

词条 毛一雷


毛一雷,宁波人士,教授,博士生导师。1990在澳大利亚Modbury医院完成住院医训练;1997年获北欧最著名的瑞典隆德大学(Lund University)外科博士学位,师从欧洲科学院院士、国际肝胆胰外科协会主席Stig Bengmark和欧洲外科研究协会主席Bengt Jeppsson。1999年在美国哈佛大学完成博士后训练,师从哈佛著名科学家Robert J. Smith;同时在美国麻省总医院(MGH)肿瘤外科完成临床培训。

2001年获美国“Li-foundation Heritage Prize”杰出成就奖,成为该年度生物医学界唯一获奖者;曾连续三次(第五、第六、第七届)获全国普外科中青年优秀论文一等奖,成为该奖项唯一一个连续三次获一等奖者;2010年和2011年又分别荣获得卫生部第十届医药卫生青年科技论坛一等奖、中国国家癌症中心研究论文一等奖。目前主持的“GP73肝癌早期诊断”和“GSA肝脏三维立体肝功能评估”的项目处国内领先、国际先进地位。


国家自然基金同行评议 专家




中华临床营养杂志 副主编


中华普通外科杂志 编委

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中华消化外科杂志 编委

中国医学科学院学报 编委

Chinese Medical Sciences Journal编委

中华临床医师杂志 编委

中国实用外科杂志 编委


中国现代医生杂志 编委



Shunda Du, Yilei Mao, Xinting Sang, Xin Lu, Zhiying Yang, Shouxian

Zhong, JIefu Huang. Bleeding Ectopics. The Lancet, 2010;375(9732): 21922192.

Yilei Mao, Huayu Yang, Haifeng Xu, et al. Golgi protein 73 (GOLPH2) is

a valuable serum mark for hepatocellular carcinoma. GUT.

2010, 59 (12):1687-1693.

Mao Y, Yu Z, Lu X, Sang X, Yang Z, Zhong S. Survival after 90%

hepatectomy in rat: blocking Jak-Stat or p21-ras signaling. Hepatology, 2004;40 (4 suppl 1): 175A.

Mao Y, Nobaek S, Kasravi B, Adawi D, Stenram U, Molin G, Jeppsson B. The effects of Lactobacillusstrains and oat fiber on methotrexate-induced enterocolitis in rats. Gastroenterology 1996; 111: 334-344.

Xinting Sang, Yongliang Sun, Yilei Mao,Zhiying Yang, Xin Lu, Huayu Yang, Haifeng Xu, Shouxian Zhong, Jiefu Huang. Hepatobiliary Cystadenomas and Cystadenocarcinomas: Report of 33 Cases. Liver International, 2011; 31(9):1337-1344.

Sun YL, Yang H, Mao Y,et al. The Increased GP73 Expression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Tissue Correlates to the Tumor Aggression but not Survival. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2011;26:1207-1212.

Mao Y. Ling P-R, Fitzgibbons TP, McCowen KC, Frick GP, Bistrian BR, Smith RJ. Endotoxin-Induced Inhibition of Growth Hormone Receptor Signaling in Rat Liver in Vivo. Endocrinology 1999, 140: 5505-5515.

Huayu Yang, Yilei Mao, Xin Lu, et al. The Effects of Urinary Trypsin Inhibitor on Liver Function and Inflammatory Factors in Patients Undergone Hepatectomy: a Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Study. Am J Surg, 2011, 202(2):151-157.

Mao Y, Nobaek S, Adawi D, Molin G, Jeppsson B. Comparison of the effects of different strains of Lactobacillusin reducing bacterial translocation on methotrexate induced-enterocolitis in rats. Digestive surgery 1997; 14: 284-291.

Mao Y,Huang J. Commentary on: Aspartate transaminase to platelet ratio index (APRI): A simple noninvasive index assessing liver fibrosis in patients with chronic liver diseases. Hepat Mon. 2011;11(5):376-377.

Mao Y, Yu J-L, Ljungh Å, Molin G, Jeppsson B. Intestinal immune response to oral administration of Lactobacillus reuteriR2LC, Lactobacillus plantarumDSM 9843, pectin and oatbase on methotrexate-induced enterocolitis in rats. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 1996; 9: 261-270.

Mao Y, Kasravi B, Nobaek S, Wang L-Q, Adawi D, Roos G, Stenram U, Molin G, Bengmark S, Jeppsson B. Pectin-supplemented enteral diet reduces the severity of methotrexate-induced enterocolitis in rats. Scand J Gastroenterology 1996; 31: 558-567.

Shunda Du, Yilei Mao, Xin Lu, Xinting Sang, Shouxian Zhong, Jiefu Huang. Hepatic Metastatic Melanoma: Diagnosis and Treatment. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 2012XU Haifeng, MAO Yilei,DU Shunda, CHI Tianyi, LU Xin, YANG Zhiying, SANG Xinting, ZHONG Shouxian, HUANG Jiefu. Adult primary undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver: A case report. Chin Med J, 2010, 123(2): 250-252.

Liu Liguo, Xu Yiyao, Mao Yilei, Sang Xinting, Yang Zhiying, Lu Xin, Zhong Shouxian, Huang Jiefu. Adult congenital diaphragmatic hernia of the liver: a rare case report. Science China-Life Sciences, 2010; 53 (2): 204-206.


Huang JF, Mao YL, Millis JM. Government policy and organ

transplantation in China. The Lancet; 2008; 372(9654): 1937-1938.

Jiefu Huang, J. Michael Millis, Yilei Mao, M. Andrew Millis, Xinting Sang,

Shouxian Zhong. China’s Pilot Program of Organ Donation from Patients

following Cardiac Death.The Lancet; 2011; in press

Miao RY, Zhao HT, Yang HY,Mao YL, Lu X, Zhao Y, Liu CN, Zhong SX, Sang XT, Huang JF. Postoperative adjuvant antiviral therapy for hepatitis B/C virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma: A meta-analysis. World J Gastroenterol, 2010;16(23): 2931-2942.

Sang XT, Zhao HT, Lu X, Mao YL, Miao RY, Yang HY, Yang YF, Huang JF, Zhong SX. Prediction and identification of tumor-specific noncoding RNAs from human UniGene. Med Oncol, 2010;27(3):894-898

Millis JM, Huang J, Millis MA, Liu Y, Y. Mao, and M. Simmerling. 2007: The Year of Regulatory Change. Transplantation Proceedings, 2009;41:25–26.

Lu X, Zhao HT, Yang HY, Mao YL, Sang MT, Miao RY, Xu YY, Du SD, Xu HF, Chi TY, Yang ZY, Zhong SX, Huang JF. A Prospective Clinical Study on Early Recurrence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Hepatectomy. J Surg Oncol, 2009;100(6):488-493.

Lu X, Zhao H, Yang H, Mao Y, Sang X, Miao R, Xu Y, Du S, Xu H, Chi T, Yang Z, Zhong S, Huang J. A prospective clinical study on early recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatectomy. J Surg Oncol 2009;Jiefu Huang, Yilei Mao, Yu Wang, Zongjiu Zhang, Minggang Zhao, Yong Liu. Modernazation of the organ transplantation program in China. Transplantaion, 2008;86(12):1649-1652.

Shao Y, Sun ZY, Sun SW, Zhao Y, Sin WY, Yuan YH, Simpson, AJ, Old LJ, Sang XT, Mao YL,Xie Y, Huang JF, Zhao HT. Identification and expression analysis of novel LAGE-1 alleles with single nucleotide polymorphisms in cancer patients. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2008; 134(4): 495-502.

Ni XG, Bai XF, Mao YL, Shao YF, Wu JX, Shan Y, Wang CF, Wang J, Tian YT, Liu Q, Xu DK, Zhao P. The clinical value of serum CEA, CA19-9, and CA242 in the diagnosis and prognosis of pancreatic cancer. Eur J Surg Oncol, 2005; (2)31:164-169.

Ling PR, Smith RJ, Mueller C, Mao Y,Bistrian BR. Inhibition of interleukin-6-activated janus kinases/signal transducers activators of transcription but not mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling in liver of endotoxin-treated rats. Crit Care Med 2002;30:202-211.

McCowen KC, Ling P, Ciccarone A, Mao Y, Chow JC, Bistrian BR, Smith RJ. Sustained endotoxemia leads to marked down-regulation of early steps in the insulin-signaling cascade. Critical Care Medicine, 2001;29:839-846.

Liu Q, Nobaek S, Adawi D, Mao Y,Wang M, Molin G, Ekelund M, Jeppsson B. Aministration of Lactobacillus plantarum 299v reduces side-effects of external radiation on colon anastomotic healing in an experimental model. Colorectal Disease. 2001;3:245-252.



1997年起在美国哈佛大学Joslin 研究中心做博士后研究,主要的方向是研究重症疾病、内毒素血症和激素的拮抗,激素的细胞内信号转导、作用途径及其调节因子等。并参与在国际上首先克隆了大鼠SOCS基因,多次在国际会议上发言。从1999年初起,在哈佛大学麻省总医院(MGH)肿瘤外科(Surgical Oncology,全美同类科室连续三年排名第一)做临床研究。曾被美国Li-Foundation Heritage Prize基金(California, USA)授于2000/2001年度的杰出成就奖,成为该年度生物医学界唯一获奖者。











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