词条 | 那特金属艺术 |
释义 | 那特金属艺术(ARTMEN)中国首家专业以金属为母材的装饰品牌。产品以原创为主,开发、生产、销售一条龙服务,涵盖壁饰、雕塑、摆件、灯饰及家私等,同时接受高品味的设计及个性化定做,现有产品700多款。适于高档酒店、会所、样板房、住宅、中西餐厅、休闲中心、茶室、商业展厅等室内外景观装饰。本店为深圳铁凝·那特金属艺术华东地区的直营店,地址:上海市漕溪路198号好饰家园园艺广场G71-73号。上海还设有曹家渡分店。 ■那特模式: 那特为设计师和金属艺术家提供A+B模式(A,Artist,B,Business)。金属艺术品的完整制作需要一个相对苛求的空间,铁凝经过近十年的发展,拥有一大批技艺精湛的工匠,先进的设备和宽敞的制作空间,为制作提供了后盾,同时那特有专业的展销平台,为艺术家的成果走向市场提供商业上的转换。作为一种有益的尝试,那特已经迈出了坚实的一步。那特诚邀有思想、有激情的艺术家和高级工匠加入我们的行列。 That might provide A designer and metal artists (+ B mode, Artist, B, soul). The complete production metal artwork to a relative demanding space tiening after nearly 10 years of development, has a large number of skilled craftsmen, advanced equipment and capacious space for production, the production, it provides professional exhibition platform characteristic, the results for the artists to market provides business transformation. As a beneficial attempt and then has made a solid step. Then invite passionate have thought and artists and senior craftsman to join our ranks. ■那特理念: 那特产品充分体现人性化与个性化,坚持产品的原创性,不盲目顺逐商业大潮,采用传统手工的制作方式,加上艺术家与工匠的完美结合,使具有收藏价值和艺术水准的精致艺术品以及的价位呈现给广大艺术品收藏者和饰品购买群。 The special fully embody the humanized and individuation, adhere to the original product, not blindly the commercial tide, by using the traditional manual production mode, plus the artists and the perfect combination of craftsmen, with the collection value and the delicate art gallery level with the price and for collectors and jewelry. 那特价值: 在工业化泛滥的今天,那特努力让人们重新认识有价值的手工艺品的质朴之美和装饰之美;在社会不断进步和人们生活品质不断改善的同时,持续提供与之相匹配的高品位、高价值的饰品,装点生活、陶冶情操——艺术让生活更美好。 In the industrialization of today, then make people rediscover valuable handicrafts of simple beauty and decorative beauty, In the social progress and people's life quality and continuous improvement and provide matching high-grade, high value of jewelry, deck lives, edify sentiment, make life more beautiful art. |
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