

词条 Sweet and Wild

Sweet and Wild 为美国女歌手Jewel的第二张乡村专辑(第九张专辑)


专辑名称:Sweet and Wild

歌手名称:Jewel Kilcher







1. No Good In Goodbye

2. I Love You Forever

3. Fading

4. What You Are

5. As Bad As It Gets

6. Summer Home In Your Arms

7. Stay Here Forever

8. No More Heart Aches

9. One True Thing

10. Ten

11. Satisfied


两张CD曲目相同,第二张CD是每首歌曲的Acoustic版,称"Sweet and Mild"

在Itunes预购的豪华版的用户能获得一首不会收到专辑的歌<Angel Needs A Ride>(Acoustic)


以下下为Jewel自己亲手写给大家的介绍;感谢Jewel吧吧主 ramona13 的翻译!


I titled the album Sweet And Wild because it showcases both sides of my personality. I seem to be a walking contradiction in life. I am a fairly calm person who reads a lot and writes poetry, but I also like to ride motorcycles and shoot guns. I don't like hunting, but I love bull riding and rodeo as sports.


1)"No Good In Goodbye" opens - which is a rocking little country song, with a Dylan style internal rhyme scheme.


2) Next is "I Love You Forever"- a pop leaning toe-tapper that has a great story lyric about being close to those we love, even when away

下一首是I Love You Forever,一首会让你不由自主的用脚打拍子的流行小品,有着故事性的歌词,即使相隔天涯,也心灵相通

3) Third is my favorite - "Fading" - a song I wrote a long time ago about leaving the ranch and feeling overwhelmed in the cities, traveling all the time and on the road. I'm so glad this has finally made the album. It's definitely in the "wild" category.


4) "What You Are" is mid tempo, and has a "sweet" lyric. I posted a vlog of this song after I had just written it. It has a message that reminds me of "Hands," and it is a topic I really am passionate about.We can relax, because we are already good enough...

“What You Are”是一首中等节奏的有着“甜蜜”歌词的歌曲,我当时刚一写好这支歌就上传到播客上了,它传递的信息让我想到了之前的“Hands”,因为它们共同的主题是我一直关注的。我们都已经很优秀了,无需担心……

5) "As Bad As It Gets"- this is a ballad that rocks. It's the only outside song on the album. It was written by a friend of mine and I chose it because it was vocally challenging. I meant to get around to writing one that pushed me as a singer, as I have always sung better live, and have tended to write wordier songs, rather than ones the showed my singing off. It was a goal of mine to really sing better on this record than on any I had done. This song is well written, and is a great showcase for some singing, and I want to thank the writers.


6) [英文没贴上来。]

这首很久之前就写了,Pieces of you时期的风格,民谣-乡村类型的,很难定义。歌词很异想天开,有点类似“You Were Meant For Me”.当然啦,忠实粉丝们还是一听就能分辨出来的。我把歌改成四四拍,重写了副歌,改了和弦,添了个甜美的bridge,加了些鼓点在里面,就成了一首风格活泼的曲子。(也就是说,这首歌是You Were Meant For Me改装而成的)。

7) "Stay Here Forever" - my current single, and thanks to you guys the video is a big hit on CMT and GAC. As you know, you calling stations and voting online helps me get my quirky brand of music through - so thanks!


8) "No More Heartaches" - I wrote this a while ago, and am glad it's finally getting a spot. It's sure enough a country song, but has an aggressively articulate blunt yet poetic take on the classic "I'm leaving your no good ass" theme. The first line is "shut up, sweetheart, there's something I need you to hear: I can no longer love the same thing I fear."

写这曲子有段日子了,太好了终于用上了。其实主题很简单,就是经典的“我要离开你这大混`蛋”,但是却以一种激烈的、直率的方式表达的乡村歌曲。歌的第一句就是“Shut up,亲爱滴,听好了,我不可能爱上让我害怕的人”

9) "One True Thing" - This is a rocker. Theme is finding someone you can believe in and hanging on. We did a cool treatment in the first chorus, where instead of building into an even bigger chorus, we do the opposite and drop everything out except acoustic guitar and my voice. It creates a dramatic and unexpected effect.


10) Track ten is called "Ten." I'm probably the only nerd that gets a chuckle from this, but what the heck. This is one of my favorite story lyrics. I wrote it after Ty and I got in a big fight one day. I was so mad; I had to count to ten before I totally lost it. Love is a peculiar thing - it can inspire the best and the worst feeling because we let someone in so close to us. But the reward is so great too, that always keeping that perspective is key, no matter how intense a fleeting fight can be. I wrote this song as a sort of "count to ten" experience that can help ease you out of bad feelings, and even remind you to be thankful for their best qualities too. I like the opening line "whoever said love is easy, must have never been in love" - I think everyone can relate!


11) "Satisfied" - hands down my favorite message on the album. This is up there with "Hands" and "Life Uncommon" for me. I really believe we don't always know what it takes to be happy and satisfied. Sometimes it's simpler than we know: finding those you love and letting them know you do. To me that is the definition of the word. My favorite spot is the bridge "horses are built to run, the sun was meant to shine above, flowers were made to bloom, and then there's us - we were born to love."

“Satisfied”传递了这张专辑中我最喜欢的信息—同是也是“Hands”“Life Uncommon"中所讲的主题。我觉得人们总是不清楚什么能真正带来快乐和满足。其实比我们想象的简单:找到真爱,并让他们知道你爱他们。这就是我字典里的满足。我最爱的是这句“马儿注定奔跑;太阳注定要照耀大地;花儿生来就是要开放的;而我们,我们为爱而生”。




Jewel近两年来的专辑都体现着名副其实的特点。上一张《Lullaby》以柔软动人的抒情催眠曲作为整张专辑的主体,以实际行动表现出了“lullaby”的真实旨意,创作速度惊人的她在2010年即奉献了这张《Sweet and Wild》,再次以专辑名称点出了当中音乐的特征,即既甜美又狂野,原本就可以被称得上是甜美的,正是Jewel自己的人声,而创造出狂野效应的则应归功于编曲以及后期制作,它们偏向乡村摇滚和流行音乐的趋势令Jewel的乡村歌手形象在这张专辑当中逐渐淡化开来。

先是极具摇滚特性的一曲《No Good In Goodbye》开场,其快速的过门段落以及配乐中省去滑棒吉他的方式,令人感到Jewel往乡村摇滚或是偏摇滚乐的流行曲上行走,倒也不是不能成为可能,其甜美的嗓音也可拥有狂野的爆发,从第一曲即点了专辑名称的题,Jewel此棋走得甚是不错。接下来的《I Love You Forever》则让人感到尴尬不少,虽然其有着非常吸引人的旋律,Jewel自己的表现也相当不错,但是,没有人觉得这首歌和Taylor Swift太像了么?当然,在Taylor主宰了主流乡村音乐的这两年,再不向这种偏流行乐式的乡谣靠近的话,可能很快就会被称为跟不上时代,只是Jewel的个人色彩在这首歌当中被抹得几乎不剩踪迹。专辑接下来的数曲,则都围绕着这种似乡村摇滚又偏于流行音乐的形式走着,最后不禁令人才想到,Jewel冷不丁地用着这张专辑在向Taylor Swift宣战,或说Taylor Swift式的流行乡村已经把美国传统乡村音乐给占领了。

当然这并非批评Jewel这张专辑做得不行,相反这种趋炎附势的专辑制作方式反而使得Jewel的乐迷层拓展得更为宽泛了一些,她自己也在这张专辑当中展现出了她更为令人感到和谐的一面,《Sweet and Wild》当中所阐述和表达的情感,已经不再是主体,它所想要展现的,其实是美国乡村音乐逐渐与流行音乐相互渗透相互融合的一种趋势,而细心之人也早已发现,如今乡村音乐和流行音乐的区别仅仅在于有没有使用到班卓琴和滑棒吉他了。



时隔2008年的《Perfectly Clear》专辑两年之后,Jewel再度于Valory厂牌发行了她的个人新专辑。两年前被人诟病的乡村路线,似乎并没有动摇Jewel的决心。一般来讲,义无反顾的结果,要么是错上再错,要么就是痛改前非。这一次的Jewel,显然属于后者。

在《Perfectly Clear》里,Jewel显然还没有从早前Atlantic厂牌对她的定位中缓过神来。虽然也是一位非常具有创作才华的女歌手,但在Atlantic这样的主流厂牌的商业干预下,Jewel还是必须不断地“出卖”她的色相,并且接受一些流行乐坛的工业化洗礼。在这种染缸中不断漂洗,会让一位歌手更活得游忍有余,但对于乡村音乐这种相对纯粹的音乐形式来讲,则绝对有害。于是,我们在《Perfectly Clear》听到的乡村,不过就是Jewel用流行的腔调、乡村的伴奏,所玩的一次乡村卡拉OK而已。尽管专辑的制作人,还是鼎鼎大名的John Rich。

同样是把乡村玩成流行,或把流行玩成乡村,Jewel毕竟不是Taylor Swift,后者说到底还是根红苗种的乡村种。而Jewel从出道至今,虽然还曾经在《0304》里玩过舞曲、唱过爵士,但实际上她迄今为止在音乐上最大的两个成就,一是初出道时首张专辑《Pieces of You》里那种青涩、干净的民谣曲风;二就是《This Way》里堪比Alanis Morissette和Sheryl Crow的民谣摇滚和Songwriter范儿。这,才是Jewel的根。

而在新专辑《Sweet and Wild》里,Jewel明显不再苛求是否把乡村玩得特别纯粹,而是在主题上呈现新视野的同时,在创作状态上,又回复到自己最为舒服的世界里,找回自己的那个本我。这一切,由一曲《Summer Home In You Arms》开始,从Jewel出道就一路追随的歌迷,也许很容易就能从这首作品里,找回《You Were Meant For Me》的影子,而实际上《Summer Home In You Arms》就是后者的改装版,一个和弦不同、副歌不同,新增了桥段还改成四四拍的新版《You Were Meant For Me》。在新专辑中重新泛起《Pieces of You》里的那份Sweet,真会让许多老歌迷唏嘘不已。

而开场的《No Good In Goodbye》和《I Love Your Forever》则是典型的乡村摇滚曲风,前者很容易让人想起最早让乡村通上电并摇滚的祖师Bob Dylan;而后者依稀回到了《This Way》的时期,却又要比那个时期更多一份简洁和干脆,很有种公路音乐的感觉。当然,是美国的高速公路。

《Bad As It Gets》则是专辑中惟一一首非Jewel本人、而是由她的一位朋友操刀作曲的作品。而Jewel最初选择这首歌的理由,就是可以挑战她的唱功,虽然这其实并非是一首炫技的歌曲,也远不如《0304》专辑里的许多作品那样花里胡哨,但更需要情绪的升华才能提升声线效果的处理,反而让这首歌有一种别样的荡气回肠效果。从外表的华丽到情感的升华,这也是Jewel在这张专辑中的另一种进步。

对于Jewel来讲,也许最能明白什么才是人生的大起大落。想当年,她同样追随着国际化和多元化的脚步,《Stand》、《Run 2U》和《Intuition》曾经是何等的时髦,而其中的节奏和韵律,直到今天听来也不过时。但这又证明什么?除了三座“格莱美”奖杯之外,却是一个本色Jewel的失落。而《Sweet and Wild》里的Jewel,则是在一种近似看破主流歌坛之后的一种返璞归真。将一切的一切,重新回归到内心,而不仅令只是音乐曲风的表面探索上。虽然简单,但动人;虽然老土,但感人。至于乡村死忠歌迷,实际上也并不要拘泥于她现在的乡村究竟是不是正宗,乡村,对于现在的Jewel来讲,只是返璞归真的另一种态度。她更希望通过这样一种方式,来回归自己内心的纯粹和音乐的本质。而她的内心,就是甜蜜,而她的本质,就是那一抹摇滚乐的狂野。


Upon its release, Sweet and Wild received generally positive reviews from most music critics. At Metacritic, which assigns a normalized rating out of 100 to reviews from mainstream critics, the album received a better than average score of 62, based on 6 reviews, which indicates "generally favorable reviews".

Stephen Thomas Erlewine from Allmusic gave the album 4 out of 5 stars, saying that "She’s saved here--on both the produced main album and its bare-bones acoustic cousin on the deluxe version, which isn’t as different as it might initially appear--by her essential sweetness, which shines through in her melody and mellow moods that aren’t sullied by a hint of wildness".

The Slant Magazine review says that "While "Perfectly Clear" suggested that she has the potential to make a great country album, but the uneven Sweet and Wild certainly isn't it". And it only gave the album 2 out of 5 stars.

The Boston Globe review noted that "Jewel offers basic country tropes both musical (twanging Telecasters, whining fiddles, banjoes bubbling underneath the surface, train-track rhythms) and lyrical (with references to both Wal-Mart and a dying soldier imparting wisdom) in the hopes of rousing the market base she first courted on 2008’s Perfectly Clear".

Greg Kot from Entertainment Weekly gave a B- evaluation, saying that "The pedal steel and fiddle sound like add-ons designed to get her played on country radio, and a few of the melodies could've been hijacked from a Nashville jingles factory. But there's some moving midlife melancholy beneath the surface, especially on the startling Fading".


由于首支单曲 Satisfied 的打榜成绩不够理想,这张专辑在首周卖出32000张,在Billboard 200上没能进入前十,排名第11;在当周的Billboard 乡村专辑榜上,这张专辑空降季军。






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