

词条 宁利新

宁利新,男,1974年11月生,安徽省黄山市人。个人简历: 2003年12月毕业于中国科学技术大学凝聚态物理专业,获理学博士学位。其后,在瑞典、香港和意大利从事博士后研究与科研合作,于2008年6月以安徽师范大学“双十工程”人才引进到物理与电子信息工作,聘为教授和硕士生导师。




讲授课程:热力学统计物理(本科生) 线性代数(本科生) 专业英语 量子化学基础(研究生)


从头计算方法研究稀土材料f-f跃迁光谱性质 国家自然科学基金 (2009.1~2011.12) 主持



1. L Ning*, Y Zhang, Z Cui, MI Trioni, and GP Brivio, “Density Functional Theory Study of Magnetic Coupling in the Gd12O18 Cluster”,J. Phys. Chem. A 112, 13650 (2008).

2. L Ning* and GP Brivio, “Density functional theory calculation of crystal-field energy levels for Yb3+ in the Cs2NaYbF6 crystal”, Phys. Rev. B 75, 235126 (2007).

3. L Ning*, MI Trioni, and GP Brivio, “Infrared luminescence quenching in erbium(III) tris(8-quinolinolate): An ab initio approach”, J. Mater. Chem. 17, 4464 (2007).

4. L Ning*, L Lodi, M I Trioni, R Tubino, and GP Brivio, “Theoretical study of the 4I13/2→4I15/2 luminescence quenching by OH for LaF3:Er3+ nanoparticles in solution”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 16202 (2007).

5. L Ning, PA Tanner*, VV Harutunyan, E Aleksanyan, VN Makhov, M Kirm, “Luminescence and excitation spectra of YAG:Nd3+ excited by synchrotron radiation”, J. Lumin. 127, 397 (2007).

6. L Ning, CSK Mak, and PA Tanner*, “High spin and low spin f – d transitions of Tb3+ in elpasolite hosts”, Phys. Rev. B 72, 085127 (2005).

7. L Ning, Y Jiang, S Xia and PA Tanner*, “Theoretical analysis and intensity calculation for the f→d absorption spectrum of U3+ in LiYF4 crystal”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15,7337 (2003).

8. L Ning, S Xia and PA Tanner*, “Unit cell group analysis of rare elpasolites”, Vibrational Spectroscopy 31, 51 (2003).

9. L Ning, D Wang, S Xia, JRG Thorne and PA Tanner*, “Analysis of (7F0)Γ1g → (5D2)Γ5g, Γ3g and (7F0)Γ1g → (5L6)Γ1g, aΓ5g two-photon absorption spectra of Cs2NaYF6:Eu3+”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter

14, 3833 (2002). 10. L Ning, S Xia and PA Tanner*, “Third-order contributions to the 7F0 → 5D2 two-photon transition of Eu3+ in a cubic lattice”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 14, 8677 (2002).





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