

词条 THE Painter IX WOW BOOK


CherThreinen-Pendarvis是一位杰出的平面设计师、艺术家及教育家。数年来,她一直致力于讲授数字设计技术并撰写有关该方面的书籍,影响了一大批数字艺术设计师。她的数字绘画作品以及图像作品不但曾在多国展出过,还被图书及期刊多次引用。除了为Corel PainterIx创作百余种画笔外,Chef还经常进行全球数字艺术巡讲,并受邀至图形图像论坛进行专项发言。


屡获殊荣的Corel Painter软件一直以来都是那些富有创意的数字艺术家们的宠儿,并不断地吸引各类艺术家们纷至沓来,投入使用数字媒介全新演绎情感创作的行列。该软件最近发布的版本不但有全新的Artists’Oils绘画系统、吸附到路径(Snap-to-Path)绘画方式、快速克隆(Quick Clone)功能,还有绘制速度十倍于先前版本的画笔,因此绘画更随意、更洒脱、更高效。在新一版的《The Painter I×Wow!Book》中,畅销书作者、极富盛誉的艺术家Cher Threinen-Pendarvis将会把读者一步一步带入这个全新的软件世界,指导他们跨越传统媒介与电子艺术的桥梁。随着条理清晰、发人深省的启迪式讲解,Cher将会把初级读者快速地带入Painter殿堂,并为中高级读者提供了大量酷眩而又富有创造力的建设性技术。相信对于不同层次的专业摄影师、商业设计师及优秀艺术家们而言,拥有本书都可以算得上是如获至宝。














"The Painter IX Wow! Book is a must-have! Author Cher Threinen-Pendarvis explains Painter tips and techniques in an easy and accessible manner,

and the book is the most visually stunning of its kind. Reading her Painter Wow! books was instrumental in my own early development with Painter,

and I continue to learn from them with each subsequent release." --Rick Champagne, Program Manager, Corel Painter, Corel Corporation

Corel Painter, the world’s leading natural-media painting software, has long

been a favorite among fine artists and illustrators, who love the way it

emulates the experience of working with traditional media such as

watercolor, oils, pastel, pencil, and ink, yet with all the advantages of a

digital technology. Whether you're an experienced digital artist or an

artist who needs a bridge from traditional media to electronic art, there's

no better way to learn Painter than from longtime Painter artist and

instructor, Cher Threinen-Pendarvis.

The Painter IX Wow! Book, which has been thoroughly rewritten for Painter

IX, has something to spark every reader's creativity. Cher, the artist who

built the default brush libraries for Painter 7, 8 and IX, gives you insider

knowledge on Painter’s tools, functions, and preferences.Beginners will love

the clear, step-by-step instructions, which assume no prior knowledge of the

program. Intermediate and advanced users will gain valuable insight from the

author's savvy explanations of a wide variety of cool, creative, and

productive techniques, and will find plenty of inspiration in the stunning

artwork that graces the book throughout.

In this new edition, the expanded painting chapter features many exciting

new techniques, including the new Artists Oils and improved Digital

Watercolor mediums and how you can integrate them into your Painter digital

art studio or Painter workflow. The Building Brushes section has been

expanded into its own chapter, and gives you detailed information about how

to create and organize your own custom brushes. The newly updated

printmaking chapter showcases more creative printmaking techniques and

addresses color management issues. You'll also find expanded chapters

focusing on:

• Painting with brushes: Many new creative drawing and painting techniques using new high-performance natural-media brushes

• Enhancing photos: learn how to use Painter creatively with photographs and collages

• Special effects for graphics and type

• Creating images for the screen and for printmaking

• Painter’s improved compatibility with Adobe Photoshop

New Painter users will find thorough explanations of Painter's interface, as

well as drawing and painting exercises to help them get up to speed with

Painter quickly, while readers who are familiar with traditional artist

tools will learn how to transition their art media from traditional to

digital tools. The Painter IX Wow! CD-ROM includes new custom brushes built

by the author, extra textures and custom lighting effects that you won't

find anywhere else, as well as recorded scripts, stock photographs and video

clips, filters, software demos, and The Painter IX Wow! Study Guide, a study

guide/instructors guide for self-study or classroom use.





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