词条 | 麦迪时刻 |
释义 | 麦蒂时刻介绍2004年12月9日,火箭主场大战马刺,麦迪时刻35秒3个三分球外加一个三加一,狂砍13分,火箭神奇般的以81-80战胜马刺,麦蒂时刻全过程具体如下。 在比赛结束前不到一分钟时,火箭在落后10分,麦蒂突破后抛投篮不中,但姚明在第一时间直接将球补扣入网,2秒钟后,马刺队传球被帕吉特断球,后者直接扣篮得分,在几秒中内一下追上4分,此时时间已经不多了,火箭队被迫采取犯规战术,对方的布朗2罚全中,差距又拉到了8分。时间还剩44.2秒时,麦蒂的表演开始了,先是运球到前场直接出手投中3分,几乎没有任何准备动作。然后犯规战术,对方2罚又是全中。但麦蒂又投中了不可思议的一球,他和姚明做了一个掩护后,引诱邓肯对他犯规,并且在下落过程中投出3分,球进了,再加罚一次,打4分成功。紧跟着又是犯规战术,对方邓肯又是2罚全中,时间只剩16秒了,火箭队险些发不出球来,关键时刻,还是麦蒂接住了难度极大的传球,然后在有防守专家鲍文面前再次三分命中,这时马刺队慌了手脚,他们叫了最后一次暂停,然后准备发前场球,暂停时间到,姚明防守发球的人发球后,球到了传到布朗手里,他运球冲进火箭队的内线,但他摔倒了,麦蒂迅速拿起地上的球,直冲前场,在左侧三分线附近再次投出三分,并再次命中。此时时间只1.7秒,帕克从后场运球到前场三分出手不中,比赛结束,火箭神奇般的以81-80战胜马刺。 文字直播经过1、最后这一分钟属于麦迪,这一刻他就是那上帝……终场52秒,麦迪突破上篮不中,姚明抢到篮板直接空中补扣中的,拉开了火箭队反击的序幕。(74-66) 2、之后帕吉特机警的断下帕克给邓肯的传球,扣篮得手。(74-68) 3、马刺暂停,后麦迪犯规由布朗两罚全中;麦迪时刻到,他全场运球后镇定自若的投中了他匪夷所思的第一记三分球!(76-71) 4、苏拉犯规,布朗继续两罚全中;麦迪运球前场,利用姚明的挡拆绕过鲍文,再假动作骗起邓肯,顺势投篮,球不可思议地再次命中3分并加罚命中!(78-75) 5、帕吉特向邓肯犯规,后者也难得的两罚全中。火箭的暂停后,麦迪很困难的勉强接到巴雷特的传球,运球至三分线外面对紧逼的鲍文再次飚中三分!!(80-78) 6、马刺暂停,布朗接球后运球,并于底线附近姚明面前卧倒,麦迪迅速拣下球,持球疾奔,在终场前一秒外线再次三分命中!!!!进球后的麦迪用力挥舞拳头怒吼,少有的镜头。 (80-81) 7、尾声:帕克飞奔前场一记不着边际的大号三分,功臣被众人压在身下。 8、全场观众吼叫!!!!! 相关专家言论波波维奇:你眼睁睁的看着他把刀子捅进你心窝,可你根本对此无能为力。 麦迪:提前退场的观众,你们错过了一场伟大的比赛。“我们得以第一手地感受到他之所以是这个世界上最伟大球员之一的原因”,火箭后卫苏拉叹道:“他竟然将我们从那样的绝境中拉了出来,真是神奇,令人难以置信。” 鲍恩也表示:“太狂野了,看着麦蒂那样将球送进篮圈真是奇妙的感觉,他投中了一两个后我们开始想‘我们是否能将比分追近点?’也许当时每个人都是那样想的:‘至少我们能让比赛看上去不那么难看。’但麦蒂有不同的想法,他想为我们赢得胜利,这真是神奇。” 波波维奇恼羞成怒地回答道:“我怎么知道为什么会这样?!麦蒂的手太烫了,他是个出色的家伙,想让比赛结局变成这样,他们必须做到很多事才行(他们竟然做到了)。我们最后时刻有许多糟糕的表现,但麦蒂的表现也确实伟大。” 麦蒂赛后回忆道:“老兄,老实说我以前还真的没试过这种事,我当时怎么想的?我想的是‘别放弃,我只需要把球投出去,当他们开球的时候争取把球断下来。如果断不下再用犯规战术让他们上罚球线。’” NBA官网首页新闻McGrady scored 13 of his 33 points in the final 35 seconds, including a game-winning 3-pointer with 1.7 seconds remaining as the Rockets snapped a seven-game slide against the San Antonio Spurs with an 81-80 triumph at the Toyota Center. "We got a miracle," Houston coach Jeff Van Gundy said. "You need miracles over the course of a season." "This really hasn't hit me," McGrady added. "I don't know how we won. I don't realize what I did. I can't tell you how many (3-pointers) I hit." Tim Duncan made the second of two free throws with 1:02 remaining to give San Antonio a 74-64 lead, sending a large number of Rockets fans toward the exits. "I noticed people leaving," Houston's Andre Barrett said. "We played the game for ourselves." "Those fans that walked out, and there were thousands of them, they missed a great game," McGrady said. Yao Ming tipped in a missed shot and Scott Padgett followed with a dunk to cut the lead to 74-68. The Rockets tried fouling, but Devin Brownmade four free throws around a 3-pointer by McGrady to keep San Antonio ahead, 78-71, with 31 seconds to go. But McGrady answered again, drawing contact from Duncan while hitting another 3-pointer. He made the ensuing free throw to complete a four-point play and reduce Houston's deficit to 78-75 with 24 seconds left. "I don't know how I got the ball up, Duncan's so tall," the 6-8 McGrady said. "But it fell for me. That shot got me going." "It was a pump play by Tracy and I got up in the air and fouled him," said Duncan, who was forced to cover McGrady on a switch. "He just made tough shots." Duncan widened the Spurs' lead to 80-75 with a pair of free throws eight seconds later. But McGrady responded with another shot from the arc with 11 seconds remaining, making it a one-possesion game. After San Antonio's final timeout, Brown received an inbounds pass in the front court but slipped and turned over the ball while driving on the baseline. "We didn't want to foul them when Devin Brown caught it," Van Gundy said. "Try to knock the ball free and, somehow, we got it." "I was pushed in the lower back, but I can't dwell on that," Brown said.McGrady scooped up the loose ball with seven seconds remaining and raced to the other end before pulling up at the top of the arc and burying the winning 3-pointer with just under two seconds remaining, giving Houston its third straight win and its first against San Antonio since December 3, 2002. McGrady, who was acquired by Houston in the offseason, never considered playing for the tie. "We were down two and the only thing I could think of was a 3-pointer," McGrady said. "I felt like anything I threw up was going in." "I haven't seen anybody do something like that," Brown said. "He was just hitting shot after shot. He was fantastic." McGrady, who had 17 points in the final quarter, shot 12-of-29 from the floor with eight rebounds and five steals. "It was a great game and we got sloppy at the end," San Antonio coach Gregg Popovich said. "Tracy took advantage of it and was unbelievable. He's a great player." "He's gifted," Van Gundy said. "He misses makeable ones and makes unmakeable ones." Yao added 27 points and 10 boards. "We're going to struggle to score right now," Van Gundy said. "We can't shoot. We're not tricking anybody. There's two around Yao and two around Tracy." Duncan scored 18 of his 26 points in the second half and collected 18 rebounds for San Antonio. The two-time MVP also had seven of the Spurs' season-high 12 blocks. Brown scored 20 points off the bench, including eight during a 15-2 run in the fourth quarter that gave the Spurs a 73-62 lead with 2:54 remaining. 赛后采访“最后时刻,我只想靠一个三分球拿下比赛,”“提前退场的观众,你们错过了一场伟大的比赛!” 采访:T-Mac,多么艰难,你逆转了比赛,你得到了13分(麦蒂笑),在刚刚过去的45秒内(他是这么说的没错),当时是怎么回事? 麦蒂:这很难做到,一切皆有可能,我们一直坚信,就是像这样,我们就是这样试着去创造奇迹,在最后我们来回4个回合,(火箭能走过)我不知道我是怎么面对对方防守队员运球穿插其间,(停顿、耸肩)你知道,我的意志很坚定,就像龙卷风一样席卷赛场。 采访:你们在最后1分钟内做了2次战术犯规,当你面对邓肯打了4分时,你是否觉得“嘿,我们可以赢下这场比赛?” 麦蒂:哦,这就是我们的关键,当我打了4分时,信心又来了,然后队友通过一切机会在狭小的空间把球传给我,我就准备好了向前冲。 采访:但是你们仍然落后很多,他们拿有球权,他们最后底线发球,你是怎么拿到球的,你怎么想? 麦蒂:嗯,我们利用他们的分心,他们仍拿着球,但他滑到了,球向我滚来,我当时唯一做的就是拿起球,我不想打成平局,所以我仍然持球过来,投出了三分球,球就进了,(陶醉,笑,这里听不出来了) 采访:...(没听出是谁)可以去看回放,但这就是你为什么是NBA的得分王。 麦蒂:我很感激我们做到了。 采访结束。 注意赛后TMAC还对球迷说“最后时刻,我只想靠一个三分球拿下比赛,”“提前退场的观众,你们错过了一场伟大的比赛!” 本场比赛麦迪数据出场时间 投篮 三分 罚球 前篮板 后篮板 助攻 抢断 盖帽 得分 44 12-29 5-12 4-4 1 7 2 5 0 33 |
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