

词条 Thriller

《Thriller》专辑原名《Starlight》(星光),是Michael打算献给母亲的作品。在后期制作中,由于不满歌曲的混音效果,完美主义的MJ冒着被东家起诉违约的风险重新录制了整张专辑。在专辑中的一支歌曲《Billie Jean》声称有一位男子被错误的指认为一个小孩的父亲,那孩子不是我的。它的主要灵感主要来自于一位非常漂亮的19岁“湖人女孩”,她是洛杉矶湖人篮球队的拉拉队长。




2. 恐怖小说(或电影等);探险小说(或电影等)




演唱歌手:Michael Jackson(迈克尔·杰克逊)



美国流行专辑榜:#1 (37周),美国黑人专辑榜:#1,英国专辑榜:#1 (8周)



Thriller是世界历史上销量最高的一张专辑,已有6000万专辑销量认证。其正版销量截止2006年已达1.04亿,至今无人能破,被载入 吉尼斯世界纪录大全。《Thriller》为Michael Jackson成年后正式发行的第2张个人专辑,此专辑影响巨大,奠定了Michael Jackson歌王的地位。将事业推到最高峰。

时值家庭危机和人生挑战, Jackson以自己的作品向社会传递出了一份悲怨、黑暗的讯息,拟或说是他在其中发泄着自己的愤怒;Jackson放弃使用其早期金曲(从《I Want You Back》到《Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough》)中的男孩般的假音,而以一种更为成熟、伤烦的嗓音来演绎歌作。他的新姿态因此首度赋予了作品更深刻而情绪化的内涵,亦毫无疑问成为了这位杰出艺人创作历程上的重要分水岭。

另外,《Billie Jean》还有一个目的,它暗示迈克尔可能是故意把自己放在因父亲身份而被诉讼的位置上。

制作人昆西·琼斯知道该专辑仍需要另一首爆炸性的,更令人激动的歌,因此几个星期来不断缠着迈克尔再写一首,结果便是《Beat it》。灌制《Beat it》时,众多评论者纷纷发言,据琼斯说,他们几乎都爆发了——这是前所未有的。


在接下来的一年时间里,它称霸美国专辑榜冠军宝座长达37周,专辑内的9首作品,7首被发行为单曲,7首均打入了Top 10,创下了当时的最高记录。(7首分别为:The Girl Is Mine、Billie Jean 、Beat It 、 Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' 、 Human Nature 、 P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) 、 Thriller )据美国唱片工业协会统计,它已经在美国国内卖掉了5400万张;在海外,它当仁不让地登上了众多国家的排行榜并名列前茅:仅在英国一地就卖出了360万张;在日本榜上则连续呆了65个星期,甚至在南非都成为了冠军;在前苏联,当时官方媒体自然愤力抵制Jackson的音乐,可是它的走私卡带却到处蔓延并被音乐爱好者们收藏,“他的音乐是时代之音。”一个前苏联高中生当时评论说。据美国唱片工业协会和索尼音乐公司的统计,并藉由《吉尼斯世界记录》2006年11月公布的官方数据:该专辑在全球的销量已超过1.04亿张。它成为了世界上最畅销的专辑,并被《吉尼斯世界记录》永远载入了史册。

A&M唱片公司老板Gil Friesen当年评论道:“整个音乐工业都因之受益。”是的,当年《Thriller》及其相关产业在美国国内的赚取的总利润大约就达到41亿美元,围绕着该专辑甚至产生了一个新兴的产业--它的衍生物:书,杂志,报刊,录影,谣言……至今被人们津津乐道,也给当今极度商业化的唱片业界的运作、宣传、行销提供了重要参考。而有着强烈迈氏风格的《Thriller》的音乐录影则为后世录影带的拍摄定下了极高的标准,开创并促进了80年代以来的世界MTV时代蓬勃发展。因此,正像Michael的经纪人兼律师John Branca指出的那样,“Michael在音乐界里享有最高的版税收入。”于是,当时24岁的Michael也实现了他另一个梦想--成为娱乐界的首富:他能从每一盘售出的《Thriller》的利润里获得大约2美元的提成,当然还不算上来自29.95美元一盘的长期雄居排行榜的音乐录影带《Thriller制作花絮》销售所得的收益、Michael的老专辑在国内外的收益、百事可乐的付给他的广告费、Jackson兄弟著名北美巡回演唱会的收益(门票、招贴海报、T恤……)和甚至1983年5月上市标价12美元一只的Jackson玩具娃娃带来的收益。整个世界变成了他的提款机。

这张专辑在一向苛刻的葛莱美奖上也大放异彩,一举捧走了7项(12项提名)大奖,加上因《E.T.故事书》而获的“最佳儿童录音奖”,Michael在葛莱美上共拿走了8项大奖,创下了个人单年度得奖的最高记录!这个记录直到2000年才被老将Carlos Santana以《Supernatural》专辑打平。《Thriller》在当年其它各大颁奖典礼上也出尽了风头,在全球获得了超过140项大小奖杯,罕有地成为音乐史上商业与艺术的双赢之作……这简直就如同1997年电影界所向披靡的《Titanic》,然而不同的是:1982年的时候,没有全球网络,没有DVD,没有数码电视,没有ADSL,光纤传输,而冷战的敌对因素也使它没有能力进入当年共产主义阵营国家的市场大门。

可是迄今为止,这个近乎荒唐的奇迹再没有在任何当代红星身上重演——无论是红得发紫的Teen-pop组合或歌手,炙手可热的Rap/Hip-hop巨星,还是叱咤江湖数载的摇滚老将。流行和完美的定义在那一刻被Michael Jackson以《Thriller》一举推向了辉煌与极致。


在它最初发行时,评论界(多数为白人)就对它偏爱有加。但他们后来和唱片公司的老板(也多数为白人)一样没有想到这种偏爱使《Thriller》之火燃遍了世界。“他塑造了一种安全的——评论界称为‘大众化’——非种族挑衅性的音乐和形象,”科罗拉多大学的社会学副教授Jarl Ahlkvist说道,“也许那表明了一种渴望交流的意愿。我猜想这张专辑在美国和世界各地的成功是因为它吸引了占人数优势的白人听众群。青年们(无论是何种族)在俱乐部里、在大街上跟着它的音乐歌唱着,舞蹈着。Michael成为了黑人青年心目中的英雄和希望,成为了一个活生生的“美国梦”。如Quincy Jones指出的那样:“这样的胜利在以往从来没有发生在任何黑人艺人身上。”《Thriller》的成功告诉我们这样一条信息:心灵需要交流而非相互隔离。



自从Michael Jackson第一张脱离The Jackson 5单独发行的销量超过700万张,并从中产生了四首热门单曲的专辑《Off The Wall》问世三年以来,黑人音乐逐渐脱离了以《Off The Wall》为代表的跳动性强又极其流畅的风格。从Prince到Marvin Gave,从说唱到Rick James,黑人歌手把日益成熟和具有试验风格的主题——文化、性、政治结合到更坚韧,更勇敢的音乐中去。所以当Jackson自1979年以来的第一支单曲竟是一只小心翼翼迎合大众趣味的情歌,并在其中与Paul McCartney还轻柔的唱出了“the doggone girl is mine”时,看起来他没有跟上时代的列车。

但是这首琅琅上口的热门单曲的平庸外表掩饰了《Thriller》令人惊喜的内涵。与其重炒《Off The Wall》中令人愉悦却没有意义的Funk风格,Michael Jackson选择了来制作一张很有趣的大碟,它快节奏的音乐毫不掩饰地传达了悲惨、黑暗的讯息。特别在Jackson自己的作品上,“Thriller”紧张而压迫性的声效,加上勾画这位24岁的小伙子所抗拒的外在危险世界的歌词:“They're out to get you,better leave while you can Don't wanna be a boy,you wanna be a man.”这对Jackson来说是个挑战——他的父母可能离婚,他有可能卷入父权要求中——他直面这些挑战,毫不畏缩。他放弃了从“I Want You Back”到“Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough”等热门单曲中使用的孩子气的假音唱腔,而选择用饱满的,成人的声线来表达自己的苦闷,既愤怒坚定,又饱含伤感。Jackson的新态度给予《Thriller》一种如果说更少内心,那么却更深层次的情感诉求,比他以往的所有作品都深刻,它成为这位超凡的天才表演家创造性的发展道路上的又一分水岭。

就拿“Billie Jean”来说,这首简单、坚持着放克风格的曲子所传达的讯息再明显不过了:“She says I am the one/But the kid is not my son.”《Off The Wall》散布的舞池精神已经让他陷入了麻烦,而他则怀疑地控制着自己的情绪。“What do you mean I am the one,”他试探着问他的狐狸精(指Billie Jean),“who will dance on the floor?”这是一首忧愁,近乎悲痛的歌,但是在他的伤心之余又潜藏着巨大的决断:“Billie Jean is not my lover”这句歌词在歌曲淡出时不断的重复。

提到“Billie Jean”是为了讲到《Thriller》中最激烈的曲目,Jackson在活跃亢奋的“Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'”中抨击了无聊报刊,流言蜚语和其他的令人沮丧的事情。这里的感情流露如此之自然以致使这首歌近乎失控。“Somebody's always tryin' to start my baby crying,”他哀叹道,然后近乎偏执狂的感觉在副歌中嬗变为接近痛苦的感情:“You're a vegetable,you're a vegetable/They'll eat off you,you're a vegetable.”听者的感受几乎和看到MJ在演唱会舞台上表演他的舞步时一样兴奋——但是更加不可预料。这些歌词不会让Elvis Costello夜不能寐,但是它们的确显示了Jackson已经从主导《Off The Wall》专辑的“随心所欲”的情绪中进步了。

这种全然的音乐活力排除了任何的自怜自艾的感觉。Quincy Jones制作的歌曲——Jackson也参与了对自己作品的制作——比往常更多,它们从一味作悲的伤感小调中解放出来了,显得清爽宜人。而又一次的,跟他合作的是整个流行流行音乐界可能最有杀伤力的乐器:Jackson的天籁之声。当二流歌手需要电子合成器创造的弦乐和震撼效果时,MJ只需要饱含真情实感地唱出即可。他与生俱来的能力和信念使像“Baby Be Mine”和“Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'”这样的素材成为一流的作品,甚至挽救了“The Girl Is Mine”这种烂歌。是的,他几乎做到了。

也许这里最棒的一首歌要数“Beat It”,这首非迪斯科风格的大众化摇滚使我耳目一新。Jackson的歌喉超越了旋律,Eddie Van Halen带来了一段火爆的吉他独奏,你可以为讨论它的背景鼓点建一栋会议中心,但讨论结果一定是认定它是一首绝妙的舞曲。编曲师们,注意一下。

Jackson最大的缺陷就是倾向于追求华丽的效果,当他在“Thriller”中控制这种冲动时,并没有完全抹去它们的痕迹。B面的结尾,特别是“P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)”,不像其它的曲目一样活力十足。还有专辑的同名歌曲,它一开始听起来象是同样精神饱受折磨的隐喻性的考验,本该成为这张大碟最好的乐段,但却被Vincent Price的说白全毁了(难道他们找不到Floyd伯爵?)。

Jackson毫不掩饰他对舞台演艺生涯和随之而来的魅力的喜好。他的天才,——不仅仅是歌唱,还有舞蹈和表演——,可以使他成为一个完美的主流表演家。撇开这些不谈。《Thriller》所表现出的火般信念至少说明了Michael离沉溺于拉斯维加斯的诱惑还早着呢。《Thriller》也许并不是Michael Jackson的《1999》(歌星Prince备受好评的作品),但却是朝着正确道路前进的坚实,灿烂的一步。

Special Edition


演唱歌手:Michael Jackson




2001年,在Michael Jackson新专辑《Invincible》发行不久,MJ和数十年的合作伙伴,录音工程师Bruce Swedien一起重新混音加工了包括《Thriller》在内的四张经典专辑,并作为扩展版重新发行。自扩展版于2001年发行以来,这张专辑的销量又在全球范围内开始持续上扬。它重新打入英美等国的排行榜,尤盛于刚发行的阶段和后来《与Michael Jackson一同生活》记录片播出阶段。而媒体后来连篇累牍地报道在当时热潮的几个月内又进一步促销了专辑。它在美国一地已经再次强势卖出82.5万张,而在英国则卖出了25万张。在美国,它再度夺得了R&B经典老专辑榜的冠军,并在流行经典专辑榜上拿到了第3名。在英国,它成为了2003年度最畅销的第143大专辑和2004年度的最畅销135大专辑。全球销量更在继续增长,至2003年6月,Michael在他的《私人家庭录影》记录片中亲口证实《Thriller》的销量已经超过6000万张。2006年,《吉尼斯世界记录》正式宣布,《Thriller》的世界销量已过1.04亿张。

新版的《Thriller》加入了数段制作人Quincy和Temperton的采访录音和一些MJ从未发行的曲目:主要有“Billie Jean”原始小样、“Carousel”、原收录在《E.T.故事书》里的“Someone In The Dark”和两段从未公开的Vincent Price恐怖旁白,一时间再次引发了歌迷的抢购热潮……


1.Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'

2.Baby Be Mine

3.The Girl Is Mine


5.Beat It

6.Billie Jean

7.Human Nature

8.P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)

9.The Lady in My Life

10.Interview with Quincy Jones [*]

11.Someone in the Dark [*]

12.Interview with Quincy Jones [*]

13.Billie Jean [Home Demo from 1981][#][*]

14.Interview with Quincy Jones [*]

15.Interview with Rod Temperton [*]

16.Interview with Quincy Jones [*]

17.Voice-Over Session from Thriller [#][*]

18.Interview with Rod Temperton [*]

19.Interview with Quincy Jones [*]

20.Carousel [#][*]

21.Interview with Quincy Jones [*]


世界上单张销量最高的唱片《Thriller》已经25岁了,而在这个值得纪念的时候,Michael Jackson第一次用数字发行的精选集《Thriller 25》于2008年2月12号发行!这是《Thriller》专辑推出25周年后的周年纪念版!

《Thriller》是世界上有史以来单张销量最高的唱片。《Thriller 25》豪华版将包括额外的8首歌曲和一盘包括《Thriller》、《Beat It》和《Billie Jean》等短片音乐录影带DVD,包括他在《Motown 25: Yesterday,Today,Forever》特别节目中演唱《Billie Jean》精彩演出。

新专辑中的五首歌曲从未公开发行过:由Kanye West重新合成的《Billie Jean》、新版《Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’2008 》重新合成的《The Girl Is Mine 2008》、《P.Y.T 2008》、Fergie特别献声的《Beat It 2008》,以及由Michael Jackson最新主持合成未发行老歌的《For All Time》。

Legacy公司于2001年在Michael Jackson发行《Invincible》专辑时发行了最新制作的《Thriller》特别版,杰克逊在这之后就没有发行过全新的个人专辑(精选等除外)。


1. Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’

2. Baby Be Mine

3. The Girl Is Mine (with Paul McCartney)

4. Thriller

5. Beat It

6. Billie Jean

7. Human Nature

8. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)

9. The Lady In My Life

10. Vincent Price (Bonus Track)

11. The Girl Is Mine 2008 (Previously Unreleased Track)

12. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) (Previously Unreleased Track)

13. Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ 2008 ll (Previously Unreleased Track)

14. Beat It 2008 Ft. Fergie(Previously Unreleased Track)

15. Billie Jean 2008 Ft. Kanye West (Previously Unreleased Track)

16. For All Time (Unreleased Track From Original Thriller Sessions)

*17. Got The Hots (日本特别版独家收录Unreleased Track)


01.Wanna Be Startin' Someth'

02.Baby Be Mine

03.The Girl Is Mine


05.Beat It

06.Billie Jean

07.Human Nature

08.P. Y. T. (Pretty Young Thing)

09.The Lady In My Life


澳大利亚: 1050000+



墨西哥: 1700000+

阿根廷: 600000+

加拿大: 2400000+

荷兰: 900000+

瑞士: 500000+

法国: 3300000+

日本: 2500000+

西班牙: 700000+

葡萄牙: 125000+

英国(Top 100) 和 美国(Top 200) 的榜单情况:

英 国: 29,5,19,19,36,31,30,19,13,11,5,2,1,2,1,2,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,4,3,2,6,6,4,5,7,5,6,8,8,8,8,12,11,9,10,5,3,6,3,5,4,4,3,3,


54,48,55,70,54,55,74,6 3,70,82,56,66,62,65,91,59,66,84,85,76,0,92,87,99,(出榜,直至1987年9月12日),35,49,55,93,93,(出榜,直至1988年4月23日),97,出榜,95,出榜4周,79,94,出榜3周,89,37,20,15,25,32,36,48,35,53,37,47,64,70,93,出榜,91,出榜,94,出榜2周,97,出榜,97,出榜,79,67,65,(出榜,直至1989年3月4日),67,出榜,68,出榜,71,(出榜,直至1992年8月8日),17,20,34,38,59,(出榜,直至2001年10月27日),52,68,67,(出榜,直至2003年2月15日),48,55,58,47,39,26,42,52,48,78,67,(出榜,直至2003年7月5日),45,62,91,出榜3周,89,78,88,100,69,61,85,(出榜,直至2004年1月4日),42,50,49,41,44,61,(出榜,直至2004年7月25日),67,(出榜,直至2004年9月19日),37,36,47,50,出榜

美 国: 11,11,9,8,5,5,5,5,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,3,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,




wanna be startin' somethin'

I said you wanna be startin' somethin'

You got to be startin' somethin'

I said you wanna be startin' somethin'

You got to be startin' somethin'

It's too high to get over

Too low to get under

You're stuck in the middler

And the pain is thunder

It's too high to get over

Too low to get under

You're stuck in the middle

And the pain is thunder

I took my baby to the doctor

With a fever,but nothing he found

By the time this hit the street &

They said she had a breakdown

Someone's always tryin' to start my baby cryin'


Sayin' you just wanna be startin'somethin'

You love to pretend that you're good

When you're always up to no good

You really can't make him hate her

So your tongue became a razor

Someone's always tryin' to keep my baby cryin'


You got my baby cryin'

I said you wanna be startin' somethin'

You got to be startin' somethin'

I said you wanna be startin' somethin'

You got to be startin'somethin' &

It's too high to get over

Too low to get under

You'er stuck in the middle

And the pain is thunder

It's too high to get over

Too low to get under

You're stuck in the middle

And the pain is thunder

you'er a vegetable you're a vegetable

Still they hate you,you're a vegetable

You're just a buffer,you're a vegetable

They eat off of you,you'er a vegetable

Billie Jean is always talkin'

When nobody else is talkin'

Tellin' lies and rubbin' shoulders

So they called her mouth a motor ”

Baby Be Mine

by Rod Temperton

I don't need no dreams when I'm by your side

Every moment takes me to paradise

Darlin',let me hold you

Warm you in my arms and melt your fears away

Show you all the magic that a perfect love can make

I need you night and day

So baby,be mine (baby,you gotta be mine)

And girl I'll give you all I got to give

So baby,be my girl (all the time)

And we can share this ecstasy

As long as we believe in love

I won't give you reason to change your mind

(I guess it's still you thrill me,baby,be mine)

You are all the future that I desire

Girl,I need to hold you

Share my feelings in the heat of love's embrace

Show you all the passion burning in my heart today

It's never gonna fade

So baby,be mine (baby,you gotta be mine)

And girl I'll give you all I got to give

So baby,be my girl (all the time)

You're everything this world could be

The reason that I live

Won't you stay with me until the mornin' sun

I promise you now that the dawn will be different

Lady can't you see that heaven's just begun

It's livin' here inside our hearts

There'll be no more mountains for us to climb

(I can't be still you thrill me,baby,be mine)

This will be a love lasting for all time

Girl you got to hold me

We can touch the sky and light the darkest day

Hold me,only you and I can make sweet love this way

There's no more I can say

So baby be mine (baby,you gotta be mine)

And girl I'll give you all I got to give

So baby,be mine (all the time)

You're everything this world could be

The reason that I live

Baby be my girl

And girl I'll give you all I got to give

So baby,be mine,baby,be mine

You're everything this world could be to me

C'mon,girl,c'mon girl

So baby,be mine

You're everything this world could be to me

(c) 1982 Rodsongs (PRS)

The Girl Is Mine

(duet with Paul McCartney) by Michael Jackson


Every night she walks right in my dreams

Since I met her from the start

I'm so proud I am the only one

Who is special in her heart

The girl is mine

The doggone girl is mine

I know she's mine

Because the doggone girl is mine


I don't understand the way you think

Saying that she's yours not mine

Sending roses and your silly dreams

Really just a waste of time

Because she's mine

The doggone girl is mine

Don't waste your time

Because the doggone girl is mine


I love you more than he

(Take you anywhere)


But I love you endlessly

(Loving we will share)

(Michael & Paul)

So come and go with me

Two on the town


But we both cannot have her

So it's one or the other

And one day you'll discover

That she's my girl forever and ever


Don't build your hopes to be let down

'Cause I really feel it's time


I know she'll tell you I'm the one for her

'Cause she said I blow her mind


The girl is mine

The doggone girl is mine

Don't waste your time

Because the doggone girl is mine

(Michael & Paul)

She's mine,she's mine

No,no,no,she's mine

The girl is mine,the girl is mine

The girl is mine,the girl is mine


The girl is mine,(yep) she's mine

The girl is mine,(yes) she's mine


Don't waste your time

Because the doggone girl is mine

The girl is mine,the girl is mine


Michael,we're not going to fight about this,okay


Paul,I think I told you,I'm a lover not a fighter


I've heard it all before,Michael,she told me that I'm her forever lover,

you know,don't you remember


Well,after loving me,she said she couldn't love another


Is that what she said


Yes,she said it,you keep dreaming

(Paul sings)

I don't believe it

(Michael & Paul)

The girl is mine,(mine,mine,mine)

(Fade out/Repeat)

(c) 1982 Mijac Music (BMI)


by Rod Temperton

It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking from the dark

Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart

You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it

You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes,

You're paralyzed

'Cause this is thriller,thriller night

And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike

You know it's thriller,thriller night

You're fighting for your life inside a killer,thriller tonight

You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run

You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun

You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination

But all the while you hear the creature creepin' up behind

You're out of time

'Cause this is thriller,thriller night

There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes

You know it's thriller,thriller night

You're fighting for your life inside a killer,thriller tonight

Night creatures call

And the dead start to walk in their masquerade

There's no escapin' the jaws of the alien this time (they're open wide)

This is the end of your life

They're out to get you,there's demons closing in on every side

They will possess you unless you change the number on your dial

Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together

All thru the night I'll save you from the terrors on the screen,

I'll make you see

That it's a thriller,thriller night

'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to try

Girl,this is thriller,thriller night

So let me hold you tight and share a killer,diller,chiller,

Thriller here tonight

(Rap performed by Vincent Price)

Darkness falls across the land

The midnite hour is close at hand

Creatures crawl in search of blood

To terrorize y'awl's neighborhood

And whosoever shall be found

Without the soul for getting down

Must stand and face the hounds of hell

And rot inside a corpse's shell

The foulest stench is in the air

The funk of forty thousand years

And grizzly ghouls from every tomb

Are closing in to seal your doom

And though you fight to stay alive

Your body starts to shiver

For no mere mortal can resist

The evil of the thriller

(Into maniacal laugh,in deep echo)

(c) 1982 Rodsongs (PRS)

























































Beat It

by Michael Jackson

They told him don't you ever come around here

Don't wanna see your face,you better disappear

The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear

So beat it,just beat it

You better run,you better do what you can

Don't wanna see no blood,don't be a macho man

You wanna be tough,better do what you can

So beat it,but you wanna be bad

Just beat it,beat it,beat it,beat it

No one wants to be defeated

Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

Just beat it,beat it

Just beat it,beat it

Just beat it,beat it

Just beat it,beat it

They're out to get you,better leave while you can

Don't wanna be a boy,you wanna be a man

You wanna stay alive,better do what you can

So beat it,just beat it

You have to show them that you're really not scared

You're playin' with your life,this ain't no truth or dare

They'll kick you,then they beat you,

Then they'll tell you it's fair

So beat it,but you wanna be bad

Just beat it,beat it,beat it,beat it

No one wants to be defeated

Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

Just beat it,beat it,beat it,beat it

No one wants to be defeated

Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

Just beat it,beat it,beat it,beat it

No one wants to be defeated

Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

Just beat it,beat it

Beat it,beat it,beat it

Beat it,beat it,beat it,beat it

No one wants to be defeated

Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

It doesn't matter who's wrong or who's right

Just beat it,beat it,beat it,beat it

No one wants to be defeated

Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

Just beat it,beat it,beat it,beat it

No one wants to be defeated

Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

Just beat it,beat it

Beat it,beat it,beat it

Beat it,beat it,beat it,beat it

No one wants to be defeated

Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

It doesn't matter who's wrong or who's right

Just beat it,beat it,beat it,beat it

No one wants to be defeated

Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

Just beat it,beat it,beat it,beat it

No one wants to be defeated

Showin' how funky and strong is your fight

It doesn't matter who's wrong or right

Just beat it,beat it,beat it,beat it

No one wants to be defeated

Just beat it,beat it

Beat it,beat it,beat it

(c) 1982 Mijac Music (BMI)

Billie Jean

by Michael Jackson

She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene

I said don't mind,but what do you mean I am the one

Who will dance on the floor in the round

She said I am the one,who will dance on the floor in the round

She told me her name was Billie Jean,as she caused a scene

Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one

Who will dance on the floor in the round

People always told me be careful of what you do

And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts

And mother always told me be careful of who you love

And be careful of what you do 'cause the lie becomes the truth

Billie Jean is not my lover

She's just a girl who claims that I am the one

But the kid is not my son

She says I am the one,but the kid is not my son

For forty days and forty nights

The law was on her side

But who can stand when she's in demand

Her schemes and plans

'Cause we danced on the floor in the round

So take my strong advice,just remember to always think twice

(Don't think twice! Do think twice!)

She told my baby we'd danced till three,then she looked at me

Then showed a photo a baby cried his eyes weren't like mine (oh,no!)

'Cause we danced on the floor in the round,baby

People always told me,

Be careful of what you do

And don't go around

Breaking young girls' hearts'

(Don't break no hearts)

But you came and stood right by me

Just a smell of sweet perfume

This happened much too soon

She called me to her room

The Billie Jean is not my lover

She's just a girl who claims that

I am the one

But the kid is not my son


The Billie Jean is not my lover

She's just a girl who claims that

I am the one

But the kid is not my son


She says I am the one


But the kid is not my son

She says I am the one

But the kid is not my son


The Billie Jean is not my lover

She's just a girl who claims that

I am the one

(You know what you did to me,babe)

But the kid is not my son


She says I am the one

But the kid is not my son

You know what you did

She says he is my son

Breaking my heart,babe

She says I am the one

The Billie Jean is not my lover

The Billie Jean is not my lover

Don't go to Billie Jean...

The Billie Jean is not my lover

The Billie Jean is not my lover

She's not what she seems..."

(c) 1982 Mijac Music (BMI)

Human Nature

by Steve Porcaro and John Bettis

Looking out

Across the nighttime

The city winks a sleepless eye

Hear her voice

Shake my window

Sweet seducing sighs

Get me out

Into the nighttime

Four walls won't hold me tonight

If this town

Is just an apple

Then let me take a bite

If they say --

Why,why,tell 'em that it's human nature

Why,why,does he do me that way

If they say --

Why,why,tell 'em that it's human nature

Why,why does he do me that way

Reaching out

To touch a stranger

Electric eyes are ev'rywhere

See that girl

She knows I'm watching

She likes the way I stare

If they say --

Why,why,tell 'em that it's human nature

Why,why,does he do me that way

If they say --

Why,why,tell 'em that it's human nature

Why,why does he do me that way

I like lovin' this way

I like lovin' this way

Looking out

Across the morning

Where the city's heart begins to beat

Reaching out

I touch her shoulder

I'm dreaming of the street

If they say -

Why,why,tell 'em that it's human nature

Why,why,does he do me that way

If they say -

Why,why,tell 'em that it's human nature

Why,why does he do me that way

(c) 1982 Porcara Music and John Bettis Music (ASCAP)


by James Ingram and Quincy Jones

Where did you come from lady

And ooh won't you take me there

Right away won't you baby

Tenderoni you've got to be

Spark my nature

Sugar fly with me

Don't you know now

Is the perfect time

We can make it right

Hit the city lights

Then tonight ease the lovin' pain

Let me take you to the max

I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)

Pretty young thing

You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)

And I'll take you there

I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)

Pretty young thing

You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)

Tender lovin' care

I'll take you there

Anywhere you wanna go

Nothin' can stop this burnin'

Desire to be with you

Gotta get to you baby

Won't you come,it's emergency

Cool my fire yearnin'

Honey,come set me free

Don't you know now is the perfect time

We can dim the lights

Just to make it right

In the night

Hit the lovin' spot

I'll give you all I've got

I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)

Pretty young thing

You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)

Tender lovin' care

And I'll take you there

I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)

Pretty young thing

You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)

Tender lovin' care

I'll take you there

I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)

Pretty young thing

You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)

And I'll take you there

Pretty young things,repeat after me

(Michael) I said na na na

(P.Y.T.'S) na na na

(Michael) I said na na na na

(P.Y.T.'s) na na na na

(Michael) I said na na na

(P.Y.T.'s) na na na

(Michael) na na na na na

(P.Y.T.'s) na na na na na

(Michael) I wanna take you there

(c) 1982 Eiseman Music Co.,Inc.,HenAl Music,Kings Road Music (BMI) and Yellow Brick Road Music (ASCAP)

The Lady In My Life

by Rod Tempterton

There'll be no darkness tonight

Lady our love will shine

Just put your trust in my heart

And meet me in paradise

You're every wonder in this world to me

A treasure time won't steal away

So listen to my heart

Lay your body close to mine

Let me fill you with my dreams

I can make you feel alright

And baby through the years

Gonna love you more each day

So I promise you tonight

That you'll always be the lady in my life

Lay back in my tenderness

Let's make this a night we won't forget

Girl,I need your sweet caress

Reach out to a fantasy

Two hearts in the beat of ecstasy

Come to me

And I will keep you warm

Through the shadows of the night

Let me touch you with my love

I can make you feel so right

And baby through the years

Even when we're old and gray

I will love you more each day

'Cause you'll always be the lady in my life

Stay with me

I want you to stay with me

I need you by my side

Don't you go nowhere

Let me keep you warm

You're my lady

Fill you with the sweetest love

I wanna touch you baby

You're my lady and I love you girl


Whoo girl,let me keep you warm

You are the lady in my life

Fill you with the sweetest love

Always the lady in my life

Lay back in my tenderness

You are the lady in my life

Rock me with your sweet caress

Always the lady in my life

(c) 1982 Rodsongs (PRS)


就在为翠贝卡电影节准备“颤栗特别之夜”的同时,导演John Landis接受了《纽约地下铁》杂志的采访,讲到了当年他拍摄这部史上最伟大音乐录影的故事:


噢,是Michael Jackson突然给我打电话的。他看了Rick Baker的杰作,在《美国狼人在伦敦》里把一个人变成了狼。Michael对这种变形术很着迷,说他也想制作这样一个电影,在其中他可以变成一个怪物。当时的摇滚音乐录影一般都是为了帮助卖唱片,所以我一点兴趣都没。但我当然很有兴趣做个短篇电影,因为Michael是那么显赫,所以我知道会有人有兴趣来播放的。这也是个机会找来很棒的舞者来拍一个歌舞片,并把它正确地拍摄好。


我们当时算出这个片子可能要花50万美元。对那个时候来说,已经不少了,因为当时制作一个片子很多人不过才用5-7万美元而已。哥伦比亚唱片公司和索尼录影带公司叫我们滚蛋。这张专辑已经制作了两个成功的音乐录影了:《Beat it》和《Billie Jean》。再说,这张专辑已经是冠军专辑,并卖出了比历史上任何专辑都多的销量。于是Michael说,“好吧,我来付这个钱。”我说,“绝对不行。” 当时他还和他父母住在一起。他说,“为什么你不拍摄拍摄我们怎么制作这个录影的过程?我们可以做一个《Thriller制作花絮》,这样它将会有45分钟长,而录影本身有15分钟长,于是,就可以作为一个特辑上《表演时间》节目了。”当MTV听说我们要把这个片子先拿给《表演时间》,他们表示他们要先买下这个片子。


嗯,它先作为短片在洛杉矶随着电影《幻想曲》放映了一段时间,引起了巨大的轰动。但哥伦比亚公司整了我,因为他们把这个录影免费发给了世界上所有的电视台。《Thriller》一登上MTV和其它国际上的电视台后,似乎就是每天24小时都在播放了。专辑也重回冠军宝座,并多卖出了一倍的销量。它完全成就了MTV,巩固了这种媒介的力量。然后我接到了Austin Furst的电话,他说,“我想把《Thriller》和制作花絮发行成VHS家庭录像带。”我说,“它免费在电视上播呢。谁还会买啊?”他说,“我准备把它的价格定为24.95美元。”我想,不会有人买的。结果,卖出50万张。它又创造起了家庭录像带的生意……


我将要出一本书,就叫《John Landis》。是意大利作家Giulia D'Agnolo Vallan写的。里面有许多我的合作者们的采访和文章。我们会在纽约举办两次签售。此外,我现在也正在剪片室里,正在为NBC拍摄一个叫《恐惧本身》的节目。


《Thriller》录影的导演John Landis、装扮成僵尸的人们和舞者,以及数千Michael Jackson的歌迷于4月24日晚齐聚纽约翠贝卡电影节,举办了盛大的25周年庆典。

John Landis在现场接受NBC《今日》节目采访时表示,当时由于《Thriller》没筹到钱,差点没拍成。因为《Thriller》已经卖得很好,唱片公司不想再砸钱进来做一部这样的录影。Michael虽然想自己掏钱,但John Landis不同意,最终,他们找来了MTV作财务支持。


迪斯尼制片厂当年也同意在洛杉矶限量上映该片。不过Landis和合伙人George Folsey想到了别人没有想到的渠道,那就是有线电视网。“表演时间”频道当年只有300万户的订户,当《Thriller》在洛杉矶上映并获得热烈反响后,“表演时间”决定跟进。

这个频道决定支付25万美元买下这个录影的十天独家播放权,然后MTV频道疯了,他们打电话给John Landis,支付了另外25万美元买下两周的播放权,这就让《Thriller》收回了成本。然后,哥伦比亚唱片公司认为这个录影是个绝妙的推广主意,于是就免费发给各电视台播放,最终,在当年那段日子里,打开电视就能看到《Thriller》,而该专辑的销量也增长了两到三倍。

谈到《Thriller》的影响,以及去年在菲律宾监狱里都有僵尸舞(见YouTube),John Landis说,“菲律宾监狱里那个事简直是好得发疯……全世界的人们都在婚礼,在聚会,在葬礼,在酒吧里跳《Thriller》,真是让我惊呆了。”他说。

在世界金融中心的广场上,搭起了翠贝卡的露天电影院。当晚,除了举办《Thriller》和《Thriller制作花絮》的放映外,还举办了舞蹈比赛、化妆游戏、模仿秀表演和“世界最大的僵尸迪斯科舞会”。Bravo频道的“Step It Up & Dance” 节目的全体演员也在翠贝卡电影节的露天影院现场表演,向Michael Jackson的《Thriller》25周年致敬。许多人都携家带口的赶到现场,现场非常热闹。《Thriller》的编舞师Vincent Paterson也到现场助阵。整个露天广场沉浸在热烈而怀旧的气氛中。

翠贝卡是纽约下曼哈顿一个区的名字。这个区在2001年“9·11”事件中受到很大冲击。老牌影星罗伯特·德尼罗和导演兼制片人简·罗森塔尔等人2002年创立翠贝卡电影节的初衷就是想恢复这个区的元气。随着电影节活动的扩大,参展影片比最初的规模增加了4倍。翠贝卡电影节的独特之处在于它的经营方式。不少电影节的经费主要来自政府补贴,而翠贝卡电影节则是德尼罗、罗森塔尔和克雷格·哈特克共有的 “翠贝卡企业公司”为追求利润而举办的。获得的利润部分注入非赢利团体“翠贝卡电影节学会”,该学会通过种种渠道资助影片的制片人。

本届电影节将于5月4日结束。今年的参展电影包括121部长片和79部短片。在来自31个国家的121部长片中,53部为世界首映,30部为北美首映。今年的“世界剧情片竞赛单元”和“世界纪录片竞赛单元”各有12部影片入围。《Thriller》盛典的当天,另一个巨星麦当娜也现身电影节,为新片《密不可分》(I Am Because We Are)放映捧场。中韩两国合拍的大片《三国之见龙卸甲》也将参加展映;而中国内地导演张一白的新作《迷果》(原名《少年》)也成功入围“世界剧情片竞赛单元”。


Michael Jackson最著名的专辑《Thriller》(1982)终于获得了历史的认可。这张把Jackson推上流行之王宝座并成为史上最畅销唱片的专辑,今天被美国国会图书馆收录,并将会被永恒保存。


《Thriller》在美国《Billboard》排行榜的Top 10里停留长达一年,拥有七首Top 10单曲,同时在世界范围内销售了超过一亿张。它的25周年纪念版才刚刚发行。

其它被收录进美国国会图书馆档案的包括1956年电影《窈窕淑女》的原声碟、Roy Orbison在1964年发表的金曲《漂亮女人》等。截止目前,美国国会图书馆档案里已经收录了250份历史性录音。《Thriller》就是其中之一。




UK 7" Single (Epic EPCA 3643)

1. Thriller (single edit) 4:37

2. The Things I Do For You (live with the Jackson's) 3:39

USA 7" Single (Epic 34 04364)

1. Thriller (single edit) 4:37

2. Can't Get Outta The Rain 4:02


英国: #10 美国: #4

英国Top 40单曲榜详细信息:24,10,11,16,12,13,13,11,12,18,27,37,出榜


德国:#21 法国:#1 澳大利亚:#4


“Thriller”在三次Michael Jackson个人巡演上都得以表演


《颤栗现场》(Thriller Live)是经迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)独家授权制作的。他的兄妹等家族成员也给予了有力的支持。到目前为止, 《颤栗现场》是世界上唯一支完整记录杰克逊在演艺道路上成长的大型歌舞剧。2006年,迈克尔·杰克逊的长期合作伙伴艾德里安·格兰特根据《颤栗》专辑创作了歌舞剧《颤栗现场》,首次试演,立刻引起轰动,受到迈克尔·杰克逊歌迷的狂热追捧。




1、Nite Line


3、Hot Street

4、The Girl Is Mine (Solo Demo)

5、Starlight (Demo)

6、Baby Be Mine (Demo)

7、Billie Jean (Demo)

8、Starting Something (Demo)

9、P.Y.T. (Instrumental)

10、Trouble (Demo)


12、Nite line (Writer Demo)

13、Carousel (Writer Demo)

14、Trouble (Writer Demo)

15、Human Nature (Writer Demo)









thrillerKK: []DJ: []
1. 使人毛骨悚然的东西(或人);引起激动的人(或物)
2. 恐怖小说(或电影等);探险小说(或电影等)




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