

词条 The Long Blondes

经过Weedend Without Makeup这张单曲之后,乐团的处女专辑Someone To Drive You Home已面世。为Someone To Drive You Home担当监制的是Sheffield市的音乐传奇,他是前Pulp的低音吉他手Steve Mackey。

可以说The Long Blondes的优秀之处,是她们的歌曲是如丝流畅、跳脱、紧凑、活力充沛而洋溢初生之物,她们中也有一位很棒的女主唱Kate Jackson,她的歌声来得性感而情感丰富;纵使吉他手Dorian为乐队的创作灵魂,但其歌曲交由Kate演绎下,所唱出的也尽是女生的情怀。听过The Long Blondes的音乐,会发现她们其实是殊不简单的一群。

唱片由Dorian与Kate合唱的紧凑Art Punk歌曲Lust In Ther Movies揭开序幕。听其两首重新灌录过的成名作单曲Giddy Stratospheres和Separated By Motorways,所彰显出的Punk-Funk / Disco-Punk动能、歌曲的Groovy之处,无疑足以令人听得亢奋不已,定必是Indie派对的热门之选。而谈女生逃避其男友的新单曲Once And Never Alive,其铿锵爽朗之处,那好比C86运动乐队The Flatmates那种Cutie-Punk声音。

另一方面,像Weedend Without Makeup般旋律流历得来却又沉淀着一种Post-Punk的低调张力,也是为何会被拿来跟Joy Division混为一谈。In The Company Of Women也奏出了一重后朋/新浪潮音乐的扣人心弦。Madame Ray所写的原来是已故纽约市Fine Art女性摄影师Lee Miller。


01 once and never again 02 separated by motorways 03 knife for the girls 04 century 05 weekend without makeup 06 only lovers left alive 07 madame ray 08 giddy stratopheres 09 heaven help the new girl 10 in the company of women 11 lust in the movies 12 swallow tattoo

专辑名称 发行时间 语言 试听专辑 详情

someone to drive you home 2006-11-23 英语

唱片公司:Om music
专辑曲目(12)01 giddy stratopheres 02 heaven help the new girl 03 in the company of women 04 knife for the girls 05 lust in the movies 06 madame ray 07 once and never again 08 only lovers left alive 09 separated by motorways 10 swallow tattoo 11 weekend without makeup 12 you could have both





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