

词条 迈克尔·度德威特



迈克尔·度德威特(Michael Dudok de Wit,1953年出生于荷兰),漫画家,插画家,动画导演。1978年毕业于英国萨里艺术设计学院(West Surrey College of Art and Design(UK))并完成第一部电影《会见》(The Interview),在巴塞隆纳工作一年,1980年代起定居英国伦敦,开始他的获奖导演生涯。他曾在Richard William、Richard Purdum等英国著名动画公司工作,也参与不少广告片制作。在法国疯影(Folimage)动画公司支持下,1994年他完成了首部个人动画短片《和尚与飞鱼》(Monk and Fish)。片中的小和尚追著飞鱼到处跑,为他追来了95年法国凯撒奖(César Award for Best Short Film)与欧洲金动画奖(Cartoon d’Or) 。《父与女》(Father and Daughter) 以家乡的平原与单车入景,述说一个小女孩等待父亲归来的心情。这部感人至深的作品荣获安锡(Annecy) 、奥斯卡等动画大奖。Michael在伦敦有个自己的电影工作室,他也从事绘本创作,作品有《四只小水獭》(Vier Bevertjes in de Nacht / Four Little beavers in the Night)、《奥斯卡与小呼》(Oscar and Hoo)、《父与女》绘本版等。他同时也在英、法与瑞士等地的动画学校教书。

他最著名的作品《父与女》获奥斯卡奖,英国电影学院奖(a BAFTA Award),阿纳西大奖和其他一系列大奖。他最近的作品《芳香之茶》("The Aroma of Tea" ,2006)完全是用茶绘制的。

在《清洁工汤姆》(Tom Sweep)之后所用作品都深受中国和日本艺术影响,水墨的使用成了其标志性的风格。


《会见》"The Interview" (1978)

《清洁工汤姆》"Tom Sweep" (1992), 3 minutes

《和尚和鱼》"The Monk and the Fish" (Le Moine et le poisson) (1994), 6 minutes

《父与女》"Father and Daughter" (2000), 8:30 minutes

《芳香之茶》"The Aroma of Tea" (2006), 3:20 minutes



"Actifed Germ" The Welcome Foundation, Cough Medicine

"Heinz Egg" Heinz Salad Cream

"The Long Sleep" Mcallan Malt Whiskey

"VW Sunrise" Volkswagen

"Pink Foot" Owen's Corning Roof Insulation

"Smart Illusions" Nestlé Smarties

"Noah" The Irish Lottery"

"AT&T" five TV commercials

"A Life" United Airlines

and many others


The Canterbury Tales/The Knight's Tale (Television Series, Pizazz/S4C, GB)

The Lion, the Watch and The Wardrobe (TV Feature, USA, GB and Spain) 1980

Heavy Metal (Film featuring the animation of Gerald Potterton, Canada, USA & GB) 1980

Mickey's Audition (Mickey Mouse Special, Disney, USA) 1989

Prince Cinders (Television special, GB) 1991

Beauty and the Beast (Storyboarding, Disney Feature, USA) 1992

T.R.A.N.S.I.T. (Short film directed by Piet Kroon, GB and NL) 1997

Charlie's Christmas (Television Special, Folimage, France) 1998

Fantasia Continued (Disney Feature) 2000

Raining Cats and Frogs (Folimage) 2003


"Snakes and Ladders" (card game, 1991)

"The History of Geneva" (Editions Chenoises, Geneva 1991)

"Oscar & Hoo" (Harper Collins 2001) ISBN 3-7941-5022-8 (translated in various languages)

"Oscar and Hoo Forever"(Harper Collins 2003) ISBN 0-00-714008-8 (translated in various languages)

"Vader en dochter" (Leopold, NL, 2001) ISBN 90-258-3494-9 (translated in various languages)

"Vier bevertjes in de nacht" (Leopold, NL, 2004) ISBN 90-7433-690-6 (translated in various languages)

"Vier bevertjes en een kastanje" (Leopold, NL, 2007) ISBN 978-90-258-5030-2 (translated in various languages)





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