

词条 宁波江北实验小学




Children are the seeds of dreams. Our love and devotion will provide them a warm, healthy, and moisturized field, where our children will slowly sprout, and gradually maturate.

People say beauty is a picture, a poem or a song. We want to say beauty is our school. Jiangbei Experiment has gone through twenty years of trials and tribulations. Today we welcome our new modernized school. We are proud to be Experiment People! We have proud of what we have accomplished and with all our efforts we are going to build a better tomorrow!



新落成的校区占地面积3.08公顷,建筑占地面积4709平方米,总建筑面积12680平方米,建有教学楼、实验楼、行政综合楼、食堂、风雨操场、室内游泳池、250米环形塑胶田径场及篮球、排球场等设施。学校有计算机教室、自然实验室、美术教室、音乐教室、舞蹈房、劳技室、多功能阶梯教室、图书室、阅览室、电子阅览室等各类专用教室,还有电视演播室、导播室,以及闭路电视、校园音响系统,并实现了电脑、电视进教室,学校班班可以使用多媒体教学设备,是一所高标准、高 规格的现代化的小学。

Jiangbei Experimental Primary School has 39 classes with a total enrollment of 1806 students.

The newly built campus covers an area of 3.08 hectares with a floor space of 4,709 square meters and a construction space of 12,680 square meters . It has a main schoolroom building, a laboratory building, an administrative building, a cafeteria, a gymnasium, an indoor swimming pool, a 250-meter circle rubber track field, basketball courts and volleyball courts. There are computer rooms, science laboratories, an art room, a music room, a dance hall, a labor-tech training room, a multi-function amphitheatre, a library, a reading-room, an electric reading-room, a studio and a monitorial room. In addition, our campus is equipped with closed-circuit TV and audio systems. Each classroom has a computer and a TV set. Our school has state of the art facilities that are held to the modern standard.


学校长期致力于建设一支师德高尚、业务精良,教学型、研究型、创新型相结合的师资队伍,成效显著。学校现有教师102名,大专以上学历81人,占80.02%,有省特级教师1人,市级名教师2人,市教坛中坚2人,区级名教师4人,区骨干教师5 人,省教坛新秀1人,市级教坛新秀14人,区级教坛新秀17人。

We have dedicated to building a team of faculty that is highly ethical, professional and creative. They are experts at the areas they are teaching. We have achieved noticeable results. We have 102 teachers. Eighty percent of them have high academic degrees. There is one Provincial Special-Class teacher, two City Class notable teachers, two City Class key teachers of, four District Class notable teachers, five Distric key teachers, one Provincial New Star teacher, fourteen City Class New Star teachers , and seventeen District New Star teachers.




The school’s education guidelines for this new era are: to utilize new scientific research to develop and assit teaching; to emphasize bilingual teaching, and computer teaching, to guide education with advanced ideas.

Since 1983, our school has undertaken more than 10 scientific research projects. The results have hit headlines. Our school has been selected as an outstanding school for eighty years and is o one of the best 200 schools that use scientific researches to develop our education. The research subject“The Practice and the Explore on Elementary School Bilingual Education”has won second

prize of Provincial Achievements on Education Researches, and the first prize of City Achievements on Education Researches , The research subject was presented at nationwide bilingual education meeting in Guangzhou. The book has been published. Each year our school wins various prizes in different research subjects.





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