词条 | 梅志荣 |
释义 | 梅志荣,男,汉族,浙江省永康人,中共党员,毕业于西南交通大学隧道及地下铁道专业,现任中铁西南科学研究院董事长,研究员,博士生导师。长期从事隧道及地下工程应用基础理论研究工作,历任助理研究员,副研究员,研究员,课题组长,研究室副主任,主任,副院长,院长,硕士生导师,博士生导师,注册土木(岩土)工程师,并兼任中国岩石力学与工程学会常务理事、隧道及地下工程学会副理事长、岩土锚固工程协会副理事长、中国铁道学会理事等职务。 梅志荣在城市地下工程设计施工理论研究领域学术造诣较深,在铁道以及交通行业享有较高的知名度,是该领域的学科带头人。先后主持和主要参加完成了20多项国家和省部重大科研项目,主要有“隧道TXP非线性有限元计算程序研制”、“隧道工程围岩稳定性监测和信息化设计技术”、 “松散围岩市政隧道浅埋暗挖法修建新技术”、“隧道衬砌结构火灾损伤评定与修复加固措施研究”、“现代城市双洞双线隧道修建技术研究”、“昆仑山和风火山隧道关键技术研究”、“高原多年冻土隧道渗漏水治理技术研究”、“铁路隧道全环整体模筑衬砌研究”、“大伙房输水工程特长隧洞修建技术”、“超长隧洞突发性地质灾害的安全施工技术研究”、“新型锚杆的开发研究”、“铁路隧道TBM施工连续出碴技术与设备国产化(方案)研究”、“客运专线隧道全断面预加固技术的应用研究”、“浏阳河隧道下穿浏阳河施工坍方透水风险控制技术研究”、“岩溶隧道突水灾害预测预报系统研究”等。 上述项目的特点是科学研究和工程建设相结合,均在铁路和地方建设中发挥了重要作用,并获国家科技进步特等奖一次(主要完成者证书),国家科技进步一等奖一次(集体奖),省部科技进步二等奖五次,省部科技进步三等奖三次,厦门市科技进步二等奖一次,2009年主持完成的《大伙房输水工程特长隧洞TBM施工关键技术研究》获中国铁路工程总公司科学技术奖特等奖;2004-2009年主要参加的《大伙房输水工程特长隧洞修建技术》正在申报国家科技进步奖。专利发明四项。国内外发表学术论文30余篇。2001年获铁道部火车头奖章,2002年获四川省有突出贡献优秀专家称号,2003年被评为中国铁道学会铁道工程学科带头人,2005年被评为四川省学术和技术带头人,2008年被四川省人事厅批准为第二届四川省专家评议(审)委员会成员。 Mei Zhirong, is a research fellow, doctoral tutor, director of Southwest Research Institute Co.Ltd.of C.R.E.C.G, registration civil engineer (rock & soil),and also is a standing director of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and Engineering, vice master director of Chinese Society for Tunneling and Underground works, standing director of Chinese Association for Rock & Soil Anchored Projects, director of China railway Society , etc. Typical projects Mr.Mei have Engaged in research of tunneling and underground works for years,master minded and attended about 20 national and province/ministry important research item and many technique innovation items, mainly including Non-linearity finite-element analysis program of tunnel TXP Monitoring for the stability of rock in tunnel engineering and dynamic design Double lining supporting technique in tunnel engineering New construction technique of Dayao mountain railway tunnel Study on working state of lining structure for tunnel under vibration loads of train Study on lining structure formation under high ground stress for Qinling tunnel Undercutting construction technology of a shallow municipal tunnel in loose surrounding rock Study on assessment of fire damage in tunnel structure and its restoration and reinforcement measures Study on the construction technique of double tunnel with double line in modern city Study on the Technical Scheme of equipment for full circular monolithic lining structure in building tunnel Study on the safety construction technique of paroxysmal geologic hazards in Dahuofang water tunnels in Liaoning province also some projects, including Municipal tunnel under Shuncheng street in Chengdu Underground pipeline jacking in sandy cobble bed in the west of Sichuan province Honours/Awards State special grade award for scientific and technological progress, once(main attender) State first grade award for scientific and technological progress, once(collectivity) Province/Ministry second grade for Scientific and technological progress, twice Province/Ministry third grade for Scientific and technological progress, three times Xiamen second grade for Scientific and technological progress, once 4 patents A number of masters and doctors have been guided Locomotive medal of Ministry of Railways in 2001 Super-contribution excellent expert of Sichuan Province in 2002 Leader of Railway Engineering Subject of Chinese Society for Railway in 2003 Leader of Engineering Technology Subject of Sichuan Province in 2005 |
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