词条 | 麦考利·卡尔金 |
释义 | 当代最富有的超级童星麦考利·卡尔金1980年8月24日出生在纽约,他在家里七个孩子中排行第三。父亲克里斯多弗·卡尔金(Christopher Culkin)曾是舞台演员,也担任过卡尔金的经纪人,母亲帕特丽夏·布伦楚(Patricia Brentrup)。麦克(Mack)是朋友和家人对卡尔金的昵称。1996年,不满16岁的麦考利在纽约职业儿童学校邂逅与他同龄而且也是童星出身的女演员雷切尔·迈因纳,后二人结婚。而2000年,麦考利与雷切尔宣告分手。 1、简介背景现年32岁的美国童星麦考利·卡尔金,因8岁时成功地主演了影片《小鬼当家》而红遍全球。在美国VH1的“100位最伟大童星”中排行第三。 姓名:麦考利·卡尔金 性别:男 英文名:Macaulay Culkin 出生年:1980年 生日:8月24日 血型:A型血 国籍:美国 地域:欧美 职业:演员 身高:170cm 传纪Macaulay Culkin, one of the most famous American child stars, was born on August 26, 1980, in New York, New York, USA as the third of seven children to his father Christopher Culkin(a former stage and child actor and also Macaulay's former manager) and mother Patricia Brentrup. "Mack", as he's known to his close friends and family, first came into showbiz at the age of 4, appearing in a string of Off-Broadwayshows such as the New York City Ballet's The Nutcracker and, by 8 years-old, the films Rocket Gibraltar(1988) and See You in the Morning(1989), which included him in the rare company of kids who have received rave reviews from The New Yorker and The New York Times. By the age of 9, the young actor had nearly upstaged star John Candyin Uncle Buck(1989) (his deadpan interrogation of Candy was Buck's funniest scene). Then, in 1990, writer John Hughesturned his finished Home Alone(1990) script over to director Chris Columbuswith a suggestion to consider Culkin for the lead. Though Macaulay was the first kid Columbus saw, he was skeptical about having him in the lead and saw over 200 other possible actors and he admitted that no one came as close to being as good as Culkin. By the callback interview, Mack had memorized two scenes, and Columbus was sure he found his "Kevin McCallister". The movie grossed more than $285 million in the US alone, becoming one of the highest grossing movies of all time and making Macaulay Culkin one of the biggest movie stars of the time. His next big project was My Girl(1991) in which he played "Thomas J. Sennett", a boy who seems to be allergic to everything. Despite some controversy over the ending, the film was released anyway and proved to be another hit film for Mack (and featured his very first kiss). In 1992 came Home Alone 2: Lost in New York(1992), which grossed more than $172 million in the US alone. In 1993 came The Good Son(1993), which was the first role to depart from his cute kid comedies. He played a murderous little demon named Henry. He got the role when his powerhouse negotiator/manager/father Kit Culkin said that he would pull Mack out of Home Alone 2: Lost in New York(1992) unless he was given the psychotic boy lead in The Good Son(1993). He was also given a salary of $5 million for the film. In 1994, at the age of 14, came a string of duds, The Pagemaster(1994), Getting Even with Dad(1994) and Ri¢hie Ri¢h(1994). He was paid $8 million for the last two, the highest salary ever paid for a child star. Many people believed Mack had lost his touch, though, because he was no longer that cute tiny kid they saw in Home Alone(1990). In 1995 his parents, who were never married, separated and started a greedy legal battle over the custody of their kids and Mack's fortune. In 1996, the young actor had reportedly said he wouldn't accept any roles until his parents settled their custody dispute. That case would not be resolved until April 1997 when Kit Culkin relinquished control to Brentrup. In 1998, Macaulay married actress Rachel Miner, but separated in 2000 because Rachel wanted to start a family and Mack wanted to get back into acting. There has been a gap of eight years since 1994's Ri¢hie Ri¢h(1994), and although he made a 'comeback' on stage in 2001, appearing in a London production of "Madame Melville", and also portrayed Michael Aligin Party Monster(2003); with an estimated fortune of $17 million he clearly never has to work again - if the roles don't appeal to him. 初次婚姻1996年,不满16岁的麦考利,在纽约职业儿童学校邂逅与他同龄而且也是童星出身的女演员雷切尔·迈因纳。当时,雷切尔正在百老汇参加话剧《安妮·弗兰克的日记》的演出。两人一见钟情,当即对记者宣布:他们即将结婚!消息不胫而走,新闻传媒将此事炒得沸沸扬扬,在好莱坞乃至全美国一度成为人们街谈巷议的话题。不久,未满18岁的麦考利与雷切尔正式结婚,舆论对两个知名童星的婚恋看法不一,褒贬参半。 然而,2000年麦考利与雷切尔还是以分手告终,因为雷切尔想要家庭,而麦考利想回归表演舞台。 2、演艺生涯童星他四岁开始参加表演,在一系列非百老汇舞台剧中露面。八岁参演影片《火葬大海》(Rocket Gibraltar,1988)和《异性吸引力》(See You in the Morning,1989),并和其它一群小演员们一起接受杂志《纽约客》和《纽约时代》的采访。 一炮走红麦考利的父亲基特与母亲帕特里夏同居了21年,膝下育有麦考利和基兰等7个子女。麦考利自幼聪明伶俐,天真活泼,是块演戏的料。一个偶然的机会。8岁的麦考利在成千上万个候选人中脱颖而出,幸运地被美国20世纪福克斯电影公司的导演一眼相中,成为《小鬼当家》的男主角。(据《人物》节目说当时导演和制片人去他们家做客,制片人是麦考利爸爸的朋友,当时他们正在为《小鬼当家》物色演员,当导演看到麦考利后,一眼就相中了他,对制片人说,不用找了,就是他了)麦考利不负众望,将该片小主人公的形象表演得惟妙惟肖,影片由于他的出色表演而大获成功,为福克斯公司带来了8.2亿美元的巨额票房收入。麦考利本人也一炮而红,成为世界闻名的童星,不仅赢得无数影迷的喜爱,更被好莱坞视为“一只会下金蛋的雏鸡”,成为制片商们趋之若鹜 、炙手可热的抢手货。大家都将他捧为“小国王”、“小上帝”,惯着他,宠着他,送给他的各种礼物堆积如山,不计其数。在众人的吹捧、娇惯和放纵下,小麦考利时不时摆出“大明垦”的派头,将自己的私人物品和水枪等玩具在摄制组里乱扔乱放,不把别人放在眼里,可谁也不敢对这个“会下金蛋的雏鸡”发火。 父亲作梗,渐受冷落麦考利的父亲基特品质低劣,爱财如命。这个教堂圣器管理员把儿女当成摇钱树,特别是以代理人的身份牢牢控制着小麦考利。他拿子女当筹码,不断与制片商讨价还价。他曾威胁福克斯公司说:“如果你们不让麦考利出演《好儿子》一片的主角,我就不让他拍《小鬼当家》的续集!”他还迫使电影公司同意让他的女儿在《好儿子》一片中饰演麦克利所饰角色的妹妹奎恩。他仅因这部影片便从麦考利身上赚了800万美元。1993年,他又与《星乌》一片的制片人发生激烈争执,再次以麦考利罢演相威胁,从而彻底激怒了该制片人。福克斯公司对基特的行为忍无可忍,给他起了一个“地狱看门犬”的绰号,并决心甩掉他。“夫荣妇耀,父卑子贱”——由于父亲基特不争气,麦考利在好莱坞开始受到冷落。 决定退出麦考利的父母沾着儿女的光,过着不劳而获的日子。他们贪得无厌,为了争夺麦考利赚的巨额钱财而交战不休。母亲帕特里夏向最高法院控告她的丈夫基特“性欲过盛”和“对她不忠”,甚至报警说基特毒打她,把她拖到20层楼的阳台上,威胁要把她推下去。父母关系的恶化与家庭悲剧使麦考利幼小的心灵蒙上了一层阴影,加上“童年得志”的特殊压力,麦考利开始生活放荡,梳阿飞头,把头发染成各种奇怪的颜色,连续旷课,每天不到凌晨3点不上床睡觉。他酗酒成性,在自己房间的墙壁上乱涂乱抹,屋里弥漫着尼古丁的烟雾和垃圾的臭气。当父亲要麦考利学习的时候,他说,我1周就能赚百万美元,用得着学习吗?邻居们几乎认不出他来了,而且他们担心自己的孩子学坏,不再让孩子们到麦考利家去玩儿。电影公司的摄影师们则经常要到曼哈顿的人行道上或夜总会里把麦考利抓回去拍戏。在镁光灯下,他眼圈发黑,无精打采,总是耷拉着眼皮。由于麦考利连续拍摄的《好儿子》、《里奇·里克》、《魔书国度里的理查德》和《爸爸,把钱还给我》等4部影片的票房价值均不高,制片商大为不满,逐渐对麦考利失去了兴趣,影迷们也离他而去,使他成了小小年纪的孤家寡人。1994年,福克斯公司终于像割除身上的一块异物那样把麦考利赶出了大门。 自此之后,麦考利不再拍片。在犹豫了一段时间之后,他于1995年正式宣布:他将永远不再拍电影!一度赢得全美国家庭嫉羡的卡尔金一家从此更一蹶不振,一度放出璀璨光芒的童星似乎坠落了。 重返舞台,辉煌难再麦考利与雷切尔分开后,麦考利时隔7年,重登舞台,在一个伦敦的舞台剧里演出。2003年又出现在影片《派对怪兽》中。尽管麦考利近几年在荧屏和银幕上都颇有亮相,但再也难回往日辉煌,人们似乎已经将现在的他遗忘。 现状 现在,麦考利仍然在出演很多电影,虽然人气已经大不如前,但是麦考利非常喜欢这种平淡的生活。2005年,麦考利出版了他的自传体小说《朱尼尔》,回忆了童年的伤痛,在他的自传体小说中,流露着对当年童星生活的厌恶以及对平淡幸福生活的追求。 虽然,当年曾经红极一时的《小鬼当家》已经渐渐离我们远去,但是,我们不应当忘记当年可爱的小鬼麦考利,麦考利为了演艺事业,牺牲了自己的童年。 3、成就荣誉9岁出演了影片《巴克叔叔》(Uncle Buck,1989)。1990年,导演克里斯·哥伦布(Chris Columbus)接受编剧约翰·休斯(John Hughes)的建议,在200多名候选人中选中卡尔金领衔出演了他们的影片《小鬼当家》(Home Alone,1990)。该片的美国本土票房达到两亿八千五百万美元,打破了当时的票房纪录,并使麦考利·卡尔金成为当时最受欢迎的影星之一。他的下一部影片《宝贝小情人》(My Girl,1991)在些微争议中仍然票房大赚。1992年的《小鬼当家2》(Home Alone 2: Lost in New York,1992)的美国本土票房再次高达一亿七千二百万美元。1993年,在《危险小天使》(The Good Son,1993)中,卡尔金首次摆脱儿童喜剧,扮演了一个邪恶的角色。他出演该片的片酬是五百万美元,到了1994年,14岁的他的片酬已达八百万美元,成为当时片酬最高的童星。 作品《Service Man》(英国)(2011年) 已上映: 《the wrong Ferarri》(美国)(2011年) 《列王记/Kings》(美国)(2008年) 《性与早餐/Sex and Breakfast》(美国)(2007年).... James.(主演) 《Michael Jackson's Boys/Michael Jackson's Boys》(英国)(2005年).... Himself (archive footage).(主演) 《被拯救者/高校六甲生/Saved!》(美国)(2004年).... Roland.(主演) 《Jerusalemski sindrom/Jerusalemski sindrom》(以色列)(2004年).... .(主演) 《Comedy Central's Last Laugh '04/Comedy Central's Last Laugh '04》(美国)(2004年).... Himself (archive footage).(主演) 《妖精派对/派对怪兽/Party Monster》(荷兰)(2003年).... Michael.(主演) 《Night of Too Many Stars/Night of Too Many Stars》(美国)(2003年).... Himself.(主演) 《Will and Grace》第五季第二十二集(2002年)....Jason Towne,Karen Walker的离婚律师 (客串) 《The Making and Meaning of 'We Are Family'/The Making and Meaning of 'We Are Family'》(美国)(2002年).... Himself.(主演) 《Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration/Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration》(美国)(2001年).... Himself (uncredited).(主演) 《小鬼出招/Getting Even with Dad》(美国)(1994年).... Timmy Gleason.(主演) 《时空大圣/Pagemaster, The》(美国)(1994年).... Richard Tyler.(主演) 《财神当家/Ri¢hie Ri¢h》(美国)(1994年).... Richard 'Richie' Rich Jr..(主演) 《小鬼当家9/危险小天使/The Good Son》(美国)(1992年).... Henry Evans.(主演) 《胡桃夹子/Nutcracker, The》(美国)(1993年).... The Nutcracker.(主演) 《小鬼当家2/玩转纽约/Home Alone 2: Lost in New York》(美国)(1991年).... Kevin McCallister.(主演) 《宝贝小情人/My Girl》(美国)(1991年).... Thomas J(ames) Sennett.(主演) 《男大当婚/Only the Lonely》(美国)(1991年).... Billy.(主演) 《Black or White/Black or White》(美国)(1991年).... Blonde kid.(主演) 《小鬼当家1/宝贝智多星/Home Alone》(美国)(1990年).... Kevin.(主演) 《异性吸引力/See You in the Morning》(美国)(1989年).... Billy Livingstone.(主演) 《巴克叔叔/Uncle Buck》(美国)(1989年).... Miles Russell.(主演) 《Rocket Gibraltar/Rocket Gibraltar》(美国)(1988年).... Cy Blue Black.(主演) MV: 《Black or white》(与迈克尔·杰克逊合作) 4、经典作品回顾小鬼当家经典台词 Don't cry because it is over smile because it happened Buzz: I wouldn't let you sleep in my room... if you were growing on my ass. Marv: There! What are we gonna do with him, Harry? Harry: We'll do exactly what he did to us: we're gonna burn his head with a blowtorch. Marv: And smash his face with an iron! Harry: I like to slap him right in the face with a paint can. Marv: And shove a nail through his foot! Harry: First off, I'm gonna bite off his every little fingers one at a time. (Just then, Marley knocks Harry and Marv with his shovel) Kate: Kevin, get upstairs right now. Kevin: Why? Jeff: Kevin, you're such a disease. Kevin: Shut up. Peter: Kevin, upstairs. Kate: Say good night, Kevin. Kevin: "Good night, Kevin." Kate: PETER! (They jump out of bed) Kate and Peter: (shouting) We slept in! Kevin: Buzz! I'm going through all your private stuff! You better come out and pound me! Kevin: Guys, I'm eating junk and watching rubbish! You better come out and stop me! Harry: (seeing Marv laugh) What's so funny? What's so funny? What are you laughing at? (Marv covers his mouth) You did it again, didn't you? You left the water running, didn't you? What's wrong with you? Why'd you do that? I told you not to do it. Marv: Harry, it's our calling card. Harry: Calling card. Marv: All the great ones leave their mark. We're the Wet Bandits. Johnny: (hears knock at door) Who is it? Snakes: (Snakes comes in) It's me, Snakes. I got the stuff. Johnny: Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here! Snakes: All right, Johnny, but what about my money? Johnny: What money? Snakes: Acey said you had some dough for me. Johnny: That a fact? How much do I owe ya? Snakes: Acey said 10% Johnny: (smirks) Too bad Acey ain't in charge no more. Snakes: What do you mean? Johnny: He's upstairs taking a bath, He'll call you when he gets out. Hey, I tell ya what I'm gonna give you, Snakes. (pulls out tommy gun)I'm gonna give you to the count of 10, to get your ugly, yella, no-good keister off my property, before I pump your guts full of lead! Snakes: (wide eyed and calm) All right, Johnny, I'm sorry!, I'm going! Johnny: 1, 2, 10! (starts unloading bullets into Snakes while laughing maniacally) Keep the change, ya filthy animal! Johnny: Who is it? Pizza Man: It's Little Nero's, sir. I have your pizza. Johnny: Leave it on the doorstep and get the hell outta here! Pizza Man: Okay, but what about the money? Johnny: What money? Pizza Man: Well, you have to pay for your pizza, sir. Johnny: How much do I owe you? Pizza Man: That'll be $11.80, sir. (Kevin drops $12 cash from the door hatch) Johnny: Keep the change, ya filthy animal! Pizza Man: Cheapskate. Johnny: Hey, I'm going to give you to the count of 10, to get your ugly, yella, no-good keister off my property, before I pump your guts full of lead! 1, 2, 10! Kevin: A lovely cheese pizza, just for me. Gangster Johnny: Get the hell outta here! Snakes: All right, Johnny, but what about my money? Gangster Johnny: What money? Snakes: Acey said you had some dough for me. Johnny: That a fact? How much do I owe ya? Snakes: Acey said 10% Johnny: (smirks) Too bad Acey ain't in charge no more. Snakes: What do you mean? Johnny: He's upstairs taking a bath, He'll call you when he gets out. Hey, I tell ya what I'm gonna give you, Snakes. Marv: Snakes? Gangster Johnny:I'm gonna give you to the count of 10, to get your ugly, yella, no-good keister off my property, before I pump your guts full of lead! Snakes: (wide eyed and calm) All right, Johnny, I'm sorry!, I'm going! Johnny: 1, 2, 10! (starts unloading bullets into Snakes while laughing maniacally) Keep the change, ya filthy animal! Kate: No, he's just home alone. Buzz: (shouting) Kevin! What did you do to my room! Harry:' Why the hell did take your shoes off? Marv Why the hell are you dressed like a chicken? |
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