词条 | UKFA高性能混凝土(砂浆)成岩技术 |
释义 | UKFA是一种特殊气味的灰白色干粉末。气味与施工后即消失。该无机,防水,粉末状混合物状似水泥,可用做混凝土或灰浆的掺和剂,而改变其流变能力。“UKFA”的使用会带来负电荷的人工矿物质,它会引起水分子和水泥颗粒的磁性再定位。这种再定向会减弱分子、颗粒间的联系,并使它们更自由的转动,从而就会有理大量的水泥颗粒开始水化反应。“UKFA”一旦被加水激活之后,就会在水泥颗粒内部引发一连串化学反应,促使颗粒可以100%的水化,同时还能减少收缩,加速整个水化反应过程。 UKFA高性能混凝土(砂浆)成岩技术DESCRIPTION OF UKFA UKFA的描述 UKFA is a gray-white, dry powder, with a specific smell. After application, the smell disappears. The non-organic cementitious waterproofer, and mdifer compound works as an admixture with concrete and mortar mixes which actually changes the rheology. BENEFITS l Higher compressive strength, by 20~25% l 提高3~7天早期强度20~25%。 l Waterproofing l 防水的 l Early strengthening l 早强 l Impermeability l 抗渗 l Adheres to concrete in extreme temperature conditions; both hot and cold l 可以在冷热极端环境下工作。 l Reduces freeze/thaw resistance up to 400 cycles, and more l 提高抗冻融循环400次以上 l Shrinkage Decreased by 25%~50% and reduced shrinkage cracks l 干缩减少25%~50%,从而减少干缩裂缝。 l High Abrasion Resisitance l 提高耐磨性 l Improved Workability with lower W/C ratio l 即使水灰比很低仍具有较高的工作性 l Very pumpable with no clogs in the hose l 易於泵送,且不易塞管 l Extremely smooth finish l 施工面较平滑 l Improved Tensile/Flexural Strength l 提高抗拉、抗弯强度 l Homogeneous Mass creates a Hydraulic Lock within the concrete l 均质材料保证了水泥内部的液压锁定 l No curling Foundations l 无翘曲基础 l Increased Density l 增加密实度 l 97% Micro Pores l 97%的微裂缝 l Can be used in freezing weather conditions l 可以在低温环境下使用 l Rebar will Never Rust l 防止钢筋锈蚀 l No curing Needed l 无需养护 l Reduction of water to cement ratio by 8-15% l 减少混凝土用水量8~15% l No superplasticizers, water reducers, air entrainers, antifreezers or other admixtures, Fly Ash, Silica Fume, meshes, steel fiber or synthetic fibers are needed l 无需使用强塑剂,减水剂,膨胀剂等添加剂,也不需使用飞灰,硅灰,网筛,钢纤或合成纤维; l Reduction in construction time –structure is ready to use in 14 days l 缩短施工时间,结构在14天内即可使用; l Reduction/Elimination of Efflorescence l 降低甚至消除风化 l Lower absorption rates l 降低吸水性 l High resistance to aggressive liquids/gases, including H2S l 对腐蚀性液体、气体具有高抵抗性,包括硫化氢 l Ability to solve high alkalinity problems, moisture emission problems l 可避免高碱度和高湿度问题 l NO Bleedwater l 不泌水 l Increased Durability l 提高耐久性 l UKFA concrete does NOT have problems with Dusting, Blitering,, Crazing or Scaling! l 本产品尤其没有粉化,起泡,龟裂或收缩等问题 TECHNICAL EXPLANATION OF HOW UKFA WORKS “UKFA”工作原理的技术性解释How does it work----- UKFA is not a pore blocker. UKFA utilizes two techniques to improve concrete. UKFA physically alters the concrete and also acts on an ionic level. 它是如何工作的------ “UKFA”不是孔隙阻隔剂。“UKFA”使用两种技术来改良水泥品质,即分别在物理和离子层面上对混凝土发生效用。 1、Reduction of Pore Diameter Gasses are produced during the hydration process. As the gasses are released they create pores that mark the passage of the gasses through. The still plastic concrete. Carbon Dioxide is normally produced form Portland concrete. Carbon Dioxide must build up a bubble of a certain “critical mass”before it is able to rise to the surface of the concrete. The results in large pores called macro pores. 1、毛细孔直径减小------ 在水化过程中会产生气体。气体在排放时会产生毛细孔,它们表明了气体通过静止且具可塑性混凝土的通路。硅酸盐水泥通常会产生二氧化碳。由于二氧化碳必须形成达到一定“临界质量”的气泡后,才能上升到混凝土表面,所以会产生气泡。 Acetylene is the gas produced in UKFA Portland concrete. This gas is released as soon as it is formed. Resulting in a much smaller gas bubble. And thus smaller pore diameters called micro pores are created. The surface tension of water prevents water from entering micro pores. 使用“UKFA”的硅酸盐水泥产生的是乙炔。这种气体一产生后就会被排放出,故只会形成较小的气泡,和短直径的微毛细孔。气孔表面液体的张力则可防止水等液体进入微毛细孔。 Normal concrete contains approximately 70% macro pores an 30% micro pores. UKFA concrete contains approximately 3% macro pores and 97% micro pores.making UKFA concrete far more resistant to water ingress. That is why Engineers refer to UKFA concrete as “artificial rock”. 常规水泥含有约70%粗毛细孔和30%的微毛细孔,而“UKFA”水泥则含有约3%的粗毛细孔和97%的微毛细孔,从而大幅增强了“UKFA”水泥的防水性能。工程师们还因此给“UKFA”水泥冠上了“人造磐石”的称号。 “UKFA”在水化作用早期时促进了硫铝酸钙结晶体的形成。这些结晶体在成长期时性质微弱,不能形成毛细孔。因此它们会偏离,以毛细孔为轴心,顺着毛细孔成长。最终在毛细孔外会形成一种结晶体外壳,却又不会阻碍毛细孔的通风效用。硫铝酸钙结晶体不溶解且抗化学性,它们平行生长,看似一束束六边形的纤维。结晶体之间的缝隙会填补有晶体间的溶液。整包水泥的密度,体积和强度就取决于这种溶液的密度。 2、The Introduction of Electrical Charges— Ions in the concrete,such as iron an zinc,which would normally be inert,become active. The concrete surface beings to act in a manner similar to an ion-exchange resin. During hy dration, iron is converted from Iron +++,which is a large,show and generally non-reactive particle. To Iron++, which is very small and very active.The result is the concrete takes on a small electrical charge. 2、电负荷效用的引入------- 水泥内部的离子,如铁和锌,在通常状态下是不活动的,而加入“UKFA”后离子会活跃起来。水泥表面会如同离子交换树脂一样发生反应。在水化过程中,铁会由铁+++转变为铁++。铁+++是大、活动慢且通常不发生反应的微粒,而铁++却微小而活跃。这就导致水泥带上了少量的电荷负载。 Adding any electrolyte, for example an acid. To UKFA results in charged particles(ions) in the concrete migrating to the surface to neutralize the charge. The stronger the attacking or foreign ions,the more active ions in the concrete migrate to the surface. If the aggressive chemical is strong, the concrete surface may etch about 0.5mm to increase the surface area for the reacctions to take palce. The net effect is similar to trying to push the north ends of two magnets together—the stronger you push, the more the magnets push back.. 如果加入诸如酸之类的电解质,水泥里的带电微粒(离子)就会移向表面,与电解质电荷中和。入侵的外来离子越强,水泥内部的离子就会越发活跃的移向表面。如果侵害性化学物质很强,水泥表面可能会腐蚀约0.5mm来增加表面可发生反应的面积。其效果就类似于试图将两个磁铁的北极强推到一起,你推的越用力,磁铁的反作用力也越大。 If the aggressive chemical changes, other ions in the concrete become active to counteract it and the process begins again.UKFA enhanced concrete is almost organic in nature in that it will react to exclude all non-cementitious chemicals, and just like an animal’s immune system, once the chemical hs been “recognized” and neutralized. The concrete becomes “immune” to further attack from similar chemicals. 如果腐蚀性化学物质变了,水泥内的其它离子就会变得活跃来中和它,上述过程又将重复。“UKFA”加强的水泥,本质几乎是有机的,因为它会对所有非水泥质的材料产生反应和排斥。这就好像动物的免疫系统,一旦化学物质被“识破”并中和之后,水泥就会产生对类似化学物的“免疫力”。 The gradated solubility of UKFA components allows it to get consequential reactions. Form the 1st through the 4st processes, without delays. These reactions will cintinuous if the dosage of wate is reduced enough, and the mixing of the concrete is done completely. The four processes include: 1) Dissolution of the cement grain by speeded hydration. 2)Oxidation of the metal containing elements, 3) Colloidation of the free molecules of water, and 4) Stabilization of the gel of the cement paste. “UKFA”成分的逐步溶解,使得这些反应可以从第一个到第四个依次发生,而没有任何延误。如果用水量减少了,这些反应将持续无间断发生,而混凝土的混合也会顺利完成。 这四个步骤是: 1)加速水泥颗粒的水化, 2)金属成分的氧化反应, 3)自由水分子的胶质化, 4)水泥浆体内凝胶体的稳定化。 1) Dissolution of the cement grain by speeded hydration. This is a very important stage where the standard volume of hydration increases in speed ba weakening the molecular tensions of water with positively charged artificial minerals. This reaction results in: a. Reduction of water needed for the concrete mix by 20%; b. Maximum concentration of the water solution of Kalmatrion components to achieve low slump with high worability; c. Retardation of the shrinkage dynamic in the first days; d. Reliable “raw compation” of the concrete mix; e. Pumpable concrete mix with a slump of 6cm to 10cm. 1)、加速水泥颗粒的水化。 常规体积的水泥水化被加速,是一个十分重要的步骤。它用带正电荷的人工矿物质减弱了水分子的张力,从而加速水化。这一反应的结果是: a.减少用水量20%; b. “UKFA”成分的水溶解可以达到最大浓度,这样在实现低坍落度的同时,就还能保证高度的可和易性; c.第一天的混凝土收缩会被延迟; d.水泥混合物内的“原料压实”会顺利进行; e.混凝土混合物的坍落度会维持在2~4英寸,而易于泵送。 When a liquid penetrates the concrete the solution is diluted causing the fiber bundles to swell. And the volume of the package increases. The action constricts the pores. Effeftively reducing their diameter but not blocking them from the atmosphere. The pores are now smaller than the daimeter of a molecule. The reduction of pore diameter produces three simultaneous effects: 当液体渗入时,这些溶液会被冲淡,导致晶体纤维束扩张,水泥包的体积也相应增大。这一反应使得毛细孔收缩,有效缩小其直径,却又不至阻碍毛细孔和大气的畅通。此时毛细孔的直径会变得小于分子的直径。毛细孔直径的减小会同时产生以下三种效用: 1. The artificially small pore diameter is now not much larger than the diameter of a water molecule and produces a kind of molecular sieve or filter that prevents ingress of large molecules such as acids and oils. 2. Reducing pore diameter increases the pressure of the liquids and gasses inside the pores. This produces a positive pressure against the further penetration of gasses. Water and any electrolytes they may carry. 3. Liquids such as water, alkalis, acids, and oil products, are unable to penetrate as their own tension prevents it. 1.人工微毛细孔的直径会变得比水分子的直径小,从而形成分子过滤器或分子筛网,进而防止了诸如酸类和油类等大分子的渗透。 2.毛细孔直径的减小增加了毛孔内液体和气体的压力,内部压强的增加会进一步防止水、气体,以及它们可能携带的任何电解液的渗透。 3.水、碱金属、酸和油类产品等液体本身的张力也会阻碍它们的渗透。 This process is a dynamic rather than static one. Which allows the crystals to expand or contract.The pores,although very small are always open to atmosphere. Thus preventing buildup of osmotic pressure within the concrete,which can have catastrophic results. 这一过程不是静态的,而是动态的。也即是说,结晶体即可以膨胀,也可以收缩。尽管毛细孔很微小,但仍能保证和大气的畅通,从而防止了水泥内部渗透性压力的累积,否则将可能导致灾难性的后果。 This process will occur with all materials that are not compatible with cement and this includes many common cement modifiers,retarders, and accelerators. The use of foreign cement modifiers with UKFA will result in that chemical being destroyed and rendered useless. 这一反应会针对所有不溶于水泥的物质,其中也包括许多常用的水泥修补剂,缓凝剂和促凝剂。对于渗和了“UKFA”的水泥使用外来修补剂会导致化学物质被破坏且变得无效。 在成批混合和成长阶段时,水泥的高导电性会维持45天。与常规水泥的比较数据显示,含有“UKFA”的水泥在早期具有高50倍导电性。它提供了电镀化学物质的类似物,具有高水盐度,因而延长了水冻结时间,避免了用盐而造成的副作用。这就使得在0℃环境下,使用未加热的水也变得可行了,而水泥在冰冻气候和冬季环境下也可发挥出色效用了。 Concrete mix contains a lot of structurally useful minerals, which are not used at all because the active agent is only water. Water is not enough to involve these nierals in the hydration and hardening processes. The combination of the more than 50 chemicals in the UKFA admixtures provide this activity cementitious mixes through a chain reaction of four processes. 混凝土混合物有许多对结构有用的矿物质,但却不能发挥效用。因为水是唯一活跃的介质,而在水化和固化过程中,并没有充足的水来溶解这些矿物质。“UKFA”渗和剂含有50种以上化学物质,通过四个过程的一系列反应,它们会使水泥混合物具有活跃性。 3、Oxidation of metal containing elements. The use of UKFA invoves nagatively changed, artifical minerals,which provide magnetic reorientation of the water molecules and particles of the cement grain. This reorientation, which causes a weakening of their relations, causes rotation with considerable freedom to involve a bigger amount of cement particles in the hydration reaction. Once activated by the additon of water, UKFA causes a chemical chain reaction within the cement grain that results in 100% hydration of the grain.while reduccing the shrinkage an acceleration the overall hydration reaction. UKFA encourages the growth of specific calcium based crystals using waste lime. These crystals are dynamic an are able to react to variations in environmental conditions such as temperature and the persence of electrolytes such as acids and salts. All soluble lime is usually waste in the concrete. UKFA converts lime to useable cementitious compounds. The result is a completely homogeneous mix that is stronger, denser, and more resistant than has ever been posiible before. The direct benefits include: a. Up to two times lower heat emissions of the exothermic reaction, beacause that part of the energy is taken for oxidation; b. Mider porsity in size of development from the depth to the surface of the concrete; c. 1.5-2 times less shrinkage beacause of the oxidation; d. Electric conductivity increases becauses of the metal oxidation; e. UKFA concrete behaves like High Alumina concrete with respect to corrosion resistance, compressive strength, impermeability, and abrasion resitance. 3、金属成分的氧化反应。 “UKFA”可以促进用废石灰生成特定的以钙元素为基础的结晶体。这些动态结晶体可以针对环境条件的变化(台温度的变化,酸类、盐类等电解质的侵害)做出反应。在通常情况下,水泥内的所有可溶解石灰最后都会被废弃浪费,但“UKFA”会将石灰变成有用的水泥质混合物。这样,最终形成的混凝土就能保证均质、坚固、高强度、高密度、和最大化的抵抗强度。 直接优势: a.由于一部分热能被用于氧化反应,放热反应的热量排放会降低两倍; b.由水泥核心至表面的毛细孔生成所占空间更小,反应也更温和; c.氧化反应使得收缩率降低1~2倍; d.金属氧化反应使得导电性提升; e. “UKFA”DCP水泥会变得像高铝水泥一样具有抗腐蚀性,抗压强度,防水性,和抗磨性 2) Colloidation of free molecues of water. By all appearances, this is a thickening of the water or the water-dissolved solutions. Since most of the cement grains are hydrated and the inteporous liquid- vapor is represented ba netual mineralogical cementitious solutions, then: a. Superficial vapor emissions are lower. b. Concentration of the solutions on the surface and depth of the concrete body changes almost simultaneously; c. Osmotic pressure is very loe and that is why “hydrothermal” deformations are not significant; d. And, the number of porosity, and the types of pores are lower.i.e, ordered porosity. 3)、自由水分子的胶质化。 从表面现象看来,这一过程就是水和水溶解溶液变稠的过程。由于水泥颗粒几乎被完全水化了,而多孔间的液体蒸发又会导致天然矿物质的水泥质溶解,因此: a.表面液体的蒸发速度会变缓; b.混凝土表、里的浆体浓度几乎同时改变; c.因为渗透性压力很低,“发热液体”的变形也就不那么明显了; d.气孔的数量和毛细孔的种类较少,也就是说气孔可以整齐排列。 4、Stabilization of the gel of the cement paste, Obviously, this is a result of the naturally growing viscosity of solutions in cement paste, Approximate time for this process is measured between 7 days and fourteen months, and is much longer than it takes conventional concrete. The long-tem presence of the stable phase of the gel in the porous system of the concrete body results in: a. Growing of the micro-structural density. b. Dynamical growing of the liquid impermeability. c. Increasing the crystalline containing parts in the concrete body because of the time frame for the gel drying. d. Stable and slow increasing of the compressive strength. e. Continuous type of porous syetem which resulted from the oxidation process. f. Decreases pore’s suction ability because of reduced superficial tensions saturation. g. Creep of concrete is stable and indicative at the 91-day mark. 4、水泥浆体内凝胶体的稳定化。 显而易见,这是由于水泥浆体内部溶液的粘性自然增强导致的。这一过程的大致需时可在7天至14天测得,且它的需时要比常规水泥的长。在水泥体多孔系统中,凝胶体稳定化阶段的长期存在将引发以下效果: a.宏观结构的密度加强; b.液体非渗透性的动态增强; c.随着期限延长,凝胶体会逐渐变干,这样就扩大了水泥体中含结晶质的部分; d.抗压强度会逐步稳定增长; e.由于氧化过程中形成的气孔系统会持续不断; f.表面张力的饱和度下降导致气孔吸力减小; g.水泥的蠕变会以91天为一界点而稳定又有预示性的持续。 Numerous mineralogcal sediments become the centers of crystallization of cementtitous soution, with thickening of solutions around those centers, like shells, Solutions with lower concentrations reach this phase later, in accordance with gradeted concentrations. The speed of colloidation is slow, and the entire process may take decades. This reaction results in: a. Homogeneity compation of concrete structures; b. Considerable compacation of aggregates throughout the concrete body c. Measurable increase of the macro-structural density by 3%-5%; d. Early strengthening on the third or seventh day, depending on the mix design; e. Liquid impermeability is 100% in a viscous interporous media of UKFA concrete; f. Chemical resistance is the greatly in creased because of the metal film oxide on every particle of the concrete structure,(this is observable by changing of the concrete color, or any detector pulled out form a batch, even by hand); g. Physical resistance to freeze-thaw cycles an drying/saturation types of corrosions beacause the structure is better compacted and has an ordered porous structure. 大量的矿物质沉淀物都成了水泥溶液的结晶化核心,随着核心周围溶液的变稠,形成外壳。依照密度等级不同,密度较低的溶液要较迟才能达到这一阶段。胶质化是一个十分缓慢的过程,整个过程的完成可能需要数十年。而这一反应的结果是: a.水泥结构的均质化; b.整个水泥体内骨料的高度压实; c.可测得宏观结构的密度增加了3~5%; d.根据混合配方,在第三天或第七天就有早期强度; e. “UKFA”水泥的胶粘性多孔间媒介可以100%的防止液体渗透; f.由于水泥结构中每一个颗粒表面都有一层金属氧化物薄膜,它们的防护大幅增强了抗化学性,(这一改善可以通过水泥颜色的改变观察到,也可以将探测器或手伸入水泥堆探查); g.因为“UKFA”水泥结构更紧密,气孔结构更规则,所以水泥对冻结--融解循环和干燥∕浸润类腐蚀的物理抗性也就更高了。 Additional benefits from UKFA l Improved steel protection by 100%. l Higher build in one pass with less rebound. 5% or less. When spraying UKFA concrete onto a surface. l Cured concrete resists chemical attack from salt, acids, alkalis, chlorides, carbon, dioxide and petroleum distillates better than any other high-grade concrete design. l Allows application from -5°C to 40°C without efffecting the set time. l No bleed water. l The need for concrete curing menbranes is virtually eliminated. l Modules of rupture.which is very important for bridges and dams. Is increased by 60%. l Freeze/thaw resisitance is increased up to 400 cycles or more. “UKFA”的其他优势 l 钢筋防护力优化了100%; l 将“UKFA”混凝土喷涂于表面后,较高层的建筑施工也可一次完成,回弹率降至5%以下; l “UKFA”水泥可以变得比其它任何高档水泥配方有更高的抗化学性,包括盐类、酸类、碱金属、氧化物、二氧化碳、和石油蒸馏物; l 可以在-5℃至40℃环境下施工,而不影响初凝时间; l 不渗水; l 完全省去了使用养护性隔膜(剂)的麻烦; l 模块绝缘性提升了60%以上,这点对于桥梁和水坝尤其重要; l 搞冰冻/溶解能力提高400个循环以上 |
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