

词条 毛新良

毛新良,博士,教授,博士生导师。先后毕业于同济医科大学(现华中科技大学同济医学院)和北京大学。曾获日本国际交流奖学金赴日本富山医科药科大学完成博士论文研究。2000-2004年先后在加拿大麦克马斯特大学生物化学系和斯坦福大学医学院进行博士后研究。2004年8月-2009年8月多伦多大学安大略省肿瘤研究所从事恶性血液病的靶向新药研究。2009年9月起受聘苏州大学唐仲英血液学研究中心,任教授、博士生导师,江苏省血液学研究所兼职教授。创建了分子靶向白血病新药研究实验室(Laboratory for Targeted Anti-Leukemia Drug Discovery)。为美国血液学学会和美国肿瘤研究协会会员,国家自然科学基金评审专家。

毛新良博士在多年的国内外药物研究中, 积累了丰富的科研经验, 在分子肿瘤学、肿瘤药理学、药物毒理学、基因靶向药物研究、前体药物的高效筛选、依据结构活性关系的新药设计、药物代谢动力学以及临床药理学等方面取得了令人瞩目的成就。先后申请了11项美国、国际和中国新药发明专利,其中1项已经获得加拿大卫生部批准进行临床试验(Phase I/II)。近几年在Blood、Cancer Research、Oncogene、Journal of Clinical Investigation、European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 等杂志上已发表近20篇研究论文,均为SCI收录,平均论文IF>7.0。


1. Berlex Research Awards Program, 2006。

2. MCMM Research Fellowship, the McLaughlin Centre for Molecular Medicine, Toronto, 2004

3. MCH Postdoctoral Fellowship, McGill University Children’s Hospital, 2000.

4. AIEJ Scholarship, Association of International Exchange Japan, 1998


1. 转录因子c-maf泛素连接酶cMUL的鉴定及其在多发性骨髓瘤发生发展和治疗中的意义。课题编号:81071935。国家自然科学基金, 负责人, 33万,2011.01-2013.12。

2. 新型PI3K抑制剂Picromin抗血液肿瘤的机理研究。课题编号:BK2010218.江苏省自然科学基金,负责人,10万,2010.07.01-2013.06-30。

3. 抗抑郁药阿密曲替林治疗多发性骨髓瘤的研制。课题编号:SS201033。苏州市科技局科技支撑计划。负责人。15万。2010.07.01-2013.06.30。

4. 基于纳米材料的白血病病因和病理学研究。课题编号:2011CB933501。国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)子课题。合作申请人。600万。2011.01-2015.12。

5. Structural and functional studies of c-Maf sumoylation. Departmental Collaborative Research Fund, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Co-PI(20% share)。HK$150,000. 2010.07.01-2011.12.31。


1. MaoXinliang, Cao B, Wood TE, Hurren R, Tong J, Wang X, Wang W, Li J, Jin Y, Sun W, Spagnuolo PA, MacLean N, Moran MF, Datti A, Wrana J, Batey RA,Schimmer AD.A small molecule inhibitor of D-cyclin transactivation displays preclinical efficacy in myeloma and leukemia via phosphoinositide 3-kinase pathway. Blood, revised.

2. Li X, Wood T, Sprangers R, Jansen G, Franke F, Mao Xinliang, Wang X, Zhang Y, Verbrugge SE, Li Z, Trudel S, Chen C, Jamal N, Messner H, Cloos J, Rose D, Navon A, Batey RA, Kay LE, Schimmer AD. A non-competitive chemical proteasome inhibitor synergizes with and overcomes resistance to Bortezomib. J Natl Cancer Inst., 2010 Jul 21;102(14):1069-82.

3. Xu GW, Ali M, Wood TE, Wong D, Maclean N, Wang X, Gronda M, Skrtic M, Li X, Hurren R, Mao Xinliang,Venkatesan M, Beheshti Zavareh R, Ketela T, Reed JC, Rose D, Moffat J, Batey RA, Dhe-Paganon S, Schimmer AD. The ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 as a therapeutic target for the treatment of leukemia and multiple myeloma. Blood.2010 Mar 18;115(11):2251-9.

4. Mao Xinliang, Stewart AK, Hurren R, Gronda M, Lee K, Chow S, Liang S, Trudel S, Hedley D, and Schimmer AD. Cyproheptadine displays preclinical activity in myeloma and leukemia.Blood,2008 Aug 1;112(3):760-9.

5. Mao Xinliang, Li X, Sprangers M, Wang X, Vengopal A, Wood T, Zhang Y, Kuntz D, Coe E, Stewart AK, Roase D, Batey RA, Kay LE, and Schimmer AD.Clioquinol inhibits the proteasome and displays preclinical activity in leukemia and myeloma. Leukemia. 2009 Mar;23(3):585-90. Epub 2008 Aug 28.

6. Tiedemann RE, Mao Xinliang, Shi CX, Zhu YX, Palmer SE, Sebag M, Marler R, Chesi M, Fonseca R, Bergsagel PL, Schimmer AD, Stewart AK. Identification of kinetin riboside as a repressor of CCND1 and CCND2 with preclinical antimyeloma activity. J Clin Invest.,2008 May;118(5):1750-64.

7. Mao Xinliang, Stewart AK, Hurren R, Datti A, Zhu X, Zhu Y, Shi C, Lee K, Tiedemann R, Eberhard Y, Trudel S, Liang S, Corey S, Gillis L, Barber DL, Wrana J, Ezzat S, and SchimmerAD. A chemical biology screen identifies glucocorticoids that regulate c-maf expression by increasing its proteasomal degradation through up-regulation of ubiquitin. Blood, 2007; 110(12):4047-54.

8. Mao Xinliang,Seidlitz E, Truant R, Hitt M, and Ghosh HP. Re-expression of TSLC1 in a non-small-cell lung cancer cell line induces apoptosis and inhibits tumor growth.Oncogene,2004; 23(33):5632-42.

9. Mao Xinliang,Seidlitz E, Ghosh K, Murakami Y, and Ghosh HP. The cytoplasmic domain is critical to the tumor suppressor activity of TSLC1 in non-small cell lung cancer.Cancer Res.,2003; 63(22): 7979-7985.

10. Zhu X, Mao Xinliang,Hurren R, Schimmer AD, Ezzat S, Asa SL. Deoxyribonucleic acid methyltransferase 3B promotes epigenetic silencing through histone 3 chromatin modifications in pituitary cells. J Clin Endocrin & Metab.. 2008 Sep;93(9):3610-7.

11. Mao Xinliang,Schimmer AD. The toxicology of Clioquinol. Toxicol Lett.. 2008 Nov 10;182(1-3):1-6.

12. Wood TE, Dalili S, Simpson CD, Sukhai MA, Hurren R, Anyiwe K,Mao Xinliang, Suarez Saiz F, Gronda M, Eberhard Y, MacLean N, Ketela T, Reed JC, Moffat J, Minden MD, Batey RA, Schimmer AD. Selective inhibition of histone deacetylases sensitizes malignant cells to death receptor ligands. Mol Cancer Ther. 2010 Jan;9(1):246-56.

13. Tiedemann RE, Schmidt J, Shi CX , Zhu YX , Palmer SE , Mao Xinliang,Schimmer AD, Stewart AK. Identification of a potent natural triterpenoid inhibitor of proteosome chymotrypsin-like activity NF-kB with specific anti-myeloma activity in vitro and in vivo. Blood, 2009 Apr 23;113(17):4027-37.

14. Ren X, Mao Xinliang, Cao L, Xue K, Si L, Qiu J, Schimmer AD, Li G. Nonionic surfactants are strong inhibitors of cytochrome P450 3A biotransformation activity in vitro and in vivo. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2009 Mar 2;36(4-5):401-11.

15. Ren X, Mao Xinliang, Si L, Cao L, Xiong H, Qiu J, Schimmer AD, Li G. Pharmaceutical excipients inhibit cytochrome P450 activity in cell free systems and after systemic administration. Eur J Pharm Biopharm. 2008 Sep;70(1):279-88.

16. Mao Xinliang, Zhu X, Hurren R, Ezzat S, and Schimmer AD. Dexamethasone increases ubiquitin transcription through an SP-1 dependent mechanism in multiple myeloma cells.Leukemia Res.2008 Sep;32(9):1480-2.

17. Sprangers R, Li X, Mao Xinliang, Rubinstein JL, Schimmer AD, Kay LE. TROSY-based NMR evidence for a novel class of 20S proteasome inhibitors.Biochemistry.2008 Jul 1;47(26):6727-34.

18. Wood TE, Dalili S, Simpson CD, Hurren R, Mao Xinliang,Saiz FS, Gronda M, Eberhard Y, Minden MD, Bilan PJ, Klip A, Batey RA, Schimmer AD. A novel inhibitor of glucose uptake sensitizes cells to FAS-induced cell death. Mol Cancer Ther.2008, Nov; 7(11): 3546-55.

19. Yip KW, Mao Xinliang, Au PYB, Hedley DW, Chow S, Mocanu JD, Bastianutto C, Schimmer AD, Liu FF. Benzethonium chloride: a novel anticancer agent identified by using a cell-based small-molecule screen.Clin Cancer Res.2006, 12(18):5557-5569.

20. Yip KW, Ito E, Mao Xinliang, Au PY, Hedley DW, Mocanu JD, Bastianutto C, Schimmer A, Liu FF. Potential use of alexidine dihydrochloride as an apoptosis-promoting anticancer agent. Mol Cancer Ther.,2006;5(9):2234-40.

申请专利 (共11项)


1. Inhibiting D-cyclin polypeptide.. US patent Serial No 60/850,567. Filed on Oct. 10, 2006. Inventors: Keith Stewart, Aaron D. Schimmer, and Xinliang Mao

2. Cyproheptadine for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia and multiple myeloma. US patent Serial No. 60/889,881. Filed on Feb.19th, 2007. Inventors: Aaron D. Schimmer, Xinliang Mao, and Keith Stewart.

3. Clioquinol as an oral copper-dependent inhibitor of the proteosome for the treatment of leukemia and multiple myeloma. Serial No.:US60/980,783. Filed on Oct.18, 2007. Inventors: Aaron D. Schimmer, Xinliang Mao, and Keith Stewart.

4. Pichromene for the treatment of hematological malignancies. Serial No.: US61/110,064. Filed on Oct 31, 2008. Inventors: Aaron Schimmer, XinliangMao

5. Compounds for the treatment of hematological malignancies. Serial No.: US61/112,911. Filed on Nov 10, 2008. Inventors: Aaron Schimmer, Xiaoming Li, Robert Batey, Tabitha Wood ,Xinliang Mao

6. Inhibiting D-cyclin polypeptide, PCT Application No.: PCT/US2007/080978. Filed on 2007-10-10. Inventors: Keith Stewart, Aaron D. Schimmer, and Xinliang Mao

7. Treatment of D-cyclin mediated proliferative diseases and Hematological malignancies, PCT Application No.: WO2008098351. Filed on 2008-02-12. Inventors: Aaron D. Schimmer, Xinliang Mao, and Keith Stewart.

8. Clioquinol for the treatment of hematological malignancies. PCT Application No.: PCT/CA2008/001812. Filed on 2008-10-16. Inventors: Aaron D. Schimmer, Xinliang Mao, and Keith Stewart.(已在加拿大进入临床试验I/II期)

9. 8-Hydroxyquinoline derivatives for the treatment of hematological malignancies. PCT Application No.: PCT/CA2009/000776. Filed on 2009-05-06.. Inventors: Aaron D. Schimmer, Xiaoming Li, Robert Batey,TabithaWood,Xinliang Mao.

10. 阿密曲替林的应用。中国国家知识产权局,专利申请号:201010125834.7. 申请日期:2010年3月9日。发明人:毛新良。

11. 一种磷脂酰肌醇-3-激酶抑制剂及其应用。中国国家知识产权局,专利申请号:201010181572.6. 申请日期:2010年5月25日。 发明人:毛新良;艾伦·什莫。


1) 基因靶向小分子抗癌药物的高效筛选研究

2) 肿瘤分子药理学

3) 肿瘤分子生物学

4) 药物毒理学

5) 临床药理学





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