

词条 unetbootin

UNetbootin installer of 32-bit Ubuntu 7.10 for Windows (64-bit here) 用于Windows(64位)的32位乌班图Unetbootin安装程序;UNetbootin installer of 32-bit Fedora 8 for Windows (64-bit here)用于Fedora 8(64位)的32位乌班图Unetbootin安装程序;UNetbootin installer of 32-bit openSUSE 10.3 for Windows (64-bit here) 用于Windows(64位)的32位openSUSE Unetbootin安装程序。


用UNetbootin可以轻松的把Linux操作系统装进U盘 你可将U盘插到USB接口。 注意:一定要先插U盘再运行UNetbootin!然后从菜单“应用程序——系统工具”里运行UNetbootin软件。然后把你下好的iso文件放到U盘里,重启电脑,并设置U盘为第一启动设备,即可启动U盘里的操作系统。

UNetbootin allows for the installation of various Linux/BSDdistributions to a real partition, so it's no different from a standard install, only it has the advantage that it needs no CD.

unetbootin允许将各种Linux/ BSD的发行版安装到一个真正的分区,所以它跟一个标准的安装没什么两样,除了它的优势:不需要CD光碟。

It can thus be used to either create a standard dual-boot install, or replace the existing OS entirely with GNU/Linux.


This is meant for people who want to install a Linux distribution but don't have a CD-R to burn, lack a CD writer, or they want to install on a computer that doesn't have a CD-ROMdrive, like an ultra-portable laptop.



Ubuntu (and official derivatives) 8.04 LTS 9.10 10.04 LTS 10.10 11.04 Daily CD Images DebianStable/Squeeze Testing/Wheezy Unstable/Sid

Linux Mint7 8 9 10

openSUSE10.2 10.3 11.0 11.1 Factory

Arch Linux2010.05

Damn Small Linux4.4

SliTaz Stable Cooking

Puppy Linux4.00


FreeBSD6.3 7.0 7.2 8.0


Fedora10 11 12 13 14 Rawhide


Sabayon Linux5.1 5.2

Gentoo2007.0 2008.0

MEPIS SimplyMEPIS 8,AntiX 8

Zenwalk 5.2

Slax 6

Dreamlinux 3.2

EliveDevelopment CentOS 4,5

Mandriva2007.1 2008.0 2008.1


Frugalware Linux Stable,Testing,Current

xPUD 0.9.2


UNetbootin can also be used to load various system utilities, including:


Parted Magic , a partition manager that can resize , repair, backup, and restore partitions parted.

Parted Magic,一个可以调整分区大小,修复、备份和恢复分区的分区管理器。

Super Grub Disk , a boot utility that can restore and repair overwritten and misconfigured GRUB installs or directly boot various operating systems .

Super Grub Disk,一个引导工具,可以恢复和修复被覆盖和错误配置的GRUB引导启动,或直接用来启动不同的操作系统。

Smart Boot Manager (SBM) , which can boot off CD-ROM and floppy drives on computers with a faulty BIOS.

Smart Boot Manager(SBM),它可以在没有光盘和软盘驱动器的情况下启动一台BIOS出错电脑。

Offline NT Registry and Password Editor , which can reset forgotten Windows passwords.


FreeDOS , which can run BIOS flash and other legacy DOS utilities.

freeDOS ,它可以运行BIOS闪存和其他DOS下的小工具。

UNetbootin uses a Windows or Linux-based installer to install a small modification to the bootloader (bootmgr and bcdedit on Vista, grldr and boot.inifor NT-based systems, grub.exe and config.sysfor Win9x, or grub on Linux), uses the bootloader to boot the desired distribution's installer or to load the system utility, no CD required.


After the distribution has been installed, or once done using the system utility, the modification to the bootloader is then undone.



* Linux, or Microsoft Windows 98-Vista

Linux或微软的Windows 98 - Vista

* A broadband internet connection to download the distribution packages (unless installing from pre-downloaded media, see below)


* Spare hard drive space to install the Linux distribution in (varies depending on distribution)


Installation Instructions安装指南

HowtoForge Guide: Installing Ubuntu or Fedora with UNetbootin


Before installing, remember to back up all your data, in case you do something wrong in the partitioning stage of the installer.


Then, download the appropriate file for the distro and version you want to install; if using Windows, use the exe files, if using Ubuntu, Debian, or a deb-based distro, use the deb files, if using Fedora, Suse, or an rpm-based distro, use the rpm file, if using another Linux distribution, use the sh (self extracting) files:


1. If using Windows, run the file, and click "OK" to reboot.

如果在Windows中,运行文件,单击“OK “重启。

2. If using Linux, install the package, and reboot.

如果使用Linux ,安装软件包後重启。

3. After rebooting, select the UNetbootin entry from the menu list as the system boots up.


If using Windows, this should appear:如果使用的是Windows ,就会出现:


4. If using Linux, select the UNetbootin entry in the GRUB menu, as shown below:

如果使用Linux ,选择unetbootin进入GRUB菜单後,界面如下图所示:


5. Then, follow the installation instructions provided for specific distributions further below, and wait as the packages are downloaded and installed.

然后,按照安装说明规定了具体分布进一步下面,等待作为套件是下载并安装。 This portion of the installation can take up to several hours, depending on your connection speed and the amount of packages you install, so be patient.这部分人的安装,可以采取行动了几个小时,这取决于您的上网速度和数量之多,包安装,所以有耐心。

6. Reboot, and select your newly installed GNU/Linux system to run.重新开机,并选择新安装的GNU / Linux系统中运行。

Ubuntu Instructions乌博图指示

There is a screenshot-based guide for installing Ubuntu or Fedora using UNetbootin at HowtoForge .有截图为基础的指导安装乌博图或Fedora的使用unetbootin在howtoforge 。 A text-based guide is also available at the forums .基于文字的引导也可在论坛上 。

Note that if installing Ubuntu or its derivatives (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Gobuntu, UbuntuStudio, Ubuntu Server, etc) you MUST select a desktop environment package at the "Software Selection" stage of installation, or you will be left in a commandline-only system with no GUI.注意:如果安装乌博图或其衍生物( kubuntu , xubuntu , gobuntu , ubuntustudio而ubuntu服务器等) ,你必须选择一个桌面环境的包装上的"软件选择"的阶段安装,或你会被遗留在命令行只系统不贵。 To select a package for installation, first hover over the entry, such as "Ubuntu desktop", then mark it by pressing "SPACE" so that an asterisk (*) appears next to the package name.要选择一个软件包安装时,首先悬停超过入境,如"分享桌面" ,则标志着它的紧迫的"空间" ,使星号( * )出现在软件包名字。 Make sure that the asterisk mark (*) appears next to one or more packages, indicating that you have selected them to be installed, BEFORE you proceed with the installation by pressing "ENTER".作出肯定的是,星号标记( * )出现在一个或多个包,这表示你已经选择了他们安装,在你着手安装借由按下"输入" 。

Also note that the progress bar will remain at 6% as the files are downloading, and if on a slow connection, the installation may appear to be hanging at 6% or at other stages while displaying the words "Please Wait".也注意到这方面的工作进展酒吧将维持在百分之六作为档案下载,如果连接速度慢,安装,似乎可以挂在6 %或在其他阶段,同时展示了话: "请等待" 。 Ignore the progressbar and wait, as once the packages have finished downloading, the installation will quickly finish.无视progressbar等待,因为一旦该软件包完成下载,安装很快就会完成。

Fedora Instructions Fedora的指示

If installing Fedora, select "FTP" as the installation source, and for the server, specify:如果安装Fedora ,而选择"的FTP "作为安装源,并为服务器中,指定:


and for the folder, if using the standard (32-bit) version, specify:和该文件夹,如果使用标准( 32位)版本,注明:

pub/fedora/linux/releases/8/Fedora/i386/os pub/fedora/linux/releases/8/fedora/i386/os

or if using the 64-bit version, specify:或者,如果使用64位版本,注明:

pub/fedora/linux/releases/8/Fedora/x86_64/os pub/fedora/linux/releases/8/fedora/x86_64/os

A Fedora specific guide is available here and here . 1 Fedora的具体指导,可在这里 ,并在这里 。 There is also a screenshot-based guide at HowtoForge .也有截图为基础的指导,在howtoforge 。

Alternatively, if you would rather use a pre-downloaded Fedora install DVD iso file, you can use that by first partitioning your disks using the PartedMagic Partition Manager ( download ) in order to create a partition to install Fedora in, and placing the iso file into any partition other than the ones you aim to use for Fedora.反过来说,如果你想使用预先下载的Fedora安装的DVD的ISO文件,你可以利用它来首次划分你的磁盘使用partedmagic分区经理 ( 下载 ) ,以创造一个分区安装的Fedora中,并把国际标准化组织的档案到任何其他分割比某人,你的目标是使用的Fedora 。 While still in PartedMagic, take note of the partition number of the filesystem containing the iso file, as presented by GParted, such as /dev/sdb4 if it is the fourth partition on the second drive.虽然仍处于partedmagic ,注意该分区数量的文件系统包含的ISO文件,由gparted ,如/ dev/sdb4如果它是第四个分区上第二个驱动器。 Then, install the UNetbootin Fedora installer, reboot, and when prompted for an installation source, select "Hard Drive".然后,安装unetbootin Fedora的安装程序,重新开机,并提示时,为安装源中,选择"硬盘驱动器" 。 You will now be prompted to specify the partition and folder containing the Fedora iso file; enter in the partition, such as /dev/sda1, in the first field, and in the second field, specify the folder containing the iso, such as /linux/install/ if the path to the Fedora install DVD iso file was X:\\linux\\install\\Fedora-8-x86_64-DVD.iso in Windows.你现在将被提示到指定的分区和文件夹中含有的Fedora的ISO文件;挤进去的分区,如/ dev/sda1 ,在第一场和第二场中,指定文件夹中载有国际标准化组织,如/ Linux的/安装/如果路径向Fedora的安装的DVD的ISO文件被十: \\ Linux的\\安装\\的Fedora - 8 - x86_64 - dvd.iso在窗户。

openSUSE Instructions Linux等指示

If installing openSUSE, after rebooting, ignore any error messages and select back if prompted for a CD, then go to the main menu, select the "Start Installation" option, choose "Network" as the source, choose "HTTP" as the protocol, and for the server, specify:若设置Linux等,开机后,不理会任何错误讯息,并选择返回如果提示输入光盘,然后进入主菜单中,选择"开始安装"选项中,选择"网络"为来源,并选择"的HTTP : "随着议定书,并为服务器中,指定:


and for the folder, if installing openSUSE 10.3, specify:和该文件夹,如果安装开源10.3 ,注明:

distribution/10.3/repo/oss/ distribution/10.3/repo/oss /

Or, if installing openSUSE-Factory, specify:或者,如果安装Linux等工厂,注明:


An openSUSE specific guide is available here , here , and here .一个开源的具体指导,可在这里 , 在这里 ,并在这里 。

PCLinuxOS Instructions pclinuxos指示

If you have already downloaded the iso file for PCLinuxOS or one of its derivatives, rename it to "ubniso.iso" and place it in the same directory as the UNetbootin PCLinuxOS executable installer if using Windows, or if using Linux, place it into /tmp/ubniso.iso, in order to skip the download process.如果你已经下载的ISO文件,为pclinuxos或其衍生物,它更名为" ubniso.iso " ,并把它摆在同一个目录作为unetbootin pclinuxos可执行安装程序,如果使用的是Windows ,或者如果使用Linux ,把它摆成/川芎嗪/ ubniso.iso ,为了跳过下载过程。 Otherwise, the PCLinuxOS Minime edition will be downloaded and used.否则, pclinuxos minime版就会被下载和使用。 After installation, reboot, and PCLinuxOS will be able to boot in liveCD mode.安装完毕后,重新开机,并pclinuxos将能够在开机livecd模式。 However, if installing PCLinuxOS to the hard drive, first use PartedMagic Partition Manager ( download ) to make room for a partition for the PCLinuxOS install, prior to starting the PCLinuxOS installer from the liveCD mode, as you will be unable to directly modify the partitions from PCLinuxOS.但是,如果安装pclinuxos到硬盘中,首先使用partedmagic分区经理 ( 下载 ) ,以腾出空间分割为pclinuxos安装,启动前, pclinuxos安装程序,从livecd模式,因为你将无法直接修改分区从pclinuxos 。 Alternatively, you can use the "copy2ram" boot parameter for PCLinuxOS in order to be able to resize partitions from within liveCD mode, without needing to use PartedMagic beforehand.另外,你也可以利用" copy2ram "启动参数为pclinuxos为了能够重新调整分区,从内部livecd模式,而无需使用partedmagic事前。 Afterwards, once the disk has been partitioned, launch the PCLinuxOS installer using the icon on the PCLinuxOS desktop, and proceed with the standard install.事后,一旦磁盘已经分割,推出pclinuxos安装使用该图标就pclinuxos台式机,并着手与标准安装。 A PCLinuxOS specific guide is available here . 1 pclinuxos具体指导,可以从这里下载 。

Mandriva Instructions mandriva指示

If installing Mandriva, first use PartedMagic Partition Manager ( download ) to create 2 spare partitions: a 4 GB one to store the ISO temporarily for installation, and a larger one to install Mandriva in. Then, download Mandriva Linux "Free" (NOT "One") 2008 to the new 4GB partition.如果安装mandriva ,首先使用partedmagic分区经理 ( 下载 ) ,以创造二日备件分区:一个4 GB的一个储存的ISO暂时的安装空间,以及更大的一个安装mandriva英寸,然后, 下载mandriva Linux的"自由" (而不是"一" ) , 2008年至新的4 GB的分割。 Then install UNetbootin, reboot, and select "Hard Drive" as the installation source, select your 4GB partition and the folder containing the ISO, then proceed with the standard install process.然后安装unetbootin ,重新开机,并选择"硬盘驱动器" ,作为安装源,选择你的4 GB的分区和文件夹载有国际标准化组织,然后进行与标准安装过程。 A Mandriva specific guide is available here . 1 mandriva具体指导,可以从这里下载 。

CentOS Instructions centos指示

If installing CentOS, select "FTP" as the installation source, and for the server, specify:如果安装centos ,选择"的FTP "作为安装源,并为服务器中,指定:


and for the folder, if using the standard (32-bit) version, specify:和该文件夹,如果使用标准( 32位)版本,注明:


or if using the 64-bit version, specify:或者,如果使用64位版本,注明:


A CentOS specific guide is available here and here . 1 centos具体指导,可在这里 ,并在这里 。 There is also a screenshot-based guide here .也有截图为基础的指南 。

Arch Linux Instructions拱Linux的指示

If installing Arch Linux, start the installer by entering at the console:若设置拱Linux的启动安装,进入在控制台:

/arch/setup :输入命令“/arch/setup”

Then, select "FTP" as the installation source, go to "Network" and configure your network interface, then select a listed FTP mirror in the "Select Packages" section.然后,选择"FTP "作为安装源,到"网络" ,并配置你的网络界面,然后选择一间上市FTP镜像在"选择套餐"一节。 An Arch Linux specific guide is available here and here .拱Linux的具体指导,可在这里 ,并在这里 。 More instructions are also available at the Arch Wiki and Official Installation Guide .更多的指令,也可在拱wiki和官方安装指南 。

Foresight Linux Instructions :Foresight Linux指令(Foresight Linux是一个linux发行版)

First, resize your existing partitions to make room for a partition to install Foresight into, using UNetbootin Parted Magic .第一,重新调整现有的分割区,以腾出空间为一个分区,以安装到有远见,利用unetbootin parted Magic这个软件。 Then, download the latest Foresight installation DVD iso file to a partition other than the one you are installing to.然后, 下载最新的Foresight版本安装的DVD的ISO文件到你正在安装一个分区以外的一个一个分区。 Then, install the UNetbootin Foresight Linux package, reboot and start the installation procedure, and when prompted for a source of installation media, select "Hard Drive", specify the folder and partition you downloaded the iso file to, then the main installer will start, and you can proceed with the standard installation procedure.然后,安装unetbootin Foresight Linux包,重新开机,并自动启动安装程序,而当促使一种源的安装媒体中,选择"硬盘驱动器"中,指定文件夹,并分割你下载的ISO文件,然后主要安装程序将开始,你就可以着手进行标准安装程序。

FreeBSD/NetBSD Instructions FreeBSD上/ NetBSD的指示

FreeBSD/NetBSD installation instructions are located here and here . FreeBSD上/ NetBSD的安装指示设在这里 ,并在这里 。

Vector Linux Instructions向量的Linux指令

Vector Linux installation instructions are located here .矢量Linux安装指示设在这里 。

Slackware Instructions Slackware的指示

Slackware installation instructions are located here and here . Slackware的安装指示设在这里 ,并在这里 。

Removal Instructions移除指示

1. To undo the changes to the Windows bootloader, simply boot Windows, and the uninstaller should begin.取消更改到Windows的bootloader ,只需启动窗口,并卸载应该开始。 Press "OK", and it will undo the changes done to the bootloader, or uninstall manually from "Add/Remove Applications".按下"确定" ,这将挽回变化做引导,或手动卸载从"添加/删除应用程序" 。 Note that this uninstallation process will only remove the UNetbootin loader itself, not your Linux installation.注意,这个卸载过程中,将只拆除unetbootin装载机本身,而不是你的Linux安装。 If using Linux, if you used the .rpm or .deb package, then remove the "unetbootin" package, or if you used the .sh version, then use the command:如果使用Linux ,如果你使用了。 rpm时还是。 deb软件包,然后除去" unetbootin "包中,或如果您使用。巯基版,然后使用命令:

sudo unetbootin-uninst sudo的unetbootin - uninst

2. To remove the installed Linux distribution itself, see this guide删除已安装的Linux发行本身,见本指南

Notes For Vista Users 注释Vista用户

Vista has its own partition manager, which can be started with the command: Vista中有其自身的分区经理,可以开始使用命令:


It can be used to shrink the NTFS partition to make space for Ubuntu's partition, and may work better than Ubuntu's partitioner.它可以用来压缩的NTFS分区,以使乌班图有空间划分分区,比为乌班图独占分区更好。 Details on using the graphical tool are available here and here .细节上采用图形化的工具,可在这里 ,并在这里 。 Should the graphical tool not work, you can also use diskpart, a commandline tool:应图形工具,而并非是工作,你也可以使用diskpart ,一个命令行工具:


Details on using diskpart are available here and here .详情用diskpart已上载这里 ,并在这里 。

Running UNetbootin from a liveCD or using it to make a bootable USB net-install drive运行unetbootin从livecd或用它来作一个可引导的USB网络安装驱动器

The .sh (shell script) version for GNU/Linux can operate in 3 different ways; installmode=tohost operates like the rpm/deb packages, chainloading off the existing grub install, installmode=nohost can be used off a liveCD/liveUSB when there is no existing OS installed, while installmode=usbdrive can be used to make a bootable net-install USB drive.了。巯基( shell脚本)的版本为GNU / Linux上可以操作的,在3种不同方式; installmode = tohost运作一样,每分钟转速/ deb的软件包, chainloading小康现行蛴螬安装, installmode = nohost可用于掀起livecd / liveusb时,有它没有现成的操作系统安装,而installmode = usbdrive可以用来制造一个可引导网安装USB驱动器。 Syntax and options are as follow (remember to run the script as root using 'sudo' or 'su', and make it executable using 'chmod +x ./unetbootin-fedora8rev49.sh' before executing):语法和选项如下(记住要运行脚本作为超级用户身份用' sudo'的或'su' ,使其可执行,然后执行'chmod + x ./unetbootin-fedora8rev49.sh ') :

If you are running this script from a host, hard-drive Linux install, and want the GRUB bootloader installed in /boot to be used, enter:如果您正从主机运行此脚本,硬盘的Linux的安装,并希望GRUB的bootloader安装在 /boot 目录下 并可用,输入:

./unetbootin-fedora8rev49.sh installmode=tohost ./unetbootin-fedora8rev49.sh installmode = tohost

Otherwise, if you are running this script from a liveCD or other live, non-hard drive media, or the installmode=tohost option fails, or you want to specify your target partition (targetpartition=/dev/sda1) or (optionally) the bootloader (bootloader=grub or bootloader=lilo), enter, in addition to the targetpartition and formatpartition options:否则,如果你运行这个脚本,从livecd或其他活,非硬盘驱动器的媒体,或installmode = tohost选择失败的话,或者您想指定你的目标分区( targetpartition = / dev/sda1 )或(可选)开机程式(bootloader=grub or bootloader=lilo),进入,除了以targetpartition和formatpartition之外,还需增加下列选项:

./unetbootin-fedora8rev49.sh installmode=nohost targetpartition=/dev/sda1 formatpartition=yes ./unetbootin-fedora8rev49.sh installmode = nohost targetpartition = / dev/sda1 formatpartition =是

Otherwise, if you want to install to a USB drive, enter, in addition to the targetpartition and formatpartition options:否则,如果你想安装到一个USB驱动器,输入,除了向targetpartition和formatpartition之外,还需增加下列选项:

./unetbootin-fedora8rev49.sh installmode=usbdrive targetpartition=/dev/sda1 formatpartition=yes ./unetbootin-fedora8rev49.sh installmode = usbdrive targetpartition = / dev/sda1 formatpartition =是

Using UNetbootin If You Don't Have an OS Installed如果你没有一个操作系统,而使用unetbootin

If you have a liveCD/liveUSB, boot it and use the UNetbootin .sh version as described above in the section for the "installmode=nohost" option, then reboot and the installer will start from the hard drive.如果你有一个livecd / liveusb ,引导它,然后利用unetbootin .sh 版本如上文所述,在本节为" installmode = nohost "选项,然后重新启动系统,安装程序将从硬盘驱动器启动。

Alternatively, if the machine can boot off a USB drive, and you have access to another machine that can run Linux from a liveCD or hard drive, then make a bootable net-install USB drive using the UNetbootin .sh version as described above in the section for the "installmode=usbdrive" option, then boot the install-USB drive on the target machine and the installer will start.反过来说,如果该机器可以启动一个USB驱动器,你有机会到另一台可以从一个livecd或硬盘驱动器运行Linux机器上,使用unetbootin 启动网络安装USB驱动器.sh版如上文所述,本节,为" installmode = usbdrive "选项,然后从目标机器要安装的USB驱动器启动之后安装程序将会启动。

If all else fails, or if you only have access to floppies, then first, download the Debian minimal-install floppies .如果所有其他措施无效时,或者如果你只使用软盘,那么,第一,下载Debian的最小安装软盘 。 Then, install Debian.然后,安装Debian 。 Once installed, download the UNetbootin deb package using wget $unetbootin.deb, install it using dpkg -i $unetbootin.deb, then once done, reboot, and select UNetbootin in the GRUB menu.一旦安装,下载unetbootin deb软件包使用wget元unetbootin.deb ,它安装使用dpkg我是元unetbootin.deb ,一旦做了,重新开机,并选择unetbootin在GRUB菜单。

Offline Installation Using Pre-Downloaded Installation Media离线安装使用预先下载安装媒体

Some distributions, such as Fedora, CentOS, openSUSE, Slackware, Mandriva, and Arch Linux, allow you to use packages from your hard drive as the installation media.一些分布,如Fedora ,而centos , Linux等, Slackware的, mandriva ,拱Linux的,使您能够使用套餐从你的硬盘驱动器作为安装媒体。 If you already have the installation (not livecd) iso file downloaded, first partition your disk using the PartedMagic Partition Manager ( download ) in order to create a partition to install Linux in. If you don't already know your partition devices, such as /dev/sda1 you can check them in GParted as you will need them for the installation.如果你已经有了安装(不livecd )的ISO文件,下载完成后,首先分割您的磁盘使用partedmagic分区经理 ( 下载 ) ,以创造一个分区安装的Linux英寸,如果你还没有了解你的分割设备,如/ dev/sda1你可以查阅他们在gparted因为你需要为他们安装。 Then, transfer the predownloaded iso file to any partition other than the ones you plan to install Linux into.那么,转让predownloaded的ISO文件到任何其他分割比某人,你计划安装Linux进入。 Then, install the appropriate UNetbootin build, and select "Hard Drive" as the installation source after rebooting.然后,安装合适unetbootin建设,并选择"硬盘驱动器" ,作为安装源后,重新开机。 Then, when prompted for the partition and folder, specify the partition device label, such as /dev/sda1, and the folder containing the iso, such as /linux/install/ if the path to the Fedora install DVD was X:\\linux\\install\\Fedora-8-x86_64-DVD.iso in Windows.然后,当提示输入分区和文件夹中,指定分割装置标签,例如/ dev/sda1 ,以及文件夹,载有国际标准化组织,如/ Linux的/安装/如果路径向Fedora的安装DVD的十: \\的Linux \\安装\\的Fedora - 8 - x86_64 - dvd.iso在窗户。

Installing Other Distributions Using UNetbootin安装其它分布用unetbootin

Since UNetbootin allows for the usage of unmodified netboot kernel and initrds, it is possible to install any distribution that provides one, such as in the form of a mini-FTP-install iso.自unetbootin允许使用未netboot内核和initrds的,是有可能的安装任何分布,可以提供,如在形式上的一个小型的FTP安装标准的制订工作。 If installing another distribution on a one-time usage basis (for packaging and mass distribution, see the section below), first install another distribution using UNetbootin, download the netboot version of the desired distribution (generally available on the FTP server), extract the initrd and kernel files, and replace (on Windows) C:\\unetbootin\\ubnkern and C:\\unetbootin\\ubuninit, or (on Linux) /boot/ubnkern and /boot/ubninit with the netboot kernel and initrd files, respectively, then reboot and the installer for the desired distribution should start.如果安装另一种分布于一次性使用的基础上(为包装和质量分布,见下面一节),首先安装另一个分配使用unetbootin ,下载netboot版本的理想分配(一般可对FTP伺服器),提取initrd的和核心的档案,并以此取代(在Windows环境) ,在C : \\ unetbootin \\ ubnkern和C : \\ unetbootin \\ ubuninit ,或(在Linux上) /开机/ ubnkern和/开机/ ubninit与netboot内核及initrd文件,分别为,则重新开机,并在安装理想的分配应该开始。

Packaging UNetbootin for Other Distributions包装unetbootin其他分布

Thanks to UNetbootin's portable architecture, it is easy to add support for other distributions.感谢unetbootin的便携式结构,这是很容易添加支持其他分派。 If you would like to create UNetbootin packages for other distributions, first make sure you have installed the "bzr", "alien", "fakeroot", and "wine" utilities, which are installable through your package manager, then check out the source with the command:如果你想创造unetbootin包等的分布,首先要确定你已经安装了" bzr " , "外星人" , " fakeroot " , "酒"的公用事业,这是通过安装你的软件包经理人的话,签出源与指挥:

bzr checkout http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gezakovacs/unetbootin/devel-new bzr结帐http://bazaar.launchpad.net/ 〜 gezakovacs / unetbootin /开发-新

Then add the name of the distribution, referred to here as , into the file "targetdistros" in the checked-out source, add the netboot initrd and kernel, with the naming scheme "ubninit-" and "ubnkern-" into the "initkern" folder, then cd to the source directory, and run the command:然后添加名字的分配,这里提到的,因为( distroname ) ,纳入档案" targetdistros " ,在检查出的来源,添加netboot的initrd和内核,与命名计划" ubninit - ( distroname ) " , " ubnkern -( d istroname) "换成" i nitkern"文件夹,然后裁谈会向源代码目录,并运行命令:


Then, the ".exe", ".deb", ".rpm", and ".sh" packages for distribution will be created in the "dist" directory.于是, ".exe", ".deb", ".rpm", 和".sh"的"包分配,将在"dist "建立目录。 More info is available in the readme file in the source folder.更多信息可在自述文件在源文件夹。


If you encounter errors with UNetbootin or need help troubleshooting, post a question at the UNetbootin Thread on Ubuntuforums.如果你遇到错误unetbootin或需要帮助疑难解答,后一个问题,UNetbootin Thread 在 ubuntuforums 。

Source Code and License源代码和许可

UNetbootin is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2 or above . unetbootin是领有GNU通用公共许可证( GPL的)第2版或以上 。 Source code is available at the launchpad page .源代码是可在通Launchpad页 。


UNetbootin was created and written by Geza Kovacs ( tuxcantfly ), contact info . unetbootin是geza科瓦奇( tuxcantfly )开发编写 , 联系方式 。


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