第二天该曲目就有了数字下载,3:44的曲目过后是一个名为“Collateral Damage”的钢琴奏鸣曲,是根据肖邦长音降E大调Op.9 No.2的夜曲改编。 尽管该单曲被认为是首播主打,可是Muse却称Uprising才是,而USE是作为一个“寻宝”活动的奖励,并设立了一个网页“Ununited States of Eurasia”,而到了20日这首歌被分成的6个片段都被歌迷们解锁了,这个网站马上就把标题从“Ununited”改为了“United”,并恶搞了一个横幅“USE已经得到USA的承认。” 首单Uprising在9月7日发行,也是专辑The Resistance的开场曲目。预先发行的音乐杂志Mojo称这首曲子里,乐队成员们如同高唱足球队歌那样伴随着鼓点喊着“加油”("Oi"),Matthew Bellamy称这是在对信贷危机表示不满。而预发行的发过杂志JudeBox描述道,“Matt的声音比以往来得低沉。而歌词还是一如既往的Muse风格:充满了隐喻。Matt在曲中宣布道“They will not control us, we will be the victorious。”,配合上伴随这句副歌的电子合成效果,显得十分有力。歌曲的整体架构十分清晰。”这首歌在8月3日全球各大电台首播,可是由于时差的关系,在新西兰播出的时候就已经出现radiorip版本了。 值得一提的是,在预发行的NME杂志的评论中,Exogenesis作为专辑的亮点,被高度评价为“Muse最高调的,超过之前所有的作品。”同时透露该曲目将由Bellamy演奏古典钢琴,并且有完整的管弦乐团做支持。法国的JudeBox将Bellamy和Radiohead的Thom Yorke的唱功做了一番比较,并指出这首摇滚交响作品是受到肖邦(Frédéric Chopin)以及李斯特(Franz Liszt)的影响。Mojo则称Muse的该曲目动用了40人的管弦乐团。这首歌将由3个部分构成,分别题为“序曲”(Overture)“Cross Pollination”以及“Redemption”。 专辑曲目 01. 《Uprising》 02. Resistance 03. Undisclosed Desires 04. United States of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage) 05. Guiding Light 06. Unnatural Selection 07. MK Ultra 08. I BELONG TO YOU (+Mon Coeur S'Ouvre A Ta Voix) 09. Exogenesis: Symphony Part 1 (Overture) 10. Exogenesis: Symphony Part 2 (Cross Pollination) 11. Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Redemption) 歌词Muse - Uprising The paranoia is in bloom, the PR The transmissions will resume They'll try to push drugs Keep us all dumbed down and hope that We will never see the truth around Another promise, another scene, another A package not to keep us trapped in greed With all the green belts wrapped around our minds And endless red tape to keep the truth confined They will not force us They will stop degrading us They will not control us We will be victorious Interchanging mind control Come let the revolution take it's toll if you could Flick the switch and open your third eye, you'd see that We should never be afraid to die Rise up and take the power back, it's time that The fat cats had a heart attack, you know that Their time is coming to an end We have to unify and watch our flag ascend They will not force us They will stop degrading us They will not control us We will be victorious They will not force us They will stop degrading us They will not control us We will be victorious |
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