

词条 莫纳熏衣草

Plectranthus ecklonii cv. 'Mona Lavender' 的试译,该种植物是 艾氏香茶菜 的一个栽培变种,商业上也称为一个品种,变种(品种)名称叫 莫纳熏衣草 。







薰衣草 又名香水植物,灵香草,香草。原产于地中海沿岸、欧洲各地及大洋洲列岛,后被广泛栽种于英国及南斯拉夫。其叶形花色优美典雅,蓝紫色花序颖长秀丽,是庭院中一种新的多年生耐寒花卉,适宜花径丛植或条植,也可盆栽观赏。薰衣草在罗马时代就已是相当普遍的香草,因其功效最多,被称为“香草之后”。自古就广泛使用于医疗上,茎和叶都可入药,有健胃、发汗、止痛之功效,是治疗伤风感冒、腹痛、湿疹的良药。


本人对 Plectranthus ecklonii cv. 'Mona Lavender' 的试译

根据该种植物的拉丁文学名 Plectranthus ecklonii cv. 'Mona Lavender' 可知:

1. Plectranthus 是该植物的属名,意即 香茶菜属 ,该词的性别为阳性,Plectranthus 是由 plectron(琴拨)+anthos(花)组合而来,意指该属植物的花冠裂片多形似琴拨。

2. ecklonii 是该植物的种加词,该词是名词所有格的形式,是为纪念植物学家 Dr. Christian P. Ecklon 所起(该植物很可能是由这位植物学家发现并命名的),按照植物拉丁名命名规则,以人名的所有格形式作为植物拉丁名的种加词时,如果该人名( Ecklon) 以不为 r 的辅音字母结尾,则不论其属名(Plectranthus)为阳性,阴性还是中性,先在该人名后面加上字母 i ,变为 Eckloni ,然后再加上表示命名人性别(男性)和数的形式(单数)的字母 i ,即变为该植物的种加词 Ecklonii 。人名 Ecklon 音译为 艾克伦 ,简称 艾氏 。

3. 'Mona Lavender' 是该种植物的栽培加词(因为该植物是 Plectranthus ecklonii 的栽培变种,所以在命名时,为了与原种 Plectranthus ecklonii 相区别,需要在原种的拉丁名之后加上该变种的栽培加词),按照植物学命名规则,栽培变种命名时,要先在原种的拉丁名(Plectranthus ecklonii)之后加上表示栽培变种的符号 cv. (cultivarietas 的简写) ,然后在其后加上栽培加词(Mona Lavender),栽培加词需要放在单引号中,写成 'Mona Lvander' 的格式,Mona Lavender 意为 莫纳熏衣草 。

综上所述,本人将该种植物的原种 Plectranthus eckloni 试译为 艾氏香茶菜 。该种植物是 艾氏香茶菜 的一个栽培变种,商业上也称为一个品种,变种(品种)名称叫 莫纳熏衣草 。




Family: Lamiaceae

Common names: spur flower, Mona Lavender (Eng.); muishondblaar (Afr.)

Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender' is a hybrid developed here at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens that is becoming a hit around the world!

There are many Plectranthus species that are used as ornamental herbaceous plants for the garden, not only in South Africa, but all around the world. Most of these come from the more subtropical/tropical areas of southern Africa. They come in a number of shapes and colour forms ranging from white, through pink to dark mauves and lavenders. Being so easy to propagate from cuttings, they are readily shared amongst keen gardeners and are one of the few plants that grow well in shade.


'Mona Lavender' is a quick-growing, herbaceous, perennial shrub reaching up to 0.75 m in height, forming a lovely, rounded, dense bush.

It has dark green, glossy leaves with intensely purple undersides and sprays of lavender flowers dashed with purple markings.

It flowers very unpredictably, but does well in shortened daylight, which starts in autumn, but depending on how old the plant is and how much it has been pinched back, flowering can be extended right into early summer.

Derivation of name and historical fact

'Mona Lavender' was bred by one of the horticulturists here at Kirstenbosch, Roger Jaques, in the late 1990s. It was a fairly long process involving much hand pollination and raising many thousands of seedlings, back crossing and raising many more thousands of seedlings - each time selecting out the best, most attractive individuals to go through to the next round of breeding. But the efforts seem to have paid off as now we have a magnificent plant that is sure to be a popular garden plant all around the world.

The plant is being very effectively commercialized by the Ball Horticultural Company based near Chicago in the USA. The NBI has an agreement with this company to commercialize certain selected plants. For each plant that they sell, South Africa receives substantial royalties. As a result of this agreement, Ball have effectively marketed and sold Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender' for Kirstenbosch throughout North America, Europe, especially in the UK, South Africa and Australia. Without their marketing and distribution abilities this would have been very difficult.Growing Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender' Growing 'Mona Lavender' is a pleasure for any gardener as it is relatively adaptable and trouble free. It does very well in either shaded or partly sunny positions. When it receives sun it tends to stay smaller and more compact and the leaves exhibit a much more intense colouring - especially on the purple undersides of the leaf.

Like most Plectranthus species, 'Mona Lavender' enjoys a rich soil with plenty of humus, and won't say no to extra compost! It is quite a thirsty plant, so water every few days to keep it fresh and turgid.

The plants enjoy being pinched back to induce better branching and compactness. They make a great bedding plant and look good when they are planted en masse or as individuals in an existing bedding display. They also make good pot plants which can be moved around as needed and will fill a 25cm pot in a matter of months.

They enjoy feeding too, which should be carried out at any time but preferably not before or during flowering. The fertilizer may consist of a general all-purpose 2-3-2 as a granular or liquid feed - be sure to water it in well as it is easy to burn the tender roots, or use a purely organic fertilizer to avoid this.

One of the only downfalls of 'Mona Lavender' is that, like most Plectranthus, it doesn't tolerate very cold conditions, although it has been known to survive light frosts in Pretoria. If you live in an area prone to winter frosts then plant it in spring and it will flower in the autumn before the winter frosts take their toll. For all other parts of South Africa that don't receive heavy frosts, it can be planted at any time of the year.



艾氏香茶菜 ‘莫纳熏衣草’



克斯顿保斯彻植物园培育的杂种艾氏香茶菜 ‘莫纳熏衣草’在世界上正有大受欢迎之势。














‘莫纳熏衣草’唯一的一点美中不足是,即使人们已经了解到它可以忍受比勒陀利亚(南非首都)的霜冻天气,但是它仍然不能承受非常寒冷的环境。如果你生活在冬季易有霜冻的地区, 那么就在春天种植,在冬天的冰霜带走它们之前,它们可以在秋天开放。在南非其它任何没有重霜的地区,它们可以在任何时候被栽植。





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