词条 | 你在天堂遇到的五个人 |
释义 | 米奇·阿尔博姆作品,讲述了爱迪与在天堂遇见的5个人之间发生的故事,感人至深。他告诉我们——天堂的意义,也许就在于帮你了解你人生的意义,让你明白生命的本质,让你懂得爱、原谅、付出、生存、死亡。 基本信息书名:The Five People You Meet in Heaven 译名:你在天堂遇到的五个人/天堂中碰见的五个人 作者:Mitch Albom --米奇·阿尔博姆(also the author of Tuesdays with Morrie) 主要内容Book Description Eddie is a grizzled war veteran who feels trapped in a meaningless life of fixing rides at a seaside amusement park. His days are a dull routine of work, loneliness, and regret. Then, on his 83rd birthday, Eddie dies in a tragic accident, trying to save a little girl from a falling cart. He awakens in the afterlife, where he learns that heaven is not a lush Garden of Eden, but a place where your earthly life is explained to you by five people. These people may have been loved ones or distant strangers. Yet each of them changed your path forever. One by one, Eddie's five people illuminate the unseen connections of his earthly life. As the story builds to its stunning conclusion, Eddie desperately seeks redemption in the still-unknown last act of his life: Was it a heroic success or a devastating failure? The answer, which comes from the most unlikely of sources, is as inspirational as a glimpse of heaven itself. In The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom gives us an astoundingly original story that will change everything you've ever thought about the afterlife - and the meaning of our lives here on earth. With a timeless tale, appealing to all, this is a book that readers of fine fiction, and those who loved Tuesdays with Morrie, will treasure.--摘自Internet 艾迪是个再平凡不过的游乐场维修员,老年生活对他而言似乎过于单调乏味。他有一个过于苛刻的父亲,过着不受重视的童年;他参加过越战,并为此付出了惨重的代价--他不得不瘸着腿度过下半生;他深爱着他的妻子,而她却在47岁时便因一场车祸离他而去;他没有子女,却被游乐园里的孩子深深喜爱着。艾迪就像我们每个人的缩影一样,平凡却又渴望脱离平凡。故事开始在艾迪死去的那天,这天也正好是他的生日,他为了救一个小女孩而被出了故障的游乐设施砸死。然后他来到了天堂,在那里,他先后遇见了五个人,他们告诉他他为什么而活,为什么而死,谁因他而死,他的至亲是如何去世的,他们等待着告诉他生活的全部,那些就在他身边的秘密。这就像是天堂来的礼物,告诉我们每个关于我们生活的真相。 艾迪遇到的第一位朋友是一名小丑,他曾间接地因艾迪而死。他给艾迪上了第一课:关于生与死的平等。小丑说在这个世界上每天都会有人间接或直接地因他人而死,但我们不能把这种情况归为不公平。有生就必定要有牺牲和死亡,就像我们赋予新生命的同时也会去葬礼上缅怀逝去的人。 艾迪遇到的第二位是他曾经的指挥官。艾迪和他以及其他两个队友曾在越战中被四名敌人俘虏,但在他们将要成功逃脱的时候,艾迪在起火的房子里听到了一个小女孩的求救声,艾迪冲进去就人,也延误了最佳逃脱时间,就在这时他的腿中弹,人也陷入了昏迷。从此,艾迪必须忍受着瘸腿的煎熬。而令人惊讶的事发生了,原来是指挥官开了枪强行带走了艾迪。但结果却没那么美好,艾迪在昏迷中成功逃脱,而指挥官却为了救他牺牲了。至此艾迪懊悔万分。指挥官给艾迪上了第二课--关于牺牲。在指挥官看来,每个人或大或小的牺牲都不是无用功,人们不必去后悔做了这些或那些的牺牲,因为到最后他们总是得到了一些东西,就好像母亲努力工作来付儿子的学费;女儿搬回了家里来照顾生病的父亲;战士为了他们的国家及信仰战死沙场。我们不应该后悔,而是应崇敬这些牺牲。即使牺牲的是最为宝贵的生命,我们也应该领悟到,我们并没有失去生命,我们只不过把它延续了下去,在另一个人的身上。 艾迪遇到的第三位是是一位叫红宝石(Ruby)的女人。艾迪起初并不认识她,直到她说出她的名字。她其实就是艾迪所工作的游乐场最初拥有人的妻子。游乐场因她而命名。她告诉了艾迪关于艾迪父亲的种种。让艾迪改变了对父亲的不理解及恨意。Ruby给艾迪上了第四课--恨就像一种毒药慢慢渗透我们,直到把我们吞噬。当我们恨一个人的时候,我们总是把它当成一种工具--一种伤人的工具,但我们却不知道,我们也同时伤害着自己。摈除恨,我们才能自在地过。 艾迪遇到的第四位是他挚爱的妻子Marguerite。在天堂里,艾迪和他的妻子重温了过往的生活,平淡却真挚。在婚姻的最初,爱如同雨水一样从天而降滋润着他们的二人世界。而当他们的婚姻遭受种种挫折时,爱并没有消失, 只不过变成了土壤下的细流,缓慢而又绵长,即使看不见,却不能否认它的存在。Maguerite给艾迪上了第四课。艾迪一直对Maguerite的英年早逝而郁郁寡欢,而M则告诉他,即使远在天堂她仍感觉得到艾迪对她的爱以及对他们婚姻的忠诚。她说:“爱仍旧存在于我们中间,只不过换了种形式而已。爱不同于有限的生命,真正的爱并没有尽头。” 艾迪遇到的最后一位是那个他在战争中未救的女孩。艾迪为自己感到懊悔。她给艾迪上了最后一课--我们所做的任何事都是有意义的。艾迪一直对游乐园的维护工作感到厌倦,他觉得自己一事无成,从没有出过镇子,从没有干出过一番名堂。而小女孩却告诉她,艾迪为什么工作--为了那些在游乐场玩乐欢笑的孩子们的安全。他并不是一事无成。 各方评论" A book with the genuine power to stir and comfort its readers."--New York Times "Simply told, sentimental, and profoundly true, this is a contemporary American fable that will be cherished by a vast readership."--Publishers Weekly(starred review) "Transcendent...Albom has aimed high here, and there's a whiff of paradise as a result"--Atlanta Journal-Constitution "Albom has the ability to make you cry in spite of yourself."--Boston Globe (以上评论均摘自书后) Part melodrama and part parable, Mitch Albom's The Five People You Meet in Heaven weaves together three stories, all told about the same man: 83-year-old Eddie, the head maintenance person at Ruby Point Amusement Park. As the novel opens, readers are told that Eddie, unsuspecting, is only minutes away from death as he goes about his typical business at the park. Albom then traces Eddie's world through his tragic final moments, his funeral, and the ensuing days as friends clean out his apartment and adjust to life without him. In alternating sections, Albom flashes back to Eddie's birthdays, telling his life story as a kind of progress report over candles and cake each year. And in the third and last thread of the novel, Albom follows Eddie into heaven where the maintenance man sequentially encounters five pivotal figures from his life (a la A Christmas Carol). Each person has been waiting for him in heaven, and, as Albom reveals, each life (and death) was woven into Eddie's own in ways he never suspected. Each soul has a story to tell, a secret to reveal, and a lesson to share. Through them Eddie understands the meaning of his own life even as his arrival brings closure to theirs. Albom takes a big risk with the novel; such a story can easily veer into the saccharine and preachy, and this one does in moments. But, for the most part, Albom's telling remains poignant and is occasionally profound. Even with its flaws, The Five People You Meet in Heaven is a small, pure, and simple book that will find good company on a shelf next to It's A Wonderful Life. --Patrick O'Kelley From Publishers Weekly This life-affirming fable ironically opens at the end of the life of a seemingly ordinary man. Known as "Eddie Maintenance" to those he works with at Ruby Pier, Eddie led what he saw as a disappointing life working as head of maintenance at a seaside amusement park. Upon his death, he learns that heaven is a place to make sense of his time on earth and that he will meet five people from his life who will help him understand its greatest lessons. Accompanied at times by music that sounds psychedelic rather than heavenly, reader Singer conveys this uplifting story in an earnest manner. However, the soft-spoken intonations he employs for women and the gruff but bashful voices he uses for men add an extra dose of sweetener to this already sentimental tale, as does Singer's plaintive rendition of Eddie and his wife Marguerite's song, "You made me love you." Still, those who turn to this audio book for Albom's (Tuesdays with Morrie) musings on the meaning of life will not be disappointed by his message-each of our lives are inextricably connected to those around us-or his compelling vision of how we might view life after death. From Booklist Albom, newspaper columnist and radio broadcaster, is, of course, best known as the author of the astonishingly successful Tuesdays with Morrie (1997). This is his first novel. With an appropriately fable-like tone, Albom tells the story of Eddie, "an old man with a barrel chest." But for us, Eddie's story "begins at the end, with Eddie dying in the sun"--at Ruby Pier, an amusement park by the sea, where he spent most days, for despite his advanced years, he worked as a maintenance man on the rides. He dies on his eighty-third birthday trying to save a little girl from an accident. Eddie wakes up in heaven, where he is informed that "there are five people you meet in heaven. Each . . . was in your life for a reason. You may not have known the reason at the time, and that is what heaven is for. For understanding your life on earth." And, not surprisingly, this is what the novel is about: Eddie coming to appreciate his 83 years of mortal life; the novel's "point" is that apparently insignificant lives do indeed have their own special kind of significance. A sweet book that makes you smile but is not gooey with overwrought sentiment. Brad Hooper (From Internet) 经典摘要All endings are also beginnings.We just don't know it at the time... Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you are not really losing it. You are just passing it on to someone else. Holding anger is a poison. It eats you from inside. We think that hating is a weapon that attacks the person who harmed us. But hatred is a curved blade.And the harm we do, wo do to ourselves. Love, like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with a soaking joy. But sometimes, under the angry heat of life, love dries on the surface and must nourish from below, tending to its toots, keeping itself alive. Life has to end. Love doesn't. |
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