词条 | 宁波市海曙中心小学 |
释义 | 海曙中心小学(吴剑鸣外国语学校)位于宁波市的政治、经济、化中心,是一所百年老校。学校“高质量、严要求、有特长”的传名扬省内外。几十年来学校全面贯彻党的教育方针,全面实施素质育,先后获得了全国语言文字先进集体,省文明学校,省、市军警共建文明单位,省、市电化教育先进集体,省、市实验先进集体,艺术教育先进集体,市教育科研工作先进集体,市示范性文明学校,市花园式单位等荣誉称号。 师资力量现在全校有48个班级,67名专职教师,具有中高级职称教师35人,占教师总数的52.2%,具有大专以上学历34人,占教师总数的50.75%,有省教坛新秀、省优秀教师4人,市区教坛新秀22人,市教坛中坚1人,市区学科带头人5人。有一支较为精良的教师队伍, 使学校的教育质量几十年名列宁波市的前茅。海小毕业生分布宁波市各个中学,学生的自主学习,高效学习,可持续发展的学习能力得到了这些学校的高度评价。 学校已转制,性质为全日制国有民办小学。 学校定位以现代化的教育思想、课程体系、教学方法和先进的教育设施,为每一个学生身心全面、协调、健康、和谐发展服务,为他们打下终生发展的坚实基础。我们希望通过3─5年的不懈努力,把海小办成在省内有重大影响,在国内有一定知名度实验性、示范性的现代小学。 教育理念“以诚为本,达成之的”。“诚”,即:诚诚恳恳搞好教育事业,诚心诚意为学生、家长、社会服务。“成”,即:培养学生成人成才,使教育成功,学校成名。 硬件建设学校将在2─3年内使硬件建设达到全国一流水平,扩大校园占地面积8亩,增建一幢教学楼(5000多平方米),新建200米塑胶环形跑道;建立校园网,并实施家校联网,新增多媒体教室、学生上网教室、电子阅览室。 软件建设1、教师队伍。向社会招聘在小学教学中有丰富经验, 颇有建树的各科教师,同时注意教师后备力量的培养。 2、课程设置。贯彻国家关于初等教育的标准, 强化核心课程,开设校本课程。从一年级开始开设英语口语训练,计算机技能,智能开发,心理辅导及各类艺术课程。建立起能充分体现教改传统,具有时代特征的面向二十一世纪人才要求的课程体系。 3、教学模式。充分体现以认知方式的建立, 思维能力的培养为核心的教学观,既保留班级上课制的长处,又使教学兼顾学生个别差异,探索以学生为主体,重视学生健康心理养成和个性健全发展的新 颖教学模式,为学生终生学习奠定坚实的基础。 4、教学质量。我们将实行年段教育质量承诺制, 使每个年段的教育质量达到或超过国家标准。 5、实施家长参与计划。建立有效的监督机制,定期向家长开放,开放日可以听任何课程,检查学校各个公共场所,加强家长在学校教育中的真正作用,使其做到真正意义上的参与。 我们怀着对教育事业的新期待,以极大的热情迎接第一批新学生和家长的到来,同样热情欢迎关注该校教育工作的社会各界人士的到来。 Ningbo Haishu Central Primary School has over one hundred years’ of history. First founded in 1906, as Xinyu Private School, it was not until March 2000 that the school became a state-owned primary school, run by local people. Of the 79 faculty members in the school, 71 are certified teachers with 20 of them holding Bachelor degree or above and 45 of them having college diplomas. The teachers are of a high standard and they are devoted to their students and work which is reflected by many of them holding teaching awards. Our facilities include 120 workstations, 21 multi- media classrooms linked through a campus intranet which also enables e-learning from home. We also have a sound system and several electronic laboratories in place. Our modern equipment makes effective learning and a good relationship between teachers and students possible. Since 2002, our school has been conducting research into effective learning for primary school in co-operation with East China Normal University. This has resulted in the publication of a book which has been highly praised by educational specialists and provincial authorities. For the last three years, we have received awards from Ningbo authorities for our research projects. Also, many of our teachers have received awards for publication of their theses. The school focuses on all aspects of student development, from academic to sporting to the arts. There are many student clubs available to encourage activities such as brass bands, choirs and dancing. We have a strong tradition of teaching and learning excellence which we continue to build upon. Because of a strong foundation of knowledge and abilities, our students are well prepared for success in future education. |
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