



SUNY CEO 品牌文化起源于的18世纪中期意大利经济发达、艺术文化鼎盛的重镇佛罗伦萨。依靠其细腻的工艺、考究的用料、高贵内敛的文化内涵,在业界获得了至高的荣誉。佛罗伦萨有着几百年的悠久历史文化,是专业的服装韵味的发源地,皇族的尊贵造就了品牌的典雅,高贵,成熟稳重的主导风格,经历多年传承延续,古老的手工制作,是SUNY CEO 更加独树一帜的展现了当代成熟人士的风范与风采。

SUNY CEO 作为欧洲高档男装品牌之一,始终秉承意大利服饰的高贵品质与现代国际流行时尚相结合,充分体现成功者的成熟、稳重、高贵与内敛,个性而不张扬等优点,成为意大利男装时尚、经典与传统文化品味相融合的典范,成功打造了SUNY CEO 在意大利高档男装领域中的完美形象。

Italy CEO Fashion Co.,Ltd (意大利CEO服饰有限公司),是意大利专业从事设计和生产各种高档服饰的著名公司,产品包括西服衬衫休闲装皮具等。经典的风范,高贵的品味,时尚、大方、简约、自然的设计风格,加上精湛的制作工艺,是SUNY CEO 品牌成就钻石品质的灵魂。SUNY CEO 力求把这一切做得更完美,使其产品品质更具深刻的文化内涵。


品牌意味着一种承诺.一种与消费者相互熟悉,彼此欣赏的亲密关系.不同的品牌之间拥有截然不同的气质,或者称之为风格. SUNY CEO 理解并珍视这种微妙的感觉,能够根据特定品牌所拥有的文化内涵,将风格毫无损失地继承下来,并迅速转化为生产力.这一切源于 SUNY CEO 敏锐的洞察和精卓的工艺,能够超越产品层面到品牌最本质的光芒.

A brand is a promise,a commitment.With that promise and commitment comes consumer`s brand recogni-tion and respect.Different brands reflect their individual flavor and interpretation of style and quality. SUNY CEO understandas and treasures this amazing diversity.The style in entirely followed up and converted into productivity based on the cultural connotations of each brand.All these are realized through SUNY CEO`s keen insight and elaborate processes.The prominence has resched far beyond the product intself and unveiled the e-ssential resplendence of the brand.


Orientation Of Target Consume Collectivity

年龄特征: 35~45岁成熟成功男人(说明:35~45岁成熟成功男人,是25~34岁追求成功人群的偶像,是46~55岁追求年轻与活力的成功人群的时尚倾向,前者希望自己能像他们一样成功,后者希望自己不仅是给人成熟,成功与稳重的形象,还应该有35~45岁那样的活力与时尚,表明自己还是影响这个时代的力量,所以 SUNY CEO 把35~45岁成熟成功男人的穿着方案研究透了,25岁~34岁,46岁~55岁的消费群也一样会成为 SUNY CEO 的顾客)...


Brand idca : Fashiom for sucessful man

只有真正有品味的成功男人,才有影响这个时代的力量。SUNY CEO 专为成功男士,品牌表现追求“针对性”,即 SUNY CEO 的每一件产品,每一个细节都是为目标顾客——35~45岁成熟成功男人而设计,是专为成熟的成功男人提供着装解决方案的时尚品牌,是成功男人的象征!成功男人这种“独有的时尚”,既不是时髦,也不是花哨,它是成功男人的一种成熟,明快,简洁,干练,活力的心理表现!正是这种“时尚”,深深地影响着中高档男装品牌市场消费的主风向。

品质,风格,搭配与陈列都极具吸引力的 SUNY CEO, 满足了成功男人深层次的心理需求,花色时尚而稳重,既有沉稳系列,也有明快系列,款式流行而得体,既有商务系列,又有出行系列;质地柔软而轻挺,裁剪精细,板型流畅,使穿着者呈现一种力量之美,无疑也是财富和权力的象征。时尚,稳健,理性以及更具永恒的魅力,SUNY CEO 传递的是成功男人一种极致的生活态度。 ...


Orientatiom Of Product





产品订货时间:春夏季产品:9月中 秋冬季产品3月下旬(服博会后)

产品上市时间:春季产品:2月 夏季产品:4月 秋季产品:8月

冬季产品:10月 ...


Oriontation Of Terminal Channel

SUNY CEO严格按照“渠道定位”来选择商场,位置及面积;按照店形象识别系统进行装修和陈列商品;按照 SUNY CEO 用人标准选择加盟商,经营管理者,在当地以高出同行的薪酬体系聘用最专业,最优秀的店长和店员。 要使 SUNY CEO 在每个城市都成为——形象最好,产品风格最适销的,品质最佳的,价位最贴近目标消费群需求的,经营管理人员最棒,具有“成功”文化内涵的品牌。

目标城市:直辖市,省会城市,经济发达地级市 当地一流大型百货商场专厅:消费群符合 SUNY CEO 定位,经营高档品牌为主,男正装销售,资信,管理等综合指标优良,面积在80平方米以上。

品牌专卖店:核心商业区,环境符合 SUNY CEO 目标消费群身份,主要经营高档男装品牌,面积在120平方米以上。

合作伙伴:具有高端男装品牌经营思路与市场经验,具有所需的流动资金,良好的商业信誉和商场合作关系(详见加盟政策) ...

SUNY CEO Group Raw Material

SUNY CEO 采用意大利优质的精纺高支面料,裁剪之前,进行多项专业技术检测以及面料的预缩处理。主衬主要德国骏马,意大利宝马,德国海莎,丹麦普腾达,英国高士。而辅料的选择,主要采用日本宾霸醋酸绸,国际化材质的集合应用,奠定了 SUNY CEO 品质的基础。

SUNY CEO chooses finely spun fabric in high count . Before cutting, various special technical tests and fabric pre-shrinkage are implemented. The finest of imported materials are from Germany, Italy, Denmark, and England. And secondary materials from Japan, Using only international materials that fall within SUNYCEO's quality benchmark.



同时,我们拥有一批在行业内享有盛誉的设计师,他们根据不同的品牌风格,从生活中寻找灵感并充分发挥想象,最终,感性和理性在 SUNY CEO 衬衫上得以体现。

Our shirts are the result of both rationale and emotion. Before the production of each shirt, we do extensive research and analysis, Gather both international and domestic data on materials And purchase the most appropriate materials based on the seasonal needs, the fashion trends and the technical quality requirements.

At the same time, we employ well-known designers from the industry, Who design to the individual brand's styling and personality, Drawing inspirations from daily lives to enhance their creative spirit And present a SUNY CEO shirts that we consider both, rational and emotional.

Quality SUNY CEO Group

只有把每一件产品都视作艺术品来精工细做,才能成就完美。SUNY CEO 质检,将完美进行到底。来自意大利、英国的多位世界著名质检师,严格执行苛刻的质检标准,即使再细微的瑕疵,也无处藏身。一个强有力的品牌符号和品牌承诺建立起完整的品牌印象,代表着SUNY CEO 服饰在时尚产业上的高标准形象。

我们相信有一种标准永远值得坚持——对品质的毫不妥协。即使多花几倍的时间,我们也乐意看到一个尽善尽美的结果。因为这是达到 SUNY CEO 自我期许的必由之路。实际上,品质不是孤立的。它被允许参与建立生活的秩序,获得一种先天的优越。在此之上,品位最终被凸显出来。

Only when each product is elaborately made like an art piece, can it become perfect.

SUNY CEO Quality Inspection, Carrying on Perfection.A number of world famous quality inspectors from Italy and UK strictly implement quality standard, so that there is no room for any flaws, even a tiny one.A powerful brand symbol and a promise for brand name build up a perfect brand impression representing the high standard image of SUNY CEO Garment in fashion industry.

We truly believe there are standards that one must always adhere to and never compromise--quality. Though it may be more laborious, costly and time consuming, SUNY CEO willingly strives to ensure perfection. That is the path to SUNY CEO's success. In reality,quality does not exist alone. It i8s only a part of the foundation in building the complete order in life, so as to attain an inherent advantage. Above all, quality stands out eventually.

SUNY CEO Group Revive the Essence OfLife

SUNY CEO Group Revive the Essence Of Life 在一个以文化为尊的时代里,我们总在超越物质领域的表象,还原给消费者内在的本质。我们确信,人们应该享受更好的生活。

At the culture-honored age, we have always sunyceo beyond the superficial material domain and offered the internal essence to consumers.

We firmly believe that people deserve better life.

SUNY CEO Group FOCUSING on Professional

服装工艺是一门通过加工手段和生产过程实现造型目的的专业技术,更是艺术创造、时尚眼光与先进工艺有机结合的系统工程。SUNY CEO 拥有丰富的生产,管理经验和踏实的做事态度,能够把握不同品牌的服饰风格,根据客户的需求度身定制,制造出最贴合品牌气质,符合国际标准的高品质产品。

Garment technique is a professional skill that achieves a model objective by means of processing and manufacturing, and is more of a systematic project of artistic creation and organic combination of fashion view and advanced technique.

Backed byabundant production and management experience and down-to-earth working attitude,

SUNY CEO is able to command the germent styles of differnt styles, tailormake the germent and ornament of different brands and styles according to the neesd of customers, and manufacture internationally standardized high-quality products that are most qualified for the name brands.


诚信:建立在提供最高标准品质和服务的基础之上,SUNY CEO 全力达成人与人之间彼此尊重,信赖和谐的沟通方式。

品质:企业,人和物立足的基础,是 SUNY CEO 衡量一切的标准。



服务:SUNY CEO 在确保品质的同时,提升服务的附加值,全心为客户考虑周到。

Integrity: Based on the provision of the quality and service in highest standard, SUNY CEO endeavors to achieve a communication mode featuring inter-personal mutual respect, trust and harmony.

Quality: A foundation where enterprises, people and sudjects set their footing, is the rule ot SUNY CEO that governs all.

Innovation: Creating interactive relation in deft way, finding a balance between the consumers'appreciation and smart designs, Commit to improving living standard.

Service: SUNY CEO upgrades additional value of the services and devote its whole heart for the customers.

SUNY CEO Group Advocate Cooperation

SUNY CEO 倡导所有的合作都基于共赢的原则。彼此分享资源,执行统一的品质标准,达成和谐沟通,并形成长久默契。

SUNY CEO advocates a win-win principle for all cooperations. Share the basic resources with each other and follow a uniform quality standard. Reach communication in concord and build an ever-last-ing coherence.





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更新时间:2025/3/19 16:49:15