

词条 毛晓飞

1995年毕业于北京广播学院英语专业。其后在中央电视台经济部《经济半小时》栏目担任记者编辑。1997年进入德国法兰克福大学攻读硕士学位,方向是政治学,公法和英语。期间与他人合作翻译《国际法》一书。 2003年毕业回国。曾在期刊报纸上发表过多篇文章。

I. 出版物[Publications]

1. 文章与书籍[Articles and Books]

An Overview of the Anti-monopoly Practice in the People's Republic of China, in Hassan Qaqaya / Goerge Lipimile (ed.), The Effects of Anti-competitive Business Practices on Developing Countries and Their Development prospects, UNTAC of the UN, New York and Geneva, 2008.

Das chinesische Antimonopolgesetz im Lichte des deutschen Kartellrechts [The Chinese Antimonopoly Law in Light of the German Cartel Law, "德国卡特尔法视角下的中国反垄断法"],MAO Xiaofei/Tobias Glass, ZWeR (Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht [Journal of Competition Law, 《竞争法杂志》 ]), Vol.2008/1, pp.88-108.

"修改《食盐专营办法》破除垄断"[Revising the Measures on Exclusive Dealing of Table Salt: Discarding Monopoly, Xiu Gai 《Shi Yan Zhuan Ying Ban Fa》Po Chu Long Duan], 载于《改革内参》[Inside Information on Economic Reform, Gai Ge Nei Can], 2008 Vol.34, pp.32.-35.

Das neue Antimonopolgesetz der Volksrepublik China [The new Antimonopoly Law, "中华人民共和国反垄断法"], MAO Xiaofei/Tobias Glass, GRUR Int. (Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht - Internationaler Teil [Industrial Property Protection and Copyright, International Part 《工业产权保护与版权杂志(国际)》]), Vol.57/2008, pp.105-112.

Das Kartellrecht in China [The Cartel Law in China,"中国的卡特尔法"], GRUR Int. (Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht - Internationaler Teil [Industrial Property Protection and Copyright, International Part 《工业产权保护与版权杂志(国际)》]), Vol.57/2007, pp.576-587.

"反垄断立法的回顾与展望" [A Reflection on the Legislation of the Anti-monopoly Law, Fan Long Duan Li Fa De Hui Gu He Zhan Wang], 毛晓飞/胡健[MAO Xiaofei/HU Jian],载于《华东政法大学学报》 [Journal of the Eastern China University of Political Science and Law,Hua Dong Zheng Fa Da Xue Xue Bao],2008Vol.2(57), pp. 121-124.

《反垄断典型案例及中国反垄断执法调查》 [Selected Antimonopoly Cases and Investigation and Analysis on the Chinese Administrative Antimonopoly Enforcement,Fan Long Duan Dian Xing An Li Ji Zhong Guo Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa Diao Cha], 国家工商总局/中国社会科学院[SAIC/CASS],2007.

"宁海县煤气公司等限制竞争案评析"[A Case Analysis of the Gas Companies in Ninghai County Restricting Competition,Ning Hai Xian Mei Qi Gong Si De Xian Zhi Jia Ge Jing Zheng An Ping Xi], 载于《工商行政管理》 [Administration for Industry and Commerce, Gong Shang Xing Zheng Guan Li], 2006 Vol.14, pp.46-47.

"谈反垄断执法的观念转变:从 '公用企业'走向 '占有市场支配地位的经营者'"[A Conceptual Change in the Chinese Anti-monopoly Administration: From "Public Undertaking" to "Undertaking with a Market Dominant Position",Tan Fan Long Duan Zhi Fa De Guang Nian Zhuan Bian], 载于《工商行政管理》 [Administration for Industry and Commerce, Gong Shang Xing Zheng Guan Li], 2006 Vol.3, pp.52-54.

《国际法》 [V?lkerrecht,International Public Law],吴越/毛晓飞 [MAO Xiaofei/WU Yue](合译 [co-translation]),by Wolfang Vitztum et al.(著), 2002.

2.报刊 [Newspaper Articles]

"裁决垄断事务应'心证公开'"[Deciding Monopoly Issues Requires "the Publicity of Mental Impression", Cai Jue Long Duan Shi Wu Ying "Xin Zheng Gong Kai"], 《新京报》 [The Beijing News],2009年3月28日。

"禁止并购 详细解释才能消除误解" [Prohibition of Acquisition: Only Detailed Reasoning Can Resolve Misunderstanding, Jin Zhi Bing Gou Xiang Xi Jie Shi Cai Neng Xiao Chu Wu Jie], 《新京报》 [The Beijing News],2009年3月20日。

"消费者不能为行业自律买单" [Consumers Shouldn't Pay the Bill for the Self-regulation in Industries,Xiao Fei Zhe Bu Neng Wei Hang Ye Zi lü Mai Dan], 《新京报》 [The Beijing News],2008年7月29日。





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